1: little angel
BACK WHEN TENDŌ SATORI was just a five year-old boy and was being bullied, he had prayed to the heavens to send him a friend, or rather an angel.
"the nicest angel you have", little satori begged.
and per his request, eight years later, his younger sister — tendō satomi — was born.
"I-I'M GOING TO RUN AWAY FROM HOME!!", five year-old satomi screamed.
"be my guest", their mother responded, causing the little girl to stomp in anger.
running into her room and packing all her necessities, such as snacks and her stuffed bunny, satomi was prepared to run away in protest.
"tomi-chan~ now where are you going?", her big brother asked.
"away", she determinedly answered.
"aw, you don't have to be so upset. I'll only be gone for the summer", satori reassured.
bending down to his sister's height, the eighteen year-old male had extended his long arms out for his sister to jump into.
satomi dropped her tiny luggage and caved into her brother's embrace. she would never reject a hug from satori.
many times satori believed satomi to be the angel that he had secretly prayed for all those years ago. for there was no one that loved him more than his younger sister, who admired him and clung to him as if it was her sole purpose in life.
"I wanna come too!! summer is too longggg", satomi cried, for she was used to spending all her spare time with her big brother.
"and what if somebody puts pickles on your sandwich?? who's going to eat them for you?? who???", satomi attempted to persuade.
satori simply laughed, as he rhythmically patted satomi's back.
"then I'll make sure to keep those pickles in a jar and bring them back home for you to eat! how does that sound, hm?"
satomi sniffled some more, as she used her ultimate tactic that usually guaranteed her victory.
sticking out her bottom lip and allowing a few tears to cascade down her cheeks, she stared at her big brother with puppy-like eyes.
satori caved in 99% of the time to his sister's desires. however, this time, it was actually out of his control.
"now don't make that expression, satomi", satori frowned.
"I cannot bring you this time because it's a camp just for volleyball players. I already asked tanji-kun and miracle boy, but they both denied bringing you along. after all, it's not really a place for kids to run around and—"
"but I'll be good!! I promise!!", satomi interrupted.
"the last time you said that, you nearly let all the penguins in the exhibit escape", satori mentioned.
"they were clearly sad! I was just going to let them get some fresh air", satomi rebutted, while crossing her arms with a pout.
"regardless, I'll be back before you know it, okay? don't run away now, or I'll be reallllllly sad", satori stated.
satomi avoided eye contact with her brother, only to be swayed by his singing.
"baki baki ni ore~"
the eighteen year-old shook her pointer fingers from side to side, encouraging his sister to join in with him.
he always sung little silly tunes when satomi was upset. it was satori's way of cheering her up and getting her to laugh.
it wasn't long before satomi had chimed in and sung along with her big brother, whom she found extremely funny.
once giggles escaped the little red head's lips, satori knew that he had accomplished his mission of keeping his sister happy.
although there were times satomi was stubborn, bratty, demanding, out-of-control, loud, a little deviou—the point is, she'll always be the little angel that satori pleaded for.
he believed that she is the kindest angel sent to him from the heavens, and that she would never do anything he said not—
"why's your bag wiggling, tendō?", ushijima questioned.
the entire shiratorizawa team had just arrived at the ajinomoto national training center, which was a long bus ride away from their miyagi prefecture.
"eh?? is it??", satori hummed, setting his bag down as his teammates and coach all gathered around.
as soon as the red-haired boy unzipped his bag, out popped another redhead that his teammates and coach have never seen before.
"whew!! I almost died in there", satomi gasped.
"SATOMI?? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??", satori gasped, his eyes widening even more than usual.
"I-I might've crawled into your bag this morning when you and mom were still asleep...", the five year-old bashfully admitted.
"i-is that a child??", goshiki mumbled in shock.
"obviously. what else would she be?", shirabu quickly retorted.
goshiki frowned at his teammate's response, about to clap back before their coach had chimed in.
"tendō, I thought we said no to bringing your sister. what is this?", washijō sternly questioned.
"satori didn't know! I climbed into his bag, so don't blame him", satomi answered.
"I promise I won't be a hassle or make trouble. I can take care of myself!", the five year-old proudly proclaimed.
washijō's eyes thinned, for he heavily disliked disobedience. however, seeing that it indeed wasn't tendō's fault, he just sighed.
'it's not like I can send her back by herself. perhaps I should call their parents later'.
"don't make me regret bringing you along for now. I'll only keep you until your parents comes", washijō stated.
satomi hastily stood up and bowed at a perfect ninety degree angle.
washijō frowned at the nickname, for he knew she must've gotten it from satori.
"refer to me as coach or washijō-san. we are not that close", the old man reprimanded.
as he led his team towards the stadium, satomi had brightly smiled at her brother, who just gave her a defeated sigh.
"come on now", satori urged, allowing his sister to hop into his arms so that she wouldn't get lost.
carrying the young girl who hugged her stuffed bunny tightly, satori slung his bag over his right shoulder and hastily caught up with the rest of his teammates.
"did you at least tell mom or dad?", satori asked.
"mmm...I left a note of sorts".
"—left home to be with satori. by the time you read this, I'm already gone, so please don't bother coming to get me. bye-bye!"
their mother crumbled up the tiny note and slammed it into a nearby trashcan.
"I'm going to give her a knuckle sandwich when she gets back, I swear!"
"r-relax honey...I'm sure everything will all work ou—"
AUTHOR'S NOTE: hi my loves!! I'm finally (sorta) back!☺️
I missed writing & this was a major inspiration so I'm super excited for y'all to read this. I hope you all enjoy it and thank you for sticking with me for so long.
happy 19k and may this turn out to be good🤞
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