May 11th 1999
"I really think we should be heading back, darling," Johnny told his one year old daughter as he steered the horse he was sharing with Winona back towards the stables stationed on the grounds of Grindelwald Manor. Today was Winona's first birthday, and almost a year since the war had ended. "Your mother will kill me if we're late to your birthday."
Winona whined from where she was sat between Johnny's legs, and crossed her arms over her chest with a pout in her face, causing Johnny to chuckle as he kissed her forehead.
"I promise we'll come out and go horse riding later, Cupcake," Johnny reassured her, combing his fingers through her brunette hair. Winona huffed once again but nodded as she leaned back against her father's stomach. "Smart girl," Johnny said, kissing his daughters forehead once more as he lifted her and sat her on his shoulders. Johnny made sure Alexia, the horses they were riding, was settled in properly before he sat Winona back on his hip.
"We're not late, are we?" Johnny asked Hermione as he entered through the back door, kissing his fiancé in greeting. Hermione shook her head, taking Winona out of Johnny's arms.
"No, but we haven't got long," said Hermione as she went to approach one of the many bathrooms in the Manor.
"Who're coming all together?" Johnny asked, picking up an apple from a nearby fruit bowl and taking a bite out of it.
"Mia, Pansy and Abraham, Tonks and Teddy, Harry and Ginny, Ron and Padma, Nick and Amber, Draco and Selena, Sam and Luna, your mother, father and sister and my mother and father," Hermione listed off from memory. "Axel and Emily can't make it as Axel is needed in America, Gabbie is working overtime in the Ministry and Kieran and Summer are in Paris."
"It's amazing how you remembered all that," said Johnny, his mouth wide open in shock.
"Just go and shower and change your clothes," Hermione grimaced. "You smell like manure."
"Yes Ma'am," Johnny saluted Hermione sarcastically and threw his half eaten apple in the bin. He climbed the many stairs of Grindelwald Manor and finally made it to the Bedroom Wing, slightly out of breath as he pushed his bedroom door open and stumbled through. He quickly picked out a casual suit and a pair of white trainers and stripped himself of his dirty clothes, walking into the walk-in shower.
As the hot water hit Johnny's back, he felt his fiancé's arms wrap around his waist from behind, and felt Hermione bury her head in the crook of his back, placing a delicate kiss to his spine.
"Cupcake is playing with Abe, Mia and Pansy are watching them," Hermione mumbled tiredly. She had worked herself really hard over the previous months. She had returned to Hogwarts as a student to finish of her N.E.W.T examinations (getting an O in each one), she started her job in the The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, earning rights and better treatment for House-Elves, and managed to plan Winona's birthday in that time.
"You should get some sleep," Johnny advised her, moving around her so Hermione was directly under the shower head. His hands roamed slowly from her naked waist and up to her shoulders, slowly digging his thumbs in to release the tension she had there.
"I can't," Hermione moaned letting the water soak her body as Johnny worked her shoulders. "They all expect me there."
"They'll understand," said Johnny, placing a kiss to Hermione's collarbone as he reached around her to grab the shampoo. He squirted the contents of the bottle into his left hand and slowly worked it into her hair, earning another soft moan from Hermione who leaned back onto Johnny's chest. "Have at least two hours, then come and join us."
"Okay," Hermione mumbled as Johnny washed the shampoo out of her hair and washed his own. Once Johnny had dried himself off and changed into his clothing, he turned back to see Hermione led on top of the bed in only her panties, snoring away quietly as she cuddled the pillow the smelt of Johnny's cologne. He placed a delicate kiss to her hairline, moving Hermione's body so she was under the covers. As he left, Johnny looked back over his shoulder and smiled as he turned off the light.
"How the bloody hell did I get so lucky?" Johnny asked himself as he walked down the stairs. "Hey guys," Johnny greeted Mia, Pansy, Tonks, Ginny and Harry with hugs, and greeted the three young children with kisses to their foreheads.
"Where's Hermione disappeared to?" Ginny asked as she linked her arm through Harry's as they followed Johnny and Winona to the ballroom where the actual party would be held.
"I told her to get some sleep," said Johnny, rubbing Winona's head as she placed with the buttons of Johnny's shirt. "She'll join us soon."
The group nodded silently as Johnny pushed open the double doors to reveal the ballroom. "Holy sweet Jesus," said Mia, her mouth agape as she let Abraham out of her arms, who instantly went to Winona's and Teddy's side, the three children starting to crawl across the floor towards a pile of children's toys that wasn't to far away.
"This isn't a Manor," said Ron, appearing behind them with a very pregnant Padma. He was very red in the face, and was breathing very heavily. "This is a castle," Padma, who looked fine compared to her boyfriend, greeted the other guests and bent down to place a kiss on Winona's head, ruffling Abraham's and Teddy's hair in the process.
The party was in full swing when Evelyn, Luca and Caterina arrived with Wendell and Monica, greeting Johnny and Winona with hugs and kisses.
"Where's Hermione?" Monica asked over the music.
"She's asleep, I'll go check on her," Monica nodded, hugging her future son-in-law as he left. After so many stairs and a few turns, Johnny ended up outside their bedroom, and quietly opened the door.
"Mione?" Johnny whispered. He looked around to see Hermione sitting with her back against the headboard, her eyes cast downwards towards the photo album of them from their time at Hogwarts. Her chest was still bare as Johnny admired her from the doorway. "Hey," said Johnny, knocking the wall. She gasped, pulling the quilt up to her chest to cover herself, but sighed in relief when she saw it was only Johnny, and let the quilt drop back down to her lap.
"You scared the shit out of me," Hermione breathed, getting out of bed. "How's the party going?" Johnny bit his lip as Hermione slowly approached him, her hips swaying as Johnny's eyes roamed her legs, travelling up to her curves and stopping directly on his fiancé's breasts. Hermione placed two fingers under Johnny's chin and lifted his head so their eyes met.
"However much I want you to fuck my brains out," Hermione whispered seductively against Johnny's lips, the palm of her right hand cupping Johnny's growing erection. "It's our daughters birthday, and people are expecting us," Johnny groaned in displeasure as he felt Hermione's hand leave him. He eyed Hermione hungrily through the mirror as she adjusted her bra, before going over to her wardrobe to pick out a black and white dress.
"You just wait, baby," Johnny growled lowly as he zipped up Hermione's dress. His right hand gripped her waist and he reached around Hermione so his left hand could hold Hermione's neck. He gave Hermione's neck a light squeeze as he sucked on her earlobe. "Once Cupcake is in bed, I'll fuck you so good you'll be bedridden for a week."
Hermione moaned lowly. It had been a little over six months since they last did it, so the prospect of having sex with her fiancé again was enthralling. Johnny backed away from her, his smirk widening as Hermione looked rather flustered in the mirror.
"I-I-I need to get the cake from the kitchen," Hermione stuttered, gulping down air as s he put her three inch heels on. She took one last fleeting glance at Johnny and blushed, running out of the bedroom. Johnny laughed to himself, exiting the bedroom himself and going to the kitchen behind Hermione.
"Looks brilliant," said Johnny as he watched Hermione open the fridge door and pull out a cake in the shape of a baby wolf. Hermione stuck a small candle that was in the shape of the the number 1 in the wolf's back, and turned to Johnny.
"Have you got your wand?" Hermione asked, picking up the tray that held the cake. Johnny patted the inside pocket of his wand where the Elder Wand sat in all its glory. Hermione nodded and they began the trek back to the Ballroom. When they arrived, Johnny stuck his head around the door and motioned towards Draco, who was standing the closest to him.
"It's cake time, cut the music," Draco gave Johnny a thumbs up and with his wand, lowered the volume of the music. Johnny lit the candle and rushed in ahead of Hermione, picking up Winona who cheered as she noticed her father. The adults began to sing while the three children giggled, not really knowing what was going on.
"Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear Winona
Happy Birthday to You."
The adults laughed as Winona struggled to blow out the candle. The one year old was pursing her lips to much, so no air was reaching the flame for it be blown out. The adults laughed even harder when Winona grew fed up with the flame and just put it out by clamping her fist around the candle, but cheered happily nonetheless.
"Dada!" Winona cheered, lifting the bent candle in her hand. Johnny was to emotional to handle to comprehend the situation. Winona had just said her first words. Johnny could see the flashes from Harry's camera but ignored them as he looked towards Hermione, who looked rather emotional herself at the fact.
"Can you repeat what you said, honey?" Hermione asked, bending down so she was the same height as Winona.
"Dada!" Winona pointed towards Johnny, before pointing at Hermione. "Mama!" She moved her finger again so she was now pointing at Selena. "Sel!" She pointed at Sam. "Sa!" She pointed towards Harry. "Ha!" Now at Evelyn. "Eve!" Then at Mia before she dropped her hand. "Mia!"
"That's right, darling," said Evelyn, smiling widely. "That's right. You're so smart."
"Course she is, she's our child," Johnny rolled his eyes playfully, causing the group to laugh as he wiped his tears, placing a small kiss to Winona's forehead. "We got one last present for you, okay?" Johnny asked Winona, who nodded excitedly and sat on the floor between Hermione's legs, Teddy and Abraham joining her with Mia and Tonks.
"This little Princess," said Johnny, opening the door on the side of the ballroom, hearing a small bark. He lifted the small Springer Spaniel puppy into his arms and sat down in front of Winona. "Is Trixie."
"Aww," Johnny heard the collective group aw as they watched the small puppy sniff the air of the new environment. Winona giggled at the puppy, holding out her hand. Trixie sniffed her hand for a moment, before giving it a lick and nuzzling against it.
And that was the day the small family of three, became a family of four.
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