{A/N : hola, bonjour, hi, hallo, djnsfigibnfiv Latte here. Side note, that image above brings a smile to my lesbian face. So, clearing some things up real quick. For those of you who didn't give a reason as to why your character was sent to the convent I made up one (of course going by their backstory). When characters who don't come from English speaking countries speak their native language, I am using google translate so it's not gonna 100% accurate. And also, a vast majority of this story will be in third person POV. That is all. Please enjoy guys, gals and other pals}
T/W : Homophobic slurs and some scenes might trigger some of y'all's dysphoria or internalized homophobia{
Cherry sat down on the couch. "What did you want to tell me?" She asked her dad. "We're sending you to a convent in Ireland." He answered almost immediately and they stood up in alarm. "What, why?" She said, tears already starting to form.
"Because you're name is Julie, not Charlotte, or Char or Charlie, not Cherry, or whatever! You're not a lesbian demigirl , and demigirl is not a thing by the way , you're a straight girl named Julie. We've already packed your things!" He yelled as Cherry's face dropped.
"But I...I..." She couldn't get her words out. After a minute, she slumped back down onto the couch and nodded.
Cheryl cried as Robert pulled her to his car, so she could go back to the hellhole she called home. "Please Robert!" Cheryl begged, earning her a cold slap to the face. "Shut up!" He yelled. Robert sat her in his car and drove home.
Once they were home, she made a beeline towards her room. Only a few minutes later, Robert came in. "We're sending you to a convent in Ireland." He said and she took her face out of her pillow. "W-What? Really?" She couldn't tell if she was upset or happy. "Yes, really. Now pack your shit, got that?" He said.
Cheryl stood up. "Can I ask why?"
"Because you said you found a female sexy! I refuse to have any faggots in my house!" Robert snapped and she jumped in surprise. "I'm not a lesbian, I'm aromantic pan-"
"Whatever the hell that means! You're leaving on Tuesday night. Do you understand me, Cheryl Anna?" He said. The teen nodded.
Alice stomped downstairs, facing her parents. "What do you want?" She said, arrogance lacing her voice. "Ally, can you please follow me?" Her mother , Margaret , asked. Alice groaned and nodded, following Margaret into the living room of their London mansion.
She sat down, as did her mother. A maid set down a plate of biscuits in front of Alice. "Enjoy Ms.Rose." The maid said meekly before walking away. The redhead tapped her foot.
Margaret began talking about other subjects, clearly avoiding a more tedious and important subject. Once she realized this, Alice threw the plate of biscuits at the fireplace before screaming "What is it?!"
Her mother sighed. "Alice, your violent behavior has gotten out of control. Me and your father have decided we're sending you away to a convent in Ireland. We're not sure for how long b-"
"No, you're not! I'm not going to Ireland!" Alice yelled. "Well, we're sorry, but we've already decided." Her mother said. Alice let out a scream of frustration and stomped up to her room.
"We're done with you." Their mother said. "We're done with this whole LGBTABC thing. We're sending you away."
Sunflower looked up. "Really? To where?"
"Ireland. A convent. Whether you like it or not."
Sunflower wanted to protest but...it didn't seem so bad. They nodded and went into their room.
"Bee?" Her father said. "Mhm?" Bee said before looking up. "We're sending you away." He said, bluntly. "Wait, what? Where? Why?" She said, tears beginning to prick her eyes.
"To a convent, about a day's away from here. It's in Ireland."
"O-okay. But why are you sending me in the first place?"
"Because you're too difficult!" He yelled. Bee didn't say anything, just looked down. "Pack you're things, okay?" Her father said more calmly. "You leave Tuesday." With that, the female solemnly walked towards her room.
"Come in." Cathy said after hearing a knock on her door. In walked her grandmother, Hannah , who sat at the foot of her bed. "Catherine, you know how you said you identify as bisexual?" Hannah said and Cathy nodded, still not looking up from her book.
"Honestly, you won't pick a gender but I think I can help you with that." The older women said and Cathy finally set down her book. "How so...?" The curly haired teen asked.
"I've decided to send you to a convent in Ireland."
"What?!" Cathy jumped up. "Ireland?! We live in Florida! Ireland is so far from here!" "Catherine Gabriella Jones, that is enough! Pack your things!" Hannah yelled. "Now!"
Cathy pushed her grandmother out before curling up in a ball on the floor.
Willow pulled out her suitcase and began packing. She had decided she was going here on her own accord. Her choice and nobody else's. She eagerly tapped her foot. Ireland. She thought. A European land filled with...well...whatever it's filled with. But surely it's better than here. Maybe I can make some friends at this convent.
Willow leaned back. "Anywhere is better than here where you're all alone, right Willow?" She sighed. "The flight's on Tuesday. Tuesday I'll be out of this lonely hellhole and in a place with some friends."
"Are you fucking kidding me? Why?" Angel groaned, their father standing in their room. "Well first off Emma, you're not Angel Ada. You're straight. You're not a demigirl." He said, surprisingly calm. "I'm sending you to a convent. It's in Ireland."
Angel knew he was supposed to be upset but...she wasn't. "Ireland." They repeated. Ireland is far from here. Far, far away from here. Finally I'll be away from him. She thought.
"Pack your things, Emma. You're leaving Tuesday." Her father informed him. After that, their father left.
"I hate you! I really do! I wish I wasn't your daughter!" Anastasia yelled. "How dare you speak to me like that?!" Her mother , Mary , yelled back. "I'm only speaking my mind." The blonde girl stated. Mary screamed to herself and banged her fists on the table. She stomped over and pulled Anastasia into her room by her hair.
Anastasia sat herself on the bed. "I've looked into it. There's a convent that thankfully is not here. It's in Ireland. Finally I'll be free of you." Mary mumbled the last bit but Anastasia heard it quite clearly. And I'll be free from you. She thought as her mother left.
"So because I hate your wife, you're sending me to fucking Ireland?" Feather groaned, setting aside her food. "No, I'm sick of you two fighting." Josh replied. "So , instead of trying to find a way to let us get along , like a normal fucking person , you're going to send me away?" She half-yelled.
"Don't you dare raise your voice at your father like that!" Josh yelled. "You're not my father!" Feather yelled back. "When do I leave?"
"If I'm being honest, I can't wait. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some shit to pack."
"Allison, your name is Allison. Not Snek, got that? You're not non-binary. I refuse to have a non-binary daughter. And you know what I think will help?" His mother said. "What?" Snek replied.
"I've already looked into it. We'll sign you up today. It's a convent in Ireland and you'll be sent out Tuesday."
Snek slumped down in their chair. "You're joking, right?" He asked as their mother shook her head. "No. We're not. Go to your room and begin packing, do you understand me?" She said sternly. Snek got up and went into their room.
Sunny walked downstairs. "Mom?" They said. Their mother didn't say anything, only handed them a pamphlet. Sunny flipped through it. "Okay...it's a convent in Ireland. What about it?" They asked. "That's where we're sending you, Katie." She replied and Sunny's face dropped.
"Wait, what? Why?" Sunny said frantically, trying not to ✨ panic ✨. "Because, Katie! You're Katie, not Sunny! You're a girl, not non-binary, got that? We've decided we're sending you to the convent. Maybe there, you'll learn some sense. You leave Tuesday."
The blonde sighed and solemnly nodded, walking into their room.
Lydia showed her mother the pamphlet. "Can I go here?" She asked. Her mother , Carmen , looked up from her spaghetti (haha wow Italian stereotypes because I'm bored-). She took the pamphlet from her daughter and looked through it. "Lydia, are you sure?" Carmen asked and the brunette nodded. "I'm sure." She replied. "Well...I suppose so. When are you meant to leave?" She agreed.
"On Tuesday." The teenager said. "It's Thursday now. So please, please, please tell me you'll be able to get the ticket by Monday?"
"I'll try, okay Lydia?" Their mother said, smiling slightly and Lydia nodded. "Thank you, thank you!" She said and skipped into her room actually feeling happy for once in her life.
"Lucas! Get down here!" Abigail's mother , Nora , called out. Abigail walked downstairs, reluctantly. "Yes mom?" She asked. "We're sending you to a convent. It's in Ireland, got that?" Nora explained. "W-wait...why?" She stuttered.
"Because you're name is Lucas, not Abigail! You're not a girl! You were born a boy and you will always be a boy! No matter what!" Nora yelled and Abigail flinched at her mother's yelling. Don't say anything, don't say anything, don't say anything. Abigail repeated in her head.
"Lucas Daniel Smith, do you understand me?" Her mother said. "Of course." She said and ran towards her room to ✨ cry ✨.
"Emerald, you're going to Ireland." Her (adoptive) mother, Elle, said. "Why?" Emerald asked, looking up from her phone. "Well...we just think it would be good for you." Elle replied. "You will be staying at a convent."
"Um...okay." The blonde said and got up. "When do I leave?"
"On Tuesday. I suggest you start packing."
Lissa started packing, mumbling to herself. "So because I get expelled they decided to send me all the way to from Conwy, Wales to some convent in Ireland." She groaned. "This shit is so fucking dumb."
Lissa leaned back. "Mom, when do I leave?" She called out. "Tuesday! Are you done packing?" Her mother replied.
"No!" And with that, the brunette went back to angrily mumbling to herself whilst packing.
Per fidgeted with her hands. "So...you're really sending me to Ireland because Jolie, Danny, Victor and Harry convinced you to?" She asked and Betty , her mother , nodded. "Because my siblings hate me, you want me gone?" Per asked, slightly angrier.
"Well, I want your siblings to be happy."
"But what about me?!" She yelled and her mother grabbed her arm. "Per, go pack your shit, okay?" Betta said angrily. "You leave Tuesday."
Per pulled her arm away and walked into her room.
Soup tapped their figures on the kitchen counter as xe waited for John , his father , to explain whatever he wanted to explain. "Sam, I've decided to send you to a convent. It's in Ireland." John explained. "Oh...may I ask why?" Soup asked.
"I think it would be good for you. Maybe spend some time away from home and maybe there you could make some friends. I've already consulted your mother and she said she was okay with it." He replied.
"Alright. When am I leaving?"
"The reader already knows."
"Nothing. Anyway, you leave Tuesday." He said. "Alright. I'm gonna go start packing." Xe said and left the room.
Reaper laced their fingers through their hair. "St.Augustine's convent in Ireland." They repeated. "Yes, a convent." Alex , their dick excuse of a step-father , repeated. "This will put you back into line." Louise , their mother , said.
Reaper nodded. God, this is gonna be hell on earth, isn't it? They thought as the went into their room to begin packing their shit.
Antlia groaned. "I got into a fight and now you're sending me all the way from here and New York City to iReLaNd?!" She yelled. "Antlia, do not raise you voice at me." Malia said to her, calmly. "And it's not just because you got into a fight. If the kid wasn't in the hospital, then we wouldn't care. But he is."
"But you heard what he said about d-"
"I don't care what he said about your father, I care that you broke a kid's arm!" Malia yelled and Antlia slightly flinched.
"You leave Tuesday, understood?" The girl's mother said calmer. She groaned and stomped away.
{A/N : hi this was very half-assed 😃}
also , because why not , here's Anastasia conversation translated into French (using google translate :
"Je te déteste! C'est vrai! J'aurais aimé ne pas être ta fille!" Cria Anastasia. "Comment osez-vous me parler comme ça?!" Sa mère, Mary, a crié en retour. "Je ne fais que dire ce que je pense." Déclara la fille blonde. Mary a crié pour elle-même et a cogné ses poings sur la table. Elle piétina et attira Anastasia dans sa chambre par ses cheveux.
Anastasia s'assit sur le lit. "J'ai regardé dedans. Il y a un couvent qui, heureusement, n'est pas ici. C'est en Irlande. Enfin je serai libre de toi. Mary marmonna le dernier moment mais Anastasia l'entendit très clairement. Et je serai libre de toi. Elle pensa alors que sa mère partait.
and now Lydia's translated into Italian, once again, using google translate :
Lydia ha mostrato a sua madre l'opuscolo. "Posso andare qui?" Lei chiese. Sua madre, Carmen, alzò lo sguardo dai suoi spaghetti. Prese l'opuscolo dalla figlia e lo esaminò. "Lydia, sei sicura?" Chiese Carmen e la bruna annuì. "Sono sicuro." Lei rispose. "Be '... suppongo di sì. Quando vuoi partire?" Lei era d'accordo.
"Martedì." L'adolescente ha detto. "Adesso è giovedì. Quindi per favore, per favore, per favore dimmi che potrai prendere il biglietto entro lunedì?"
"Ci proverò, okay Lydia?" Disse la madre, sorridendo leggermente e Lydia annuì. "Grazie grazie!" Disse e saltò nella sua stanza sentendosi davvero felice per una volta nella sua vita.
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