VII. ππππππππ
Ron was far from happy for many reasons thats evening. For starters, his dress robes were absolutely awful and caused a lot of laughter, second he'd found out Hermiones date was Victor Krum which caused him to become furious with thinking she'd been against Harry winning, and third, third being his worst he'd decided in his mind, the girl of his dreams was going to the ball with his older brother.
Juliet hadn't showed up yet, mostly everyone else had but she was still completely out of sight. She'd told George, with a red face, that she'd meet him there instead of showing up together. Ron worried Juliet might have started to fancy George, if it wasn't bad enough that they were attending the ball together, Juliet actually falling for him would be the end of Ron. Or so he says anyways, his exact words to Harry Potter who gave a awkward nod.
"Are you going to ask me to dance?" Padama asked Ron with a sigh, listening to him huff and puff every few seconds as they'd sat at the tables while everyone else attended the dance floor.
"Probably not." Ron said honestly, not taking his gaze off the staircase. Padama sighed as she looked the other way awkwardly, already angered with her sister for getting her into this.
Ron had almost given up on seeing Juliet walk down those steps, that was until she came into view. Ron's whole face softened as he watched Juliet take a steps down the staircase. He simply couldn't stop looking at her with puppy love eyes, how even blinking wasn't optional because he'd miss looking at her for half a second.
Juliet looked anxious and nervous as she looked around at the crowd of people, toying with the silver rings on her lace covered fingers . Like George said, she wore red. A red dress that stopped right above her knees and hugged her perfectly, roses and butterfly designed into the lace that you could only notice if you stared hard enough.
And Ron was.
That was until George came into few, hurrying toward the steps. Ron's sighed at the sight of the two as he turned away quickly, slouching in his chair with more huffing and puffing.
"Sorry i'm a little late." Juliet spoke as she took George's out reached hand to get off the final step, "Had to write a letter to home."
"All worries aside, Julliety, care to dance?" George asked as Juliet smiled as he pulled her into the dance floor with Fred and Angela.
Juliet wasn't someone who let herself get loose often, she was often times stopped from doing a lot of things due to anxiety building up in her chest or the faint fear of humiliating herself. But right now, after the stress and sadness she'd carried with her for the past days, she'd never felt so free. She was well aware people were watching her odd, muggle world, dance moves. She was well aware Draco was whispering something to Blaise about her, she was well aware she looked like a idiot.
And yet she didn't care.
She felt free, just free.
"Yeah! Go Ced! Whoo!" Juliet cheered for her best friend, her jealously long forgotten as she gripped George Weasleys hand, watching as the champions make their way toward the dance floor. Cedric smiled at her as he passed, making it a habit to reach out and squeeze her arm before him and Cho continued toward the front along with the others.
"Woah, Hermione." Juliet said as she watched the girl in purple pass, she'd barely recognized her even. Her hair was more flat with nice curls rather then the usual bushy, yet beautiful, nest she carried with her.
"Don't they look happy?" Juliet asked with a sigh as she leaned onto George, watching as Cedric and Cho smiled lovingly at the other as they danced beautifully and loving together.
"Harry?" George laughed at her questioned as he motioned toward the Potter boy who looked ever so awkward, dancing with one of the only other set of twins at Hogwarts.
"Maybe not him." Juliet laughed as George gave her a spin, pulling her toward the dance floor to dance with the other thats were joined in. Ron watched longingly once more, watching Juliet smile as hard as he'd seen her smile before, light up as his own brother twirled her.
Juliet and Cho had somehow, pushing both their own jealousy's aside for the other, and had a lovely time dancing together. Cedric managed to get both the two together as the loud, heavy music boomed through the hall while they bounced around obnoxiously, without a care in the world.
"George, my brother of all people." Ron said bitterly as he sat with Harry and the pair of twins they'd taken with, "Juliet could do better then that."
"He's just trying to get under your skin." Harry commented as he'd watched George and Juliet laugh with the other. Professor Mcgonagall made her way through the crowd of students, a crazed look on her face as they'd all bumped into her and attempted to get her to dance. The older woman finally managed to make her way toward the four, touching Juliets arm as she spoke to her quietly.
"What's she saying?" Ron asked as he sat up better, seeing as Juliets face fell slightly.
"Doesn't look good." Harry said back as they watched the professor lead the Hufflepuff away quickly. Ron watched worried, furious with his brother for not realize what had happened, to caught up in battling Fred in dance moves. Ron left the three without a word, heading off in the direction Juliet was pulled to.
The Weasley boy should have known where Juliet would be instead of looking all over Hogwarts for the last twenty minutes. He should have clicked to the place she seemed to go, a place one she knew best. The abandoned, dark hallway was the place only Juliet had gone to ever, Ron knew that and yet he spent his time searching the Hufflepuff tower and all of outside.
"Juliet." Ron spoke softly as she stopped her crying in the dark hallway upon hearing her name. She's sucked in a breath, a shaky one, whipping her eyes before turning to face him.
"Shouldn't you be at the ball?" she questioned, her words were a bit bitter but she truly didn't mean any harm, only annoyed because she hated others seeing her hurt and weak.
"You seemed upset." Ron spoke as Juliet turned back around before he could see the new tears fall down her face, the moonlight from the few windows their only source of light, but it was enough for him to see how upset she'd been.
"Did something happen? With Mcgonagall?" Ron asked as he inched closer to her, standing by her side infront of the window that made both their faces lit up from the moon, Juliets soaked with her own tears. She hadn't answered, only started to cry harder as she began to speak up. Ron tried to remember who he was dealing with, the same girl he'd seen every night since he was a little boy, but that hadn't stopped his nerves from being shot and nervous around her.
He'd placed his hand on her gloved covered one, just in the slightest of ways, pushing his slight fear aside. Juliet looked his way with wide, teary eyes as she sniffled and look down once again.
"My mom." Juliet spoke as she tried to whip her tears with her own hand, having no use considering new ones would just form and fall each time she'd whipped them away, "Shes got alzheimer's really bad, has for a while now, my cousin called, she can't remember who he is."
Ron hadn't known what to say to her, he barley knew of the disease, only hearing his father speak about it a few times. Juliet couldn't finished her sentence as she broke down once again, turning away to prevent him from seeing the sadness and weak expressions she'd had.
"She doesn't remember me either."
Ron felt as though his heart dropped slightly at her words. He was far from sentimental and most things didn't bother him, and he truly hadn't cared much of Juliets mother, but he did care for her. Her hand was out of his when she'd turned, too far apart to hold onto it for a moment longer. Ron walked over to circle around her once again, stand before her.
"Would you stop?" Juliet asked as she went to turn around before Ron grabbed her to prevent the turn, keeping her in place as he stared at her, his shoes pushed him up the half a inch that had her taller then him.
"I'm sorry about your Mom." Ron spoke, clearing his throat as he tried to appear serious and kind which was far from easy for him. Juliet leaned into his touched around her shoulders more, a mix of needing comfort and tiredness. Ron cleared his throat awkwardly as his face flushed when Juliet leaned into him, her head falling into his neck while her long arms went around his waist tightly.
"Jack wants me to come home for a few days during the break." Juliet spoke a few moments later, her crying finally stopped from the way Ron had her in his grasp, "See if it will make her remember."
It was silent for a moment, a bit longer then a moment actually. Ron knew what he needed to say, knew what he wanted to say. But for some reason, he couldn't say anything until almost three minutes past, "Do you want me to come with you?"
"No, you should be with your family." Juliet spoke as her head nuzzled into his old fashion dress robes.
"I don't mind, if you want." Ron spoke again, he told himself if she said no again he'd stop saying anything, he wouldn't push for her to take him back with her.
Juliet was the one to fall silent again for a few minutes, complete silence between the two in the hallway, the only things that was heard was Ron's heartbeat and Juliets accessional sniffles. Her arms tightened around the forth year boy, causing his to due the same, unaware how to deal with a hug of all things.
kylie speaks
though the next
chapter is gonna be
sad it's gonna be
filled with so much
of ron and juliet.
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