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"YOU CAN'T HIDE from this forever!" Goldenheart growled at Moonclaw immediately as they were out of earshot from Thunderstorm. "What are you hiding from us?"
ย ย ย Dovesong nodded, extremely curious. She caught a glimpse of Blizzardpelt's uncertain gaze. Did he know what Moonclaw's secret was? Moonclaw had said Dovesong knew, too. Too bad I don't remember anymore, Dovesong thought bitterly.
ย ย ย "Nothing you have to worry about," Moonclaw mewed calmly. "Thunderstorm is just trying to stir up trouble. He always does." She met Goldenheart's gaze bravely. "Even if I did tell you, you still wouldn't trust me."
ย ย ย Goldenheart gasped sharply. "Are you behind the murders in ThunderClan and ShadowClan? How? How do you stay in one place the entire time? I mean, I just assume since your scent wasn't on the bodies of my Clanmates, and ShadowClan is sure that Reedtail murdered Ripplestorm."
ย ย ย Moonclaw took a deep breath. "Fine. I did murder them."
ย ย ย All three of them stared at her in shock. No cat said a thing for a few long heartbeats. "How can we trust you now?" Goldenheart demanded, breaking the silence. "We should just leave you here. You might murder us!"
ย ย ย Moonclaw's eyes flashed with alarm. "No, I don't have the intention to hurt anyone! And if you left me behind now, you wouldn't have anyone else that knew about the message. You have to bring me along."
ย ย ย "That's a coincidence," Blizzardpelt growled.
ย ย ย "But it's true! Dovesong was the one who got it, and she told the rest of us medicine cats. But now that she doesn't remember, I'm the only other one that knows," Moonclaw explained desperately. "Please trust me."
ย ย ย "I don't like the sound of it," Goldenheart growled. "What if you made up the message? What if you've set all this up?"
ย ย ย "That's absolutely mouse-brained!" Moonclaw cried. "I can co-I can't see the future, so how is that even possible?"
ย ย ย Dovesong pricked her ears. "You can do what?"
ย ย ย Moonclaw's eyes stretched wide, her claws sinking into the muddy ground. "If I told you, would you hurt me? Would you leave me here?"
ย ย ย "Depends," Goldenheart decided coolly. "Just tell us and we'll decide."
ย ย ย Moonclaw turned her gaze to her paws, muttering something under her breath. Then she looked up at Goldenheart. "I can't bring myself to tell you all. I've been mistreated and harmed enough. I can't take it anymore."
ย ย ย Goldenheart eyed her skeptically. Blizzardpelt still didn't say a thing. Dovesong gazed at Moonclaw nervously.
ย ย ย "Really. Do you remember all those times I've gone missing? It was because MoonClan wanted me to use my ability for their own dirty work. That's why there's been so many murders recently. They want the Clans to join them and fight against the FrostClan. And since they won't agree, they want to murder their warriors until they agree. It started with ThunderClan. Goldenheart, haven't you noticed how much your Clan has suffered?" Moonclaw asked the yellow she-cat.
ย ย ย "Of course I have. Robinfeather still struggles with injuries and trauma from when MoonClan attacked her. And we still don't know what happened to Crimsonfrost," Goldenheart answered.
ย ย ย "Then I'll tell you. Crimsonfrost was murdered by Sparrowfeather, a former FrostClan warrior. He killed her because I made him," Moonclaw confessed, her gaze misting over with regret and emotion.
ย ย ย Goldenheart nodded, obviously fighting to stay calm. "So you killed my mentor. How? That's still the question you haven't answered."
ย ย ย Moonclaw ducked her head, falling silent. "You can't make me say it."
ย ย ย Goldenheart curled her lip in a snarl. "Well, other cats have gotten answers from you, so we certainly can."
ย ย ย Moonclaw lifted her head to look at Goldenheart, her eyes round with fear. She began to back away. "You have to promise not to harm me."
ย ย ย Dovesong glanced at Goldenheart. Please agree. She doesn't deserve to be hurt. Goldenheart seemed to notice, and she glanced back at Dovesong, then paused for a long moment, holding Dovesong's gaze, as if she was deciding what to do. Then Goldenheart turned back to Moonclaw.
ย ย ย "Fine. We won't."
ย ย ย Moonclaw looked at her gratefully. "Thank you. I knew I could trust you three." Then she took a long, deep breath and began. "I can . . . I can control other cats. It was an ability I was born with, but I've learned how to control it, I promise! And I've vowed that I'll never use it again."
ย ย ย "But you've used it time and time again," Goldenheart pointed out, her eyes narrowed with suspicion. "That's how you've murdered so many cats."
ย ย ย Moonclaw bristled. "That's because I was tortured before I finally gave in to MoonClan's tactics. I would've been dead if I refused. I never meant to do any harm."
ย ย ย Goldenheart snarled, her eyes gleaming with hostility. "Maybe it would have been better that way."
ย ย ย Moonclaw's eyes widened and she began to back away.
ย ย ย "Goldenheart!" Dovesong gasped. "She just said she didn't mean any harm!"
ย ย ย Goldenheart turned in Dovesong, her tail lashing. "Okay? She's still causing most of this! She's the reason that we're all suffering! To me, it sounds like she doesn't even deserve to live."
ย ย ย Hurt clouded Moonclaw's gaze. "Goldenheart . . . is that really what you think? Or are you just mad?"
ย ย ย "Maybe it is what I think! Maybe it's what we all think!" Goldenheart growled. "You're the reason for all of our heartbreak, suffering, grieving, and death! Did you think you could just sulk your way out of it?"
ย ย ย "That's not what I think!" Moonclaw snapped, her claws sliding from their sheaths. "You try to be imprisoned and manipulated and tortured until you finally gave in! And you try to finish all of that and then feel like the most terrible cat in the forest afterward and tell me how that feels!"
ย ย ย Dovesong stared at them in utter shock. Something stirred deep within her. Was it . . . grief? Recognition? Regret? Her heart ached. It was definitely grief. Heartbreak, even. But why? Quick images flashed through her mind, too fast to clearly make out. But there was a cat. Not just any cat. The same cat that had visited her dreams and told her that they had loved each other. Foxclaw. And he saved her from another cat. And died in the process. Why am I seeing this? Dovesong wondered. Am I . . . remembering?
ย ย ย Confused, she turned her gaze back to Moonclaw and Goldenheart. They had been arguing even more, but Dovesong was too distracted to notice.
ย ย ย "Stop this." Blizzardpelt stepped in between the arguing she-cats, giving them both the deadliest stare Dovesong ever saw from a cat. "This is useless. We're on a journey to change the way things are going, not to make it worse! So let's not turn on each other now, all right?"
ย ย ย Goldenheart and Moonclaw held each other's hostile gazes for what seemed like a moon, and then Goldenheart sighed and turned her gaze to her paws. "I'm sorry, Moonclaw. I let my fear get the best of me. I shouldn't have said all of those terrible things to you. You don't deserve to die. I mean it."
ย ย ย Moonclaw's fur fell flat again and she retracted her claws. "I forgive you, Goldenheart. I understand that this is a lot to take in. That's why I tried to run away. It's just . . . MoonClan knows how to make me do what they want. I'll try to work on it, I promise."
ย ย ย "Thanks." Goldenheart fell silent for once.
ย ย ย "This make-up is all very sweet, but let's get going again, shall we?" Blizzardpelt asked, his voice impatient. His tail-tip twitched irritably.
ย ย ย When they got going again, Dovesong couldn't help but ask: "Moonclaw, how do you know Thunderstorm?"
ย ย ย "Long story," Moonclaw mumbled. She quickly changed the subject. "How about stopping to hunt since our spot was taken?"
ย ย ย Dovesong's fur prickled with irritation.
ย ย ย Goldenheart shrugged. "I guess. But I just want to-okay, that's a good idea. We should go to that forested area over there." She nodded to a tree-infested area of the field.
ย ย ย Moonclaw purred. "You just want to do what?"
ย ย ย "I want to run! But eh, I can do it later. Let's go!" Goldenheart darted away to the forest. The other three ran after her. It was a nice forest with sunlight streaming from the treetops. A small stream ran through the trees a few fox-lengths away. Birdsong filled the air. Prey-scents made Dovesong's mouth water; she glanced at the others in anticipation.
ย ย ย "Well, let's hunt!" Goldenheart exclaimed. "Dovesong, do you want to come with me? I know I cut your training session short over there."
ย ย ย "Sure." Dovesong followed the yellow she-cat into the trees. Blizzardpelt was already gone; Moonclaw headed for the stream, delight showing in her gaze. "Moonclaw already taught me the hunter's crouch and how to stalk."
ย ย ย "Oh, yes, I saw that. You were just about to get that 'mouse'!" Goldenheart purred. "Do you want to try and catch real prey?"
ย ย ย "Um, sure, but I haven't even caught a leaf yet," Dovesong pointed out.
ย ย ย "Sure, but you looked like a natural back there! Just try. I'll catch it if you miss," Goldenheart offered.
ย ย ย Dovesong shrugged. "Sure." She followed Goldenheart deeper into the undergrowth.
ย ย ย "Try and find the scent of prey and tell me where you think it is," Goldenheart instructed, her blue eyes full of anticipation.
ย ย ย "How am I supposed to know where it is?" Dovesong asked.
ย ย ย "Just try," Goldenheart urged.
ย ย ย Dovesong sighed, knowing that she would fail. But, nevertheless, she parted her jaws and drank in the scents of the forest. She found the scent of some kind of animal, but she knew it was definitely prey. And it was close. Somewhere near the bushes that were just a tail-length ahead. She looked at Goldenheart. "I can smell something. It's by those bushes." She gestured with a flick of her tail to the bushes. She saw a small, brown-furred creature scuffling through the roots of a tree.
ย ย ย She dropped to a crouch like Moonclaw had taught her, lifting her tail from the ground and taking all her weight to her hindquarters. She began to stalk forward, quietly and with skill. As she approached the small creature, the same images she saw when Moonclaw and Goldenheart were fighting appeared in her vision and she stopped abruptly, overwhelmed with grief that she didn't understand. She could see herself crouching beside Foxclaw's body, her muzzle buried in his wet, bloodstained fur.
ย ย ย "Dovesong?" Goldenheart came to stand beside Dovesong. Her concerned voice brought Dovesong back from the whirl of images. Dovesong opened her eyes and looked toward where the animal had been. It ran away with a high-pitched squeak of alarm. Dovesong looked away and at her paws, wondering what she just saw and felt. In fact, grief still lingered in the back of her mind and in her heart. "Are you okay?" Goldenheart asked.
ย ย ย "I think so . . . I just . . ." Dovesong had a hard time putting it into words. The images came back, this time more vivid than before. She quickly shook herself out of her daze and looked at Goldenheart. "I think I just remembered something. I did when you and Moonclaw were fighting."
ย ย ย Goldenheart's eyes widened. "What did you remember?"
ย ย ย "First, do you know who Foxclaw is?" Dovesong asked her.
ย ย ย "Yes. Lynxstar has mentioned him once or twice at Gatherings," Goldenheart mewed. "What about him?"
ย ย ย "I remembered him. He . . . he died. And when I had this vision, I felt . . . heartbroken. But I don't know why. I mean, he's visited my dreams before, and he told me that we love each other, but I don't remember him, so . . ." Dovesong trailed off, lost in thought. Did Foxclaw send those visions because he wanted her to remember? Why did she suddenly remember him and not anyone else?
ย ย ย Goldenheart was staring at Dovesong with pure and utter shock. "We should go back to the others. Perhaps Moonclaw knows something. She knows a lot." She nudged Dovesong up and led her into the clearing. Blizzardpelt was still gone, and Moonclaw was still at the stream. Goldenheart looked at Dovesong. "Do you think we should ask her now?"
ย ย ย "I guess." Dovesong shrugged. "She probably won't like you interrupting her fishing, though."
ย ย ย "Oh, there's always plenty of fish! She can catch more later. Come on." Goldenheart flicked her tail and ran toward Moonclaw. "Hey, Moonclaw!"
ย ย ย Moonclaw turned to them, looking alarmed. "What is it?"
ย ย ย "I was just teaching Dovesong how to hunt, and when she was stalking a vole, she just stopped. The vole ran away but she didn't seem to notice, so I came to check on her. She said that she remembered something," Goldenheart explained. "Do you know what happened?"
ย ย ย Moonclaw gave Dovesong a long, thoughtful look. "I'm not sure. What did you remember?"
ย ย ย Dovesong explained what she saw. "I remembered it when you two were arguing. More specifically, when Goldenheart said, 'You're the reason for all of our heartbreak, suffering, grieving, and death!' And I felt heartbroken, but I don't know why, and I was really confused," Dovesong explained.
ย ย ย "Why do you think you remembered that specifically?" Goldenheart asked.
ย ย ย "I think I know," Moonclaw commented. "When you, Goldenheart, said 'heartbreak, suffering, grieving, and death,' it triggered that memory. Because Dovesong suffered and grieved the most when Foxclaw died."
ย ย ย "But why?" Dovesong asked. "I mean, he's visited me in a dream before, but I don't . . . Obviously, I don't like him like that anymore because I don't remember."
ย ย ย "Then he probably sent that memory to you to help you remember," Moonclaw mused.
ย ย ย Dovesong's heart lifted. Am I really remembering again? When we return, will it be like this never happened?
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