luca.fantilli requested to follow
luca.fantilli started following lightskin.stassie!
rutgermcgroaty requested to follow lightskin.stassie!
rutgermcgroaty started following lighskin.stassie!
franknazar14 requested to follow lighskin.stassie!
franknazar14 started following lighskin.stassie!
lighskin.stassie has posted!
Liked by luca.fantilli, edwards.73 and 21 others
lightskin.stassie i got the whole fucking hockey team on here now🙃ALSO ITS SATURDAY SO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANSSS
los_lollipop i'm still sorry i allowed them to prank you on tuesday
lightskin.stassie your sins will never be forgiven
los_lollipop i'll let you take body shots off me
lightskin.stassie 🙂
luca.fantilli First day following and I already made it🥱
lighskin.stassie 21 CAN U DO SOMETHING FOR ME💅🏼💅🏼
markestapa You're not funny
lightskin.stassie i think i'm pretty darn hilarious
rutgermcgroaty Holy shit do I get exclusive Mark pics?
lightskin.stassie most of the time ya
edwards.73 Are thoughts being thunk?
lightskin.stassie always!
lhughes_06 Ok how tf did I not make it
markestapa The goal is to not make it.
mackie.samo Why?
lightskin.stassie 🙂
stassie :) is typing...
stassie :) sent a chat!
stassie :)
what do i even wear to a frat party
You know not to ask me
stassie :)
well i just figured you've seen what other girls have worn so...
Well what is Lo wearing?
stassie :)
...she asked me to ask u
Ig shorts and a crop top?
Oh and shoes you don't mind getting dirty
stassie :)
why on the shoes?
Well usually frat houses get fucking DISGUSTING
But since it's at the senior house it should be at least a little cleaner
stassie :)
kk thanks
Are Luca and Rutger picking you up?
stassie :)
ya luca said around 10
And you guys planned on just walking to the soph house when it's over?
stassie :)
ya can we just sleepover?
I made sure the boys cleaned out their rooms
stassie :)
awww how sweet <333
Opened at 8:34 PM
stassiegreen posted a story!
edwards.73 liked your story!
dylanduke25 liked your story!
luca.fantilli liked your story!
luca sent you a message!
What's ur dorm #
Alr we're headed up
Read at 9:42 PM
THUDDING OF THE bass could be heard from outside the large house. The streetlights that bordered the road casted eery shadows on the asphalt below. There were a few couples that were making out on the porch, discarded red solo cups at their sides. She was nervous, as she tucked her obsidian hair behind her ear. Her throat became dry, as Luca and Rutger slowed down their walking, stopping in front of the double front doors. "Are you okay? You look really pale," Rutger questioned, holding a hand up to Lola's forehead.
Over the past week, and after the so called 'prank' Mark pulled on Stassie, (his excuse was that it was revenge for stealing his money), the girls had become a lot closer with the team; especially the guys that were in their grade, such as Luca, Rutger, Gavin, etc. But mostly Luca and Rutger because they are the freshman that Mark and then hung out the most. And, of course, basically every place Mark went, his girls went. It was becoming an unspoken rule around the team, to 'not fuck with Mark's girls'
... those words were permanently engraved in Stassie and Lola's mind, since they were painted in embarrassment as they stood next to him with his arms around their shoulders as he properly introduced the two freshmen girls to the entire team. I mean they were going to be their trainers for the season so at first Stassie and Lola weren't complaining, then Mark started talking about his rules and it just went downhill from there.
Lola shoved his hand away from her forehead, "I'm fine you dipshit, you're telling me you weren't nervous for your first college party?" She crossed her arms over her chest, her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. Rutger shrugged, "First, I wasn't sober when I went," Anastasia shifted her weight to her other leg, "And second?" She said expectingly. "Oh, I don't know." He said hesitantly. Both the girls pulled their lips into a tight lipped smile, nodding their heads in sarcastic agreement.
"Oh my god and we stop talking and get to drinking?" Luca's tone was filled with excitement and eagerness. Anastasia and Lola shared a brief, comforting look, before letting out a harsh breath. Luca's gaze softened as he sensed that the girls truly were nervous. Which was weird because both of them seemed so confident in themselves. "We don't have to go if you really aren't comfortable–" "No I wanna go," Anastasia interrupted, a strange rush of adrenaline coursing through her as she grabbed Luca's hand and opened the front door to the senior house.
Faded clouds floated in the air, the music cleared since the obstruction of the doors were now nonexistent, grinding bodies and incoherent conversations. The smell of liquor and musk filled Anastasia's nostrils. She felt Luca's chest brush against her back as she stood in the entry way of the house, the grip she held on his hand tightened. "Where do I go?" She questioned over her shoulder, her gaze never leaving her surroundings. "Just go where I shove, should be good." Luca yelled in her ear, due to the fact that the booming of the music was loud.
His hands moved to the small of her waist, as he guided her through the crowded home. His touch was comforting, but it wasn't Mark's. Or Ethan's.
The grip his fingers had on her waist loosened when they arrived in the kitchen, and for a second, Anastasia started to panic, until she saw the smiling face of Mark from across the island. He was pouring a rum and coke for his girls, knowing that they both secretly love rum and cokes... for how 'shit faced' it gets them. "There's my girls!"
His blond hair was a mess, his cheeks were flushed and he was missing his shirt. He was one hundred percent tipsy, Anastasia thought. One thing that Stassie had known about Mark was he was never one to get absolutely drunk. Sure, he would never turn down a shot or two but he never went too crazy. He claimed he always wanted to remember his actions. Which was understandable; Anastasia and Lola just loved getting shit-faced occasionally.
Lola was quick to elbow her friend, once she saw Mark was indeed shirtless, as they took their seats at the barstools that were at the island. Anastasia had to admit that it was hard not to check out his toned torso, his muscles flexing each time he laughed, or how his bicpes moved as he slid them their drinks. Luca and Rutger were still behind them as they sipped on their alcoholic concoctions, the burning of the rum made Anastasia purse her lips.
"Why good evening to you too, Mark," Lola giggled, her eyes filled with excitement as she checked him out over the rim of her cup.
Good evening? Stassie thought.
Anastasia rolled her eyes when she felt a tap on her shoulder, "Me and Rutger are gonna go get drinks," Luca leaned down to yell in her ear. She nodded, turning around in her barstool as her eyes roamed the bodies that flooded the house. She didn't want to admit it, because that's how stubborn she was, that she was looking for Ethan in the sea of people. Sure, she was happy to be here with her two friends, but she didn't feel like having to deal with the sexual tension the practically radiated off of them for the night.
But that's when she felt her stomach flip. And it wasn't because of the alcohol that burned her esophagus, and started making her mind feel fuzzy, it was because she saw the way he greeted his friends, clapping them on the back as a loopy smile was on his face, his cheeks flushed pink, and his hair falling perfecting over his forehead.
God, Anastasia felt desire brewing deep within her lower stomach. She crossed her legs and pressed her thighs together, trying to ease the throbbing that appeared. One thing that happenes when Anastasia comes into contact with alcohol is a rush of sexual attraction. Suddenly everyone is attractive, and she couldn't care less who they were. That's why she's pretty much only made out when she's drunk. But in this case, Ethan's the only person she's got eyes on.
He had showed up with Luke and Mackie, and Duke was already dancing with some sorority girl within the intoxicated bodies. At least that's what Mark had briefly told her before he turned his attention back to Lola, who at this point was practically crawling onto the island with how much she was leaning over, her eyes trained only on his lips as he talked.
Ethan knew she was going to be there, but he didn't expect himself to... react the way he did when he saw her.
She sat with her back against the island, her legs crossed as she let her eyes drift over basically half of the student body of the school. A simple top covered her chest, yet it exposed her stomach and lower back. Her black hair fell over her collarbones, which were decorated with dainty gold necklaces; and quite possibly the shortest pair of shorts he had ever seen, hugged the curve of her ass.
His Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed harshly, his eyes had turned dark. He was already a little tipsy when he arrived, since the sophomores weren't really big on drinking at the actual parties besides a beer or two, so they pregamed. And with knowing the fact that Luca and Rutger were picking her and Lola up, he knew he was going to need at least some alcohol in his system. But he was shocked to see her there, all alone, and looking adorable with tipsy-induced rosy cheeks.
"Yo I'm gonna get a drink real quick," he yelled to Luke and Mackie, who nodded their heads understandably.
Anastasia let out a huff as she turned back around, having lost Ethan within the crowd of people. "Lo," she whined towards her love-sick friend. "Can we go dance? I'm bored." She got up and walked around the island to where Mark stood, and automatically his arm pulled her into his side. "Yeah c'mon Lo, she's bored." He mocked, a pout forming on his lips.
Lola's eyes glinted between the two of them, "Fine, yeah yeah let's go." She sighed, before downing the remaining of her rum and coke. Anastasia squealed, standing up on her toes as she placed a kiss on Mark's cheek, almost as if she was thanking him. "Promise you'll keep in my sight?" he yelled at them, as they held hands and started walking towards the dancing group of people. Lola rolled her eyes, "Yessir, we promise. God, he's like our dad." She whispered the last part to the girl who was clinging to her arm as they walked.
Anastasia snorted, "Yeah and you like dad."
THE TIME WAS nearing midnight, a few people had trickled out but other than that the party was still in full swing. Anastasia and Lola were now completely shit faced, after Luca and Rutger had brought them a bottle of Pink Whitney, both of them were as good as gone after that.
They giggled, their hands on each other's hips as they danced freely to a Weeknd song that reverbed through the house.
The boys, being the entire umich bitches chat, sat in the kitchen, some leaning against her countertop, some sitting on the barstools, or some that had jumped up to sit on the island. They all had their eyes trained on the girls as they danced in the middle of the crowd, like they were guarding from afar.
Mark and Ethan were the ones leaning against the island, red solo cups gripped lazily in their hands, both of which had nothing but water in. They had started to sober up a little more than 30 minutes ago, so they were just short of tipsy at this point.
It was like a drug addict being taunted, and he didn't know how much more he could take. The last he had even felt of her was her body pressed against his when Mark was orchestrating his prank. That was Tuesday, it's Saturday night. Ethan didn't know if he had done something wrong. Did he overstep a boundary? Did he go too far?
Sure she was still texting him like normal, but when he saw her after practices she maybe spoke a few words to him.
So when he saw her in her little shirt and small shorts, he felt mental. As intense as the emotional connection they've built with each other over the months and months of talking, he wanted nothing more but to take her upstairs and have his way with her.
To feel her body writhe under his as his mouth tailed down her neck, maybe even leaving a few hickeys in plain sight, so that everyone knew that she was his. To be the first one to touch her like that, to know that he was the only one in the entire world that would see her like that made his mind fuzzy. And his dick twitch in his pants. Especially the way she was moving her body, her hair sticking to the base of her neck, her skin damp and shimmering with sweat, her cheeks basically painted pink due to her dancing and the alcohol that coursed in her system.
"How are we getting them home?" Ethan yelled towards Mark, his gaze still focused on the two girls. The blond shrugged, taking a sip of his water, "I don't know but both of the girls are gonna need like at least two of us. Each." Ethan, along with Luke and Rutger who were close enough to overhear the conversation have him a questioning look. "They're handfuls when they're drunk. Stassie's all love-y and," he inhaled sharply, bringing his hand up and running it down his face, his cheeks turning a little pink. "Stassie's all love-y and horny, and Lo's all sad and is like a toddler." A beat passed, as they were all weirdly stunned at the information. "You guys asked. I'm just telling you what to expect," Mark shrugged, holding his hands up defensively.
By this time, all of the guys who were in the kitchen were tuning into the conversation. "So who's taking who?" Luca questioned. "They're all going to the soph house right?" Mark nodded, "I guess I'll take Lola and whoever wants to try and deal with Stassie can try. She's the worst to take care of in my opinion."
Luke huffed, "Jesus are they really that bad?" Mark nodded, "Each time we planned on going out in high school it was like preparing for war," he let out an airy chuckle. "I guess I'll try to take Stassie," Ethan nudged Mackie who stood next to him, "You wanna help?" He asked teasingly, while Mackie just gave him an annoyed expression. "Bro, you know I like my sleep." "Yeah I do but you're helping me."
no interaction this chapter😔
but we get some next chapter I PROMISE
this was kinda rushed but lmk what you guys think!!
literally stassie when she's drunk:
i hope everything's making sense so far! once again i'm sorry (not) for the lack of interaction w ethan😔😔😔 BUT I HOPE LUCA AND STASSIE IS MAKIN UP FOR IT🥱🥱🥱
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