Chapter Nine: Road Trippin'
(act iii)
"You know you don't have to influence my dreams for something like that to happen." ~ Anastasia Raven
"So why are we going on a road trip?" Kol asked and then furrowed his brows looking at Jeremy, "What's a road trip again?"
They all looked to Ana who asked Kai, "Well it'll be quicker to get to Oregon for the merge if we jump there. There should be a full moon tonight if I calculated it right. Plus your sister's magic is still there and she'll need it for the merge."
"She got rid of it?" Kai asked confused, he always wondered how she got rid of her magic that day.
Ana nodded and explained, "She hid it somewhere, the knife."
Kol jumped up from the couch and sped towards them asking excitedly, "Are we killing a coven? God, I haven't had a spree since...I don't know, actually."
Kai looked up from his bag of things and asked, "You're a vampire?"
Kol nodded smugly, slapping Jeremy on the shoulder, "An Original, to be precise."
Kai nodded impressively and zipped up his bag full of CDs, his pager and a bag of pork rinds, and the Ascendant hidden in his pocket. He still didn't trust the three of them. They appeared out of no one and seemed to know everything well the pretty brunette did.
"So you're a witch, right?" Kol asked Kai, breathing down his neck as he stood behind him, watching him pack. Kai looked over his shoulder and replied, "Kind of. I don't have magic of my own, so I siphon magic off others."
"A siphoner? Haven't met one in centuries," Kol replied, looking at him in a new light, and Kai furrowed his brows.
"See, I told you he would be fun for you. You both like magic and killing family members!" Ana told them, clapping her hands together while Jeremy shook his head.
"You killed your family?!" Kol asked him, an excited look in his eyes.
Kai exchanged a look with Ana, wondering how she knew so much about him. "Well only five out of seven. I'm working on the other three."
Jeremy shook his head at their type of bonding, and Ana giggled by his side, "Let's get going," she told them, and Kai dangled the keys in front of him with a smile, "I'm driving."
Jeremy then yelled, "Shotgun!" and raced out the door, leaving them standing around. They went after him and got into the beautiful red Corvette, and set off to the airport so Kai could fly them there.
Jeremy was laying on the bed with his face turned up in a smirk, one arm propping his head and the other tangling in Kai's short dark brown hair urging him to go deeper. Kai's nose was touching Jeremy's stomach from how deep he was taking Jeremy's long cock.
Then I felt a hand curl around my waist and the calloused hand dragging over my naked skin and exploring my body. I leaned my head back and leaned against their chest as his lips meet my neck kissing and sucking. I wanted to close my eyes but they were focused on Kai and Jeremey and Kol's teeth were disturbing my thoughts of closing them.
I moaned when his teeth scrape against my neck pleasurably and Kol's hand was kneading my breast, pinching at my nipple, rolling it in between his fingers. "You are intoxicating," he whispered in her ear breathlessly and I choked on a moan.
"Fuck me, Kol," I demanded as I grinded against the hard member that was poking into my ass. The last time I was sexual was with Enzo and Klaus and that was days ago, I wanted- no I needed more.
"As you wish," Kol muttered, his hand dipping in between her legs and I could feel the smugness from his lips against my neck.
I awoke with a gasp as my head hit something hard waking me up from my pleasant dream. I rubbed my head and noticed we were still in the car and Kol was at my side with a large smug smirk watching me. I could gather what caused the smirk and rolled my eyes at him and met Kai's eyes in the mirror and he smirked. It seemed I wasn't as quiet in my dreams as I thought.
"You know you don't have to influence my dreams for something like that to happen," I told him with a yawn, stretching as best as I could in the small backseat and groaning at the loud pop my spine made.
He gaped at me and I raised an eyebrow at his almost shy expression, titling my head I told him, "Woman are much more open and free about their sexual lives now, Kol."
I rolled over, leaning my head against the car door and glared at it when the car made it shaky and slowly went back to sleep.
A while later we finally reached the Parker house after an eventful trip in the plane with Kai as Pilot Parker and the boys had too much fun and we nearly crashed a few times. We drove up the driveway and it was your classical large country face. It was a two-story white house with a wrap-around porch and trees shielding it from the sun.
"Welcome folks!" Kai cheered, kicking the door in and walked in with a dramatic flourish and gave us a tour. Kol smirked seeing Jeremy's eyes linger on the bloody handprints around the house. "Let's wrap this up and go. I got my final game later tomorrow and who knows how much time has passed."
"Of course handsome! We just need that knife which I'm sure I know where that conniving bitch put it then then kill my coven!" Kai told him happily with a manic smile, wrapping his arm around Jeremy and bringing him into his chest.
"Not that I don't understand hating your family cause If you met mine you would hate them too but why do you want to kill them and your coven?" Kol questioned as he leaned against the bloody wall not bothered in the least.
I looked at him in offense, "There not that bad," I told him and Kol rolled his eyes and joked, "Yeah of course you say that, you have too, you are fucking them."
I huffed without a comeback, he was right. "Anyways back to me," Kai said making us look at him and he dove into his tragic backstory and as he came to a bloody end, he fake sniffled, wiping a non-existent tear from his smooth face. "They were so mean to me, all I wanted to do was merge with my sister and be the coven leader," he whined and scoffed, "Like so what Jo would die, she was weak."
Jeremy and Kol patted his shoulder helping to lift his spirits and I laughed at the pure understanding in Kol's face. "Come on," I said, shaking my head fondly and we went outside once again towards a tree stump where a knife lay under some dead leaves.
Kai smirked as he picked it up and it turned bright red his eyes closed in pleasure and his head tilted back from the power and his veins looked like they were on fire. "Finally," he whispered, sucking it dry and dropping it when all the magic entered his system completely.
He turned to us with a large smile on his face, "Let's do this thing. 2010 here we come," he cheered and pulled the ascendant out and we started preparing. I dripped Bonnie's blood on the gear like magic artifact and soon the eclipse was overhead and Kai had his bag on his back before he started.
We connected hands as Kai chanted Latin holding the blood-activated ascendant in one hand under the eclipse light. With a swirl of leaves, they were gone, appearing in the backyard of the Parker house, back in our time.
Kai looked around curiously with a genuinely happy smile on his face, he was finally home in the real world.
I let out a laugh seeing the house, the same one that had made me the way I was. It looked clean like I was never there and the blood of my siblings was no one in sight. The sun had long gone down and soon the moon would rise and the merge will be complete and I would remain victorious. I took a deep breath in, pine and grass assaulted my nose and despite it, I smiled, gone was the smell of blood and artificial, well everything.
"Let's go, the full moon should be here soon," Ana said, placing her hand on my shoulder and I looked down at her hand with a surprised expression. None of my father touched me and not with the gentleness she was using, they were all afraid I would siphon them.
"How are you so sure the full moon will be enough? I thought it had to be something like an eclipse," Jeremy asked, glancing at the moon that was soon upon us.
Ana shrugged and looked at Kol and answered, "Kol's mother binded Klaus and 'the sun and moon' curse under a full moon. A full moon is still a celestial event and if it doesn't work we'll just keep Jo sedated till an eclipse comes along. We have time."
I nodded at her words and walked into the house, blowing the door off its hinges with a simple push of my hand. The others followed me into the living room where dear old Dad was standing with a shotgun ready to shoot me. He had a look of surprise on his face that turned to anger once he saw it was me.
"Dear 'ol dad, miss me?" I greeted with a smirk and before he could shoot Ana threw her hand to the side, throwing the gun to the side out of his hands. She also used a pain affliction spell and soon he was slumping to the floor unconscious.
"Hey!" I said with a pout, I was going to kill him and she shrugged with a small smile. I was surprised when Kol handed me a knife and I kneeled and siphoned all his magic, leaving him an empty husk of a man that he truly was. I let out a blissful sigh feeling the magic crawl up in my veins and I slit his throat with a smirk.
"You were a help after all," I told him, patting his dead cheek. I stood back up, dusting my hands off and told them, "No Jojo and the merge!"
Ana placed a hand on my chest stopping me from moving and I raised a brow at her and she explained, "Have some blood just in case she tries something."
She looked to Kol who rolled his eyes and said, "If you die, you'll be a heretic. You can siphon off yourself."
He bit into his wrist and held it out with a wave and I warily glanced at it and brought it to my mouth and with one last glance between Kol and Ana I sucked on it. I grimaced at the taste and after a few gulps I pulled away and watched in fascination as Kol's wrist healed.
They heard a feminine yell in the kitchen, "Dad, foods ready!"
I held Ana's stare and shrugged and she walked out of the room towards the kitchen and saw a brunette woman making sandwiches, she looked like an older Jo.
"Howdy," Jeremy greeted with a wave of his hand and the woman looked up at him and furrowed her brows seeing a couple of strangers in her face. But she shrieked when they landed on me and she dropped the mayo container and it landed with a crash on the wooden floor.
"Hey sis, long time no see," I teased with a mocking wave and she staggered back and brought the kitchen knife up trying to defend herself.
I placed a hand on my chest at the movement and pouted, "Now that's not the way you treat your twin brother you haven't seen in how many years?" I pretended to think, tapping my chin and losing the smile once I stated, "Eighteen years."
"Kai," she breathed out and tears gathered in her eyes, for whatever reason. "H-How did you get out?" she questioned.
I smirked at that and swung my arm around Ana's neck and brought her close and answered, "Little Ana here broke me out. She's been such a good help."
Ana rolled her eyes, clearly not one for theatrics - boring!
"It's time little Jo Jo. Let's merge and be done with this all. I really don't feel like adding Liz and Luke to the dead sibling list." I said.
She gasped and stepped back and tried to run only for her to run into Kol's chest he smirked down at her and she whispered, "Vampire."
Kol's eyes widened in false shock and look behind him and mockingly asks, "Where?"
Jo takes a step away and Ana catches her arms and speeds her into a chair and says, "Let's not be dumb Jo. You haven't practiced in a while and you're up against an Original vampire, a vampire witch hybrid and a siphoner. You aren't getting out of this unscathed, just complete the merge. This all could've been avoided if you grew a set of balls and did it when it first happened."
Jo glares up at Ana and she scoffs, patting her hair and says sweetly, "Don't blame me dearie. Blame the Gemini coven or your parents for giving birth to you." She shrugged and said, "Your choice. You're going to die either way."
Ana brings out the knife that held Jo's magic in it and stabbed it in her leg and Jo screamed in pain. She pulled it out and handed it to me and I crouched before her and said, "Just take it back, don't make it harder on yourself or for Lizzie and Lukey."
"Please don't hurt them," she gasps in pain, pressing her hand to her bleeding thigh.
I smiled at her, still caring 'ol Jo. "I won't have to do it if you just do the merge. Or I'll just use Luke, I hear he's doing so well."
She nodded while heavily breathing and she cried, "Okay, I'll do. Just don't bring them into it."
I stood back up with a clap turned to the others and said, "Well that was easier than I thought. Let's get the show on the road."
I handed Jo the knife and she took a deep breath in and whispered a chant, making the knife glow and she absorbed her powers back.
She stood up on shaky feet, swatting my outstretched hand and as I looked back at Kol she had lunged at me, stabbing me in the upper chest. I groaned at the stab and pushed her off and pulled the knife out and shook my head at her.
"Jo really?" I asked annoyed and patted the shirt down, "I just got this shirt," I said, shaking my head. Kol came over and pulled her back up and I said, "Are you really going to kill your entire family and coven because you're too proud not to die? Wow Josette didn't think ya had it in you."
She glared and was about to do a spell before I clamped my hands down on her wrist, stopping her and siphoning off her making her yell in pain.
I stopped after a moment and pulled her outside and down the stairs and the full moon had crept up in the sky. Kol, Ana and Jeremy, who looked like intrigued yet bored, came outside and stood on the porch watching the show.
"They won't let you become the leader no matter the outcome," Jo spat and I smiled at her with a shrug. "I know that's why I'm going to kill them all and make the others bend their knee to me. If not I'll just kill them all, it doesn't matter that much because you won't be here to see it," I told her, patting her cheek.
She threw her head back and moved away from my touch. "You're so confident you'll win?" she asked.
"Ana said you haven't been practising and I can see that. Even if you had, you're still weak and you always will be. That's why you had the coven lock me up because you knew you would lose. Hell, even Dad knew.'' I drawled and she shook her head as if I was wrong.
"They put you in the prison world because you're a murderer and an abomination! They didn't want to follow such a psychopath," Jo said with a glare, always the feisty one.
'Well I have not missed hearing those words', I thought with a roll of my eyes. She got dumber with the years it seemed. I took a deep breath in so I didn't kill her, I still need her.
"Whatever Jolene," I said with a roll of my eyes and sliced her palm and then my own. I forcefully held her hands in mine as the moon rolled up at its apex, its moonlight shining on us.
"Ready sister?" I asked as a formality, I didn't care what her answer was. She just glared at me and took a deep breath in and we started chanting repeatedly, "Sanguinem desimilus! Sanguinem generis fiantus!"
The fall leaves swirled around us and the air turned colder as our chants grew louder. Unknowingly our eyes turned white as we chanted and it soon came to a stop and we both fell to the floor. One was dead and the other was alive and guess who won?
Luckily time didn't pass that differently in the mirror world and I was on time for my game even with the crazy shit that had happened - murder included. I was in the locker room getting my uniform in as my teammates cheered and talked to each other hyping themselves up for the last game of the season.
But all I had on my mind was Ana and the tight cheerleading outfit I briefly saw her in when she waved me goodbye before I was pushed into the car by Enzo - that cockblock. I just wanted the game to be over and I could rip it off with the help of another, probably.
I ran my hand through my tousled hair and dragged it down over my face, it was going to be a hard game. The team we were playing was good, really good and it didn't help how tired I was and that monster drink still hadn't kicked in yet.
Drew, the goalie and my best friend on the team patted my padded shoulder and sent a charming smile my way. "Come on Rem, you got this. We're going to fucking crush them," he basically yelled in my face with a large smile. His excitement and enthusiasm were spreading quickly and I smiled at him and patted him reassuringly and nodded.
"We're so going to win and I'm going to have the best after game party in my ~life~," I told him with a smug smile, he knew what I meant and he rolled his eyes. I closed my locker and we started moving towards the other team members for Coach John's speech.
Drew nudged me with a scoff, "That's so unfair man. I wish my girl came to my game and gave me a good congratulations but she's stuck at work. Hey! Nobody likes a smug bastard, Gilbert"
I pushed him back with a laugh, "Oh it's Gilbert now? Alright Campbell."
Drew shook his head with a mutter but I could see the smile on his face. Coach came and gave an inspiring speech that was mainly a sugar-coated threat like usual. He pushed us forward, patting each of our backs as we walked through the hallway towards the Rink yelling, "Let's go ya pansies!"
The game was a tough one but we were all prepared and the cheering from families, friends and loved ones spurred us on to a victory. After congratulating the others and getting changed out of the heavy hockey gear I walked out with my duffle bag seeing Kol and Kai looking around confused while they pushed other like idiots, Enzo with his arms wrapped around Ana.
I could already feel the once-waning adrenaline start to make it's way to my groin and I couldn't stop it. She had a proud smile on her face, her dark hair was in waves and her breasts looked ready to burst from the tight white crop top and I groaned quietly seeing she wasn't wearing a bra. She also wore a short pleated skirt with knee-high socks and heels. I smirked seeing Enzo barely holding himself back as his hand was on her bare stomach and was trying to dig under the skirt's waistband.
I walked over to them and Ana smiled and left Enzo's hold and jumped me, her arms wrapped around my neck. I had to drop my bag to hold her, placing a hand on her back and the other under her ass to prop her up while she wrapped her legs around me, her heels digging into my skin nicely. She kissed my cheek and pulled back and told me adoringly, "Oh baby you did so good tonight."
She then kissed me, her soft lips feeling out of place on my chapped ones and I was a goner as soon as her tongue slipped into my mouth. I was beginning to lose my thoughts or care where we were when Enzo coughed and Ana pulled away with a pout.
I gently let her down, her heels clicked as they met the ground and I dragged my eyes down her form. I squeezed her hip and kissed her cheek as I groaned in her ear, "I'm so going to enjoy ripping that little thing off your sexy body when we get home."
She smirked like a cat that had just caught the canary and dragged her nails over my chest and I shook my head at the teasing and pulled her flush against my chest and kissed her forehead, "Lets go home," I told her with a smile.
She nodded and was about to say something when Kol interrupted, "What a wonderful sight to end a perfect bloody day," he said with a grin, making us all look at him with smirks.
The group of five reached the quiet Raven mansion fairly quickly with Enzo's impatient and fast driving. Kol gave Kai a tour around leaving Enzo, Jeremy and Anastasia alone. Enzo shot Jeremy a grin before he sped to their shared room and just as Jeremy was about to tell Ana not to, she was gone.
Jeremy huffed and it was times like this he wished he was a vampire or at least something but no he had to wait. So Jeremy rushed after them trying to be quiet and not wake the roaring dragon known as Liz who was already working on a few hours of sleep or Davina who was most definitely asleep with a paintbrush in her hands.
He rushed into the room with heavy breathing, he had just played an intense game and did not think he would have to run after it. But the sight that greeted him was worth it, Enzo was shirtless and he was kissing Ana who was withering under him on the bed.
"You really couldn't wait for me?" Jeremy asked, annoyed seeing them in their own little world kissing. They shot him lazy grins after they parted but watched him pull his shirt off and pull his pants down as he made his way over to them.
As Jeremy reached them Ana pulled him down and linked their lips together and Enzo pawed at the white crop top that had been teasing him for hours. His fingers grazed the front and he could feel her nippled hardening under his touch. He pulled at the hem and ripped it open letting her breasts breathe now the tight fabric was gone.
She pulled away from Jeremy with a pout, "I liked that one," she told Enzo who rolled his eyes and took it off her caramel-tanned body and said, "I'll buy you a hundred more to rip off this heavenly body, angel."
She kissed him with a smirk, "I like the sound of that."
She felt Jeremy's hand trail around her waist and pull her on top of him and huffed, "I feel like I haven't seen you like this in weeks."
Ana rolled her eyes at his whining and kissed down his chest and said, "It's been busy but I'm all yours tonight. You played so well baby and that uniform made it hard to watch and not take Enzo to the bathroom to calm down."
He closed his eyes as she kissed down his abs, licking and nibbling as she went but Enzo slapped her ass making her shift forward. "Sorry both of yours," she purred with a grin seeing the raised eyebrow on Enzo's face.
She dipped her hands in Jeremy's tight underwear and pulled his hard cock out while Enzo trailed his hands up knee-sock cladded legs and was dipping under her skirt and dragged the white underwear down.
"I'm so proud," Ana told Jeremy as she kissed the tip of cock and it throbbed under her praise and a knowing smirk graced her angelic face. As she buried it down her throat she couldn't help loving how he became like putty in her hands.
Enzo's thick fingers swiped up and down her vagina and started circling her clit as she sucked Jeremy with full force trying to show how proud she was of him. Jeremy's moans came out muffled as he bit his knuckle trying to keep himself quiet in fear of being heard by the new vampire in the house and his family. But Kol had heard them even before they started and was growing annoyed, he had been stuck in a coffin for a hundred years and hadn't had a decent lay longer than that.
She arched her back when Enzo's fingers finally dug deep into her, curling and hitting her G-spot instantly. She moved back and forward against his fingers as she cocked on Jeremy's cock and enjoyed the feeling of his hands grabbing her hair and pulling it in a makeshift ponytail.
Before Jeremy could cum she pulled her mouth off him with a pop and sent him a smirk ignoring the annoyed look on his face. "Not yet," she muttered against his lips and kissed him and Jeremy's cock twitched at the taste of himself in her mouth. Her hand went to her skirt zipper and was about to pull it down when Jeremy's hand stopped her.
"Keep the skirt on," Jeremy whispered against her ear, his fingertips trailing up her naked pain leaving goosebumps in their wake.
"Yes sir," Ana teased and pulled her hands away from the skirt zipper and her lips went to his neck biting into the skin under his ear, his soft chocolate locks tickling her nose as she sucked his blood.
His moan was muffled by her mouth when she sunk into his awaiting cock and Enzo's wet fingers were poking at her other unoccupied hole that was just gaping for his cock but Ana had other plans. She rolled over and Jeremy was left dazed as he was now on top but he didn't stop thrusting into her and kneading her moving breasts. She licked his neck, watching the blood flow from the fresh bite mark and caught it before it could drop to the satin bedsheets.
Enzo sucked his fingers clean of Ana's glistening and set his sights on Jeremy's hold, he smirked at his now tensed back as he spat on the unexpected hole and started pushing in a finger. It wasn't anything new for the couple but Jeremy was always tight since Enzo was his first boyfriend.
After a few thrusts of his finger, he added another one into the tight hole and spat again to make it easier for his fingers to slide in and out. As he fingered the hole and he pounded into Ana, their moans bounced off the wall and Enzo almost felt bad for Kol but he knew he was getting off on hearing them. Enzo spat on his hand and lubed his own dick up, stroking it up and down and it throbbed to be in a warm body and not his hand.
So he decided Jeremy was stretched out enough and moved closer towards him on his knees and teased his hole, and pushed his tip in and then out and watched as Jeremy's hole tightened and gaped hungrily. He smirked at the sight and slid in easily all the way and Jeremy happily swallowed him all.
Enzo grunted out the tightness that seemed to clamp down on his dick more than Ana did. He let Jeremy adjust to his size and started slowly but he soon picked up the speed and strength of his thrusts while being careful not to go too hard so he didn't break his fragile human body.
Ana's hand went to her clit and started rubbing it with her eyes closed in pleasure as Jeremy pulled all his frustrations and pent-up energy from the game onto her. His trusts were hard, long and meaningful and she loved that he was able to play her body like a violin, they all did.
She felt herself growing closer which made her fingers go quicker and her body tensed, her back arching as much as she could and she could feel the pleasurable crack in her back and then the blinding white light behind her eyes as she came with a sweet moan that sounded like aged whiskey to their ears.
Despite the sudden tightness around Jeremy's cock he still kept going and overstimulating her as Enzo's thrusts urged him to go faster. Jeremy came inside her with a groan and crumbled under Enzo's masterful touch and he stopped himself before he crushed Ana even though she would be fine. She kissed him gently as his thrusts became short and slow and his body spasmed from the overwhelming climax. His breaths became pants in her mouth and she massaged his neck down his back.
As they kissed softly Enzo's thrusts became similar to Jeremy's and he pulled out and came on his back with a blissful sigh. He licked up Jeremy's toned back, swiping his own cum into his starving mouth.
Jeremy didn't realize they were being watched or listened to but Enzo and Ana noticed the two in the doorway watching them with heated eyes. With a quick glance at the other, a silent proposition as brown met brown and they left to find another room to try and deal with their growing problems and the fact they hadn't been laid in more than eighteen years.
Let's not talk about the fact that I haven't updated this in like 5 weeks yeah? It got deleted and I raged and just could not write it again but I finally did so here. This is lowkey rushed but we all know his backstory so I didn't want to write it all. Kai's POV and the merge is the one scene I kept putting off and the reason why this chapter is so delayed. Hopefully I did him well, he's going to get a little compassion from Jo like he did with Luke but just a little. Also haven't written smut in a while so I'm little rusty.
A lot happened in like one day and that's because i was rushing it so we could have a school/hockey Jeremey smut scene soooo...Hybrid hunting/the summer is next chapter so that'll be; Stefan, Klaus, Ana, Alaric (haven't seen much with him) and maybe Jeremey if ya'll ain't tired of him. The others will stay behind to get adjusted. This will be going back and forth some different POV'S to show what the others are doing but will mainly stay on hybrid hunting. Lowkey running out of ideas so any ideas are appreciated!
vote and comment x
words: 5, 605
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