001┆ chapter one
one. i'm pissed
▬▬ MERE MOMENTS AFTER CORI left the Cullen house, Alice was drawn into a vision. Her smile faded and her eyes went wide, tears building though they would never fall. Her jaw opened and closed a few times, she couldn’t find the words to speak of the horror she had seen… the horror that was moments from happening.
“Alice?” Jasper put a comforting hand on her back and she flinched, coming out of the vision as she looked up at him. “What?” He asked, concerned for his wife but her watery eyes moved from him and landed on Emmett who was laughing as he teased Edward.
“Alice?” Carlisle asked, stepping closer to her, his hand on her shoulder. “What’d you see?”
That had Emmett turning towards them, his smile gone as he looked down at his sister but she shook her head, finding the words hard to even form.
“What happened to Cori?” He demanded, his tone unusually firm, and Travis put his hand on his shoulder, pulling him backwards a step when Alice took a small step back.
“What’s happening?” Bella asked, concerned for her sister as she made her way towards them, Edward in tow.
“There’s gonna be an accident.” Edward spoke, his voice calm though even he was shaken by the images in Alice’s head. “She won’t make it.”
That was all it took for Emmett to speed out of the house, his family following closely behind him — with the expectation of Edward, who had stayed behind to keep Bella calm.
Emmett had never moved so fast in his entire existence. He never really needed to. But even as he ran with everything in him… he wasn’t fast enough. He reached the car just as it came to a stop on its roof.
“No, no, no, no.” He ripped the door from its hinges and tossed it like it was a mere frisbee. Then he was on his knees, crawling into the upside down vehicle. “Come on, Shortcake. You gotta be okay.” He mumbled as he reached up to check her pulse, hating the gash on her forehead, the tiny cuts that littered her face and arms, and the bruising he saw forming on her cheek and around her eye. “She has a pulse! Carlisle!”
“We have to get her out of the car.” He instructed then he turned back to the other five — Jasper staying as far away as possible. “Check the woods. Find out who did this.” Then they were gone.
“I gotta move you, baby.” Emmett mumbled as he cradled her head, then he reached up and ripped the seat belt. She fell and he caught her as gently as he could. “I got you. It’s alright. You’re gonna be okay.”
He pulled himself back, using his knees and elbows, not caring that the asphalt and shattered glass were tearing into his clothes.
“Lay her down.” Carlisle tugged off his coat and balled it up, putting it down so her head had some kind of cushion. Emmett laid her down, and he hated how her hands laid unmoving at her sides. “I need some room.” Emmett didn’t move. “Please, son.” He placed his hand on the younger vampire’s shoulder and Emmett let out a shaky breath as he moved back, sitting on the road with his knees pulled up to his chest as he watched every move Carlisle made.
Carlisle checked her pulse, it was weak. He checked her eyes, she had a concussion. There was a wide gash on her forehead that would need stitches, her lip was busted and other tiny cuts littered her skin. He checked for broken bones, her ribs had cracked again. Her wrist was fractured — from what he could feel anyways. Then he leaned down and held his ear close to her chest. Her heartbeat was weak, barely even there. And her breath faltered, he assumed from the impact her chest had taken.
He sat up with a sigh, his sad eyes meeting Emmett’s.
And with a simple look, he knew. “No, no.” He hated that the tears would form behind his eyes but not fall. “No, I can’t- I can’t lose… turn her.”
“She doesn’t want that. You heard her.”
“That was before.” Emmett argued.
“I will respect her wishes.” Carlisle stood up, pulling his phone from his pocket to call 911.
“No!” Emmett jumped up, tackling the blond man to the ground and smashing the phone. “Turn her! Please!”
Carlisle was unfazed as he looked up at his son, he knew he was acting out of fear and heartache. He could see it on his face and it killed him to deny his son, but he knew that Cori didn’t want that kind of life. And you couldn't do that to another person. “I won’t do it.”
Emmett deflated, his head hanging forward and his shoulders slumped. “I can’t lose her.” He mumbled then he heard her dwelling heartbeat fade even more, just beats from stopping completely, and he was suddenly at her side. “I’m sorry, Shortcake.” He kissed her forehead. “But I can’t lose you.” He leaned down, tilting her head to the side.
“Emmett, no!” Carlisle tried but he had already sunk his teeth into the girl’s pale flesh.
▬▬ CORI STOOD IN THE BATHROOM, her eyes on her reflection but she didn’t look like herself at all. Her skin was pale, the rosie tint in her cheeks gone. Her hair looked darker, if that were even possible. Her posture was stiffer, her shoulders back and her back straight as a board. And the biggest difference… her eyes. Staring back at her were crimson orbs. And she absolutely hated it, but she couldn’t look away. Almost like she couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that she now looked like a completely different person.
A person with the eyes of a killer.
She tugged the collar of her shirt to the side and lightly drug her hand down the side of her neck, her skin was flawless. There was on indication that she had ever been bitten.
“I’m fine.” She spoke, knowing that someone was outside the door, even her voice sounded different to her own ears, smoother… velvety almost. The door was pushed open and Rosalie stepped in, closing it behind her with a soft smile on her face. “I look different.”
“I know.” The blonde nodded. “You can’t make yourself look like you did before, no matter how long you stare at your reflection.” Cori let out a sigh as she turned to face the woman, her red eyes filled with sadness, with anger, with… grief.
“Why did he do this to me?” Her voice shook, her emotions getting the better of her. She wanted to cry, she wanted to scream, she wanted to hit things.
“You know why.” Rosalie hummed, placing her hand on the newborn’s arm. “But I’m sorry. I know what it’s like to not want this. To want a normal life, a human life. It will get better.”
Cori looked up at her, red eyes on golden eyes, and she wanted to believe her. She wanted to believe that everything was gonna be okay, that it was gonna work itself out, but she didn’t. “I don’t think it will.” She shook her hand off and made her way out of the bathroom and to the room that was now hers, sort of – it was Carlise’s office.
Just as she plopped into the chair behind the desk, her phone rang. She let out a small sigh as she pulled it out of her pocket to see Carter’s name. He had called seven times in the past two days. And every time she just watched it ring because how was she supposed to lie to him? How was she supposed to tell him that she no longer wanted to be his friend, or anything else? How was she supposed to keep this from him when all she wanted to do was to tell him?
She sighed a little when it stopped but her unbeating heart sank when a text popped up on the screen.
Hey it’s me again. Are you okay? You’ve been AWOL for days. We're worried about you. I miss you. Call me please, let me know…
She just stared at it, not even bothering to open it to see the rest of the message. It felt like a punch to the gut every time he called or texted and it felt even worse when she ignored him.
“Just stop, please.” She mumbled, her red, watery eyes on the device as the screen went black. “Please.”
“Hey.” She looked up, her face unreadable, as Travis stepped into the room.
“You and Rose, I swear.” She huffed, shaking her head a little.
“We’re worried about you, Shorty.”
“Why? Cause I’m dead?” She asked, a snarky bit to her tone, which was so unlike her.
“Undead, technically.” He tried to make light of it, but she just looked at her phone once again, the screen still black but she knew that the message was still there. “You’re torturing yourself.”
“No, I’m not.” She mumbled. “I’m simply trying to come up with a lie to tell my best friend. That’s what’s supposed to happen, right? We lie to everyone that I love and leave? No way in Hell is the psycho leaving my sister again, and you guys travel in a herd. One goes, you all go.”
“You’re mad, that’s understandable.”
“No, Travis. I’m pissed.” She nearly growled then suddenly she had him pinned to the wall, her hand around his throat. “I can’t see my dad and he thinks I’m mad at him for grounding me. He thinks I’m acting like a brat. Bella can’t come over anymore because I tried to kill her, my own sister and I wanted to rip her head off. I can’t even talk to Carter because I can’t lie to him, like, I physically can’t bring myself to. And Emmett, of all people, did this to me. He turned me into a monster when he knew I didn’t want to be one of you. He took my choice away.”
“He did it-” She slammed him into the wall, shaking some of the pictures as a crack appeared behind his head.
“I don’t care why.” She seethed as the vampire clawed at her hand, but she was stronger than him. “I never wanted-”
“Cori.” Carlisle put his hand on the girl’s shoulder, his voice calm as the others stood just outside the door, all ready to jump in if need be – it wouldn’t have been the first fight they had broken up. “Cori, let him go.”
“No.” She never took her glare off of Travis’ face, her jaw clenched as she pushed him farther into the wall, the drywall gave way and dust filled the air as small pieces of the wall hit the floor.
“Cori.” Carlisle tried again. “Breathe.” Slowly she took a breath, turning her head to look up at the doctor. “Let him go.” She did as told, taking a step back, and he fell to the floor with the pieces of drywall. “He’s not the one you’re mad at. Take a walk, cool off.”
She looked from him to the six behind him, her eyes briefly meeting Emmett’s and he let his head hang forward. Then she went out the window.
⚘ nova speaks┆chapter one is finally here!! cori's a vampire!! i am so excited about this book and all that i have planned for cori!!
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