XVIII. ππππππ πππ ππππππ
"Yeah!" Juliet cheered for Neville when he finally got the spell down, succeeding like the others did. The group crowded Neville in praise before Harry began to speak.
"That's it for this lesson, now we aren't going to be meeting against until after the holidays." The Potter boy announced as their was a mix of sighs and awws over the crowd in disappointment, "So just keep practicing on your own as best you can and and well done, everyone! Great, great work."
"Yeah! Professor Potter!" Juliet yelled as everyone clapped for him, Juliet said the words just to embarrass Harry as he flushed. Ron smirked proudly for not only Harry but also Juliets ability to humiliate his best friend.
"You're not taking the train with us? I though we were showing up at the house together." Ron potted as the couple walked through the hallways together, hand in hand.
"I know, but I have something I need to do and I think it's best if I do it alone." Juliet said as she bumped his shoulder in hopes of uplifting his mood, though Ron still looked down and upset, "Aw, Ronnie, it's okay. I'll just be a few hours at the most behind you before I show up."
"Promise you'll still be there christmas day? You know that our-" he began before Juliet cut him off, tugging on his arm so the pair stopped and were face to face.
"Our one year, I know." she said with a small smile, putting her arms around his shoulders, "I'll be there no later then six on christmas eve."
Ron gave her a small smile, still not thrilled that she wouldn't get to ride with him but leaned in to kiss her anyways.
"Get a room." a voice spoke as their footsteps walked over, Juliet pulled back and saw Blaise looking at the pair in disgust with his arms crossed, "I need to talk to you."
"About what?" Juliet asked him, making it clear that whatever he needed to say he could say it with Ron around.
"Family matter." Blaise spoke as Juliet nodded her head with a shrug.
"Okay." she spoke while looking to him then to Ron, "Ron is my family, is it about my dad?"
Ron flushed.
"Sorta." Blaise spoke, focusing his gaze more so on Juliet and trying to pretend Ron hadn't been there, "Mum thinks you should join us for christmas sense it's never been that way before."
Ron's face fell as he looked to Juliet, seeing her blink. Juliet considered what it would be like to experience christmas again with a full family, haven't been able to do so sense her mother was diagnosed a few years ago, then her dad dying made it all worse.
"I could have it arranged we get off at the same time and just go different directions until the train leave." Blaise spoke as Ron puffed out his chest with an icy glare.
"Why? Are you ashamed of her?" venom was in his words, his hand tightened on Juliets hand as she did the same as a warning.
"It might come as a shock to blood traitors like you but some of us hold that title very personal, no ones ashamed of Juliet, we're protecting ourselves." Blaise snapped, thinking his words would come off better then they did, unaware it still hurt Juliet. He was ashamed, she knew that, but she learned to accept it.
Before Ron could step forward Juliet cut in, "Maybe next year, Blaise, i'm afraid i've already made plans."
Blaise stared at her for a moment, nor pleased with her answer before nodding, "Have a happy Christmas, Juliet."
"You too." she said as he gave Ron a final glare before walking off. Ron glared at him the whole time he walked, waiting till he roared the corner to scoff.
"Can't believe you're related to that guy." Ron said as the pair started to walk again, being sure to make sure Umbridge wasn't arourn before joining hands, "Bloody wanker."
"You and everyone else apparently." Juliet said as the pair head off to pack their own bags.
Juliet wondered if it was a good idea to come here alone, she had no clue what she'd feel or how she'd deal. She came a few times over the summer, each time having Nate or her family friend with her. Juliet clinched the cheap roses in her hand, purchasing them after she got off the train. Her feet walked through the snow as she headed up the beautiful hill, the same beautiful hill with one grave stone at the top.
Cedric Diggory
October 1st, 1977- June 24th, 1995
Student, son, and friend.
Juliet gave a sad smile as she dropped to her knees, ignoring the freezing it caused. She placed the cheap roses on the grave, seeing a few of the petals already starting to fall off. Cedric was the only one buried here, on the hill the pair use to come to all the time together.
"You filthy liar!" Juliet laughed as her and Cedric fell onto their backs together on the picnic blanket the pair brought to the hill, "There's absolutely no way you convinced the merpeople you were one of them!"
"I did! And they have lions roaming the castle!" Cedric fueled his joke with even more unrealistic words, laughing loudly at his own words.
"Do you really think i'm that dumb to believe you? Dumbledores going to all of a sudden do all this because i'm not at school?" Juliet asked in disbelief. It had been the year she was expelled for giving the house elves clothes, not allowed to come back until the next. It was summer now, she'd be able to attend in just a few months.
"Guess he really wanted to celebrate you not being there." Cedric joked as Juliet knocked him in the chest making the Diggory boy laugh loudly, "Okay, sorry, sorry. I lied!"
"Lions in the hallways, you mad man." Juliet shook her head at his lie, a permanent smile on her face as she looked up at the burning sun, having it burning down on her dark skin that looked nearly golden in her red bathing suit, "I do miss it."
"I missed you there, felt bored." Cedric said as he propped himself up on his elbow with a grin to look down at her, "Just two more months until you can come back though."
"It's gonna be our year." she confirmed, lifting her flower crown she weaved to set it on his head, "We're gonna have the time of our lives."
"I'm excited." Cedric confirmed as he grinned down at her, Juliet Knightly, his childhood best friend and forever platonic soulmate, "Couldn't go back without you another year."
Juliet gushed at him slightly as she sat up as well, "I am kinda the coolest."
"Just a little." Cedric joked as the pair laughed, both so contagious to the others joyful noise that it fueled the other to do so. They laughed so hard at nothing, just at each other, falling into the other as they fell onto the blanket and knocked heads, only making them laugh harder.
Juliet had to laugh at the memory, even through the tears falling down her face, she laughed. Her hand out reached to lay her palm flat on Cedrics grave, smiling as her eyes burned, the salty water leaking from them nearly freezing to her skin from the snow.
"I miss you more then anything." she said, sniffling and scooting closer to put both hands on the small headstone. She removed them to whip her face before tracing her finger over his name, "Ced."
The snow was cold on her skin, making her shiver worse then she had before a gentle sob left her mouth, "I'm sorry I couldn't save you, I should have known."
Juliet blamed herself for not being able to expect it sooner, she knew he was going to die, she could still feel the way she felt when she saw it flash through her mind. Instead, all she could do was scream and cry at the time. Juliet thought that's if she would have acted faster, gotten the help she needed and knew how to control it better, she would have been able to sprint down the bleachers and told Dumbledore, they could have saved Cedric in time before the Dark Lord had the chance to act on it.
Juliet crossed her legs as she tried to stop crying, picking at the rose petals as she leaned a little on the headstone before she began talking about everyone and anything. She spoke like he was actually there, like he would answer me. She told Cedrics headstone about Ron, about her family, about Blaise, about Harry's organization and how he would have loved it, about how close her and Hermione have gotten, about Umbridge, about Cho, about Nate and his baby, about quidditch. She talked for hours, her voice becoming scratchy from doing so.
But Juliet hadn't cared, all she cared about was feeling like she was speaking to him again, to her best friend and her soulmate, even if she truly wasn't, she felt like she was in some odd, messed up way.
kylie speaks
i really woke
up and decided
how much i miss
juliet and cedric
should be expressed
through a heart
breaking chapter.
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