Ron had been to the hill with her before, he knew it so well.
Now, after leaving Hermione and Harry after their fight, he ended up there again for any form of comfort. Two little graves, side by side but not close enough to mix them apart. Cedric Diggory read across one, the cold weather hitting Ron's face as he sat down before the one next to the Diggory boy.
Juliet Knightly.
When Juliet first died a few months ago, he spent a lot of time here. Over the summer, when Harry needed him most, he slowly began to lack visiting her. Now, after his fight, after being stranded, he'd needed her most. The wind was freezing, he'd been dirty and in dying need of not only a shower but a safe and warm place to be. His hand pressing into the cold grave only made it worse, "Hi, Jules."
He said it every time, almost like he'd expected her ghost to say something. Juliet being a ghost almost scared him in a way. When she first died at Hogwarts, and he held her body and cried, his first though after it all sunk in was for her to become a ghost like peeves and stick around Hogwarts. He didn't know how it happened but he'd hoped it would her. But that was until he spoke to one and they told him what a miserable life it was to be trapped here forever. Around the same time Juliet died, Dumbledore was killed.
He could remember the wands up ceremony so well, he could also remember the look across peoples faces when he carried her down, dead in his arms.
Juliet's attempt to kill the banshee inside of her with the potions was far from anything that should have been advised in a book. Her taking them over and over again to numb that side of her only ended up killing her as a person, and Ron only wished he'd done more. He didn't remember her as the snappy and rude girl she was while taking the potions, that wasn't her. Instead, he remembered Juliet as the girl he's seen in his dreams countless times before, the girl he'd loved so much, his Jules.
The fact that she was gone was something he accepted, but if hadn't been easy on anyone.
"You'd probably know what to do right about now." Ron spoke to her, rubbing his knees to add some warmth, "Probably give me one of those looks and slap me upside the head first though, I reckon."
Wherever she was, Ron could only hope she was happy, and could hear him.
"I do miss you loads though." he agreed with a hum, the little snow flakes began to fall around him, "Everyone really does. Even the gits that made up lies about you when you were suspended."
Ron laughed at the fact that Juliet was suspended for helping house elves, it was just so like her to do so. It never really sunk in until now, "You're an odd one, you know? You'd have loved SPEW I think."
And his smile fell again with a sigh, "We had a pretty big fight. Harry, Hermiome, and me. A lot's happening here, I wish you could just tell me what to do. You're good at that, you know?"
His hand touched the grave again with a small smile, "Reckon you're partying it up at that little shop you took me to in London, and can't even hear me anyways."
Ron stayed there for a little bit longer, just sitting there. The snow flakes around him stopped, completely stopped. Ron gave a odd look, his eyes moving up onto the sky to see they'd still been falling, just not onto him it seemed. It lead a trail, the snow fall, back the way he'd came. Ron huffed as he stood up, "I can't go back, you're mental."
But nothing happened, the snow stayed down the small line but nowhere else. Ron leaned back down to look at Juliet's name again, "Still not putting up with me, even when you're dead, are you."
He leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to the cold stone before standing up again, "I love you, darling."
But he wasn't sad, he couldn't be sad. He missed her, yes, he'd always miss her. But the thought of Juliet made him too happy to be sad anymore, he remembered her too well. He followed the snow path back the way he came, and only hoped she'd be protecting him along the way.
kylie speaks
i wanted to give you guys
this because i know i ended
on a sad note. firstly, i do
miss you guys so much
and ofc my baby jules! and
second, let me talk about why
juliet's death was so important.
so, if you are a regular reader of
mine, you know by now that i
like to put real world issues into
my books to shine a light on
the situation. the potions that
killed juliet because she'd been
taking too many was suppose to
symbolize drug use. most people
become addicts because they are trying to numb away a
feeling inside of them, much like
she was her banshee side. i wanted to put that in as a reminded about how serious
drugs and over dose are in
general. it's not something you
can battle on your own and there is no shame in asking for
help, because we are here for
you always. i truly hope i could
shine a light on people that are
uneducated on drug use or people that struggle with it.
i really do care for you guys and
i'm here always.
drug addiction hotline: 1-800-662-4357
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