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DOVESONG WATCHED, AMUSEMENT bubbling up inside of her, as Goldenheart crouched beside the stream. She said that she could be a RiverClan cat just like Moonclaw and that she could catch fish for them. Dovesong, Moonclaw, and Blizzardpelt watched as a fish swam slowly past her. Goldenheart lashed out with a paw, but she lost her balance on the bank and fell off with a huge splash.
ย ย ย She emerged from the water, her pelt drenched and dripping. She stared after the fish with a disappointed gleam in her eyes. "Fox dung!" she cursed.
ย ย ย Beside Dovesong, Moonclaw purred. "'I can be a RiverClan cat,' she says. 'I can catch us fish,' she says," she teased as Goldenheart pulled herself out of the water.
ย ย ย "Oh, yeah?" Goldenheart shook out her drenched pelt, spraying water everywhere. Dovesong jumped back in surprise, and Moonclaw let out a small exclamation. "I'll catch a fish someday, you'll see!"
ย ย ย "Maybe you can," Moonclaw mused. Then, with a mischievous look at Goldenheart, she added, "In your imagination."
ย ย ย Goldenheart let out a mrrow of amusement. "Take that back!"
ย ย ย "I'd rather not," Moonclaw retorted, flattening her ears playfully.
ย ย ย Blizzardpelt interrupted the two she-cats. "We better find a place to stay and rest for the night. We're losing sunlight." He glanced up at the sky where the fading sunlight began to disappear behind the lanky branches that hung overhead. "You can practice your fishing tomorrow."
ย ย ย Goldenheart sighed with a glance at Moonclaw. "Okay, fine. I guess it is getting a bit cold and dark."
ย ย ย So the four cats left the forested area in search of a place to stay. "Hey, look!" Goldenheart exclaimed suddenly. "There's a hollow tree big enough for all of us! We could find some moss and leaves and make nests for the night! Or there might be some already in there, since leaf-fall is almost here."
ย ย ย "Would you look at that," Moonclaw mewed, following Goldenheart's gaze. Dovesong followed it, too. Sure enough, there was a huge hollow oak tree that was definitely big enough for the four of them a few fox-lengths away. It was surrounded by other trees; therefore it was almost invisible in the undergrowth. "I would have never spotted that. Let's go."
ย ย ย In the hollow, there were some fallen leaves, but Blizzardpelt and Goldenheart ended up having to go out into the forest to gather moss for nests.
ย ย ย When they were gone, Moonclaw asked Dovesong, "Have you remembered anything else since yesterday?" There was a glimmer of hope in her eyes; hope that Dovesong hadn't seen from any of her companions except for Goldenheart, who was enthusiastic about everything.
ย ย ย Dovesong shook her head. "But I'm really enthusiastic about this-I might be getting better! Mentally, I mean. Do you think I can ask Foxclaw if he was the one who sent that?"
ย ย ย Moonclaw thought for a moment. "Well, if he was the one that sent it, that means that StarClan can send your memories back, and if they could do that, then you would have your memories back by now. But maybe . . . maybe they're just waiting for the right time."
ย ย ย Dovesong's eyes stretched wide with wonder. StarClan sounded like a wonderful place. "Do you mean StarClan can do anything?"
ย ย ย Moonclaw purred with amusement. "They can do a lot," she answered. "But no cat-alive or dead-can do anything."
ย ย ย "Oh. Okay."
ย ย ย Goldenheart ducked back into the hollow at that moment. She dropped her huge collection of moss and exclaimed, "Look at how much I found! Blizzardpelt got almost as much as me, so that should be enough for all four of us!"
ย ย ย "Perfect!" Moonclaw exclaimed. "Let's set up the nests."
ย ย ย Dovesong helped a bit with setting up the nests, and soon they were all curled up in their own separate nests. The stars glittered in the night sky, and the full moon shone into the hollow. Dovesong found that she wasn't able to go to sleep; all of her thoughts whirled from the things she remembered the day before. It was hard to believe that she had such a complicated and messy love life. And from the looks of it, Foxclaw had died a while ago. So why was he in her dreams?
ย ย ย Despite her whirling mind, Dovesong soon slipped into sleep, comforted by the company of her sleeping companions. If she didn't sleep, it would be hard to travel at all.
ย ย ย Dovesong opened her eyes in a slightly misty field. But the grass was a vibrant green and water beaded on the blades. The stars twinkled in the sky, and the air was filled with the distant, comforting sounds of insects and birds. Dovesong stepped into the mistier area of the field, but she flinched in surprise when she felt a gentle touch on her nose. The cat in front of her was Foxclaw. "Hi," she greeted him.
ย ย ย Foxclaw's eyes sparkled with love that Dovesong could finally understand. "I know those memories must have confused you."
ย ย ย "Yeah. They did. But . . . did you send them?" Dovesong asked.
ย ย ย Foxclaw glanced over his shoulder nervously. Then he turned back to Dovesong and ducked his head briefly. "Yes. Yes, I did. I'm sorry if it confused you. I should have told you first, maybe. It's a lot to take in, I know. I often think of it and I get confused." A wistful look came to his eyes.
ย ย ย "Why? You remember everything, unlike me." Dovesong blinked at him in confusion.
ย ย ย Foxclaw clenched his jaw tensely. "Ah, well, our relationship was actually more complicated than it seems," he explained. "I sometimes wonder why I did what I did."
ย ย ย "What-what does that mean?"
ย ย ย Foxclaw shook his head stubbornly. "You'll know soon enough. Didn't Moonclaw"-his voice held hesitancy at the mention of the black-and-white she-cat's name-"tell you what else you were traveling for besides our-I mean, your lost Clanmates?"
ย ย ย "Of course. What about it?"
ย ย ย "When you get there, you'll understand more of what I'm telling you," Foxclaw answered. Then his starry form began to fade. "I have to go now. I promise I'll still be there for you, okay?"
ย ย ย Dovesong began to panic. "No! Don't go! I still have so many questions. Why-"
ย ย ย Foxclaw silenced her with the gentle touch of his tail-tip on her shoulder. Dovesong looked at him desperately, annoyance sparking in her when tiredness swept over her from his touch. He was barely more than a curtain of mist now, and soon he was gone.
ย ย ย Dovesong opened her eyes in the hollow, her annoyance still mingling with feelings of confusion and wistfulness. Her companions still slept soundly around her, uninterrupted. So Dovesong settled back down in her nest and drifted back into sleep.
ย ย ย A sound outside of the hollow woke Dovesong up. The sun was just about to rise, causing the sky to become a light gray color. Moonclaw, Blizzardpelt, and Goldenheart were all still asleep. Dovesong decided to see what she heard.
ย ย ย When she was outside, she glanced over her shoulder to see Goldenheart stirring in her nest with an agitated look on her face, muttering something that Dovesong couldn't understand. But then Goldenheart relaxed and her breath fell back into the steady rhythm of sleep.
ย ย ย Dovesong let out a breath of relief and continued to follow the path to where she heard the noise precisely. Whatever she heard was definitely a cat, but Dovesong couldn't tell if they belonged to one of the Clans that Goldenheart and Moonclaw told her about.
ย ย ย Dovesong entered the most forested area, following the cat-scent. The bushes behind her rustled violently, making Dovesong spin around in surprise. A silver-and-white she-cat jumped out of the bushes and pinned Dovesong down with one swift movement. Dovesong let out a yowl of pain as the she-cat's claws pricked at her shoulders. "What was that for?" she asked.
ย ย ย "Well, I'm sorry, but-" The she-cat stopped herself, her eyes widening in delight. "Wait-are you Dovepaw?"
ย ย ย "Uh, my name's Dovesong, but I guess that's what you meant," Dovesong answered. "You know me? How?"
ย ย ย The she-cat's eyes filled with a fiery happiness. "Great StarClan above! Is this a dream? Please don't tell me it's a dream. I've been hoping that I would see you again someday, but I keep thinking that either you died or you're not coming back to find us, and-I'm talking too much, aren't I? Sorry, I do that when I'm excited." The she-cat let Dovesong get up and shake grit from her long white fur. "I'll let you talk now."
ย ย ย "What do you mean, 'I've been hoping that I would see you again someday'? I don't even know you! How do you know me? And why would you think I died? And what do you mean by 'coming back to find us'? Are you the lost Clan that my friends have been talking about?" Dovesong asked. Her mind whirled with the possibilities.
ย ย ย The silver-and-white she-cat's blue eyes darkened with sadness. "Okay, this is going to sound crazy, but I was Ivorykit before we got separated. I'm Ivorystream now." When Dovesong blinked at her with confusion, she added, "Come on! Don't you remember me? Wait-are you even the same Dovepa-Dovesong, sorry-that I know?"
ย ย ย Dovesong nodded to accept Ivorystream's apology. "I'm sorry, but I don't remember you."
ย ย ย "What?" Ivorystream sounded genuinely confused. "This isn't how I imagined our reunion. What do you mean, you don't remember me? How is that even possible?"
ย ย ย "What's going on out here?" Moonclaw's voice came from behind them. Ivorystream and Dovesong turned to look at her. Annoyance sparked in her green eyes as she came into the clearing, it quickly vanished and was replaced by genuine curiousness. "Oh-who is this?"
ย ย ย Ivorystream's eyes widened. "What are you doing here? Everyone thought you were dead!"
ย ย ย Moonclaw looked taken aback by the hostility in her voice. "You must be one of FrostClan's lost Clanmates." She sounded shocked and delighted at the same time. "I'm glad we didn't have to search everywhere to find you."
ย ย ย "W-what's happening? Why are you all here? Who else is here? If you wanted to come to our camp, you could just ask, not surprise me like this!" Ivorystream exclaimed, a hint of amusement mingled with the severe confusion in her voice.
ย ย ย "There's been a lot going on around the lake, where FrostClan went after their journey. There was a message from StarClan that told us to come here," Moonclaw explained. "There was an incident on the way." Moonclaw glanced at Dovesong, then back at Ivorystream. "I had to come with them or this journey would go totally upside down."
ย ย ย "Sounds like another coincidence to me," Ivorystream muttered. "How do I know this isn't just a cruel MoonClan trick? You are a MoonClan cat, aren't you?"
ย ย ย "I was," Moonclaw corrected angrily. "Look, if you don't want to be reunited with your Clanmates because you don't trust me, go ahead. But we're here to help you, not to harm you."
ย ย ย Ivorystream's eyes narrowed. "Okay. What was this incident?"
ย ย ย Moonclaw hesitated. "I'll tell you, but you have to promise to let me tell your leader."
ย ย ย Ivorystream nodded.
ย ย ย "Dovesong and our other two companions, Goldenheart and Blizzardpelt-"
ย ย ย "Blizzardpelt's here too? That's awesome! Oh-sorry. Go ahead." Ivorystream ducked her head and let Moonclaw continue.
ย ย ย Moonclaw nodded in approval. "As I was saying, when those three were traveling, I let them come and live with a cat I know and have stayed with called Luna. But there was a flood, and Dovesong hit her head. I'm afraid she doesn't remember anything right now. But we were told that the Moon Springs could fix that."
ย ย ย Ivorystream tipped her head to one side thoughtfully, a glimmer of sadness in her blue eyes. "I guess you could try. I can show you and your companions to the camp. They'll be so delighted to see you all! Well, Dovesong and Blizzardpelt, at least. B-but I don't mean that in a bad way, Moonclaw."
ย ย ย "No, no, you're probably right. They won't be very happy to see me. But I guess they'll just have to deal with it." Moonclaw shrugged. "I'm used to it now."
ย ย ย Ivorsytream turned her gaze to her paws awkwardly. "Oh. I'm sorry. Well, are your companions up now, or will you wake them . . . ?"
ย ย ย "No need!" Goldenheart bounced wholeheartedly into the clearing. "Who's this?"
ย ย ย Ivorystream's eyes lit up. "Are you Goldenheart?"
ย ย ย "Yeah, I am! How did you guess?" Goldenheart asked.
ย ย ย "Moonclaw told me about you, and you just look like a Goldenheart," Ivorystream pointed out, her whiskers twitching with amusement.
ย ย ย Goldenheart nodded. "Hm. Makes sense. Do you know Moonclaw and Dovesong?"
ย ย ย "Yes! Dovesong and I were good friends when I was a kit and she was an apprentice. And Moonclaw is, well, she's kind of a . . . legend," Ivorystream mewed, her last few words came out awkwardly.
ย ย ย "So you're a part of the lost FrostClan cats? That's awesome! I think Blizzardpelt's awake, he just doesn't want to get up," Goldenheart mewed. "I can go get him, and we can go if you all want!"
ย ย ย "So Blizzardpelt is here? Okay, great! The camp isn't far," Ivorystream explained.
ย ย ย "You three can go ahead. Blizzardpelt and I will catch up," Goldenheart offered, darting toward the hollow oak tree where they slept that night.
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