Rumor 6 | The Faerie
Rumor 6 | The Faerie
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"Have you seen my stapler, Teru? I couldn't find it anywhere." You muttered with a frown, rummaging inside your desk and bag for your [ color ] mechanical device but no avail, making you exhaled a heavy sigh afterward.
The said male peered over you, hiding the amusement of you saying his name pretty well with masking his face with a curious look.
"You've been losing your stuff lately."
"And so are the others."You scoffed, having an urge to roll your eyes in front of the famous student council and standing up to your feet after crouching down for so long to check under your desk. Holding a few sheets of papers in your hands carefully, groaning in defeat.
"It could be your fans' job."He jokes, managing to make a soft genuine chuckle to escaped past your lips.
"They're not as crazy as yours."Recalling the moment when his button disappeared and everyone went lunatics just to offered their buttons. Guess who is the luckiest girl to sewing the button for him because he misunderstood she is the one who did it?
That's right.
It was you.
"Anyway, I'm going to borrow it from someone else. See you tomorrow, Kaichou."You grinned, waving the sheets in front of his face and spun your heels around, heading towards the door without sparing any glance to the male.
"See you as well."He smiled softly, knowing fully well you heard him and slowly opening his once shut eyes, looking at where you disappeared from behind the door of their classroom. Slowly his gaze made its way down to his fist, curling it open to reveal his stapler.
"And she doesn't even ask me if I have one."Muttering the sentence underneath his breath, keeping it back inside his pencil case and gripping his bag straps before swung it over his shoulder.
Bidding farewell to his classmates and glanced at your bag with your [ color ] file on your desk before disappearing himself behind the door.
"Fuji-kun, right? Thanks for lending me this."You smiled, handing the stapler over to the blushing boy who flashed you a sheepish smile.
"A-Ah, it's nothing at all! Glad that I can help you with your problem, Tsubasa-senpai."Scratching the back of his dark brunette head with his timid smile remained and it looks like he took a deep breath as if encouraging himself to do something when he suddenly locks his eyes with yours, "So I was wondering if you want me to accompanying you home."
You blinked your eyes, thrice even, to process what he has said and tilted your head to the side in perplexed, "Don't you have some paperwork that needs to be done?"
"Well, that . . . Someone has lent me their help. So I can go home early with my friends. It would be nice for you to join us."
You frowned at his answer which you found it awkward and the only conclusion that was made with the help of your assumption is . . . Was he only using that ' someone ' to ' help ' him? No one would do something unreasonable like that without reason, only sh—
Oh my God. You gotta be fucking kidding me. It was her, right?
"I'm sorry but it seems like I need to decline your offer."You politely declined his offer with a nervous smile etched on your lips, "I still have some works to do with Kaichou, so that's the reason."
"Kaichou—Oh, right! I forgot something! Well, that's too bad, Tsubasa-senpai! See you tomorrow, then!"With that he sprinted off with the look of horror could be seen on his visage, leaving you confused about the reason of his sudden weird behavior until you felt a sheet that was scrolled into a cylinder shaped hits your heard from behind rather softly instead of hard.
This sudden contact caused you to whipped your head instantly behind to look at the causer, deadpanned at the familiar blonde haired male.
"I thought you already went home?"
"I would've if my shoes didn't disappeared from it's getaboko." He pointed out, making you to glanced downwards and to see him still wearing his uwabaki shoes, signaling you that he was telling the truth until he continued, "You are not the one who stole it, ri—"
"No, I'm not!"You defended yourself and cracked out a laugh once realization dawned upon you, "Wait—Hah! That's karma for ya to insulting me earlier. I bet it was one of your fans' job."
"I'm only telling the truth."His smile still remained though his face showed a sign of irritation.
"Hai hai. And so do I."You quickly added and stretched your limbs upwards, letting out a satisfied sigh from your lips once you heard a sound of ' crack ' after slightly twisting your body parts; with a shoulder and waist as an example- here and there.
"Anyway, good luck with finding those. I don't need shoes cause I'm a supernatural and I live here~"You cooed with a cocky smirk, "Now get lost—Ack!"
"You are going to help me."He yanked you by your uniform collar, dragging you along with you squirming to break free, cringy when he stated the sentence rather casually.
"What-?! No way!"The female eventually managed to broke free from his grasp, making him halted in his tracks and slowly glancing up to your eyes with dismay flashed in them. You noticed the sudden change of his but only produced another smirk that was disappeared from your lips.
"Could it be, Yōsei-san's job?"Your tone now laced with mocking and annoyance due to his early action, "After all, people's belongings keep disappearing. Though you are a great exorcist, Kaichou, but that wouldn't make you as an exception."
Hearing him only replied you with silence, you placed the smirk with a bright smile and transforming into your form as the supernatural with the help of your Fukujoudai, holding the orangish-red chōchin lantern in your grasp with your another gloved hand extended out for him to grab it.
"But as supernatural that you have bound your fate with, I'll help you but you need to follow me to the place where Yōsei-san could be seen. Will you trust me this time for the sake of your shoes?"
This is a win-win situation for you. He could get his shoes and get lost from here so you wouldn't have to see his face until the next day though you hope he would be absent tomorrow. That would be totally another jackpot.
He casted his gaze to your hand and slowly stretching forward his hand to grab yours which make you smiled, looking up to lock your gaze with his.
"Very well, Teru."
"Only if you didn't do something ridiculous until then."He quickly added, hoping you wouldn't think of him as a Tsundere but he knew his hope crushed into pieces once you cracked out another soft laugh and starts guiding him to the place.
"Oh, please. Everything that I do has the reason. And that also includes this one."
"Then what's the reason of this?"His question managed to make your smile faltered for a slight.
"You see . . . "
The female supernatural finally stopped at the in front of one of the rooms in the old school building and loosening your grasp around his hand, not really wanting to admit that you've been already missing his warmth though you wouldn't admit that out loud.
And that same goes with his situation despite your cold one.
Knocking the door softly and swinging it open to reveal a smaller form of supernaturals which surprised him including the pink and black creatures. They let their guard down and not turning into a ' monster '.
He could visibly see them trembling with their eyes starts tearing up with some of them are hiding behind you.
"These are mokkes. "You started the explanation after seeing the confuse look on his face, "Though they're supernaturals, they're also my pet. They're the reason behind this losing items mystery but you couldn't blame them. They only do according to the rumor that was spread about them."
"Yes."With that, you lifted up your gaze to meet his,
『 Have you ever lost something you were sure you'd been careful with?
Or found something missings from its usual place just when . . . you needed it?
That must be the work of 『 The Yōsei-san 』.
But you must never look at Yōsei-san directly in the eyes because . . .
If you do . . .
It will take your life too. 』
"But as you can see, that rumor turns out to be false."The now Ukiyo-san sighed softly with a smile on her lips, "They're harmless like rabbits."
"And the main reason behind my action that you've asked me earlier about this, is . . . since I've helped you with your request then I want you to do the same thing."
You then placed your index finger on your lips as you continued your half-finished sentence,
"Please keep this event as a secret and change the rumor about them."
"Change rumor about them?"
"Correct."Lowing your finger from your face, you flashed him a soft yet genuine grin to the male, making his heart fluttering like butterflies as it starts thumping more faster than normal, "Only if you promised to do so for the sake of these cuties."
As if in a cue, the 'cuties' jumped in front of you while holding at least one candy in their grasp,
"So do you want candy?"
"We will give you more if you do what Ukiyo-san said."
"Please! We have more candies if you want more."
The blonde switching his gaze to each of supernaturals before lifting his gaze up to yours.
"Are they trying to bribe me?"
His question caused you to cackling loudly.
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Japanese shoes cupboard in Japan.
To be continue . . .
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