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Both Jack and (Y/N) grunt as they pass through the portal, roughly landing on the ground and groaning.
The bag opens slightly, (Y/N) rolling over and her head peeking out. Jack groans, his head pressed into (Y/N)'s neck.
The girl grunts, shoving the boy away, she rolls onto her stomach and looks up, her eyes widening at the sight of the last people she wanted to see.
Jack huffs, sitting up on his shoulders, he presses his face into the crook of the girls neck, groaning and hugging her as he blocks out the light with his hand.
"To briiight.." he grumbles, nuzzling his face further into the girls shoulder, causing (Y/N)'s eyes to widen like saucers at the action. Her face becomes warm at all the eyes on their figures.
Both North and Tooth chuckle at the display of affection, Sandman giggles happily, two small hearts forming above his head. Bunny stand off to the side, rolling his eyes as he scoffs at the two.
(Y/N) grumbles, quickly staggering to her feet, Jack slowly following after. The girls sighs, fixing her coat and straightening out her hood, eyeing the people around her warily.
Jack on the other hand, does a once over of the people before quickly attaching an arm around his friends waist, he pulls her close, his staff in the other hand as he presses himself against her, like a frightened child.
"Hey! There they are!" North grins, looking between the two. "Jack Frost and Horae!!"
(Y/N) rolls her eyes, scoffing at the name.
"(Y/N) (L/N).." she mumbles, North slowly nodding at the correction.
The Yeti's come up behind them, patting their shoulders and shoving them forward encouragingly. (Y/N) shoves them off, Jack shaking his head and pulling away from the beings as they face forward.
"I hope the Yeti's treated you well?" North questions, a small, teasing smile on his face.
"Oh suuree" Jack scoffs, rolling his eyes as he rolls his shoulders at the man. "We love being shoved into a sack and being tossed through a magic portal.." he scoffs, kicking his staff as he glares at North.
"Oh! Good. That was my idea," North laughs, making (Y/N) face him with a raised brow. "You two know Bunny, obviously."
"Obviously," Jack replies, Bunny not looking
up. (Y/N) smirks, her arms going behind her back as she rocks on the heels of her feet. Bunny looks up with a raised brow, wondering what was so funny.
"Honey bunny."
The animal looks up in shock, his fur fluffing up and ears springing in embarrassment. He glares at the girl, the guardians looking between the two in both confusion and amusement.
"Shut. Up." He grits through his teeth, (Y/N) softly giggling at his embarrassment. It was a nickname she had given him when they first met, the first day they both had to share Easter, which the rabbit wasent to found about.
The girl quickly learnt that her new friend would very quickly grow to dislike her, which caused a long lifetime of bickering between the two. And hence the nickname "honey bunny" was born, at first given to the rabbit as a term of endearment..
..but quickly grew as a rather hilarious and embarrassing nickname.
Bunny rolls his eyes, ignoring the two as he fiddles with his boomerangs.
"And the Tooth Fairy," North introduces, making (Y/N) gasp as the women suddenly flies up to her, shoving her face rather close.
"Hi, Horae! I've heard so much about you..
..and your wings!"
She smiles widely, flying around the girl as both Jack looks to her in confusion, while
(Y/N)'s eyes widen at the statement.
"Her wings?" The boy asks, yelping as Tooth grabbed the ends of the girls cloak and shoved it off of her.
"Hey!!" She hisses, shrieking as the women fiddles with the ends of her shirt.
"I bet their just wonderful! Do you mind?" She quickly rambles out, tugging at the shirt and lifting it up. (Y/N) gasps, her cheeks ablaze as she spins around and shoves her shirt back into her pants.
"Whoah now!" She chuckles nervously, bending down and grabbing her cloak, she wraps herself up in it, fiddling with the ends of her sleeves as she stares at Tooth.
"I don't know where you heard that from, but I don't have wings.." she mumbles, Tooth's eyes widening at the miss information. The lady gasps, pressing her hands together, she stared deep into (Y/N)'s eyes.
"I'm so so so sooo sorry!!" She rambles, shaking her head frantically. The Guardians stare the two, somewhat amazed that (Y/N) had not yet yelled at the fidgety women.
(Y/N) chuckles, shaking her head as she put up a hand to stop Tooth from talking. "It's quite alright." She assures, causing the women to heave out a long sighs before glancing towards the boy, gasping as she catches a glimpse of his teeth.
"I've heard a lot about you too, and your teeth!!" She laughs, Jack's eyes widening as he glances from her to a smirking (Y/N).
"My...my what?"
"Open up!" Tooth pries his mouth open as he mumbles in protest, making (Y/N) snicker as she watches.
"Are they really as white as they say? Yes!" She gasps, grinning. "They really do sparkle like freshly fallen snow!"
Some fairies chitter excitedly around Jack, chirping and cooing as they stare at the boy rather than his teeth.
"Girls! Pull yourselves together," Tooth calls, making them nod as they fly back to her.
"Let's not disgrace the uniforms."
"And Sandman," North finishes, and Jack and (Y/N) notice a sleeping Sandman.
"Sandy?" North questions before tapping him.
"Sandy? Wake up!"
Sandy jolts awake, looking at them with a small, lazy smile. "Hey," Jack calls to everyone, joining (Y/N)'s side. "Anyone wanna tell us why we're here?"
Sandy nods, walking forward with a grin before creating images above his head. A moon, a snowflake, and a petal, a silhouette of a man, but then he starts creating multiple images at a terribly fast rate.
"Uh," Jack nervously laughs, kneeling down to his height. "That's not really helping, but thanks, little man."
"I must've done somethin' really bad," Jack frosts over a nearby elf as he casually walks around. "To get you four together..am I on the naughty list?" He teases, North bellowing a laugh.
"You hold record." He admits, pointing a finger at the boy. (Y/N) laughs, folding her arms as she speaks up. "Am I on the naughty list?" She teases, North staring at her blankly as he blink slowly.
Jack snorts, (Y/N) eyes widening at the statement. North chuckles at her expression, shaking his head as he shakes his hands.
"But no matter, we are wiping slate clean!" He smiles, Jack smiling at the man's enthusiasm. "How come?" He questions with a raised brow and a smirk.
"Ah, good question," Bunny replies with a frown. "I tell you how come!" North bellows, making me jump. "Because now...you both are Guardians!"
Yetis appear behind North, holding up torches as his elves begin to play celebratory music.
(Y/N)'s mouth drops as she looks at Jack in confusion, his face showing resentment and and confusion.
(Y/N) goes to yell, but the music drowns out her words as North dramatically moves to the music. Banners with the symbol 'G' were lowered, and little fairies try to put a necklace made of pearls across (Y/N)'s neck.
She shakes her head furiously, swatting away at the fairies, she yells as she backs up into Jack, the boy having backed away from the same thing.
She looks around frantically, her head swimming with thoughts as her eyes become blurry, tears stinging at the corners from the overwhelming pressure she felt.
Bunnymud catches a glimpse of the girl, his eyes widening at the sight of tears leaking form her eyes.
He goes to speak up, worry etching onto his face before his words become nothing but background noise.
"This is the best part!" North yells over the music with a laugh as his elf begins to play drums, North marching to the beat.
Jack wraps an arm around (Y/N)'s shoulder, pulling her away with narrowed eyes as the Yetis spin fire towards them.
They both look down in confusion, watching as an elf points to their bare feet, then to a pair of extravagant blue and white pointy shoes.
Jack looks around, his breath becoming heavy as he squints. He looks to (Y/N), his eyes widening at the sight of her tear stained cheeks. He glares harshly at the sight, his grip on his staff becoming uncomfortably tight.
He raises his staff, pulling her close as he roughly slams it on the ground, making a large gust of wind appear.
It blows out the Yetis torches, and startles the elves into stopping the music. North slowly looks up from his book between the two.
"What makes you think we want to be a Guardians??" Jack demands, looking around.
North suddenly bellows a uproarious laugh, closing the book before halting his laughter.
"Of course you do. Music!"
The elves begin to play again, making (Y/N) sighs heavily. "No music!" She yells, her voice cracking.
The elf huffs before slamming his trumpet down and shoving away an elf, stomping off with a sigh.
"You can't be serious?" (Y/N) questions, her voice laces with anger as she glares between all the Guardians.
"You don't want me," Jack interrupts, hopping onto a desk. "You're all hard work and deadlines, and I'm snowball and fun times. I'm not a Guardian."
"Yeah, that's exactly what I said," Bunny scoffs, nodding in agreement.
"Me neither.." (Y/N) mumbles, Bunny looking to her with a smirk. "I grow flowers, bringing joy to kids isn't my scene." She admits, Bunny's smirk only growing.
"I don't think you understand what it is we do," Tooth replies, fluttering in between them before flying up to the Globe. "Each of those lights is a child."
Golden lights twinkle on the large Globe, a handful flickering out every so often while some appear.
"A child who believes," North continues, standing besides us. "And good or bad, naughty or nice, we protect them."
(Y/N) nods, looking back she snickers as Tooth begins to admire Jack's teeth again. "Tooth! Fingers out of mouth." North scolds, making her quickly pull away.
"Sorry!" She giggles, "Their beautiful.."
"Okay," North sighs, shaking his head as Jack begins to pace around. "No more wishy-washy. Pitch is out there doing who knows what!"
And just like that, all heads turn. (Y/N) stands there, her folded arms going slack at the name. She takes a step back, Jack at her side as he stares at her in confusion.
A light buzzing fills her head as she looks around at the faces, a concerned Jack, an interested North, a skeptical Bunny, a worried Tooth, and a neutral Sandman.
"..Pitch..Pitch Black?" She stammers, her voice wavering just a bit. North nods slowly, awaiting any hint of hostility from the girl, but found none.
"I thought he was..I thought you.." she breaths out, shaking her head as she breaths in. She breaths out, looking to North and waiting for him to say something.
Now wasnet the time to dwell on the past.
"You mean the Boogeyman?" Jack laughs, his laughter dying when he sees (Y/an)'s firm glare.
"Yes!" North replies, "And when Pitch threatens us, he threatens them as well!"
"All the more reason to pick someone more qualified," Jack snaps back, sighing and shaking his head as he turns away from them.
"Jack.." (Y/N) sighs, shaking her head as her friend turns away. "Pick? You think we pick?" North questions, shaking his head. "No! You both were chosen! Like we were all chosen..by Man in Moon."
"What?" Jack turns around, (Y/N)'s head snapping in his direction at the statement.
"Last night, guys," Tooth replies, nodding. "He chose you two, together."
"Maybe," Bunny mumbles to himself, causing Tooth to shove him silently.
"Moonie.." (Y/N) mumbles, looking up and staring at the big rock. "He hasent spoken to me in years but now??" she laughs in disbelief.
"You see...you two cannot say no. It is destiny," North says in a calm tone as Jack looks up.
"But..why wouldn't he tell us this himself?" Jack demands before groaning as he rubs his face.
"After three hundred years this is his only answer? For me and (Y/N) to spend eternity like you guys, cooped up in some hideout thinking of new ways to bribe kids?!"
"No..no!" He yells, laughing bitterly, "That is not for me!!" He pauses, looking back at the Guardians with a pout, "No offense.."
Bunnymud looks up with a scoff, shoving Tooth aside as he takes a big hop towards the duo. "How-how is that not offensive?" He stammers, shaking his head as he suddenly scoffs. "You know what I think? I think we just dodged a bullet."
Jack sighs as he turns away, making (Y/N) frown as she follows, she sets a hand on his shoulder, Jack sighing as he looks to her with a small smile.
"I mean.." the rabbit continues, scratching behind his ear. "..what do these clowns know about bringing joy to children anyway?"
"I know it's no hard-boiled egg," Jack speaks up, turning to Bunny. "But kids like what I do."
"But none of them believe in you, do they?" Bunny challenges in a low voice, making (Y/N) gasp lightly as Jack begins to approach him.
"You see, you're invisible, mate. It's like you don't even exist."
"Bunny! Enough," Tooth scolds in a firm voice. (Y/N) shakes her head at the childish banter, deciding to let them hash it out before she did anything she would later regret.
"Well...the kangaroo's right." Jack scoffs, gesturing to Bunny as he wraps his arm around (Y/N)'s waist.
"The-The what? What did you call me? I'm not a kangaroo, mate," Bunny steps forward a few paces, (Y/N) backing away as he faces Jack.
"Oh, and this whole time I thought you were,"
Jack muses, glaring at him. "If you're not a kangaroo, what are you?"
"I'm a bunny," his ears flatten as he glares at Jack. "The Easter Bunny. People believe in me."
Jack goes rigid, his lips turning to a straight line as the two grow more agitated with eachother.
Suddenly, Bunny is knocked back harshly, landing roughly in Tooth's arm's. The rabbit staggers to his feet, his eyes wide as they all stare back at the (H/C) girl, her arms set deep within her pockets.
"I warned you, honey.." she sighs, shaking her head as she looked down at the rabbit. Bunny staggers back, clicking his tongue as he glares harshly at the girl, his arms crossed.
Jack stares at his friend with wide eyes, a small grin on his face as the two lock eyes, nodding silently to eachother.
The tension in the room grew tight, Sandman puffing his cheeks out as he quickly taps North's leg, the older man having watched the scene with intrigued eyes.
He clears his throat, catching everyone's attention as he gestures towards the two.
"Jack, (Y/N)..walk with me."
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