016┆chapter sixteen
sixteen. clothes theif
▬▬ CORI PICKED AT HER nails as she sat on her bed waiting for Emmett, who had jumped in the shower after she had. Her head was still reeling, unable to forget the snapshots, if you will, of her future with Emmett. They were happy, almost always smiling or laughing. A big white wedding, an amazing honeymoon in Hawaii - which seemed odd considering neither could step into the sun without looking like a disco ball. But if the future she saw was accurate, they hardly left their hotel room which had the blinds drawn closed and the only light in the massive room was from a small lamp by the window.
The feeling had worn off, she knew it had because her doubts had slipped back in. But she knew she would never forget how she felt in that moment. She looked up when the door opened, and the stairs squeaked as Emmett made his way up them. He smiled when he reached the top, his hair still wet, small droplets rolling down the side of his face and his chest with nothing but a towel around his waist.
"I have some of your clothes around here somewhere." She mumbled almost distractedly, as she looked towards her dresser but he merely plopped down on the edge of her bed, he could tell something was off.
"You okay?" He asked, his arm stretched over her as he leaned towards her, his palm pressed into the mattress on the other side of her legs. "You look a little worried."
"Not worried." She gave him a small smile. "Just thinking."
"Um, when I turned into a wolf - that's a weird sentence." She mumbled before shaking her head a little. "Anyways, when I was, ya know, I... imprinted on you."
"I know." He nodded, a smile on his lips. "Edward told us."
"I'm gonna kill him." She huffed, making him laugh. "Anyway, I only know a little bit about it. Just what Paul told me, and I don't feel it now, not that I don't love you I just... damn this is-" She pushed her hands through her hair as she closed her eyes. "I love you, I do. But imprint and all, I'm still scared... of the future."
He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "That's okay." He moved his hand to her cheek, his thumb moving across her skin slowly. "There's nothing wrong with you being scared of the future. You're young. And you still see things as a human. I've been around a while. I've seen relationships last decades, just look at my family. Esme and Carlisle have been together for over 80 years, Travis and Rose have been together for nearly as long. And they get married, like, every five years."
"They what?"
He chuckled. "Yeah, Rose loves the attention and Travis loves any opportunity to prove his undying love. Kind of like renewing their vows."
"That's actually really sweet." She hummed, her eyes on her hand as she absently rubbed his forearm.
"I know you're worried, but I promise that I will never not love you." He leaned forward, pressing his lips to hers. "I'll even pinky promise." He mumbled, bringing his other hand up between them with his pinky raised. She giggled as she wrapped her pinky around his, making his smile grow wide. "I love you, Shortcake."
"I love you, Tree." She leaned forward, pressing her lips against his as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. It was slow, like he wanted her to feel every ounce of love he felt for her.
"When's your dad gonna be home?" He asked, pulling back for a moment.
"Late." She shrugged and a wide grin pulled at his lips before he pressed his mouth to hers. He wrapped his arms around her waist and in a quick move he pulled her into his lap.
"Good." He murmured against her, both smiling into the kiss as he pushed his hands up her sides, pushing her shirt up. She pulled back only long enough to pull it over her head and toss it to the floor and he groaned in appreciation at her bare chest. "Damn." He muttered, leaning forward and kissing her exposed chest. "You're fucking gorgeous."
"You're not so bad yourself." She hummed and he narrowed his eyes at her before turning and pressing her back into the mattress. His mouth explored every inch of exposed flesh, and when he was mostly satisfied, he pulled her shorts off and let them fall to the floor, his towel not far behind.
▬▬ CORI GIGGLED AS EMMETT kissed her neck, taking his sweet time showering her with kisses upon kisses. If she were human, she'd be littered with hickeys from her neck to her thighs. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't leave a mark - it was frustrating - but he loved trying even if he knew it was futile.
"I love that you smell like strawberries." He mumbled against her collarbone. "I loved strawberries... Now I have you. My own little strawberry."
She giggled, her hands tangled in his hair as a soft moan stopped that delightful sound in her throat. "Is that... is that why you call me shortcake?"
"Absolutely." He hummed, kissing his way up her neck, then he kissed her cheeks and her nose before pressing his lips to hers. "Wanna go again?" He raised his eyebrow at her, an almost wild look in his eyes.
"Again?" She hummed. "The suns already up."
"So?" He shrugged, crawling up the bed and letting his body rest against her - though the bed was slightly slanted. At some point during the night the leg on the bottom left corner of her bed frame gave out, though that didn't seem to slow either of them down. "Wanna break the other three legs?" His eyebrows jumped a few times, a smirk pulling at his lips and she couldn't help but laugh.
"And add that to the list of things we broke?" She raised an eyebrow, her hands tangled in his hair. "The door, the railing on the stairs, the wall, the bookshelf -" She looked over at the mess of books on the floor. "- thanks for that, by way. That's not gonna be a bitch at all." She mumbled sarcastically as she smiled up at him, she was too happy to be pissed off. Completely content being naked and wrapped in his arms.
"You're welcome." He hummed, pecking her lips again. "And you're forgetting the window."
"Right." She sighed as she looked over to see the curtain blowing in the early morning breeze, a few leaves resting on the bench below the window. "I'm not even sure how that happened."
"I do." He chuckled. "Let's break more stuff." He leaned down, pressing his lips against hers and she melted underneath him, keeping her arms tight around him as she wrapped her legs around his waist, moaning a little as he pressed against her.
"I want to," She pulled back. "-but my dad's home."
He pushed himself up, keeping one hand buried in her hair while the other held him up. "How did he sleep through that? When did he even get home?"
"Why are you asking me? I was a little preoccupied."
He simply hummed, nodding his head. "Well, we should get out of bed before we start round... five?"
"Six." She patted his cheek.
"Oh, yeah." He mumbled, his eyes going distant like he was reminiscing. He shook his head and pushed himself up, tugging the sheet around his waist as he made his way to her dresser. "You sure you have my clothes in here?" He asked, looking over his shoulder at her as she pulled her shirt off the floor before tugging it over her head.
"Buried in there somewhere." She nodded as she made her way over to him. "Just a few shirts and I think a pair of sweatpants."
"So you're a clothes thief?" He raised an eyebrow as he watched her dig through the drawer, his hands on her waist as he stood behind her, leaving soft kisses on her neck and shoulder.
"Yep. And right now, you should be glad I am." She moved a few more things before pulling a shirt and a pair of dark gray sweats out. "Here." She turned holding them out to him and he leaned down, pressing his lips against hers before he pulled back, taking the clothes from her hands. She smiled as she watched him, her eyes taking in every muscle as he moved, then her eyes dropped when he dropped the sheet, her smile growing before it faded and she turned her head to the side. "Did you hear that?"
"Probably Bella." He told her, pulling the sweatpants up his legs and he laughed when her eyes grew wide.
"She heard us..." She trailed off, dragging her hand down her face. "Damn."
"It's not that bad."
"My sister and her boyfriend heard us having sex... and yes, I included the psycho because he thinks they can't spend a single night apart for whatever reason." She grumbled as she pulled her shorts up her legs. "Now I gotta go talk to her." He chuckled as she started for the small set of stairs, only to stop and turn to the pile of books, her lips titling down into a small frown. "My poor books."
"I'll pick them up." He told her, tugging his shirt over his head. "I think I remember the order they were in."
"I love you." She told him, a fond smile on her lips.
"I love you, now go." He waved her off and she started down the stairs, sighing a little at the broken railing. "I'll fix that, too." He called out and she chuckled as she opened her door, but instead of swinging open, it came off the hinges. "That, too!"
"Surprised the house is still standing." She muttered as she rested the door against the wall and stepped out into the hall before making her way down the stairs to the kitchen where Bella was eating a bowl of cereal and Charlie was sipping on his coffee. "Good morning." She mumbled, an awkward smile pulling at her lips when Bella gave her a knowing look and a teasing smirk.
"So, do anything fun last night?" Bella asked, her eyes on Cori, who's eyes grew wide.
"Not really." Charlie answered, reaching back to run his shoulder. "Had a few beers with Billy and he refused to let me drive home. His couch is uncomfortable." Cori let out a small breath of relief - he hadn't been home at all, which was a huge relief. "I'm gonna take a shower, got some shopping to do." He huffed as he started towards the doorway.
"Have a good day." Cori called after him and he hummed in acknowledgment, clearly not fully awake as he ascended the stairs and once he was gone Cori plopped herself down in the chair across from Bella. "Do anything fun last night?" She repeated, trying to mimic her sister's voice and all Bella could do was laugh at the look on Cori's face. "Why not just make a big poster telling him I had sex last night? It's bad enough you know." She dropped her head into her hands. "I can't believe you heard us."
"The whole town heard you guys."
"Oh, God." Cori groaned, letting her forehead thump against the table.
"If it makes you feel any better, when we got here and realized you two were... we left. I spent the night at Edward's."
"Oh, yes, thank you." She muttered, narrowing her eyes at her sister. "Now, I'm gonna go change, we are never to talk about this again, and I'm gonna go find a very large bear."
"Okay." Bella chuckled as she watched her sister make her way up the stairs.
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