Chapter Five: Through the Years
(act i)
"time waits for no one"
warning: info dumps, time skips and flashbacks.
hopefully this isn't too bad.
im half delirious and high on caffeine pills so im zoning in and out.
During the first year of my reincarnation, I had fully implanted myself into the Scooby gang. Bonnie and I are best friends; while we still hang out with Elena, it's usually just the two of us, Tyler and Jeremy. It's mainly just the trio; Myself, Bonnie, Tyler, and Jeremy joined most of the time, even though he's younger than us.
Tyler and I became the best of friends; he's pretty funny. Tyler and Jeremy became fast friends since they have similar likes and dislikes. They played sports together, mainly basketball, while Tyler exclusively played football like canon while Jeremy played ice hockey after my pleads. (because have you seen this man in an ice hockey uniform cause I bloody drool – he's my home screen, and I'm not ashamed).
Considering the age difference, it wasn't hard to include Jeremy into the fold. Bonnie was a loving girl and loved making friends, and Tyler didn't mind and didn't want to be the only boy in the group.
Age 7
Bonnie and I started learning the theory of magic and the basics slowly under the critical eye of Shelia Bennett. We mainly learned about herbs and their uses and crystals and became familiar with witch tools and whatnot.
Bonnie and I went to magic lessons like fish to water. We soaked in everything Shelia had to offer and were quick learners. Bonnie loved magic and was bloody good at it. Now she would be better than cannon Bonnie ever was and before the pilot! Damon will never be able to take advantage of her or me.
Flashback Start:
We were all situated in the Bennett's living room. Bonnie and I were sitting next to each other on a couch while Shelia was on a separate couch. We were all drinking hot tea Shelia had just brewed.
Shelia was about to tell Bonnie of her witch heritage and status. Shelia finally calmed down and started speaking, "Bonnie, you are a witch, a Bennett witch. Our family came from Salem witches. We have been witches for thousands of years and will continue to be. I am a witch, and so is your mother. I am going to teach you and Caroline magic and occult. This is real and serious, Bonnie; you must understand it before you practice it. I'm sorry, I never wanted this for you." After Shelia finished, she had tears in her eyes.
I hold Bonnies shaking hands in my warm ones, giving her a sense of comfort she needed. I turned to Bonnie after Shelia had finished speaking. I looked her in the eyes and stated in a firm voice, "You, Bonnie Bennett, are magic. Pure magic. You will accomplish great things in the future. You will survive and come out on top. You need not be afraid of your magic; it runs in your veins and will aid you in times of fright and happiness. It will help you, not destroy you. You will be the strongest Bennet witch to exist, a goddess amongst humans and a queen amongst witches; accept that you are powerful. If you have power, revel in it."
Bonnie had tears in her eyes after listening to my firm words and just nodded her head and gave me a long and well-deserved hug. Bonnie needed proof, and Shelia provided by floating the books on the coffee table around a circle atop our heads.
Flashback End
After learning about her witch heritage, Bonnie was surprised, but it was easy to convince her when Sheila made books float in circles. Bonnie was ecstatic after finding out because she wasn't just an ordinary human girl. She was a witch! Shelia didn't like Bonnie knowing about her heritage simply because of what happened to her daughter Abby. But after realizing Bonnie needed to be able to protect herself and what was to be the future.
Shelia also loved teaching, considering she was an occult teacher at Whitmore. Shelia taught Bonnie and Caroline witchcraft and occult studies after Caroline showed an interest.
This year I started numerous extracurricular activities because kindergarten is so dull. I started piano and violin lessons because I loved playing the instruments in my old life and didn't want Liz to think I was the second coming of Mozart or something. My teachers were very impressed with my quick learning.
Age 8
Bonnie and I bonded heavily through our love and high aptitude for magic. Since Sheila taught us both everything that came with being a witch very young. We learned about all the different types of magic, sorcery, connective, ancestral, elemental, and spirit magic. The preparation of and uses of rituals and incantations. We even learned about the powers of divination and tarot card reading. The importance of herbs and stones, their uses, and properties. We would be practicing this for years to come as there was so much to learn, practice, and master.
Shelia's lessons were quite interesting since the show never went in-depth about magic theory. They used the same two spells, like the aneurysm or location spells and rituals. Ancestors were a big thing, especially in The Originals.
To further prepare myself for the upcoming events, I had in my possession the moonstone, which I collected from the Lockwood Mansion with the help of Tyler when we were on a 'playdate.' After alchemy lessons with Shelia, I created a fake stone and put it in place.
I had also collected Emily's talisman and given it to Shelia, who was overcome with joy by having it back in Bennett's hands. She had said Emily was happy with me. I really needed to meet her.
I had also dug up Papa Salvatore and then proceeded to rob his grave. I took Emily's Grimoire and gave it to Shelia, who later gave it to Bonnie, who instantly connected to the old book. She had fun reading and learning from one of her best ancestors. So, I was happy that she was pleased.
On another note, languages came very easy to me, much easier than in my past life. I was unsure if it was just my high intelligence or something else, but I abused the fact. I had already learned French, Latin, and Spanish from my prestigious old life, but I learned Bulgarian mainly just to fuck with Kat; I couldn't resist.
Age 9
After searching every grimoire and book on supernatural creatures in Shelia's house and the Whitmore Collage, I had finally found it. The answer. The key. My everything. My rise to power in this kill or killed world.
It didn't make sense; Caroline never showed an aptitude for magic or even an interest in the show, so I was confused when Shelia said I had magic when I was seven. The Forbes bloodline wasn't like the Bennett's, which had a known witch heritage with Qetsiyah, it was a human bloodline, so it was weird.
But I had figured it out. I had figured out the thing I was missing in both lives.
So how did I get magic? What did I figure out? Well, let me indulge your curious soul.
Flashback Starts:
It was a beautiful day, I thought. It was currently raining; the deary clouds overshadowed all nature in this dreadful town. I looked out my window, peering into the small forest behind the Forbes residence. I couldn't help but think about the waterfall I had found a couple of weeks ago. It was beautifully hidden and had quickly become my favorite place to escape. To escape all the madness, I was a reincarnated 24-year-old woman who was now in the body of a 9-year-old girl in a supernatural show. It helped me center myself and escape from lessons.
I looked down at the astrology book on my desk next to the piles and piles of books stacked in neat towers of books that varied from regular books on languages, philosophy, and art. Then to magic subjects such as divination, alchemy, occult studies, supernatural creatures, books on dark magic, and everything you could, a budding witch would be reading.
I couldn't help but roll my eyes at seeing my favorite constellation, the Leo constellation I could draw with my eyes closed. It was my favorite purely because its brightest star was Regulus, and I needed to link back to my Potterhead links. I was still waiting for the following books in the series since it was 2001, and the order of the phoenix hadn't come out yet.
My mind couldn't help thinking back to how relaxing it would be to take a break and swim in the pond. But it was raining, I rationalized to myself. I wasn't one to put myself in potentially harmful situations. But it's rain it couldn't hurt.
So, I flipped the book closed and changed into warmer clothes I could swim in and put gumboots on with my black raincoat. I opened the window, climbed the tree that was ideally situated outside my window, and made my quick departure. I walked for about ten minutes as my little legs were still well, and it was very private.
As I pushed a familiar tree branch out of the well, I was presented with a beautiful picture. The waterfall was rushing down the edge as the rain added more rain. The shadows were darker and eerier. The trees swayed in response to the wind.
The water was probably warm, I thought.
I shredded my gumboots and raincoat that hid the long-sleeved top and gym shorts. I jumped into the surprisingly warm water and sighed in bliss. As I looked up, the dark rain clouds created a beautiful ambiance, especially with the waterfall sounds in the background.
The clouds hid the once bright shining sun and left the place in quiet, beautiful darkness, which was much appreciated. My eyes found the site where the Leo constellation would probably be if it was dark. My eyes quickly traced the constellation and stared where my beloved Regulus would shine bright I hummed in thought.
I swam around for a bit, and as I swam to the edge where a seat-like feature was, I slipped on the moss on the bottom of the pond floor. I hit my head on the once wished-for seat, and my eyesight became dark, and the water turned cold. I was slowly drifting to the dark bottom with bubbles left in my wake.
I gasped awake, my breath coming out in rugged pants. My hand quickly grabbed my chest, my heart beating hard against my cold hand. I looked down and didn't find the flat chest I was quickly becoming accustomed to, but my old bust was there.
I was confused. Was I back? My thoughts were racing but kept coming back to Alisha. Would I be able to see Alisha If I was back? Was it all just a really vivid and long dream? Had I really died again? From drowning. Seriously! As I thought, a raspy voice met my ears.
I quickly turned at the voice. Looking at the new figure, I couldn't help the calming effect they had placed rapidly on me. Magic? I thought.
Who is this? I couldn't help the suspicious thoughts entering my head.
The figure just spoke in their raspy voice. "My child, come," he beckoned to me.
Child? Come where? This was confusing. The figure clearly noticed my confusion or simply read my thoughts. Who knows?
The figure spoke again, "I am death."
Death? Of bloody course. I'm dead again, so of course, I will see Death.
I walked over to him, and as I made my way to him, he smiled and turned his back, and we walked off into nothingness as our steps synced.
We walked in silence for a few minutes before he broke it. "How respectful you are, child. You are not dead yet and will go back; you need to. You are my chosen, my daughter" his raspy statements made my head spin.
I couldn't get around the thought I was walking with Death. But I was now his chosen, his daughter. I mean, my father was a bad one, he didn't stick around, so I was pretty happy I had another, a better one, who was Death.
A grin overcame my features, and my eyes became narrowed. "Daughter and your chosen? How interesting. I would be glad to be yours, father. Why have I been chosen?" my gentle voice echoed through the void.
He turned to me with a smile and responded, "Yes, daughter. Thank you. I chose you because your soul is the strongest I have seen in a very long time. You were chosen because you were interesting and because you are powerful. I couldn't resist your potential, and we both know how vital potential is. To be frank, Death is a lonely job. I needed some company and thought you would be perfect, my daughter. I was the one who helped you get into the world you know reside in because I didn't have much control in your previous mundane world, but in this world, I have much more."
My grin transformed into a gentle smile, and I couldn't help but be touched by his words. Someone wanted me, just me. I was proud; who wouldn't be? Death personally chose me! He also helped me, and I couldn't help but feel the need to hug and help him.
I cheerily told him, "Thank you, father, for everything. You have given me everything I could have dreamed of, power and love. Potential is much more powerful than talent and much more interesting. I can only imagine how lonely it is. Perhaps I can come to visit, call me and I will come whenever and wherever you need, and I will be there. I have longed for good parental figures. My past ones weren't good. They were wealthy so I had everything I could need but loving, they were not." My voice became saddened at the end.
He heard my saddened voice and then turned to him, and we hugged for a while; it was well deserved on both parts. I couldn't help but cry onto his shoulder, and he just patted my back in comfort, warmth spread around my entirety.
After we left each other's warm embrace, he spoke, "It's nearly time for you to go. I need to tell you what it means to be my chosen daughter. As you, Shelia Bennett has informed you of your magic. I need to tell you what it is exactly. As my chosen, you are not human anymore. Your soul is dead and immortal, which makes you different and immortal. You are a death witch similar to a siphoner and have a higher aptitude for darker magics, especially necromancy. I've blessed you; you have some of my powers as my daughter. Your powers as a witch are unique to you. I've blessed you with the power of illusion and shape-shifting. You have the power over the dead and can conjuror the spirits of the dead; call, and they shall answer. This also entails the power of a medium and divination. As you have already noticed, you have increased aptitude with languages."
I was grinning from ear to ear. All these powers would help me so much in the future. I gave him another hug and hurriedly replied, "Thank you so much, father. This will help me so much; you don't even know how much this means to me. I can finally be myself, thank you truly."
He accepted the hug and chuckled. "There is no need to thank me, my dear. You have earned this for all the entertainment I have gotten from your past life; thank you. Just come visit me once in a while. You can come into my realm by mediating and calling my name. I will come if you ever need help."
"Thank you again, of course, father. I will talk to you daily. If you ever want to come, you can. I will never turn you away." I reply back with a gentle smile on my face.
He smiled and said, "Of course, daughter, I will visit when I can. It's time, my dear. I'm sorry."
I nodded, and my eyes closed, and I felt the feeling of falling as my father's voice echoed through my head. "You will always be my child Ana, always and forever, darling."
And I wake up
Flashback End
So that is how I figured out what I was. It was surprising to discover that Death was my father, and I was his chosen. Thanks to him, I quickly approached the top of the food chain. His powers helped me reach heights in my magic and academics I could never have in my previous life.
After I met with my father, I went straight to Shelia and told her, and she nearly had a heart attack after hearing I was his chosen. I needed new textbooks and grimoires on my newly found powers. I needed to master them quickly. I was very interested in my capacity for illusions and shape fighting.
I was so ready to be in my old body again. Candice King was a beautiful lady, believe me, but being a 9-year-old body can get old very quickly, and I missed my black hair.
Age 10
I finished high school at 10, with the help of Grayson and multiple tests and exams. I was due to be admitted into Whitmore College by pushing Dr. Grayson. The work was easy, especially since I had already done high school and university and had a high IQ.
Speaking of Grayson. I showed an interest in medicine to him; he was astonished by my knowledge, especially about the body's anatomy. But what did you expect from a holder of an anatomy degree? I helped him with the clinic over the weekends. He even paid me some pocket money, which was nice of him.
Elena was jealous that I was smarter than she was and that I was 'stealing' her dad away from her. It was annoying to deal with.
After finishing my academics, I drove myself to learn more with Shelia, but she was grasping at straws. Shelia didn't have much left to teach either myself or Bonnie. We both loved learning and soaked everything from Shelia up. Bonnie and I had mastered everything she offered and practiced it.
We performed magic daily. Bonnie mainly used it for cleaning things, just basic household chores and whatnot, which wasn't surprising; she was still a child and didn't think she needed to duel others in the ways of magic.
But I, on the other hand, dueled with Shelia and my father, Death. Death loved being with me and helping me learn even more, and I was happy to listen to him and hear what he had done with his millennia-old adventures. We talked to each other daily.
During one of the holidays, Bonnie's absent father had a convention in Chicago.
Flashback Starts:
"Ugh, he seriously wants me to spend my holiday break with him! He won't even be there. I'll just be stuck in a hotel room when I could've been having fun with the trio." Bonnie complained after her father called her, informing her of their new holiday plans.
I wasn't surprised Bonnie's father would do something like this. But after hearing Chicago, my mind drifted to the show. Memories of Gloria and a rippah slipped into my mind.
"Why don't we go together? We can travel and explore Chicago. I know a witch there. She can teach us, so it won't be boring." I told her.
Bonnie squealed after hearing my words and hugged me, which I melted into and hugged her back.
"Yes. Yes!! Of course. We're leaving tomorrow. We can pack together. I love you. Thank you. " She replied.
I smiled and said, "Of course, anything for you, Bon. I love you too, always and forever. "
After hearing the familiar words, Bonnie smiled and said, "Always and forever."
Flashback End.
The holiday was full of learning and practicing. Unlike Shelia, Gloria wasn't afraid to teach the darker things magic had to offer. Gloria loved having two new servants cough students. She taught them the theory of expression and dark magic, which they weren't allowed to practice since they were still relatively young.
Gloria taught multiple types of magic found in different cultures, such as New Orleans ancestral magic, shamanism, hoodoo, and voodoo shown in The Originals. Alchemy and blood magic were also in the curriculum; she even taught potion making, as Shelia wasn't well-versed in it.
Bonnie and I became the students of the old witch. Bonnie loved it, and so did I. Gloria was a strict mentor; we would sit and do a spell for hours to master it till Gloria was satisfied. It was a hard-core witch boot camp that lasted four weeks. Since the holiday was that long, Gloria gave us multiple books and a grimoire to learn from.
At the end of the year, we had a once-in-a-lifetime break from all of Gloria's constant hammerings to keep learning from the grimoires and books she had given us. I thought of an activity to do with Bonnie.
Flashback Starts:
"Care, I'm bored. Let's do something fun" Bonnie's voice reached me as I changed.
I looked over her where she was rolling around on my bed with a frown, and we couldn't have that.
"Of course, what do you want to do" I replied with a soft smile reserved for my loved ones.
"I don't know, do you have any idea," Bonnie said.
As I was thinking of things to do. I walked over to my notebook on my desk, which had a to-do list. But it had things to do before the pilot instead of everyday chores. As I read it, I had a lightbulb moment.
I quickly turned around. Bonnie noticed and looked up to see a crazy manic on my face, and she replied with a scared expression, "Are we going to murder someone? That's your murder face."
I scoffed at the ridiculous thought, "I do not have a murder face, dearie. This is I have a plan face. Let's go commit arson." I replied
"Umm, that's not better than like killing someone, Care. But sure!" Bonnie replied to her slightly crazy but very whipped best friend.
Care smiled at her and said, "We need to burn the Wickery Bridge and Sign. It's dangerous to have around."
Flashback Ends
Bonnie just nodded and hummed, putting her shoes on. She knew better than to ask how Caroline knew the things she knew. She would never answer, even if she was super whipped for her. Caroline would have a nostalgic look, shake her head, and change the subject. Bonnie was used to her friend being mysterious.
She thought she probably had a high aptitude for divination. Grams had told her that Care had the highest talent she had ever seen before. She thought Caroline probably saw terrible things since she never wanted to talk about it and she understood that.
Caroline was a powerful person, physically and mentally, but she was different. She was so different. Caroline was unlike anyone Bonnie had ever known. She was much more mature than the other kids, even more than adults. She was formal, like an old person. She was also so smart; she was the most intelligent person ever!
Even though Caroline was different, Bonnie loved her so much. Caroline was always there with her by her side. She never judged or hated Bonnie for anything. She treated her like an absolute queen, anything she asked, and Caroline would give it to her in a second, without hesitation. In other words. Caroline was whipped as hell for Bonnie Bennett, and Bonnie was whipped for Caroline Forbes.
They were absolute best friends. Elena was just there; sure, Bonnie liked Elena, but she was kind of pushy, but Caroline hated Elena for some odd reason. She wasn't that bad! Right?
So that's how the town bridge and sign were mysteriously burned down because two kids were bored and didn't have anything else to do.
Age 13
Getting the trust of Dr. Grayson was easy as pie. After working with him at the clinic for a few years. He told me about vampires and their 'villainous' ways. He even, in other words, 'introduced' me to his pet subject. Since he only let me see him through the two-way window under his clinic basement.
After the Elena incident, Enzo was moved to Whitmore College. I had to visit him and rescue him. He didn't deserve the torture.
Flashback Starts:
I looked in the mirror and smirked. I was finally in my old body after shapeshifting. I needed this form to not cause confusion and problems.
"It's so good to be back," I whispered. I admired my body and the usual outfit I wore back in my old life.
After a last look over, I teleported into Whitmore Collage, specifically Lorenzo's cell, where he should be.
Lorenzo POV:
I had just finished my last session with doc. I hadn't been fed blood today and was losing my mind. This was torture, absolute torture. My thoughts were filled with rage and Damon, that prick. I closed my eyes, leaning against the concrete wall to try to center myself.
That was till I heard a soft pop echoing through the cell. I groaned, thinking it was that arsehole doctor. I opened my eyes, ready to be met with that piece of shit but was met with an angel.
An ethereal being that had descended amongst mortal men. In front of me was pure beauty, hair black as night, bright red lips ready to be kissed, skin that almost looked like caramel; she was clearly of Hispanic heritage.
She was thin but not too thin. Her muscles were defined, a black shirt and jeans cladded her body, and black heals. Her left hand was placed across her midsection under her bust. Her right hand clutched a wine glass filled with a dark red substance. She looked gorgeous, dangerous, but beautiful. Her face held a smirk that promised danger.
My eyes drank her in, and as I processed what was happening, my sense of smell caught up. A beautiful aroma of cherry with a hint of vanilla and sandalwood and the rich scent of blood, better blood than I have ever smelt before. I was near frothing at the smell and the view.
The angel in front of him spoke in an almost beautiful voice, "My dear Lorenzo, how weakened you are. Let me help you, darling" she walked closer to me, and I was confused. Do I know this angel? How does she know me and my name?
She brought the glass to my lips, and I drank it with gusto, my fangs coming out and my vampire face on full display. I was embarrassed the woman in front of me saw me at my worst. She's probably looking at me in disgust. But she just stared at me, loving with kindness in her eyes, and smiled at me. She stroked my cheek as I finished the heavenly-flavored blood.
"Thank you, beautiful. Whose blood is that? That's the best blood I've ever tasted, and who are you, angel?"
The woman just smirked at my questions and waved her hand over the wine glass, and it disappeared from my eyes, and my eyes widened. A witch? It can't be. They hate vampires.
The woman clearly saw the slight fear and confusion and spoke, "My name is Anastasia Raven, and I'm at your service, dearie. I am a witch; I'm not sure about being an angel but thank you. The blood you drank was mine. You, Lorenzo, are a charmer. It seems I have to take you home now."
"A name fit for an angel, darling. Your blood? You gave me yours. Thank you, it was delicious. Take me home? Are you here to save me, angel?"
"Thank you, Lorenzo. After we get out of here and burn this place down, kill everyone we need, and get the information, we need to take down Augustine in the future. I'll take you to my place, and you can have a vein if you want," Anastasia replied with a suggestive tone.
"Oh, all of that sounds like heaven to me," I replied flirtatiously.
Anastasia POV:
I accomplished everything I needed. I got Enzo out.
He killed Maxfield but not Grayson because he wasn't there, and we got all the files of the other Augustine members because Enzo wanted to go and hunt and kill the existing members. We got his beloved daylight ring back. We burned the lab and are now at the apartment I brought earlier this year when I finished mastering my shapeshifting ability.
I walked him into the spare bedroom I had made for him in mind. It was a simple room with black walls and curtains. A black bed sat in the middle of it. It was simple but reminded me of him.
I sat on the comfy bed as Enzo looked around the room and inspected it. He turned his head to me, and a grin formed quickly.
"If I remember correctly, you offered a vein. Is that still on the table?" he huskily said.
I just smirked and nodded in response. He walked across the room slowly, drinking me in with his dark eyes, looking at me like prey.
As he stood in front of you like a British Adonis, you couldn't help but think the writers did him dirty with the gelled back hair.
You smiled softly at him, pulled him closer by his hips, and placed a hand around the back of his head softly pulling on the strands. You pressed your lips to him, and he kissed you with the same force. You caressed his neck, holding him into you as the kiss got more intense by the second.
You pulled him to you, and he landed on you; you were now under him, and he placed his muscular arms on either side of your head. You kissed at his jawline, your tongue tracing his veins and the stubble he had grown.
After a while of just making out, you told him, "I've never done this with a vampire so go for it," as he was sucking at the spot that made you crazy, where your jaw and neck connected. He abused your sweet spot, nipping and sucking at it, prepping it.
"As you wish, darling," he grinned into your throat, quickly biting down with his sharp fangs into the skin. You moaned, running your fingers through his dark, thick hair. Your eyes closed in ecstasy, and the feeling of pure pleasure burst throughout your body. You thought it would hurt not to feel this good. You felt him sucking into the cardioid artery drinking your blood for the first time.
It felt better when his large hands fondled your body; he spent most of his time playing with your breasts. He tore your black shirt down the center, throwing it to the floor like trash. You were a moaning mess, feeling delirious and high on pleasure.
He stopped sucking, unlatched his fangs, and pulled back, watching the blood drip down your collarbone onto the bed sheets. He was mesmerized and quickly lapped the excess of the blood, moaning at the taste.
He hovered over you and kissed you roughly with red-covered lips; you could taste the metallic taste of your blood mixing with your salvia. He trailed his lips down your chin to your chest and unclasped your bra from behind your back. He slid it off your shoulder with practiced ease and tossed it to the floor. He grinned at the sight and sucked on your right nipple, pulling away with a 'pop,' and you just moaned in response. He repeated the action to your left breast, taking his time.
You pulled his shirt off quickly, and he tossed it to the floor. He returned to kissing you and groaned when you palmed his erection through his jeans. You were sure he could smell your arousal dripping.
His eyes were dark, full of lust. He hovered over you and slid his rough hands up and down your stomach, nearing closer to your skinny jeans' waistband. He unbuttoned them, quickly pulling them down, and tossed them over his shoulder without care.
He drunk in your naked form beside the soon-to-be-gone panties. He massaged your body and caressed your thighs, teasing you. You were moaning and groaning, quickly becoming frustrated.
He noticed your frustration, tore your panties to shreds, and pushed your thighs open roughly. He leaned in, inhaled deeply, and caressed your inner thighs hitching closer to your clit.
You wanted him. No, you needed him.
He flipped you onto your stomach, making you gasp. As you looked over your shoulder, waiting to see what was happening after hearing rustles. He kicked his jeans and boxers off. He noticed your gaze and simply pulled you to the edge of the bed by your ankles, making your eyes face the front.
"My angel isn't much of an angel. Perhaps a succubus will suit you better, darling." He growled into your ear, quickly pushing his fingers into your dripping folds. Your mouth opened in a silent moan. "How wet you are, angel." He hummed, nipping the unmarked side of your neck, making you groan at the feeling of flat teeth grazing your throat.
His middle finger pressed into you deeply, and you arched your back at the feeling trying to move back onto him. His fingers quickly found your g spot, and he repeatedly caressed the area, driving you mad. Your toes uncurled and curled every few seconds. After abusing your walls and making you cum he pulled his wet fingers out. You looked back and saw him humming as he sucked his fingers dripping from your juices. "You taste absolutely divine, love," he hummed.
After Enzo licked his fingers clean, his hand began stroking his throbbing, hard cock, where you finally took notice. It was big. He pressed his length to your wet folds and sheathed himself inside you with a hard push. You cried and moaned, pushing your ass back against him, meeting his deep thrusts.
Enzo simply wrapped his hand around the base of your neck from behind as his other hand skimmed across your ass, giving a hard smack and watching your ass jiggle from the hit. He moved his hand to your clit, gently swiping his index finger against it, and rammed into you from behind.
The sound of skin slapping against each echoed through the room, moaning and groaning. Enzo's hand abused your clit, making you tense and cum again.
Enzo's thrusts were becoming bolder and harder. His hand went under you to your boobs, giving them a squeeze. He pounded you into the bed mercilessly. He twisted your nipples, and he made you explode when he pulled on one of them with a hard pull making you cum, for the third time.
"So beautiful and all mine," Enzo hummed, groaning into your neck.
Enzo's thrusts were getting slower and weaker; he was near. You meet his thrust, making your back arch. "Ana," he moaned into your ear, making your stomach clench, and he painted your insides white. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as he stimulated your clit and sucked at your neck. You panted, and Enzo stayed inside you for a bit, trying to catch his breath. He held your hips tightly and eased himself out of you. He watched as his white liquid slowly poured out after his departure.
He rolled over you onto the bed, landing with a groan. "God, I've missed sex," you say.
Enzo turns his head to you and replies, "Tell me about it. The best lay I've had in a very long time, better than most when I wasn't captured, angel."
You grinned, turning your face to him, and said, "Thanks, handsome. You did well for being celibate for a few decades."
He just nodded, catching his breath.
Flashback Ends.
Enzo stayed with me at the apartment while I got him up to speed on current times and about Damon. He was pretty livid about it. He left a few days after being rescued, wanting to travel and visit the world since he missed so many things.
He was trying to hunt down the Augustine members, killing them all. We usually FaceTime each other at night, and he sends postcards whenever he goes somewhere new, which is cute.
Bonnie and I had also created a sun-jewelry business for income. which is very much needed now and in the future. The Forbes weren't that rich, especially with all Liz's money spent on my advanced education.
We made jewelry and sold it to vampires for lots of money since they wouldn't decline to get one because witches hated vampires. Bonnie and I didn't hate vampires. I had changed her mind. Like people, there were bad and good vampires.
Slater helped our business boom since he had many connections and was unsurprisingly the first to connect on a piece.
Instead of cash, I asked for a link to the undaggered Mikaelson brothers, Klaus and Elijah. I was still unsure how I wanted the show to go. Do I follow the plot or go off it? Choices. Choices.
But the business made Bonnie and me billionaires.
Vampires were rich as hell and could get money with a simple sentence. Bonnie was happy, and so I was I.
After our first sale, we went on a well-deserved shopping trip and spent a couple thousand dollars each.
As I finished my high school requirements, I quickly went into my college life which was online, as it was Liz's condition. I learned and quickly finished multiple degrees because they were easy to get, and I had them before when the courses were more challenging.
I got my bachelor's in history, anatomy, and dead languages, which I had in my previous life. I worked harder to get my degrees in mythology, occult studies, astrology which I fell in love with in my younger years, and medical science with the pleadings of Dr. Grayson.
I was now an accomplished 13-year-old with 7 degrees and a bachelor's in her procession.
After getting them, I just hung out with the gang and focused more on mastering my magic, going to self-defense and art with the team.
Life was good.
The trio: Bonnie, Tyler, and I took self-defense classes when we were 12, so we could deal with Tyler's anger issues that come with being a werewolf. We also took them because fights were bound to happen. Even if they could take someone like Klaus down, we could probably deal with new vampires, but it was mainly for the mundane. Jeremy also attends the class with us even though he is still relatively young. This also acted as a bonding activity, especially since we all were busy with other activities.
Tyler's anger issues were now much different compared to cannon. Usually, he didn't get so easily triggered. The self-defense classes helped release pent-up emotions; we usually mediated together after it to center ourselves. I acted as Tyler's anchor in a sense because I was there with him whenever his feelings got the best of him.
He called me when his parents were being neglected like all the founding families were. I helped him with his family problems. I even threatened his dad, the mayor, last year when I found out he hit Tyler. Tyler doesn't know about it because he would be embarrassed, but I needed to do it for him. His parents, especially his father, were crucial factors in his cannon behavior and anger issues. So, I changed it.
The three of us (Tyler, Jeremy, and I) take art classes because, from what I remember from the show, they both loved art and were good at it, so we decided to take classes together to bond and get better.
Bonnie didn't want to join because she wasn't that good and wanted more time to study magic and other courses.
In my old life, I loved art, but I never took classes since my parents thought it wasn't a worthy subject of my time, so I decided why not.
As the jewelry business brought so much money in. I gave the Bennetts' the idea of buying the deed for the old Bennett witch house and refurbishing it. They were happy with the idea, as were their ancestors.
They quickly brought it and got builders on the job. They wanted to upgrade it into a mansion to move in and use it as a training place. Vampires would be unable to abuse it again.
Tyler now knows about the supernatural and that he was an untriggered werewolf. It was a hard decision to make, but he needed to know, and I didn't like lying or keeping things from him or the gang.
Flashback Starts:
I was at the Lockwood Mansion planning on telling Tyler. He needed to know and prepare. Time was running out.
I sat on a white leather couch across from Tyler. We were both nursing lemonades in our hands. He was in his football gear, just finished with his training. He joined the football club in town when he was 12. He loved it, and he was good at it. It also helped with his growing anger issues.
I was in my gymnastics gear, having finished practice with Bonnie, just like Tyler. Bonnie and I joined the gymnastics club in town because we loved it and would join the cheerleading team when we got into high school, just like cannon.
He was worried; this was probably the most serious he's seen me. Usually, I just sport a thin line, but I was frowning and had a serious air around me.
"Tyler, there's something I need to tell you. It's important." I told him.
Tyler just smiled and said, "Wait. Don't tell me you have feelings for me. I thought you liked Jeremey?"
I frowned deeper and said, "No, Ty, I don't have feelings for you, and yes, I like Jeremy, but he's too young at the moment, maybe when he's older. This is important".
Tyler just smirked and nodded, and I began telling him the truth. "Tyler, you're a werewolf. This is why you become irritable, especially on the full moon. I'm also a witch. This is real; I'm not lying," I hurriedly tell him as he looks confused.
"Care, I think I would know if I was a werewolf. I would notice if I suddenly turned into a fluffy dog once a month," he laughed.
"You're not an actual werewolf yet. You're an untriggered werewolf. A powerful witch cursed four tribes with the werewolf curse and began the seven werewolf bloodlines. You are a part of one. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but things will change." I told him.
His face turned grim at the thought. "Thank you for telling me. How do I trigger it?" he asked.
I smiled at his awkwardness and replied, "To trigger the curse, you must kill another, accident or not. If you trigger, know that Bonnie and I will be there with you every step of the way. He will not judge you. We love you so much regardless of your status. Always and forever."
He nodded and whispered, "Always and forever," His face turned into a frown, and his shoulders hunched over, and I hugged him as he cried onto my shoulder, wishing he wasn't a part of a werewolf bloodline.
Flashback End.
Age 16
Everything was going smoothly. The gang was better than ever and loved their extracurricular activities. The main trio, Bonnie, Tyler, and I, had gone into our sophomore year and, similar to cannon, were cheerleaders (Care and Bon) and football players (Tyler).
Elena joined us in cheerleading since she was sporty before the whole "my parents are dead" situation. She was actually good at it and looked good in the uniform, even if she was a copy and paste.
Jeremy was still waiting to join Mystic High, but he played ice hockey. He became pretty good at it. We all still took our weekly art and self-defense classes.
Jeremy was quickly becoming better than the others at defense. Considering he was a hunter in the show, it wasn't all too surprising.
Death and I had become inseparable. We talked almost daily and did everyday daughter-father things like eating out since Death loves fast food.
Enzo was still on his world trip, visiting and catching up on everything he was denied. He also sent me postcards of where he's seen and souvenirs he finds on his travels. Sometimes it's trinkets, and other times its grimoires have been helpful.
He caught the remaining Augustine members and had killed them all besides Grayson since he was fated to die soon, and it didn't worry him that much.
He would come back during my junior year when the plot started because he should be finished traveling then. Truthfully I missed him, he's been a big part of my other life, and with him, I can be fully myself, I would be able to tell him.
Everything was good, but nothing lasts forever. The pilot was quickly coming up, and I had prepared all I could.
Earlier this year, I had made the trio get tattoos. Vervain tattoos, to be specific. We needed to be safe, and I didn't trust vervain jewelry. Vampires pulled them off quickly. Just like Elijah and Elena so, I needed a fail-safe solution.
*There all on the same spots shown in the photos
It was now summer break. I was soon to be in my junior year. It would be the start of season one very soon. I was excited after all this planning, I would be able to work my way through season one. Finally, something different would happen.
It was good to be with my friends, whom I now saw as family, but it wasn't that exciting.
I had pleaded with the principal of Mystic High, so I could be in the same grade as Bonnie, aka the drama. Even though I had finished the requirements and courses to graduate and had bachelor's degrees.
He let me after I told him I excelled in academics but not socializing and needed help which was a lie. he also didn't mind that I was the smartest kid since my enrollment would bump the grades high.
Jeremy had figured out the existence of the supernatural not too long ago after I encouraged him to read the Gilbert journals. He asked his dad about it and got the whole vampires are evil spiel, but I told him they are okay. They're like humans, good and bad. They help with population control; some just snatch, ear and erase and heal, drink blood bags, and don't kill.
I also told him I would always be there to protect him. He also knows I'm a witch and what the others are after we had a group chat and talked about it. After that, they soon started seeing each other and hooking up.
Jeremy and Tyler didn't get involved with Vicki simply because they had standards and better things to do.
sorry it took a while, but I just started school a few days ago and been getting into the routine and what not. This chapter is all over the place. i don't know how to write this with all the time skips and shit but bare with me.
thanks to everyone whose reading this.
seriously comment because I don't know how people feel about this and need some motivation idk.
if you have any ideas for season one then comment or message me cause i'm not too sure how I want ana to deal with the events lol.
also not sure how i feel about the smut scene. is it good? too much or too little? idk
i got the magic info from the tvd wiki page so...
vote and comment x
words: 7,982
omg it's so longg
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