- 6
Inosuke lay unconscious on the floor, his head resting on your lap. As you gazed down at him, your expression remained devoid of emotion. Your mind was filled with thoughts about the profound changes that had unfolded since your arrival. It was thanks to your intervention that Zenitsu had managed to vanquish the snake demon while retaining his consciousness. Moreover, you had played a role in rendering Inosuke unconscious, altering the course of events so that Zenitsu not only protected the box but also engaged in a fierce battle with Inosuke. Also weirdly enough, unlike the anime, this time Zenitsu nor Tanjiro gave his haoris to the boar boy... weird.
Uncertainty plagued your thoughts as you contemplated whether these changes were ultimately beneficial or detrimental. Letting out a sigh, you began to stroke the boy's hair, marveling at its unexpectedly soft and silky texture.
While you were engrossed in brushing his hair, a faint murmur caught your attention. Perplexity crept across your face as you strained to discern the source. It was Inosuke, seemingly trapped within the realms of a dream or perhaps a haunting nightmare. Both concern and curiosity welled up inside you, compelling you to draw nearer and listen intently to decipher the enigmatic mutterings. As his fragmented words reached your ears, your eyes widened in astonishment at the single poignant word that emerged from his lips.
'Shit, I don't know what that means...' You pouted, disappointed in yourself.
Out of nowhere, a firm grip seized your wrist, halting the gentle motion of your hand through Inosuke's hair. Startled, you turned your attention to him, only to be captivated by the gradual unveiling of his mesmerizing emerald eyes. Time seemed to slow as his intense gaze locked onto yours, and an unsteady swallow betrayed your growing uncertainty about his intentions.
"L-Let's talk this through firs-"
In a sudden burst of madness, Inosuke lunged at you, catching you completely off guard. With a shriek of surprise, you sprang to your feet and sprinted for dear life, with Inosuke hot on your heels like a wild, determined beast.
"Fight me! Fight me, you damn woman!"
"WHAT DID I EVER DO TO DESERVE THIS?!" You hollered back, desperately trying to put as much distance as possible between yourself and the relentless pursuer. Did you accidentally kick him, punch him, and hit him with a rock or something?
Amidst the chaos, your frantic yells caught Zenitsu's attention, causing him to spin around and witness the chaotic chase unfolding before him. Reacting swiftly, he rushed to your side and seized you protectively. "(Y/N)! What's wrong, angel?" He gasped, his face pale with concern. Regaining your breath, you simply pointed behind you, and Zenitsu's expression turned even paler as he instinctively sought refuge behind you.
Your deadpan stare said it all.
"Y-YOU JUST WOKE UP! W-WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?! BACK OFF!" Zenitsu hissed, with a strong grip on your shoulders.
"WHAT'RE YOU GUYS DOING!?" Yelled the boar boy.
"It's a burial." Responds Tanjiro, holding a heavy rock.
"Inosuke, help us. There are still people who were killed in that mansion."
'What's the point he says... This motherfucker it's just a crazy dumbass...' Zenitsu was just done with Inosuke's shit.
"Oh, i see... You can't do it because you are weak as hell. You got super hurt because of (L/N), right?"
'Those two are beyond help! They're crazy!' Thought the yellow haired boy who was still hiding behind you.
'Is this the part where Tanjiro unintentionally calls Inosuke weak? Haha, fun. Go Tanjiro!' You cheered internally.
"It's okay, each person's pain threshold is different. Carrying dead people out of the mansion, digging a hole and burying them is really hard... But i'll work with Zenitsu and these boys, so don't worry! You can just rest, Inosuke. Sorry to ask you too much!"
'He doesn't get it...' Shoichi and Kiyoshi thought at the same time. You kind of knew what was coming so you just covered your ears.
"HUHHHHHHHHH?! DON'T MOCK ME STUPID FOREHEAD DUDE! I CAN BURY A HUNDRED PEOPLE! EVEN TWO HUNDRED MORE OF YOUR CORPSES! I CAN DO MORE THAN ANY OF YOU! JUST WATCH!" With determination etched across his face, he bolted towards the house, eager to showcase his skills and prove himself as the best.
As the noise subsided, you uncovered your ears and surveyed your surroundings. Everyone around you seemed engaged in various tasks—gathering corpses, digging graves, and working tirelessly—Your heart stirred with the desire to lend a helping hand, but just as you were about to step forward, a gentle yet concerned grip clasped your wrist. It was Tanjiro, wearing a worried smile.
"(L/N)! I don't think you should be involved in any of this. Leave it to us!" Tanjiro spoke softly, his worry evident. He didn't want you to partake in such gruesome work. Despite being aware of your incredible strength, he still regarded you as a lady and felt it would be unfair to burden you with such labor.
"Huh?" Your inability to understand Japanese became apparent once again, as the words escaped you. Realizing his oversight, Tanjiro apologized and took hold of your hand, leading you towards Teruko.
"Teruko, please ensure that she doesn't engage in any dangerous tasks. Can I trust you with this request?" Tanjiro implored, his eyes gleaming with gratitude. Caught off guard, Teruko nervously accepted, unable to refuse his plea. In that moment, it seemed as if stars and an aura of happiness materialized around Tanjiro.
"Thank you so much!" He expressed his gratitude before hastening off to fulfill his responsibilities. Left alone with Teruko, the air grew silent, intensifying the shyness between you two, further compounded by the language barrier.
'Uh, rude? Does he thinks Im weak or something? Didn't he saw my amazing rock hit? Damn, fuck him then.' You crossed your arms and a pout was visible on your lips.
'Aghh! What do I do?! I can't communicate with her! What if she thinks I'm a bother and doesn't want to be around me?' Teruko's mind raced with worries, completely oblivious to the penetrating gaze of you fixated upon her.
'Oh...? Her pigtails are all tangled up...' You gently tapped Teruko's shoulder. Startled, she turned to face you, who gestured to the disheveled state of her hair. Acting on instinct, Teruko reached up and realized that her pigtails were indeed a mess, likely a result of Zenitsu constantly clinging to her.
'O-Oh no! I must look terrible! How embarrassing!' Teruko fretted anxiously. But to her astonishment, she felt a soft pull on her hair, as you took hold and began carefully brushing it with your fingers.
'Is she... Is she fixing my hair? What?!' Teruko remained motionless as you worked with a serene smile on your face. Once finished, Teruko tentatively reached up to touch her hair, discovering two adorable braids.
You anxiously awaited Teruko's reaction, your knuckles rubbing together nervously. It was your first time styling someone else's hair. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Teruko leaped onto you, wrapping her arms tightly around your waist.
"Thank you, um, big sis! They're beautiful! I love them!" Exclaimed the little girl with an exuberant smile and flushed cheeks.
'AW! SHE'S SO ADORABLE! I LOVE HER!' You joyfully embraced Teruko in return, overwhelmed by the affectionate moment you shared.
After what seemed like an eternity, the burial was finally complete, the arduous task consuming so much time that afternoon had already arrived. As the boys toiled away, (Y/N) and Teruko found solace in each other's company, engaging in playful activities that made them resemble sisters, at least according to everyone's perception—although Inosuke seemed to be the exception—but shh, you didn't hear it from me.
With somber prayers offered to the departed, the scene took an unexpected turn when the adorable Inosuke, displaying his unique charm, proceeded to vigorously bash his forehead against a nearby tree with seemingly boundless force.
"...What is that creature doing?" Asked Teruko.
"Just stop thinking, sis." And the little girl responded with an okay.
"CRAWWWW! CRAWWW! DESCEND TO THE MOUNTAIN! DESCEND TO THE MOUNTAIN!" Screamed Tanjiro's crow, flying around them.
"Is that crow t-talking?"
"Again, just stop thinking."
"Hmh?" Inosuke's eyes darted across the figures of the people that were present. "HEY! WHERE ARE YOU ALL GOING?"
"We're descending the mountain." Tanjiro replied calmly.
A trace of ambiguity laced Tanjiro's response as he uttered. "You seem exhausted, aren't you? Come on, let's head down."
"GRR! I'M NOT TIRED! LET'S KEEP FIGHTING!" Inosuke growled, unwilling to accept defeat.
(L/N) (Y/N).
You, a normal civilian girl.
Was right now on the verge of crying.
In that tense moment, you found yourself standing before a sorrowful Tanjiro and a bewildered Zenitsu, while the three siblings huddled close together. The atmosphere crackled with unease, leaving you feeling a sense of shock mirrored in your expression.
"...Huh?" You voiced your confusion, your mind struggling to grasp the gravity of the situation unfolding before you.
"Kiyoshi, I know this is a lot to ask, but... I... I beg you to take (L/N) with you." Tanjiro pleaded, his face etched with worry.
"Eh? Really? I don't understand why..." Kiyoshi said, his confusion clearly visible. You couldn't fathom the reasoning behind Tanjiro's request, your heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety.
"Well, she's a civilian, and we are demon slayers... If she accompany us, there's a high risk of her getting injured or worse..." Tanjiro's words painted a picture of concern and a desire to protect you from the dangers they faced. Though unable to fully comprehend the conversation, you had a sense of what was transpiring. Tanjiro wanted you to join the children, separating you from their group. The thought weighed heavily on you.
"EH?! TANJIRO?! ARE YOU NUTS?! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?!" Zenitsu's nerves jangled as he interjected, his voice laced with apprehension.
"I haven't! It's just... It's too dangerous for her to stay with us! If anything were to happen..." A secret, dear reader, that only you and Tanjiro share: he doesn't actually want you to leave. He cherishes your presence, admires your kindness, and has developed a soft spot for you. However, his selflessness compels him to prioritize your safety above all else.
"NO! I REFUSE! I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE!" Zenitsu clung tightly to your waist, his distress evident. "I CANNOT ALLOW HER TO GO! NO! NO! SHE'S THE ONE WHO WILL MARRY ME! I'M NOT READY TO BE SEPARATED FROM (Y/N)!"
"Zenitsu! You're causing her distress! Leave her alone!" Tanjiro intervened, his voice infused with a mixture of concern and exasperation, urging Zenitsu to let you go.
"NO! SHUT UP!" The blonde was crying now. Tanjiro tried ignoring his pleas and made an effort to talk to the kids.
"I'm sorry for the trouble, but please...!" You weren't even hearing at this point. You REALLY didn't want to leave them. You had found yourself in this new world, and now, you couldn't bear the thought of leaving.
Before Tanjiro could continue speaking, you separated yourself from Zenitsu's embrace and took a few steps forward, closing the distance between you. "(L/N)...?" Tanjiro's voice held a mix of surprise and concern as he watched you lower your head, your hands trembling as they clutched onto the edge of his haori. With a deep breath, you slowly lifted your tear-filled eyes, your quivering lip and flushed cheeks revealing your overwhelming emotions. Tanjiro could only watch in astonishment as tears streamed down your face, and in an instant, you threw your arms around him in a tight embrace.
"You're an idiot, a f-fucking moron..." Your cries echoed through the air as you sought comfort and reassurance from Tanjiro's presence, your face buried against his shoulder.
"Tanjiro." Said Shoichi. "I think she doesn't want to come with us. I feel it will be better if she stays with you... Just a hunch."
"Yeah! I think so too!" Continued Teruko. "Big sis seemed really happy whenever i would mention your name or Zenitsu's name! I don't think that she would like it if you leaved her with us!"
"...Is that so?" You were startled as Tanjiro's intense gaze met your eyes. His hands reached up, cupping your cheeks tenderly.
"(L/N)." he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "I apologize for even considering the idea of leaving you behind. It was foolish of me to think that way. Even if you may not fully understand my words, please know that everything will be okay."
Tanjiro made a silent promise to himself in that moment. He vowed to protect you with all his might, shielding you from any danger that may arise. With a soft touch, he wiped away your tears, his hand gently cradling yours. Gradually, a sense of calm washed over you, as if his touch had the power to soothe your troubled heart. But you still feeling bitter by his actions, softly slapped his hand away, giving him an sorrow expression. He laughed, understanding that his actions might have offended you. He muttered some apologies at you but you ignored them playfully.
A crow suddenly appeared, coughing up a scented bag of wisteria flowers. It was a powerful demon ward, meant to protect against demonic threats. As the crow chanted "DEMON REPELLENT! DEMON REPELLENT!" in its grating voice, Kiyoshi, who possessed Marechi blood, was entrusted with the important task of carrying it henceforth.
The children expressed their gratitude, assuring everyone that they could find their way home on their own. However, before they could depart, you hurriedly closed the distance between you and them, engulfing them in a warm, tight hug.
"I'm going to miss you all so much!" You whispered, your voice tinged with a hint of melancholy.
Teruko's eyes filled with sadness as she responded. "Big sis, thank you for everything. I'll never forget you!"
Shoichi, his voice filled with genuine gratitude, added: "And thank you for protecting us of that demon. We- ... I won't forget your kindness ever."
Kiyoshi, the oldest of the three, smiled shyly and spoke softly. "It was truly a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N). Take care."
As the children reluctantly began to move away, Tanjiro's voice rang out, filled with warmth and encouragement. "Take care!"
And just as they were disappearing from sight, the crow squawked loudly, beckoning for your attention, its message clear: "NOW, COME WITH ME! KAW! FOLLOW ME TO YOUR NEXT DESTINATION! KAW!"
Zenitsu's whining voice cut through the air, immediately capturing everyone's attention. "Tanjiro~" He moaned, his face contorted in pain, eliciting concern from the group.
"What's wrong, Zenitsu?" Tanjiro inquired, his eyes filled with worry.
"My body... it hurts so much! I can barely move... all because of that fucking asshole!" He pointed an accusing finger at Inosuke, who was obstinately attempting to provoke you into a fight, despite your persistent refusal.
"Inosuke! Enough! Leave (L/N) alone!" Tanjiro's voice resounded firmly, his patience wearing thin as he scolded the wild-haired boy. Noticing the blonde's distress, he turned to him with a sympathetic expression. "Don't worry, Zenitsu. If you're comfortable with it, I can carry you."
"Wait- really?! Would you do that for me?"
"Of course, here." Tanjiro positioned himself, preparing to give Zenitsu a piggyback ride to alleviate his pain.
As the commotion with Inosuke continued, you watched the scene unfold, a glimmer of determination shining in your eyes. An idea sparked in your mind—an opportunity to assist in easing the burden on Tanjiro—You were determined to prove your usefulness and lend a helping hand. With a mischievous smile, you called out to the boar boy, capturing his attention. "Inosuke!"
"Huh? Are you finally ready to fight me?"
Without missing a beat, you extended your arm and threw an imaginary ball in the opposite direction. It was a childish trick, one that no one in their right mind would fall for, but today luck was on your side. Inosuke's eyes immediately darted towards the imaginary object, completely engrossed in the search for the nonexistent ball. Seizing the opportunity, you swiftly maneuvered past the distracted boar-headed boy, sprinting towards Tanjiro and Zenitsu.
As you reached them, a mix of determination and excitement coursed through your veins. You knelt down beside Zenitsu, a supportive smile gracing your lips.
"E-Eh?! (Y/N)?! What the heck are you doing?!" Zenitsu exclaimed, surprised to see you kneeled down.
"Come on! Hop on my back!" You tried making gestures so that he would understand your intentions.
"(L/N), it's okay! I'll carry him!" Tanjiro tried to stop you but it was futile. You kept insisting too much.
"HOP ON MY BACK! HOP ON MY BACK! LET'S GO, ZENITSU!" You yelled with a terrifying aura.
Your persistence paid off, and Zenitsu reluctantly gave in to your insistence. He couldn't bear the thought of burdening a lady like you, but your determination won him over. Tanjiro observed the situation with a mix of concern and understanding, ultimately deciding to respect your wishes. With a slight frown etched on his face, he let the matter go, trusting that you knew what you were doing.
Zenitsu gingerly climbed onto your back, feeling a sense of guilt and gratitude intertwine within him. As he settled into a comfortable position, his body supported by yours, you beamed with happiness. The sight of your radiant smile directed solely at him made his heart skip a beat, and a blush crept onto his cheeks. Internally, he screamed in disbelief, unable to comprehend how someone as kind, sweet, and stunning as you would choose to interact with someone like him.
With Zenitsu secure on your back, you stood tall, ready to embark on the journey down the mountain towards the wisteria house. Despite the weight you carried, your spirit remained undeterred, exuding an unwavering confidence. Zenitsu's voice quivered as he spoke, his face flushed with embarrassment. "I-If I'm too heavy, just drop me, (Y/N)!"
'Why does everyone seems to forget that I don't speak Japanese?'
Unaware of the meaning behind his words, you simply smiled at him warmly, oblivious to his inner turmoil. The sincerity in your smile made Zenitsu's heart race, and he struggled to keep his composure. How could he resist someone as incredible as you?
"KAWWW! FOLLOW ME, FOLLOW ME!" Tanjiro's crow flew around us, leading us to our destination.
"Oh for god's sake! Would you leave (L/N) alone for just one second?!"
"Yeah, you stupid boar! Stop bothering my princess!" Whispered Zenitsu who was awake, unlike the anime.
"HUH?! I'M NOT STUPID, YOU PUSSY! YOU WANNA FIGHT?!" The pretty boy said while raising his fists.
"And she's not your princess!" Tanjiro reminded Zenitsu.
The chaotic scene unfolded before your eyes, leaving you bewildered and exhausted. Inosuke, true to his nature, paid no attention to the boys and positioned himself in front of you, his wild and untamed demeanor on full display. Zenitsu, irritated by his antics, emitted a low growl, his frustration mounting. Meanwhile, you stared back at Inosuke with a mixture of confusion and weariness. The language barrier had become an insurmountable wall, rendering any attempts at understanding futile. At this point, you simply couldn't find the energy to decipher their words or intentions anymore.
Inosuke's accusatory words pierced through the air, filled with both frustration and a hint of desperation. His voice reverberated with a mix of anger and confusion. "You're a liar! I looked the area, but I never found the ball you supposedly threw! What kind of magic is this, woman?! Where is that damn ball? And why won't you fight with me?"
Despite not comprehending his words, the intensity of his emotions was palpable. Inosuke's frustration seemed to stem from a perceived betrayal or trickery on your part, as he fervently sought an explanation for the disappearing ball. His insistence on a fight underscored his combative nature, leaving you caught in the middle of his turbulent emotions. However, you remained composed, your expression betraying a sense of detached calmness. It was clear that you had reached your limit in attempting to decipher their communication. The weight of the situation and the language barrier had taken its toll, leaving you disinterested in the unfolding chaos.
Unbeknownst to Inosuke, your weariness and disinterest had reached its peak. With a nonchalant demeanor and an utter lack of curiosity in comprehending his words, you stuck out your tongue with a vacant smile adorning your face. Your eyes displayed a complete absence of thought or concern. This simple act, intended to be playful or dismissive, only served to further infuriate Inosuke.
Enraged by your apparent disregard, his frustrations boiled over, causing him to unleash a torrent of angry shouts. His voice reverberated with a mix of indignation and exasperation, as he struggled to comprehend your nonchalant response.
"Huh? Are you talking to me?" Tanjiro tilted his head in pure confusion.
"AND WHO THE HELL IS THAT?!" He asked, clearly offended.
"HOLY SHIT, DON'T YOU TWO EVER SHUT THE FUCK UP?!" Yelled the yellow-haired boy, tired of their bullshit.
'Were they always this loud in the anime...?' You sighed. You four still had a long way to go.
As the group reached their destination, the Wisteria house, the night sky welcomed them with a gentle breeze and the shimmering glow of the yellow moon. The surroundings were cloaked in darkness, casting an eerie atmosphere over the area. Shadows danced and played, lending an air of mystique to the scene. At this point, Zenitsu already felt better enough to walk on his own. He couldn't thank you enough though.
"KAWWWW! REST! REST! REST UNTIL YOUR WOUNDS FULLY HEAL!" Said the crow who was in your head.
"We can rest? I had to fight a demon while i was injured though..." Tanjiro muttered confused.
"Let's eat this thing." Said Inosuke seriously while grabbing his foot.
The door swung open, revealing a warm and welcoming sight. Standing before the group was a kind-hearted old woman, the caretaker of the Wisteria house. Her gentle smile and wise eyes instantly put them at ease, as if she held a wealth of knowledge and experience within her.
"Hello?" she greeted them with a soft voice, her tone filled with a mixture of curiosity and recognition. "You must be the demon slayers..."
"Yikes! Um, sorry to arrive so late!" Exclaimed Tanjiro.
"It's a ghost! It's a ghost!" Zenitsu was scared of the lady and hid behind you.
"She looks weak." Complained Inosuke who was touching the lady's hair.
As the group entered the house, the atmosphere shifted to one of serenity and tranquility. Chuntarou, the little bird perched on Zenitsu's shoulder, fluttered over and landed on your head, as if seeking comfort and companionship. Tanjiro's crow, too, found its place on your head, adding a touch of whimsy to the scene.
Walking alongside Zenitsu, his hand tightly clasped in yours, you couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness. The old woman led the way, her steps quick and purposeful, guiding them through the corridors until they reached a spacious room.
"This is where you'll be staying until you're all better." She explained with a warm smile, gesturing towards the three yukatas neatly laid out on the tatami floor.
You smiled to yourself, unawere of what was happening around you. 'Ok, ok, ok... I've read so many fanfictions where this kind lady actually can speak english! This is my opportunity!' You approached the elderly and leaned down a little with an anxious and shy smile.
"U-Um, excuse me...! Do you perhaps speak english...?"
The grandma didn't respond but instead, took your hand. 'I'll take that as a no.'
"She's a foreigner right? I'll take this young lady to another room so she can change privately..."
"Oh, thank you so much!" Exclaimed Tanjiro nicely.
"Tanjiro! Help! This lady is taking me somewhere else! I'm being kidnapped!" You cried comically and stretching your arm to grab Tanjiro but it was impossible.
You found yourself alone in a small room, with a beautiful yukata displayed before you. A realization dawned upon you. 'Ohhhh! She must have brought me here so I could change separately from the boys!'
Feeling a mix of excitement and curiosity, you quickly stripped down and carefully slipped into the elegant garment. However, as you attempted to tie it up, you found yourself struggling. The intricacies of Japanese culture and traditional costumes proved to be quite challenging. Frustration crept in as you made several unsuccessful attempts. 'WHY THE FUCK IS THIS SO DIFFICULT?!'
Just as you began to feel disheartened, the door unexpectedly opened, but to your great fortune, it was the kind old grandma who entered the room. Without uttering a word, she approached you with a gentle smile and offered her assistance. Gratefulness welled up within you, and you thought to yourself. 'AWW! SHE'S SO NICE! I LOVE YOU, KIND GRANDMA!'
With her patient guidance, she helped you learn how to properly tie the yukata, patiently showing you each step and ensuring it fit you comfortably. As she finished, a sense of accomplishment washed over you. You admired yourself in the mirror, feeling proud and grateful for the guidance you had received. Just when you thought the encounter was over, the grandma surprised you by presenting a book. Curiosity was piqued, and you reached out and read the title on its cover, intrigued by what it might hold.
"Book to help stupid foreigners learn Japanese! Super easy that even monkeys can learn too!"
'...what's up with that title...?'
After your exchange, the grandma guided you back to where the boys were waiting. As you entered the room, you saw Tanjiro and Zenitsu seated, while Inosuke had already begun devouring his food. Taking your place beside Tanjiro with Zenitsu on the other side, and Inosuke seated across from you, you prepared to join the meal. The sight of the delicious spread made your mouth water, but your excitement quickly turned into disappointment as you realized you had no clue how to use chopsticks. Frustration bubbled up within you. 'FUCK JAPAN! I can't use these at all!'
Zenitsu, ever observant, noticed your struggle and saw this as an opportunity. With a mischievous glimmer in his eyes, he deftly picked up some food with his chopsticks and leaned toward you.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Say aahh~!" Despite the strange looks he had received in the past for his actions, this time Zenitsu had pure intentions—he simply wanted to feed you—No ulterior motives, just a desire to care for you. Eyes sparkling with delight, you eagerly opened your mouth as Zenitsu offered the morsel. As the flavor exploded on your taste buds, you felt like you had ascended to cloud nine. Your cheeks flushed, and an undeniable radiance emanated from you.
"AWWW, (Y/N)! YOU'RE SO CUTE!" Zenitsu couldn't contain his adoration for you.
Not wanting to miss out on the fun, Tanjiro joined in, holding his chopsticks in front of you. "Try this too, (L/N)!" He offered, presenting you with another delectable bite. Lost in the blissful moment, you happily accepted the morsel, relishing every mouthful. The two boys, captivated by your excitement, continued to feed you with joyous abandon. In that moment, nothing else mattered. Their sole focus was on you and your sheer delight.
However, Inosuke, ever the competitive spirit, observed the scene and decided to partake in the feeding frenzy. "HEY, MINION! MY FOOD IS BETTER THAN THEIRS! HERE!" Inosuke disregarded utensils and picked up a morsel of food with his hand, thrusting it toward your mouth.
"YOU FUCKING OGRE! HOW CAN YOU DO SOMETHING SO DISGUSTING? DO YOU EVEN WASH YOUR HANDS? EWWWWW!" Zenitsu's outburst filled the room, expressing his disgust at Inosuke's unorthodox approach.
"Bad Inosuke! You can't do something like that!" Tanjiro scolded him like a dog, his voice filled with concern.
As you savored the delicious flavors, a conflicted expression crossed your face. 'The food tastes so good, but his method of feeding me... ugh...' You couldn't deny your enjoyment of the meal, but Inosuke's unconventional approach left you torn between pleasure and distaste.
"Here is the doctor." Said grandma with a kind looking doctor by her side.
He started inspecting each one of them until it was your turn. He grabbed your hand gently and took you to another room to check your condition.
"Why's that man taking her to another place?" Asked Inosuke oblivious.
"Have you even heard the word privacy, you friggin' moron?" Responded Zenitsu, annoyed by the lack of education of the boar boy.
"Here's your bedding. Good night." With that, the lady disappeared.
"There she is again! That hag is a-" Tanjiro punched Zenitsu before he could even finish.
Inosuke didn't waste time in being the first one to choose his bed. "First come! First served, bitches! I'm taking this one!"
"It's okay. Sleep wherever you want!" You didn't even bother overthinking and just chose the one next to the boar boy. After getting comfortable, you opened the book that the grandma gave you and started reading it. "Zenitsu, where do you want to sleep?"
"The one besides (Y/N)-" Inosuke threw a pillow to the boy out of rage.
"Well, who would've thought that all of us had broken ribs?"
(Y/N) = 1 rib
Tanjiro = 2 ribs
Zenitsu = 3 ribs
Inosuke = 6 ribs
"This knot hurts more than my ribs..." Muttered Inosuke, while touching his forehead.
"I'm sure (L/N) feels sorry for hitting you." Said Tanjiro trying to help. 'You kinda deserved it though.'
"Ey, you better apologize to me and (Y/N)... Getting pounded to a pulp like that... Say you're sorry."
"I'll pass."
"Say you're sorry!"
"I'll pass!"
"Dude, just say you're sorry!"
'So that's how you say fuck you in Japanese!' You were ignoring the boys discussion and was minding your own business while reading the book you got. 'I'm sleepy...'
"Is there something i can help you...?" Said the lady through the other side of the room. This scarred the three boys.
The three boys kept talking about stuff, like the origin of the wisteria house, how Inosuke turned into a demon slayer and something about his morals. You fell asleep on top of the book. You were extremely tired after all the things that happened today.
Though Zenitsu couldn't keep his thoughts to himself anymore. "Tanjiro, since no one else is asking, i'm going to do it myself... Why are you traveling with a demon?" They both looked at each other. Inosuke was busy with his thoughts.
"Zenitsu... you knew that and yet, you and (Y/N) still protected the box, huh? You two are really, super amazing... Thank you so much!"
"GAH!" Zenitzu blushed and rolled on his futon. "You really shouldn't heap so much praise on me!"
"I've got a keen smell so i knew it from the start... How kind and strong you are-"
"Bitch, shut your goofy ass up. I'm not strong at all. Don't give me that crap."
Tanjiro got nervous for his words and tried to refute them but, Zenitzu's gaze was terrifying. The box suddenly started moving, scarring the shit ouf Zenitsu. Said boy, jumped and trembled.
"It's trying to come out, it's trying to come out!"
"It's all right! You don't have to get scared!"
The box's door opened slowly.
"Shhhhh! It's the middle of the night Zenitsu! Shush!"
"P-P-P-PROTECT ME! SOMEONE, ANYONE! (Y/N)!" Zenitsu leaped onto you, startling you awake from your slumber. Confused and disoriented, you blinked and tried to make sense of the situation. "Stay back! Stay away from me and (Y/N)!" Zenitsu cried out, his voice filled with fear.
Startled by his sudden outburst, you sat up and looked around. That's when you noticed small Nezuko emerging from her box. She was adorable, chubby, and absolutely precious. However, to your astonishment, Nezuko began to grow in size until she stood at her full height, emitting an ethereal glow.
'Wow, Tanjiro wasn't exaggerating when he called her the beauty of their hometown...'
Confusion clouded Zenitsu's face as he tried to process the situation. "...Huh?" He murmured, unable to comprehend the sudden transformation.
"Aww, Nezuko, you're awake!" Tanjiro exclaimed with joy, while Inosuke had fallen asleep during the commotion. "Zenitsu, this is my si-"
"Tanjiro... you have it so good!" Zenitsu interrupted in a mix of fury and envy.
"First, you've been traveling with such a cute girl, and now you've encountered a goddess on the road... You have it so incredibly lucky! I can't believe I defended you, you little piece of shit!"
"Eh? W-Wait a moment!" Tanjiro tried to reason with his friend, but Zenitsu continued his ramblings, engrossed in his heated argument. Meanwhile, Nezuko's gaze fell upon Inosuke, who was still blissfully asleep.
'Is that a boar mask...? Weird.' She then looked in-front of her and saw you, who had a bewildered expression.
'H-HOLY SHIT! NEZUKO IS LOOKING AT ME! SHOULD I SAY HI?!' You nervously stood up and got near the demon girl.
"...H-Hi..." You were blushing a lot for your own good. You were a big fan of Nezuko and seeing her in person made you so happy and anxious at the same time.
"...?" She recognized that voice. She was sure she has heard it somewhere.
"Nezuko, just in case i die, i love you with all my freaking heart. It's not like you can understand me or hear me since you are probably sleeping but let me be cool for a second... love you haha..." (From chapter 3)
'Ah! She's the one who said nice things while i was in the box! And the one who protected me!'
Now it was Nezuko's turn to blush and get excited. She's been waiting to meet the kind girl ever since she spoke to her! Without any warning, Nezuko jumped and hugged you, it happened so fast that you both fell onto the futon. The loud noise got the attention of Tanjiro and Zenitsu.
"Mhm, mhm!" Said the demon girl while rubbing her head in the crook of your neck. Both girls were blushing, but one was blushing out of excitement, and the other one, out of confusion.
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