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"Get back here you little rat!!"
A young girl sprints through the streets of her home, her large, oversized coat slipping off her shoulders every few seconds. She grips the material, a smirk evident on her face as she continues to run away from the angry street vendor.
In her hands, she held a large loaf of bread, enough for one person. She had stolen it not to long ago and was on her way home before the vendor started pursuing her for not paying.
This wasent knew, to anybody in her small town. She had been stealing from the vendors for years. Some had grown to pity the young girl and eventually leave food out for her when it seemed necessary. While others, weren't to kind.
"Oh come ooon old man!" She yells back as she enters the center of town, a large fountain resting just in the middle. "You don't even need it!" She groans as she runs around it.
Several feet of water spray into the air as the vendor stays on the other side, his face red as he tries looking through the mist for the girl.
He huffs and smirks when the water dies down, but stops short when he realizes that she had vanished. He yells in annoyance, bringing his arms down, he slams it against the edge of the fountain, over and over again, like a child.
People watch with confusion and slight amusement as he continues his childish display before he looks to the sky in agony, his hands coming up to tangle in his unruly hair.
The small girl hums as she removes her hood from her head, her long, fluffy hair spilling out and draping over her shoulder. She wore a long, white dress shirt, with black pants that were far to big for her, hence why she kept having to pull them up.
She walks quietly through the streets, before coming to stop just outside an abandoned ally. It was big, big enough for a house, as it's long, dark halls greeted the girl with open arms. She sighs as she steps through it, no sun peeking through, which left her to cling tighter onto her coat.
Several doors lined her path, most scattered with old billboard signs of shops that had gone down throughout the years. Others were shops that were still in business, just not the best.
She spots people sitting around, either playing card games, smoking, or simply just sitting by themselves. (Y/N) greets them all with a small smile and a nod, to which they all responded happily.
They weren't bad people, they were just people who had been forgotten by the do-gooders outside of their home.
Left to rot as most were seen as 'underdogs' or 'no-good thieves'. This wasnet the life that they had wanted, but it was better than nothing.
(Y/N) sighs as she stops just infront of a pub, it's lights still flickering as she hears several people inside, enjoying drinks and good conversation. She takes in a deep, nervous breath, before opening the doors and sauntering in.
The place was lightly full with people, most minding their business while some told stories about their newest heist. It was a place where people could relax and enjoy their lives.
It was home, to (Y/N).
But unfortunately for the girl, her home wasnet just her home.
The girl walks to the bar, pulling herself up onto a stool, she stretches her arms as she drops the loaf of bread onto the counter, a proud smile on her face.
She grabs a nearby bottle, easily uncapping it, she goes to take a long, well deserved gulp.
That was until the bottle was quickly snatched from her grip. She staggers a bit, groaning as some of the liquid splashed onto her shirt, she looks up, ready to cuss out whoever she had to.
Until she looked up, and cringed at the sight of her father standing over her with a raised brow. He wasnet really her father, he found her when the girl was around six or seven, barely scraping by with food.
He took her in, on the condition that she help around his tavern. (Y/N) quickly agreed, and she's lived happily with the man for the last ten years of her life. Although at times she could be a bit of a..handful.
"Why am I not surprised.." he sighs heavily, bringing an arm up and rubbing his temple. He was a large man, not in the sense that he was oversized. He was well built, only in his early thirties. He was strong, that being prominent with the amount of muscle he's built up throughout his life.
He was a well respected man, but stern, especially with his daughter. He looks down at the girl, setting the bottle down and taking a seat next to her. (Y/N) smiles slightly as he pours himself a drink from an abandoned cup.
He goes to pour her one to, but shakes the bottle slightly and realizes it was empty. Shaking his head, he sets the bottle aside before pushing the cup towards his daughter, gesturing for her to take it with a faint smile.
She nods in thanks before taking a small sip of the drink, the cider burning her throat for a second before numbing down. Of course he wasnet going to offer her actual alcohol, so he substitutes it with apple cider.
"So." He starts, his voice rough yet gentle. (Y/N) sighs into her cup, rolling her eyes as she prepares for the upcoming lecture. "You stealing again?" He asks. He wasnet mad, he just wanted to make sure that what everyone was saying was true.
"I had to.." (Y/N) mumbles, setting her cup down with a frown. Her father raised a brow, "Had to? You had to go out and mess with those people again while I've told you time, and time again-!" His voice raises ever so slightly before being cut off by his kid.
"What?" She scoffs, "That we have 'enough food' and that we're 'doing okay'?" Her hand folds into a fist, her father watching her warily. "We don't have enough to go around, Van.." she sighs, she only ever called him by his name when she was serious.
Van sighs heavily, his face pulling into a frown. "Well, there's not much we can do about that, now can we?" He states softly, bringing a hand up and smoothing out her messy hair. (Y/N) looks down with a frown, shaking her head before getting up.
She turns to her father before wrapping her arms around his middle. He sighs softly before wrapping his arms around her, bringing her in tightly, he places a small kiss to her temple. Giving her one more squeeze, he lets go before nodding, gesturing for her to go to bed.
(Y/N) nods back before making her way towards her room just above the tavern.
She walks quickly up the stares before coming to a small nook. A single bed on the right side while streamers and cut out stars hung from the ceiling.
It wasnet the best, but it was hers.
She looks to the window when a small tapping sound catches her attention. Gently opening it, she finds a small, grey cat perched atop her windowsill. Smiling softly, she picks the kitten up, cradling it between her arm before placing a small kiss to its head.
The kitten purrs at the feeling, pawing at her owners coat, she snuggles up with a small meek. (Y/N) sighs with a smile before looking out. She had the perfect view of her town, the lights from the city center all lit up as several people danced and sang to the music.
She scowls at the sight, looking down, she strokes the kittens fur gently, before speaking.
"One day, this towns going to respect us..all of us."
1 year later
The wind blew gently as Van stands just behind his bar, wiping away at a small glass. He hums gently, his face pulled down as the chime of the door catches his attention.
He looks up, raising a brow as several officers stroll in, guns at the ready. "Can I help you?" He questions firmly, setting the glass down, he leans against the bar with a glare.
The officers laugh, "Sure!" The one in the front pipes up, a wide smirk on his face. He strolls over before leaning against the counter, lowering his voice, he speaks lowly to the man.
"You can start, by telling us, why your daughter is in town square."
"Back off!!" With a shove, a man is sent tumbling to the ground, groaning slightly as he hits the concrete floor. (Y/N) stands above him, her hands balled into fists as a small girl stands behind her, cowering away from the onlookers.
"You filthy rat!" The man yells, getting up, he goes to land a punch to the girl, but is sent flying to the ground again. (Y/N) huffs, she had seen this man belittling and beating on the little girl for stealing an apple, who would she be to just let that go?
The townsfolk all watch with disgust, not at the man, no, but at (Y/N). How dare some lowly street rat interfere with their business??
The crowd all depart as officers push through, their faces calm and collected. Van appears, staring at the scene with an unreadable expression. He stares at his daughter, smiling slightly when he sees the man on the ground, and her bruised knuckles.
He grabs her and the little girl by the arms and pulls them away, neither objecting as they walk home. The man stumbles to his feet, his face caked in bruises and blood.
"You'll pay for this, you hear?! You'll pay!!"
Van walks into the tavern, his head hung low as his daughter and the girl follow. He sits at a table, gesturing for them both to follow suit. They do, and they all sit in silence for a good few minutes before he speaks up.
"What you did was brave.." he mumbles, staring his daughter dead in the eyes. "Brave, but incredibly stupid." (Y/N) goes to protest, but stops as her father glares at her.
"You were helping someone, I understand, but that dosnet mean you go beating on the rich." He sighs, nodding his head. (Y/N) slumps in her seat, the little girl looking between the two with confusion.
Van stares at the girl before looking to his kid. "Go and find a place for the girl to stay, I'm sure someone will be willing to look after her." He sighs, (Y/N) nodding quickly before getting up. She grabs the girls hand, about to leave before her father clears his throat.
She turns around, meeting her his face, he smiles, a genuine smile.
"I'm proud of you, (Y/N).."
The girl smiles, nodding her head proudly before making her way out the door, her mood having brightened just a bit.
Van sighs as she leaves, looking out the window, he watches as several flowers begin passing through, the sweet scent of tulips filling the air.
"Seems like spring is here.."
Several hours pass before (Y/N) returned, she had dropped the girl off by a lovely old couple, graciously happy to take care of the girl before finding her a proper home.
She turns the corner to enter her ally but stops as she watches several people run in and out of it, from afar, she raises a brow as officers watch the ally with happy chuckles, folding their arms proudly.
She quickly enters, her eyes widening as she takes in the scene.
Her home was on fire.
(Y/N) rushes forward, her coat clinging to her frame as people run with buckets of water. She calls out to her dad, looking around and hoping that he had gone out, but she sees no one.
She looks to the side, her kitten scurried down the ally and to the open. She sighs, glad her pet had made it out.
"Van?!" She screams, looking through the glass, she sees her father hunched over the counter, his body being consumed by flames.
The girl springs into action, quickly she brings her foot up and slams it against the door, over, and over before it finally gives way.
Without a second thought, she runs to her father despite the protest of so many people. She rushes to his aid, quickly pushing him to his feet, she wraps an arm around his waist before pulling him forward.
She makes it halfway towards the door before a creaking sounds from above. Looking up, she stares as several planks begin to fall. Without thinking, she throws her father towards the open door, smiling as he makes it through before the roof came crashing down.
Van groans as he falls into the arms of his friends, opening his eyes slightly, he makes out his daughter, on the ground, while the building quickly falls down around her.
The girl looks to her father happily, a bright smile on her face as tears stream down her face, a never ending stream as she wanted the last thing her father to see, was her smiling.
"I love you!!" She yells, her smile never ending as her body is finally so aimed by flames, as her father watches in horror.
3 Months later
In a field, far away from any form of civilization, lay large field of tulips. The moon shone brightly, his rays piercing through and lighting up any path.
Within that field, lay a girl, her hair gracefully pooling around her shoulders as her coat lay loosely around her form. She was no older than eighteen..well she had been eighteen for who knows how long.
Next to the girl, there was a boy, his hair dark as night and his face pale, like ash. He laid on his back, his eyes open as he fiddles with his fingers ever so often.
"(Y/N)..?" He mumbles, his friend humming in greeting, "What are we doing?" He asks gently, watching as his friend goes to lay on her side and stare up at him. The boy does the same, lying on his side, he curls his knees up and tangles his legs together with hers.
The two weren't romantically interested in eachother, they were just two, very lonely spirits, supporting one another.
"We're listening.." (Y/N) admits, chuckling as her friend scrunches his face in confusion.
"Listening..to what?"
"The moon, Kozmotis!" She gasps, lifting an arm up, she stretches her arm towards the moon, her fingers tingling as the light peeks through them.
"We are listening..to the moon.."
Kozmotis laughs softly before leaning down and resting his head against his friend shoulder, his legs stretching out and pulling hers along.
"What is he saying?" He muses, grabbing his friends hand and bringing it to his heart. He was a very..touchy friend. Having been alone for so long, it was natural for him wanting skin on skin contact with the girl.
(Y/N) listens softly, the wind picking up and caressing her face gently. She smiles as she listens to her friend, humming softly before turning over and facing Kozmotis.
"We have a new friend.."
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