Chapter Three: Masquerade Balls and Originals
(act iii)
'masquerade, rose and katerina'
"I have come to believe that we are bound forever to those with whom we share blood. And while we may not choose our family... their blood can be our greatest strength, or our deepest regret." ~ Elijah Mikealson
We had been at the Masquerade party at the Lockwood's for an hour, and it was becoming tedious and slightly dull. I had gone quite extra with the outfit compared to everyone else, but what's the point of being a billionaire and not buying nice clothes and alcohol?
I was wearing a dark green theme for the night, wearing a dark green and black feathered mask tied around my dark curled hair.
Davina left with Jeremy a little while ago; they went home to play video games. Kat was here drinking with Stefan and Enzo. Elena had stayed home, so there wasn't any need to play hooky.
I was talking to Alaric and having a few drinks with him; I was happy that I could finally show my affection in public now that I looked older and not a student of his. The dance floor was dead like most party's at the Lockwood Mansion, which was sad; there wasn't much fun to be had here, so we usually took the party home early.
With a drink in hand, I went looking for Tyler, he had run off with a few friends, and I hadn't seen him for a while. I went into his father's office; it was the one place he would go if he wanted to be alone since no one goes in the old mayor's office.
Matt was standing by the side with his hands behind his head, breathing hard. Tyler was hovering over someone, and I smelt blood, sped over to him, checked her pulse, and sighed. Tyler was crying, and I hugged him and stroked his back, "It's okay, Tyler. You alright" I told him repeatedly.
"Is she dead?" he whispered, and I patted his back. "Yeah, we'll fix this," I told him.
The girl was dead; her head had cracked on the floor. I pulled him back, wiped his tears, and asked, "What happened?"
"She was drinking and tried to kiss me, but I didn't want to; I'm with Claire – even if we're going through a rough patch. I pushed her off, and she fit her head and wouldn't wake up. I didn't mean to!" he explained, breathing heavily.
"I know, I know. It's okay; It was an accident," I told him and got up, bringing him with me. I turned to Matt, sped over, making him jump back, and compelled him to forget everything and leave.
He left, leaving Tyler and me with the dead girl. He started grunting in pain and fell to the floor and kneeled near him and watched his head whip up with his bright yellow eyes, his whites darkening, and they bored into mine.
I sat with Tyler on the couch, helping him go through the miniature transformation and being with him, dealing with actually killing someone.
"I thought I wanted this and could do this, but I can't, Ana. I'm scared," he whispered, leaning on me.
"I know the first time is the hardest, but I and the others will be there with you every step of the way. We'll help with the transformation." I told him, rubbing his shoulder.
Carol then came in, and I 'explained' what happened. "She was drunk and dancing, and then...she just tripped. I tried helping her, but she wasn't breathing." I told her, tearing up.
Carol rubbed my shoulder, "It's not your fault. Your mom's on her way, and we called Sarah's parents. It was a terrible, tragic accident." She said, comforting me, which wasn't needed.
Tyler then said, "Mom, the sheriff's here."
Carol nodded and said, "I'll prepare her, just don't leave. Just stay here, okay? She's going to want to hear the story from you."
After getting everything sorted and us walking scot-free, I took Tyler to his room and lay with him for a while, waiting for him to feel asleep.
It was the end of the party, and I told everyone I would see them tomorrow. I had some things to do.
I stalked Elena, watching her find her car, and was about to leave when a masked person grabbed her. I followed him to his car, sped into the back seat, and compelled him to be calm. I sat and waited for him to drive. The ride was boring.
After hours of driving, we finally got to the place, and I sped into the back seat. "Hello, Trevor," I said, waving at him through the mirror.
"Who the fuck are you" Trevor yelled, turning to me.
"Anastasia Raven. I'm coming along. I need to meet with Elijah," I told him sternly.
His eyes widened in surprised and fangirled, "You're the one who sold us daylight rings. Slater talks about you all the time" he wiggled his fingers, showing the ring.
I nodded and smirked, "Yes, so you'll take me, or I'll dispel it," I threatened.
He nodded quickly, "Of course."
The drive lasted an hour, and we chatted and sang some songs. We finally showed up, and Trevor carried a passed-out, Elena. The house sure was dusty.
Trevor put her on the couch and started to remove the ropes. She woke up and frantically asked, "What do you want?"
Trevor shushed her, and Rose came in and looked at me in surprise and asked Trevor, "Who is this? We only need the girl."
"Anastasia, she's the one who sold the rings to Slater. She's a witch. She needed to speak to Elijah. She has a deal," Trevor explained my presence. She nodded and thanked me for the ring.
Then Rose waves Trevor away and he walks off. "What do you want with me?" Elena asked, frightened.
"Oh my god, you look just like her," Rose commented, staring at Elena.
"Katerina is much better looking than this copy and paste," I told her, and Rose nodded in agreement while Elena gasped in offense.
"I'm not her. Please. Whatever you-" Elena is cut off when Rose yells, "Be quiet!"
"But I'm not Katherine. My name is Elena Gilbert; you don't have to do this." Elena tells her that it would make a difference by name-dropping.
"I know who you are, and I said be quiet," Rose told her, getting annoyed, me too.
"What do you want?!" Elena cries.
Rose rolled her eyes and slapped her unconscious, "I want you to be quiet," she told her.
"Thank god. I thought she would never shut up," I comment to Rose. She nodded and said, "she's much more annoying than Katerina. Do you want something to eat?" she asked.
I nod happily; at least she's a nice kidnapper. "Any blood?" I ask, walking over to her.
She looks at me confused, "You're a vampire? I thought you were a witch."
"I'm both, a hybrid. Don't ask how," I told her, and she nodded, still baffled. She let me to their cooler of blood bags and handed me one.
We all sat together, drank, and talked about the past. After a while, Elena woke up, and Rose and Trevor were talking.
"How's the girl?" Rose asks Trevor while cleaning the place up a bit.
Trevor shrugged and replied, "Still passed out. So, you called him?"
Rose nodded, "I called one of his contacts. You know how this works."
Trevor sighs in annoyance, "Did you or did you not get the message to Elijah?"
"They say he got it," Rose answered him.
"Wonderful, and what?" Trevor asked; he was getting antsy. I could hear Elena creep up behind them, eavesdropping.
"So that's it, Trevor. He either got it, or he didn't. We just have to wait." Rose told him.
Trevor started pacing and said, "Look, it's not too late. We can leave it here. We don't have to go through with this."
Rose slammed a book down and yelled, "I'm sick of running."
Trevor scoffs and replies, "Yeah? Well, running keeps us from dying."
"Elijah's old school. If he accepts our deal, we're free." Rose tells him.
Elena then stands on a creaky board, and it squeaks, altering the others of her presence. Rose sees her and yells, "You! There's nothing around here for miles. You're tragically mistaken if you think you're getting out of this house. Understand?"
Elena ignores her and questions, "Who's Elijah?"
"He's a suit-wearing vampire," I tell her with mirth.
"Why am I here?" Elena questions Rose.
"You keep asking me these questions like I'm gonna answer them," Rose tells her, putting the books back neatly.
"Why won't you?" Elena asks her.
I sigh and say, "Another question."
Elena glares at me and tells Rose, "You got me, okay? It's not like I can go anywhere. The least you can do is tell me what you want with me."
"I want nothing; I'm just a delivery service," Rose explains.
"Delivery to who? Elijah?" Elena questions.
"Eavesdropper," I comment, cleaning my nails.
Elena sighs and asks, "Who is he? Is he a vampire?"
"He's one of the vampires, the originals." Rose finally answers.
"What do you mean the originals?" Elena asks, confused and out of her depth.
I sigh and finally answer, "There the first-ever vampires. There is a family over a thousand years old. I wouldn't try and piss them off."
Elena looks at me and asks, "How do you know? Why are they after me?"
"I see everything, the past, present, and future. A seer, if you would. They are after your blood," I tell her boredly. When is Elijah getting here?
"Why me? why my blood?" Elena asks another question.
Rose takes over and answers, "Because you're a Petrova Doppelgänger. You're the key to breaking the curse."
Elena furrows her eyebrows and asks, "The curse? The sun and the moon curse?"
Rose looks slightly impressed and says, "You do know your history. I thought you were just dumb."
"How am I the key? The moonstone is what breaks the curse," Elena says.
"No, the moonstone is what binds the curse. The sacrifice is what breaks it." Rose explains.
Elena puts to herself, "Sacrifice?"
I smirk and say, "The blood of the doppelgänger. You're the doppelgänger. Which means, to break the curse, you're the one who has to die."
She looks at me frightened and sits down, and I look at Rose and tell her, "Elijah has a silver tongue. Be careful with your words when making a deal, okay."
Rose nods and smiles in thanks.
"So, who were you running from?"
"The originals. I pissed them off by helping Katerina Petrova."
Elena breathed out, "Katherine."
"The one and only, the first Petrova Doppelgänger," Rose explains further.
"She's the third Petrova Doppelgänger, actually," I told them, and they looked at me surprised.
"I thought she was the first," Trevor asked.
I shook my head and explained, "No, the first one came before the originals."
I then heard the sound of a car being pulled up, and Trevor realized it too, "He's here! be calm, everyone," he tells us, but he was the one who was freaking out the most.
Rose patted his shoulders and said, "Hey, what are we?"
Trevor breathed deeply and said, "We're family, forever."
We then heard a knock, and Rose went out to get him. I listened to their conservation as Rose made a deal that would save Trevor.
Elijah and Rose arrive in the main room, and Elena turns to him, and Elijah looks surprised and rushes over to her and says, "Human. It's impossible. Hello there." Elena shakes in fear, and he continues, "We have a long journey ahead of us. We should be going."
He then looked at me, and I spoke, "Elijah. You look much better in real life, wow. Bonnie is going to be one lucky girl. Why is your hair like that?"
Elijah cocks an eyebrow and looks me up and down, and says, "Miss Raven, I presume."
I gasp, turn to Elena, and whisper excitedly, "he knows me!".
Okay, I was fangirling over Elijah. Who wouldn't? The Mikaelsons were my favorite characters.
"My contacts have informed me of you. Your face is circulating through the supernatural community. "Rose-Marie also mentioned you," Elijah says, bringing his hand out to shake mine. "It's a pleasure to meet such a powerful witch," he said. I shook his hand with a smile.
"Thank you, Mr. Mikaelson. Now, where is Niklaus? I have a deal for him," I question him. I wanted to get this show on the road.
"Wait, you're a witch," Elena buts in, and Elijah's eye twitches at the interruption or the name drop of his sibling.
"Yes, Eleanor, keep up." I drawl.
"I thought Caroline and Bonnie were the only witches in town," Elena dumbly replies.
A vein bulges in my forehead, "you're so dumb. I am Caroline".
Elena blinked her doe eyes and screeched, pointing at me, "WHAT!" I roll my hand, and she crumpled to the floor and fell asleep, "Much better," I comment. She was a banshee, so loud.
"Is she dead?" Trover asks.
I roll my eyes and point to my ears; her heartbeat is still there, just softer. Elijah pulls his arm out for mine to take, and I do. "So, this deal do you speak of," he asks.
"The deal where he gets everything he wants kind of deal," I tell him, look at Rose, and point to Elena. She picks her up, and we walk outside.
"You know of the curse," Elijah assumes.
I nod. "Very smart with the paintings." I praised him and continued, "yes, I have everything ready for the ritual, and I can help your siblings."
Elijah's hand goes to my throat, and he speeds me to the wall choking me.
I smile at him, "if you are lying, I will kill you and everyone you love. You may be a powerful witch, but I'm an Original," he tells (threatens) me.
I nod, tap his arm, and he lets go, "Nikki, dearest, didn't plunge your siblings into the deep sea. He has them, catering them around like tokens like usual. He got mad at you and tried to punish you. I can get them all out alive and free."
Elijah looks at me with suspicious eyes, "How? Niklaus will never let them free while the destroyer still walks."
I smirk, and Elijah nods, "you've found a way to kill him," he guesses.
"Yes, witches captured him some years ago, and he was dedicated in a tomb. There's even a white oak waiting to kill him there. I know where he is," I explained happily.
"What do you get out of this?" He asks; everyone always wants something in return.
"Katerina's freedom. She will not be hunted anymore. Five hundred years is enough punishment, and she was a scared child. I also want Kol to teach my witchling. I know he's a walking witch encyclopedia."
Elijah nods. "It will be hard to get Niklaus to agree to Katerina's freedom, but this will do. You'll have to ask Kol yourself about that. I can't promise he will listen. I thank you, Miss Raven."
"So formal. Call me Anastasia or Ana," I tell him, waving formalities out the window.
We reach his car and tell him, "Get Klaus in Mystic Falls, and we'll talk. I'll be taking Elena. We need her alive for the ritual."
Rose looks to Elijah, who nods, and I take Elena's stupid body and put her over my shoulder, bid good day to the others, and sped back to Mystic Falls.
Trevor and Rose run off together, finally free.
I was at the Grill waiting for Damian, oh sweet Damian. He had been a godsend. He had helped me work through Gram's near miss because of the tomb and Elena. It shouldn't have happened, but it did.
Meeting Damian at that club in New Orleans changed my life for the better. I was no longer pushover Bonnie Bennett but kick ass and get names later Bonnie Bennett, and I loved this Bonnie more than the weak old Bonnie I was.
Sure, Ana had helped me through the years, getting confidence in my skin and heritage, especially with being a witch, but Damian brought a whole new level of confidence. Probably because I finally had the hot guy who was in love with me like Elena had with Matt (even though Matt and ugly and boring).
Damian loved me unconditionally, and that's all I could ask for. Just thinking of him brought a smile to my face. He had driven all the way here to be with me because I told him that Grams was in the hospital and I was upset, I told him he didn't have to come, but he did.
He showed up with his bags and flowers at my doorstep, and that's when I knew. I loved him. His bright green eyes, dark hair, and murderous thoughts and all. He was flawed, but we all were, and I loved him and his flaws. They are what I loved the most about him.
How he was so protective about me, like I was a precious flower that mustn't be tainted even when I was the most powerful Bennett witch alive and that I had killed. But he didn't care that I had blood on my hands because he wiped them with his even bloodier hands with a soft smile that seemed only for me.
I loved him so much that it hurt, and I couldn't put it into words, but I couldn't help but feel something was missing, or someone. Seeing Ana and her multiple boyfriends had me thinking and, dare I say, yearning for me.
I berated myself for thinking that Damian wasn't enough because he was, but I couldn't help it. He didn't mind. He understood and was trying to find our missing piece, even if he thought I didn't know. I knew I knew everything (that's what happens when your best friend is all-knowing), and I picked a few things up from Ana.
We had no secrets between each other despite only knowing each other for a month or two, but it felt like we had known each other for years. He had told me about his distant family, his workaholic father, Thomas, and his older half-brother he 'hated' (even though he smiled when reminiscing stories about him), Oliver.
I had yet to meet them, but Damian told me they wanted to see me, but I wanted to finish school before I left to see him because I knew I would never come back, and I had to. He had briefly talked about his job as a supernatural hunter. His whole family was in the business – they only killed dangerous creatures out of control. I never judged him, and he never judged me, and that's all I could ask for.
Everything was getting started from what Ana said, and I was so happy that she was finally in her preferred body. She hated being Caroline, even if she never said anything. I knew she hated the very skin she wore. I could relate because I was the same before Ana came along, I was so insecure and ashamed of my color, but Ana didn't see it, nor did she care, nor did Damian. He would kiss all my imperfections and worshipped me, and I felt beautiful.
I was woken from my inter monologue when a new familiar face sat in front of me in my booth, Luka. He was new, and he felt different from the others. He felt magical, not as tainted and dark as Ana but the same magical humming that seemed to drown over her very being.
"Hey Bonnie," Luka greeted, white teeth showing and gleaming. It was a charming smile, but I preferred the soft and small smiles Damian had only reversed for me. I felt blessed to be probably the only person to see them.
"Hey, Luka. How was your first day?" I asked, twirling my straw around, listening as the ice clinked against the empty cup. I needed a refill.
"It was great," he said, and another person approached the table. He looked like an older version of Luka. "I would like to introduce you to my dad." He introduced us.
I sat up and shook his hand firmly, "I'm Bonnie Bennett," I introduced myself proudly.
His eyes twinkled, and he said, "Strong grip. I'm Doctor Martin, Jonas Martin. It's nice to meet you, Bonnie Bennett. Would you like to join us?" he pointed to an empty table.
"I'm meeting my boyfriend, but he's not here yet," I said, looking around for his tall figure, but he wasn't there. I shrugged and said, "Sure."
I sat down at their table and ordered a new drink as we talked, "So, where did you guys move from?" I asked curiously. Mystic Falls rarely had visitors, let alone people who moved here to stay. Most of them were supernatural creatures or people looking for a quaint but busy town – everyone when knew everyone here. It was a blessing and a curse.
"Louisiana," Dr. Martian answered as Luka stayed quiet.
"That's a big change," I commented as the waiter came over with my new soda. Luka rolled his eyes and said snidely, "I'll say."
I laughed at his apparent disdain for this place, "It's not so bad here. The people are nice, lots of events to get involved in. it's never a dull moment here," I told them honestly. Mystic Falls was all I ever knew, and I couldn't see myself moving until that trip to NOLA. I found the love of my love and a new sense of adventure, and a yearning for something more than this town.
"New Orleans is much better, though," I spoke out loud, offhandedly.
Dr. Martian perked up and asked, "You've been to New Orleans? I heard it's wonderful there, full of magic and the supernatural if you believe in that" I could tell he was probing, but I shrugged it off. He wouldn't get much from me.
I nodded and took a sip before answering, "Yes, a few friends and I went for the Day of the Dead Parade a few weeks ago. It was utterly amazing. The culture, food, people, vibe, and occult shops were interesting. I recommend going."
"Woah, sounds interesting. But your right Mystic Falls isn't that bad. It's looking up," Luka said with a charming smile, and I frowned slightly. Didn't he hear I said I had a boyfriend and was currently waiting for him?
"Bennett, huh? I knew some Bennetts when I did my residency in Massachusetts. Do you have any family from Salem?" Dr. Martin probed once again, and I knew he knew and was probably a witch.
I smiled softly, "I do, the Bennett line was seen in Salem, but it's been every way and originated in Greece," I said. It was interesting to learn about my heritage from Grams and Gloria. They were simpler and much funnier times besides Gloria's harsh training. The Bennett line was massive, but there were only a few left. Sadly, magic had its price, and most vampires were ungrateful.
Dr. Martin raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you know? Small world, right?"
I nodded and grew bored until my handsome boyfriend finally appeared, "There's my boyfriend, Damian. It was nice to meet you, Doctor Martin. Luka," I said, saying goodbye and standing up.
Damian came over, wrapped his hand around my side, and kissed my forehead in apology, and Luka ignored that and smiled at me with his flirty smile, "I will see you at school." he said.
I nodded, grabbed my drink, and left with my boyfriend beside me, just where he was meant to be.
"Sorry I'm late, my beloved. Oliver wouldn't shut up on the phone," he said, rolling his eyes at the mention of his half-brother.
I chuckled at him and asked, "It's alright, babe. How is Olie?"
We walked to the pool table and started a game as Damian talked about his family. Olie was in another tiff with his girlfriend like usual.
Damian was currently winning, and there wasn't much the man was terrible at or lost at. It was unfair at game night, but he teased me with a chuckle, making me roll my eyes.
Damian went to get us another round of drinks, hopefully of the alcohol type. Ana and Enzo had most definitely made me enjoy the finer things, like a glass of wine here and there.
Luka approached me as I fixed the cues with more blue dust, whatever that was. I saw Damian do it when we started, so I copied him.
"Hey, Bonnie. I'm sorry about earlier. My dad is not very subtle with the whole Bennett/Salem question. He picked up on you; he was just fishing around. He didn't mean any harm." He said softly with apologetic eyes.
I waved him off, "It's all good. I felt something of the magical kind," I said with a teasing glint in my eyes.
He smiled at me and asked, "You know then?"
"Of course I do. I'm a Bennett; I've been training for years," I told him, jutting my hip to the side. What did he take me for? Some clueless noob?
Anastasia and I were at the house talking, and I was ready to tell her what had happened. "So, how are you?" Ana asked me, pouring blood wine into our glasses.
"Good, but I wanted to talk to you," I said softly, with nervousness in my voice.
Ana looked up at me and asked, "Of course. What's up."
She gave me my glass, and we sat down and started talking, "I'm sure you know a little about me, but I wanted to tell you." she nodded, and I continued, "In 1490, I was disowned by my father after having a baby in wedlock. I disgraced my family when I was seventeen," I scoffed, "I had to give her up and was exiled to England. I then met two noblemen, Niklaus, and Elijah Mikaelson. I quickly fell in love with them both, but then I learned that I was a blood bag to them. Klaus planned on using me as a sacrifice, but I ran away with the moonstone and then turned by hanging myself. Anything would've been better than dying for that jackass. But he still chased after me for over 500 years, even if my blood didn't work. Then I met you and didn't have to run anymore."
"You were so strong and brave," she told me, holding my cold hand in hers, "You were so young too."
I smiled sadly at her, and she cupped my cheek gingerly and slowly brought me into a kiss, and I leaned in. it was initially slow and experimental, taking our time and testing the waters. I could feel time slow down just for this moment. I hadn't felt this way since Stefan; maybe it was best for me to come to this god-forsaken town. If not, I wouldn't have gotten my freedom, Stefan, new love, and adventure.
Then her phone rang, and she pulled away and leaned her forehead against mine. She sighed as it rang, and she got up, "Sorry, I got to take this," she told me. I nodded, and she walked away as I touched my lips with a gentle smile. I tried not to listen to her conversation but couldn't help myself.
"Slater darling, how are you?" she said softly through the phone.
"Uh, Ana, hey. Thanks for the new shipment, but I called to tell you I found a contact." The man on the phone said, Slater.
She perked up and said, "Oh Slater, you are just amazing, patch me the number, and I'll sort with it. It won't be tracked to you, so don't worry – you're my best business partner. Stay safe, yeah."
"Thanks, Ana. I hope you're having fun in Mystic Falls – God, I need to visit that place," he laughed, and she ended the call with a goodbye.
"Sorry, business," she told me as she sat back down, looked at me with a smirk, and said, "Now, where were we?"
I smiled at her and fluttered my eyelashes in faux-innocence – I was far from innocent. She huffed and lunged, making me fall back on the couch, and she kissed my neck gently, "You're more than a minx than I thought. Stefan has his hands full with you, doesn't he?" she murmured, biting and kissing my neck and I gave her access.
"He has his hands full with both of us," I breathed out, leaning my head to the side.
"They all do," she said, biting harder, breaking the skin, latched onto my neck, and started drinking. I breathed harshly and hardly ever let a lover drink from me. Stefan never broached the subject - I didn't think he thought of it.
My hand ran through her ebony curled hair, and I smiled, enjoying myself in the touch of this powerful woman – it's been a while since I've laid with a woman, and it didn't seem like her first, either.
"You've been with a woman," I commented after she pulled away, licked it clean, and watched as it healed, leaving no trace behind, the pros and woes of vampire healing.
She stilled when I asked the question, and I immediately wanted to retract it. She leaned back, sitting firmly on my lower stomach. "Yes, her name was Aisha. She was the love of my life years ago." She answered firmly, but I could hear the sad tone in her voice. She missed her.
"Was?" I asked gently, not trying to pry, stroking her thighs in comfort. I could tell it was a sad topic.
She breathed in heavily and nodded, "Yes was. We are no longer together nor on the same earth anymore. Lost to the enemy of time and death, I'm afraid," she said, and I could hear the heartbreak in her voice, she looked away from our stare down.
"I'm sorry," I told her genuinely. Being with her and the others has had me at my most vulnerable and truthful self since I turned.
She shook her head and laid her head on my chest, "You needn't be, it was a long time ago, and I've moved one. I have you and the others," she softly said as her heartbeat slowed, and soon it was in calm rhythm, she had fallen asleep on me.
I stroked her hair and held her in my arms. I soon fell asleep after her with a smile on my face.
Sorry for taking so long to update but are we surprised? No not really. Been busy with family and shit...
Hope we liked this chapter, I decided to do Bonnie's POV because we haven't seen much from her and I honestly love Bonnie so much and her relationship with Damian makes me smile and jealous. Damian is clearly based off Damian Wayne but I did change a few things so it's not copyright lol – they're not the same person, this isn't a crossover with DC. Hopefully I brought some more life to Kat and her backstory because it was kinda sad and makes her character a lot.
Whose POV do you wanna see or more of? Do we want more photos/gifs - I feel i've been quite dry with that lol.
Should I make Kat's womb workable? I think she deserves it and i can see her and Stefan having cute kids lol.
vote and comment x
words: 5,200
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