Chapter Eight: Back to 1994'
(act iii)
BACK TO 1994'
"Who names their kid Malachai? It's like they expected me to be evil."
Timeskip ~ The Next Day
Anastasia woke up to the annoyance that was the light shining through her curtains. She groaned as she rolled over, trying to escape the sun and burying herself deeper into the warm arms.
'I should've got blackout curtains', she couldn't think as she hugged the body closer to her. She furrowed her brows, feeling the warmth; Enzo wasn't warm. He was cold to the touch. She pulled her head up and saw the sleeping face of Klaus.
She couldn't help the smile that crossed her face seeing the soft and happy face, his mouth open, letting out slow breaths. Everything that happened that night came rushing in, and she clenched her legs together and grimaced at the slight cold feeling on her legs.
'Those fuckers they came inside me!' she mentally groaned, closing her eyes tightly, and her head plopped back down onto the soft silk pillow.
Cold arms tightened around her naked waist and pulled her away from the warmth, Enzo. She rolled over to see his happy but sleepy face. The amount of alcohol and rounds really took a toll on them all; vampires had much stamina, and hybrids had even more.
They were both exhausted, and every limb of hers was sore and thoroughly used.
"Good morning", Enzo murmured, pulling the messy bed hair of his lover away from her face so he could properly see her beauty.
"Morning", she muttered in response, and he chuckled at the growing annoyance he could see. She was not a morning person; she hadn't been in all the time he's known her.
"I'll make some coffee," he told her, pulling the sheet off his toned naked body and getting up. She nodded and slowly exited quietly, trying to let Klaus sleep longer. He still accepted his father's death - even if he acted like it was fine. Trauma doesn't leave like that, but it did help him come to terms with it and finally try to move on.
"I need to tell you something, all of you", Ana muttered as she grabbed the clothes off the floor; the room was a mess with empty cups and alcohol bottles, paintings were on the floor, and furniture was flipped. It looked like a hurricane swept through the room, but it was just the work of three incredibly horny vampires.
Enzo looked over his shoulder at her as he helped clean the place up. He furrowed his brows at the seriousness in her voice; it was too early for her to be serious, so it must be important.
"Of course, my angel. What is it?" he asked, leaving the painting alone, walking towards her with quick steps, and looking her over, "Did we hurt you?" he worriedly questioned.
She waved his concerns off and dropped the clothes in the basket to be washed or thrown out since they were mostly destroyed the night before.
"No. I kind of forgot to tell you and the others a lot of things were happening, and it didn't seem that important." She told him, and he grabbed her hand in support. "Father...he made me fertile," she told him, finally gaining the courage to look up at him.
It was the first time he had seen her so scared and vulnerable; she had always been a serious and cold person. He knew she appeared before him for the first time like a fallen angel.
Neither of them noticed or cared that Klaus was awake, pulling on a grey shirt and listening to them talk. "Fertile?" Klaus asked, finally saying something after the moment of silence between them.
She looked at him and nodded, "Yes, fertile. My wombs works so I can get pregant. Father told me that I need to be careful since I'm very fertile and well you both came in me so there's a chance I could be pregnant."
"Klaus makes sense, but how could I be a father?" Enzo quietly asks he is happy for them and wouldn't mind if he isn't the father. He had accepted he would never be a father, and Davina was enough for him, but he always wanted a child of his own, his blood. He would accept the child as his own because he loved Ana and the others and was slowly opening his heart up to Klaus; it was hard not to with those baby blues of his or those dimples.
"I'm very fertile which means even vampire sperm can get me pregnant", she said, smiling at the bright hope that shone through his eyes. He picked her up and spun her around with a laugh, "OMG! I can be a dad! This calls for another round," he told her, smirking as he lowered her to the ground.
She rolled her eyes and said, "I'm sure i'm already pregnant by the amount times both of you came in me."
He pulled her into him, and she hit his chest, and he brushed his thumb over her red and pouty lips and smirked, "Good, i can't wait to see you bulging and not from my cock this time."
She smirked up at him, drowning in his intense brown eyes that stared hungrily at her. She knew he would be like this when he found out; it was the main reason she tried pushing it back into her mind.
"I second that," Klaus said, walking threateningly towards them, like he was stalking his next prey, his eyes dragging down her still naked form.
She would be before the day ended if she wasn't pregnant already. She just didn't know how pregnant she was...
Timeskip ~ Later that Day
After three more rounds with Klaus and Enzo worshipping my body like a goddess and trying their hardest to get me bulging with their cocks and their cum I was sure I was pregnant.
I had been on the phone for a while talking to the other boys; Enzo had a big mouth and told Alaric, Jeremy and Stefan that I was fertile, and they were all calling dibs. They were so childish sometimes and needy - so needy.
After telling them to calm down and wait their time, I invited myself to the Mikalson mansion to meet the other blonde, Mikealson. Klaus and Enzo were probably still in bed smiling like idiots - mainly Enzo because he was so excited to finally be a dad and had shown her earlier how excited and thankful he was.
Klaus was silently freaking out and having doubts, but Enzo was talking to him about it, calming him down. He would be a good father - if it happened - he just didn't know it yet, but I did. I had seen him with Hope, and it made me wish my father was like him, that he would burn the world for me and not brush me aside.
I headed to the Mikaelson mansion to get to know the others and see how they were adjusting. "Oh, Anastasia I didn't know you where coming by," Elijah greeted as he opened the door. I shrugged with a smile, "Well I was going to see how your siblings are doing and if they needed any help," I explained.
He nodded, opening the door and letting me in. "I thought Klaus would've had you longer," he said with an amused smile as we walked through the quiet house.
I chuckled and hit his arm, "We'll we certainly went longer than I thought," I told him, and we stopped when we heard a crash and a yell.
"KOL YOU BASTARD!" Rebkah's familiar voice echoed through the house; you didn't need superhearing to her across the street.
We walked into the kitchen, seeing Rebkah speed after Kol, who was undoubtedly carrying something that belonged to Rebkah.
"No running!" Elijah chastised me and followed after them, leaving me in the dining room. I glanced around the beautiful space and noticed Finn eating lunch alone at the table.
"Finn," I greeted, walking towards him and frowning slightly at his appearance; he looked tired; his brown hair was long and wavy, and a dark scruff was growing; he was also wearing a shirt that seemed too big.
He looked up and nodded at me in greeting and patted the chair next to him. I sat beside him and brushed my hand through his hair, "It's' so long. I'm surprised you haven't cut it," I muttered, feeling his silent stare on me; his light brown eyes following my movement.
A few ticks of the grand clock went by, and he spoke gruffly, "I've never cut my hair before." I smiled at him and asked, "How about I help?"
And that's what I did; I brought him into one of the large bathrooms and grabbed shaving cream and a new razor from Klaus's bathroom. I cut his hair, watching the long pieces fall to the ground and giving him a more modern look. I brushed some gel through it to look nice, and all in all, he was looking much better.
After I finished his hair I jumped up on sink and pulled him towards me, making him let out a shocked noise. He stood in between my legs, his hands resting on the sink, boxing me in. "What are you doing?!" he asked breahtlessly, his warm breathe hitting against my neck and I smirked at the blush on his cheek.
"Shaving your face," I stated said simply, spraying the shaving cream into my hand and lathered it on his face with a small smile while I hummed a tune - something Enzo would always hum.
Shave, rinse and repeat and soon he was looking like a man ready to brace the new world.
It was a quiet and peaceful moment that I quickly grew to associate with him. He was a man of few words but he seemed to always be like that. He possessed a melancholic aura, and I couldn't help but see the parallels between us. I was the same when I woke up as Caroline, lost and confused.
"...Why are you doing this?" he asked me, breaking the silence.
I washed the razor under the water and explained with a laugh, "Because you need to look the part in this modern era"
"No, this - everything." he said, grabbing my hand and stopping me from finishing his face. I let out a soft sigh, staring into his broken ember eyes. "Because Finn, you and the others deserve all the happiness in the world." I told him, rubbing his shoulder in comfort.
"...But we're monsters, gluttons for human destruction." He stated and I could feel the pain in his voice, let alone hear it. The black horizon and his mother had done a number on him.
I shook my head and cupped his cheek, telling him quietly, "No my dear, you are nothing likr a monster. It's time you start seeing yourself as I do; a broken and sad man, who is lost. Lost in time and in his place within life and this family. I promise I'll fix this family, make it great again because you will all be always and forver."
And all I had to do was bring Freya back. Mikeal was gone so we would soon move onto the next phase, Esther then Dahlia and Freya by extension. They would be always and forever soon enough.
We soon parted ways, him closing himself in the library to think and I heade off to see if Rebekah had killed Kol. Rebekah and I qucikly grew a storng bond as friends, at first she didn't know what to think of me but we went shopping and become best friends.
Jenna had taken her in, and they started an annual drink wine and gossip night at the grill. Despite being a witch, she was quick friends with Bonnie; Bonnie gave her a tour of the town and helped her enroll in school.
Bekah really wanted to be normal and there was nothing more normal than high school. Kol had also been enrolled to keep appearances and since it had been a long time since he was in school.
She was the quickest to get used to the time period since she was the last to be daggered and was the most egear for the world and what it had to offer.
It had been 4 days since the ritual, 3 days since the Mikaelsons were un-daggered and living their family fantasy in their big mansion, and everyone was bored.
Well, Kol was bored and tired of creating a training guide for Davina. It took some convincing, but he gave in and became her proper teacher, and they got along well, and Kol quickly became a brother-like figure.
Kol was annoying Ana while she sorted some documents out to apply for her education degree; she was trying to get it to set up the school. She also trying to get it down quicker with all the credits she had left.
Kol barged in and demanded Ana bring him some entertainment, and since the blood cooler hadn't been restocked since the Mikelasons (Kol) ransacked it and they didn't have any live ones hanging around, Ana didn't know what to do.
Until she remembered someone who could take Kol off her hands so she could get some work done. She loved Kol for the short amount of time she knew him; they were similar and chaotic. But Ana needed to do some work.
So grabbed the ascendant - the one Enzo had brought (stolen) from Jo - off its perch and the vile of Bonnie's blood she had freely given from the stasis charmed cooler a while ago. She had a vile of everyone's blood, even her own, just in case of a problem.
She texted Jeremy, who was doing last-minute homework with Davina before summer. He soon arrived and looked confused, seeing them with a few candles on the floor. "Should i even ask?" he drawled, walking towards them, and they smiled up at him, a smile of pure mischievousness.
From that smile he knew he had made the right decision to drop his homework and come. His smile replicated theirs, and he sat down in the circle and joined hands with Kol and Ana.
After a bunch of witchy mojo from the great and powerful Ana, we were in a new landscape, an alternative dimension from what Ana said. The town looked exactly like Mystic Falls, just older and quieter. There was no one in sight, no yells or loud music playing or any cars driving, it was quiet, and it was fucking eerie and weird.
Kol looked around with childlike wonder while Ana started walking, looking like she knew where she was going. I was ready to get out of dodge. This place was rubbing me the wrong way. It was like time had stopped, and that was an accurate description.
"So what exactly are we doing here? Not that this isn't entertaining," Kol says, ruining the silence. He turned to me, and I shrugged and said, "Bro, I just got here."
Kol crinkled his nose at the word, and I chuckled; seeing him get used to the new world and times was so cute. It was fun getting him sorted, and he was actually really good at COD, but he cheats all the time, especially with the vampire reflexes. Getting his phone set up was both funny and infuriating.
"Were here for Kai Parker, someone who can take you off my hands," Ana said as we walked through the ghost town.
"Right..." Kol said, looking at me and mouthing, "Who's this Kai Parker."
I shrugged again; Ana was one of the most forthcoming people I knew but had a village of skeletons in her closet. In my decade of knowing her, I still couldn't tell what was going on in that beautiful brain of hers.
Ana looked back at us with a smile and finally gave in and explained. "Kai Parker was trapped here by his coven because he's a siphoner. He's been here for a while and he's a psychopath! So he'll be your guys bestie in no time," she explained.
"Okay so where is he?" I asked, looking around, still unable to see anyone. "Probably eating pork rinds somewhere watching us," she laughed.
"Pork rinds, seriously? There gross," I said with a shudder. Kol rolled his eyes and drawled, "Should we just say his name three times and he'll appear."
I scoffed, shaking my head as if that'll work. Ana chuckled but didn't say anything to stop him, so he said Kai's name three times like he was fucking Beetlejuice.
"How long is this going to take? I've got my final game tomorrow before the summer starts," I asked Ana, and she swung her arm around me, pulled me towards her, and kissed my cheek.
"We just need to head to Oregon, but you'll make it, and I'll be there on the sidelines cheering you on." she said, and I pulled her closer and muttered, "You going to wear your cute cheerleading outfit?"
She smirked and kissed me again, closer to my lips, teasing me, and pulled away. "If you win," she said, and I was already itching to see her in that little red skirt and that tight white top they called a uniform.
"I wanna see this cheerleading uniform," someone said, and it definitely wasn't Kol.
I was chilling at my house, rereading a random book for the fifteenth time while snacking on pork rinds until I felt it.
"Oho, is somewhere here?" I said aloud, looking at the teddy bear in the seat next to me. I stared at it momentarily and shook my head, "No, I'll get out of here," I told him.
Okay, so after a few years, I had grown a little lonely, but Rubeus helped me through it.
I got up and left the house in search of the person or people that got banished, just like me. I was surprised to see two attractive brunettes and a hot Latina walking around talking about me. Me! It seemed the little lady knew all about me, which would make it hard for me to trick them. Luckily I could feel her magic, meaning I could just siphon it off her if she didn't wanna play nice.
"Should we just say his name three times, and he'll appear?" one of them said, and I couldn't help but laugh at the Beetlejuice reference, such a classic.
The guy was tall, brunette, with a sharp and angular face with dark brown eyes, and he walked with confidence like he was strong and invincible. I already liked him better than the other one, the one who hated pork rinds. There must be something wrong with him.
"Kai. Kai. Kai," he chanted aloud childlessly, and the others rolled their eyes at him. I would come out just for a dramatic entrance until the other guy started talking, and the woman embraced him like a lover.
OMG, are they dating? How cute, not.
"We just need to head to Oregon, but you'll make it, and I'll be there on the sidelines cheering you on." the woman said to the boy; I still didn't know their names. I was surprised she knew about Oregan. Does that mean she knows about the ascendant? Why are they here for me? Is this a weird plot conducted by that annoying Genmi Coven of mine? Enough about my stupid family, a cheerleading uniform? Oh, I have to see that; much better than Baywatch.
She pulled away from the boy, and the other brunette watched with a smirk, and I took that as my entrance.
"I wanna see this cheerleading uniform," I called out, walking out from the side of the building, and they all turned to me. I smiled charmingly at them and waited for a response.
"You're Kai Parker?" the better brunette said, and I just noticed the British accent, and I already liked how my name came out of his mouth.
I bowed, looked up at him, and said, "The one and only" I stood up and waved around the town and said, "Welcome to my prison, population now 4."
"Kol. Kol Mikealson," the brunette said, taking a step to shake my hand; the others followed and introduced themselves. Anastasia Raven, the beautiful Latina with strong magic coursing through her veins, and Jeremy Gilbert, a plain old human. On the other hand, Kol seemed powerful in his own right, just not the magical kind; he was something else, maybe a vampire?
"So you're breaking me out, huh?" I asked, walking them towards my house for the last time; this dimension was different; I lost track ages ago.
"Yeah, so this calls for a road trip!" Anastasia said, glancing at the Corvette in my driveway with a dreamy look.
Sorry this took so long, I've been playing Genshin and Honkai alot sooo I kinda forgot about it. But here! Kol, Jeremy and now Kai interactions, the next chapter will be solely about them.
Thanks so much for 200+k reads like holy shit!! I never knew this would get as much as attention as it has, I thought it would flop but it hasn't so thanks guys. It really means a lot and so do your comments and votes so keep it up. Honestly I need more friends to talk too so...
Go check out my other fics and see if they catch your fancy - hopefully they do!
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