- 45
Little note:
I hope I did this chapter correctly! I wanted to create lots of suspense and convey the emotions as well as possible!
Also, (y/n) being the mvp here of this chapter💪💪
On another note, i took the upper part of the pose in an image of pinterest
UPDATE: Un— i drew you with your demon slayer clothes but that was a mistake, you're still using your hoe disguise
The intense battle between Gyutaro and Daki raged on, leaving you and your fellow Demon Slayers on edge, unsure of the outcome. Just as you were contemplating the impending danger, Uzui's boisterous laugh suddenly reverberated through the area, catching everyone's attention and startling you with its unexpected arrival.
"AHHAHAHA! WE'RE GOING TO WIN THIS, US THE DEMON SLAYERS!" Uzui proclaimed triumphantly, his confidence beaming like a beacon of hope. The sight of his unwavering smile even brought relief to Tanjiro, who couldn't help but gaze at him in admiration. It was truly surprising to witness.
"HUH?! NO WAY YOU CAN WIN!" Daki retorted, shifting her focus from Gyutaro to the ongoing battle. "Not when you, their only hope, are ravaged by poison!"
"P-Poison?!" Tanjiro's voice trembled upon hearing this revelation, and he anxiously looked towards Uzui, concerned for his well-being.
"SHUT UP, MONKEY! WE'RE GOING TO WIN EASILY!" Uzui smirked confidently.
Daki gasped, infuriated by the insult. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU CALLING MONKE—"
"I'M AT THE TOP OF MY GAME! ESPECIALLY AFTER MY GIRL MADE ME LAUGH THAT HARD!" He proudly declared, referring to you as his girl.
"Y-Your girl?!" You stammered, taken aback by his unexpected confession.
"Of course!" Uzui beamed as he affectionately patted your head, leaving you with a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.
"OHH SHUT THE FUCK UP! NOT YOU TOO!" Daki yelled, frustrated by the fact that you seemed to be well-liked by everyone. It wasn't fair.
"NAH! YOU SHUT UP! ALL THESE THREE BOYS ARE MY BRILLIANT TSUGOKOS!" Uzui proclaimed, his tone turning serious as he spoke. His words carried an air of unwavering conviction. "(Y/N) IS MY MAGNIFICENT TSUGOKO TOO! THEY HAVE RELENTLESS GRIT!"
"Hehehe, heck yeah we do!" Inosuke chimed in, clearly flattered by the praise. Uzui chuckled at his reaction.
"Even if their limbs fall off, they won't let go! I will never doubt when I say that they feel me with pride and joy! They're the best of the best, so never insult them again! In fact, I already know how to take you two down—BEHEADING YOU AT THE SAME TIME!" Uzui's radiant smile remained, exuding a sense of confidence like the sun itself. You could tell he genuinely believed every word he said, and it almost moved you to tears, though you held them back knowing it wasn't the right moment. Tanjiro's eyes mirrored your emotions, revealing he felt the same. "HAHAHA! EASY PEASY, YOU TWO!" Uzui teased, poking fun at the demon pair.
"PFF— PUSSIES! SO ITS THAT SIMPLE!" Inosuke imitated the Hashira's laugh as well.
"All those Demon Slayers perished because they couldn't do that simple thing... Not even the Hashiras! Fifteen for me and seven for my sister! That's how many we've devoured!" Gyutaro taunted, finding their naivety highly amusing.
"That's right! Not a single one lived to see daybreak! Long nights are always on our side, after all. Every last one of you, just drop dead!" Daki chimed in, striking a confident pose. Without wasting a moment, she launched her Obi to attack Uzui, but Zenitsu swiftly posed and with incredible speed, closed in on her. His crackling Thunder Breathing shone so intensely that you couldn't quite follow his attack, only witnessing their intense clash that sent them soaring into the sky, then parting ways to maintain distance.
"FUCK! ZENITSU!" Tanjiro yelled, concerned for his friend.
"Leave that woman to me and sleepyhead! You, (Y/N), and Ukraine defeat that praying mantis! Got that, fucker?!" Inosuke commanded with a thumbs-up, leaping to join Zenitsu.
"I won't let you kill my sister." Gyutaro murmured, his unsettling smile still lingering on his face.
As Daki and Zenitsu landed on the roof, her aura shifted to one of anger, her expression darkening as she glared at him with pure hatred. "You... You're (Y/N)'s wife..." She sneered at him. "I know you two were infiltrating, so the fact that you two are married might have been a lie... If you admit that you lied and that you're not truly her husband, then I'll spare your life, piss hair—"
"Me and (Y/N) are not in a relationship." Zenitsu calmly interrupted.
"Oh!" Daki mockingly smiled at him. "Of course, she wouldn't be with a pathetic guy like you! You'll never be a good match for her! You're nothing compared to her level. You should really learn your place, yellow rat—"
"You're right." Zenitsu interjected again, his tone turning serious. "I'm really nowhere near her level. I don't think I'll ever be. She's a princess after all, and the fact that she has allowed me to stay by her side is enough for me. I can't be her prince... but I'll be her knight and protect her from anything that hurts her."
"...Shut up already." Daki clenched her fists, her fury evident in her squinting eyes.
"You're saying that I'm not a match for her, but you're not a match for her either." Zenitsu scoffed, furrowing his brows. "You're the one who should really know her place."
If looks could kill, Daki's gaze would have slain anyone who dared to meet her eyes at that moment. Veins bulged on her face, and a menacing aura of pure hatred surrounded her. A third eye appeared on her forehead, Gyutaro's eye, and they exchanged no words this time. Her sole focus was on one thing.
Kill him.
Gyutaro and Uzui locked eyes in an intense stare-down, causing you and Tanjiro to feel as though you were caught in the middle of something monumental.
'Unbelievable bloodlust! It's sending chills down my spine! No wonder... He's Upper Moon Six!' Tanjiro's thoughts raced nervously. 'I need to stay focused! Uzui's been poisoned, and I must protect him and (Y/N)! The moment he moves, I strike with my sword! The instant he makes a move—'
Tanjiro's heart nearly stopped when Gyutaro suddenly materialized right in front of him. Reacting instinctively, you gasped and rushed to shield him from Gyutaro's sickle, but something utterly unexpected occurred, almost making you choke on your own saliva.
"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Gyutaro let out a high-pitched scream, sounding like a frightened schoolgirl as he took several steps back, even dropping his sickles in fear.
"What?!" You couldn't help but exclaim, bewildered by Gyutaro's reaction. Did he really just scream in a high-pitched voice? The looks on Uzui's and Tanjiro's faces mirrored your own confusion. There were no words to describe the sheer disbelief they felt at that moment.
After a moment of stunned silence, Gyutaro began coughing loudly, his cheeks turning red. Amidst the coughs, his mind raced with thoughts. 'W-Why did I scream?! Why was I scared for a moment?! That boy doesn't look terrifying at all! But he reminds me of someone! A man who looks like him but with longer hair... perhaps, is it because of Lord Muzan's cells?! Was it a triggered memory of him in my body or something?!' Tanjiro's current hairstyle, with his hair shoulder-length, resembled Yorichii even more, causing Gyutaro to scream due to the trauma (Ptsd😶) Muzan had with him.
"...Did you just scream—" Tanjiro began to ask, still taken aback by the bizarre incident, but Gyutaro cut him off and swiftly launched an attack. The boy managed to react in time, evading the strike and creating an opportunity for Uzui to counterattack. The two demons engaged in fierce combat while you hurried to Tanjiro's side. 'Dammit! I promised to protect Uzui, but he protected me instead! Why am I so useless?!' He berated himself inwardly. Suddenly, he felt your hand on his shoulder, and he turned to look at you.
"Tanjiro, this isn't the time to dwell on your feelings of inadequacy. Moping won't help us. Let's act swiftly." You said with a resolute expression, surprising Tanjiro but also grounding him in the moment. You were right; they were in the midst of a battle, and he needed to focus. He nodded in gratitude, ready to press forward. However, before they could make another move, Daki's Obi shattered the ceiling of the building, launching attacks in all directions. One Obi came straight at him, but you swiftly stepped in, using your sword to protect him from the incoming strike just in time.
As Daki threatened Zenitsu, Inosuke swooped in just in the nick of time, landing at the yellow-haired boy's side. Witnessing Daki's third eye, Inosuke couldn't help but exclaim in surprise, "Huh?! Three eyes?!"
"I can see everything. All of your movements. You two will be dead in no time." Daki's eerie voice declared, filled with a deadly calmness and a seething mix of hate, fury, irritation, and annoyance. It was clear that Zenitsu's previous comment had truly provoked her.
"SHUT UP, OBI WOMAN! I WANNA MAKE ONE THING CLEAR!" Inosuke bellowed, pointing an accusing finger at her. "YOU MESS WITH ANDREW, YOU MESS WITH ME!"
"..." Zenitsu stayed silent but nodded in agreement.
Inosuke persisted. "CAUSE WE BOYS!"
Zenitsu repeated his agreement with a nonchalant, "Uh huh."
"..." Again, Zenitsu gave a confirming nod.
"WE BOYFRIENDS!" Inosuke proclaimed, surprising everyone. He gently touched Zenitsu's cheek with unexpected tenderness, but the reaction he received was a swift slap, and Zenitsu deadpanned.
"No, we're not."
"SO STOP SCREECHING IN THAT DAMN SHRILL VOICE!" Inosuke carried on with confidence, seemingly ignoring Zenitsu's response. Daki wasted no time and launched her attack, commanding her Obi to strike everyone present, making the situation even more perilous.
"You're pathetic humans. You're barely evading my attacks." Daki coldly remarked.
"SHUT UP, WOMAN! YOU TALK TOO MUCH! IF YOU'RE THAT STRONG, THEN HOW COME WE'RE NOT DEAD ALREADY?!" Inosuke retorted. With remarkable coolness, he skillfully evaded all of Daki's Obis, not a single one coming close to touching him.
"Alright. As you wish then." Daki conceded, increasing the intensity of her attacks. The Obis grew stronger and more lethal, making it increasingly difficult for everyone to evade or counterattack. Chaos ensued as your battle with Gyutaro collided with Daki's onslaught, causing the surroundings to crumble and the house to break apart. Uzui, amidst the chaos, threw his tiny explosive balls, causing explosions all around. With the house in shambles, everyone tumbled down to the first floor, yet Uzui and Gyutaro remained locked in their intense combat, never missing a beat.
The intense battle continued as Gyutaro hurled his deadly sickles at Tanjiro. The young Demon Slayer swiftly evaded each attack, but to his horror, the sickles changed their trajectory and headed straight for Uzui, who was already engaged in a fierce one-on-one duel with Gyutaro. Reacting swiftly, Tanjiro rushed to protect the Hashira, clashing his sword against the heavy sickles. 'Heavy! This sickles are so heavy!' He quickly realized that using Water Breathing would be more effective for defense, and indeed, he managed to halt the sickles' deadly path.
Uzui unleashed his Sound Breathing techniques, employing his dual nichirin cleavers with precision. Gyutaro, expecting a noisy onslaught, jumped backward to evade the attack, but he failed to notice your presence closing in on him.
"Mirror Breathing; first form, Unknowing Fire!" You yelled as your transparent sword enveloped itself in blazing flames. You lunged at Gyutaro, aiming to strike him down, but he swiftly dodged the attack, barely escaping decapitation. Nonetheless, you managed to sever his arm, surprising the upper moon demon with your swift strike.
"Damned woman!" Although he cursed at you, Gyutaro quickly regenerated his lost limb as if it were nothing. Still, the fact that you caught him off guard was not lost on him. Taking advantage of the opening you created, Uzui pressed his assault on Gyutaro, while Tanjiro dealt with the obis that were slashing around them. You skillfully evaded the relentless attacks, but the battle's intensity made it difficult to get close to your foes.
'Shit! The attacks between them are too strong! Im having a hard time getting close!!' You cursed at yourself for not being able to do more. As you struggled, a welcomed sight caught your attention. Hinatsuru, ready to support, launched a barrage of kunais at Gyutaro. However, the upper moon demon conjured his Blood Demom Art from his slashes to shield himself from the attack. Uzui charged toward the demon, and despite taking some kunai hits on his face and arm, he managed to slash both of Gyutaro's legs, causing the demon to lose his balance and get stabbed in the neck by a flying kunai. The blow prevented Gyutaro from regenerating his legs instantly, leading Uzui and Tanjiro to close in, intending to deliver the finishing blow.
"W-WAIT! DON'T ATTACK HIM! ITS USELESS!" You noticed the danger, realizing that Gyutaro still had the power to launch a devastating attack. However, your warning came too late, and Gyutaro, having regenerated his legs, unleashed his Blood Demon Art—Rotating Circular Slashes, Flying Blood Scythes. His arms transformed into rotating blood scythes, striking with a wide range that threatened to engulf both Uzui and Tanjiro.
Reacting quickly, you scooped Tanjiro up in a bridal style and leaped away, ensuring his safety while allowing Uzui to continue fighting freely. The Hashira unleashed his Sound Breathing, Constant Resounding Slashes, countering Gyutaro's attack, but the demon seemingly disappeared from view.
"LORD TENGEN! BEHIND YOU!" Hinatsuru's warning pierced the air, alerting Uzui of the danger. You swiftly moved away from Tanjiro, running in another direction as your strange behavior puzzled him. Daki's obi launched an attack on Uzui, but he gracefully dodged every strike without a single hit landing. He called out to his wife, and the obi surrounded him, but Hinatsuru intervened by throwing another kunai at them.
"Don't worry! I'll draw the belts to myself! Don't mind me! Go look for the demon—" Hinatsuru was abruptly cut off when someone tackled her hard. The surprise registered on her face when she saw you, now on top of her, but before she could question your actions, you quickly got up and seated yourself on top of her, arching your back with your hands gripping your sword.
"Mirror Breathing; second form, Rising Scorching Sun!" In your smoothly executed arching position, your spinning flame attack struck Gyutaro's chest, who happened to be directly in front of the two of you. "Tch!" You scoffed, noticing that your move had not dealt significant damage to him. Discarding your sword, you lifted Hinatsuru in a bridal style, taking her far away from the imminent danger.
"A-Ah! Put me down, please! Don't focus on me! I'm no valuable!" Hinatsuru pleaded desperately as she saw your efforts to protect her. Despite her pleas, you momentarily ignored her, your mind racing as you tried to figure out what to do next. Frustration washed over you as one of your shoes slipped off, adding to the chaotic situation. It was clear that you were determined to handle the predicament at hand.
In a bold move, you released your grip on Hinatsuru, but instead of letting her fall, you swiftly grabbed both of her hands. Before she could comprehend what was happening, you began spinning around with all the strength you could muster. "Wh—what are you doing?!" Hinatsuru yelled, the rapid spins leaving her feeling dizzy and disoriented.
"..." You didn't offer a verbal response, and the whirlwind continued for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, you released Hinatsuru, sending her flying through the air, landing away from immediate danger. As you turned around, your eyes met Gyutaro's, confirming your earlier suspicion about his presence. The demon wasted no time and aggressively grabbed your face with his rough hand, preventing you from escaping his gaze. He was clearly agitated. "You! You're nothing but trouble for me!"
Unfazed, you responded casually. "And I'm proud of it." Your words seemed to stoke his anger, causing him to tighten his grip even more. Gyutaro threatened you.
"You think you're so funny—I can't kill you, but I can certainly hurt you."
Your defiant spirit remained unbroken as you quipped back. "Sorry. But I'll reject your offer." Your determination only fueled his anger, and he failed to notice your subtle actions as you readied yourself for a counterattack.
Seizing the opportunity, you acted swiftly, pretending to have something in your mouth before spitting a well-aimed glob of saliva into Gyutaro's eyes. He groaned and staggered back, momentarily blinded by the unexpected attack. In the confusion, you revealed the kunai you had hidden since it was being grabbed by the fingers of your foot and swiftly plunged it into Gyutaro's stomach, causing him to release his grip on you.
The exertion of these intense moments left you feeling drained, but the gravity of the situation pushed you to keep going. Your concern for the safety of those around you, especially Hinatsuru, gave you the determination to press on. With the sense of responsibility guiding your actions, you ran with all the strength you could muster, moving faster than your body's stamina should have allowed.
At the edge of the building, you braced yourself, squatting before launching yourself into the sky. Tanjiro's timely intervention in the battle against Gyutaro had helped shield you from further harm, allowing you to focus on your task.
Hinatsuru was still suspended in the air, at risk of being attacked by Daki's obi. You arrived just in time, sweeping her up in a bridal-style carry once more, nimbly evading the incoming obi attacks. You collided into a nearby wall, but you didn't waste the opportunity. Instead, you used it to spring off the wall with your legs, landing in a safer location before setting Hinatsuru down.
Before she could even express her gratitude, you rushed off once more, determined to rejoin the ongoing battle. Despite your exhaustion, you kept pushing forward. 'Shit! My sword is on Gyutaro's chest!' You launched yourself at the ceiling, doing your best to get closer to the adversaries. Despite your dwindling stamina, you tried to block out the fatigue and focus on the task at hand. Thanks to Daki-Belt's assistance, the obi refrained from attacking you, as she had promised to support you in the fight.
As you arrived at the scene, the tense situation had escalated further. Uzui and Tanjiro had managed to corner Gyutaro, swords poised at his neck. However, the demon responded with his deadly blood sickle slashes, causing both Uzui and him to be knocked down. The battle with Daki had also shifted to your location, adding to the chaos and making things even more challenging.
Zenitsu and Inosuke were doing their best to fend off Daki's aggressive and powerful obi attacks, but they were struggling. From your vantage point, it was evident that Daki had transformed into a more fearsome and unsettling entity. Her previously cocky and confident demeanor had vanished, replaced with an expression of total fury and emptiness.
Your own worries centered on the whereabouts of your sword, which was most likely still with Gyutaro, or possibly broken. However, your concerns were alleviated when Tanjiro approached you, holding something. "(Y/N)! Here is your sword! I managed to get it just in time!" Tanjiro said, panting from the exertion of the battle. The gesture touched you deeply, and you could hardly find the words to express your thanks. Your hands trembled as you took back your precious weapon, and Tanjiro couldn't help but notice your state of emotional and physical exhaustion.
But before anyone could breathe a sigh of relief, Daki interjected, her voice laced with malevolence. "I can see that your movements are getting more and more sluggish. I wonder... which one of you will be the first to fall apart." Her eerie expression showed no signs of cockiness or arrogance. Instead, she exuded an unsettling aura, devoid of any emotions except for a consuming fury. You wondered if this was truly the Daki you spent so much time at the Kyogoku house. Her eyes seemed dark, dark as an empty void of coldness, making you even shiver.
Inosuke leaped into action, slashing at the obi that surrounded him. You were certain that Tanjiro was about to shout out his plan, with Inosuke taking charge of attacking the obi while he and Zenitsu provided protection. However, before you could assist Uzui, Tanjiro's trembling hand reached out and grabbed your wrist, stopping you in your tracks.
Tanjiro couldn't quite explain it, but a dreadful feeling overcame him. His instincts told him not to let you go down there, into the thick of the battle. He was torn, wanting to say something, anything, but his throat tightened, and the words wouldn't come out. Why was he so anxious? He knew you were strong, capable of defending yourself. Yet, an inexplicable fear for your safety consumed him.
"Tanjiro." You sensed his hesitation and addressed him, your voice far from its usual bubbly or gentle tone. Instead, it held an intense determination, with a darkness in your eyes that Tanjiro had never seen before. "Let me go." Your panting was noticeable, evidence of your overexertion, but you seemed oblivious to the toll it was taking on you. Every moment of rest felt like an impending explosion in your heart and lungs, driving you to keep going relentlessly.
"(Y/N)! D-Don't..." Tanjiro stammered, trying to express his concern and plea for you to stay back, but you understood him perfectly. Your altered expression persisted, but your tone softened as you gently grasped his hand, offering a tender caress.
"Tanjiro." You called out to him once more. He could have sworn he saw something in your eyes—a flicker of change in your pupils before they returned to normal. Whatever it was, he couldn't pinpoint it.
"Everything... will be okay. We'll win." That's all you managed to say, your words laced with determination despite your overwhelming fatigue. You wanted to offer more reassurance, but your body wouldn't allow it. You hoped that Tanjiro would understand and trust in your conviction, so he would let you go. For a few seconds, he looked at you, hesitating. Your expression retained that unsettling aura, but a glimmer of sincerity shone in your eyes, as if to convince him that your words were indeed genuine.
That tiny spark of assurance in your eyes seemed to bring a measure of relief to Tanjiro's heart. He finally released his grip on your wrist, allowing you to go. You nodded gratefully in response to his unspoken understanding before you turned to depart. But before you could leave his sight, he called out to you.
"(Y/N)!! I-I know we can do it!" Tanjiro's voice rang out, filled with determination, fueled by your own unwavering spirit. You glanced back at him, your expression unfazed, but a subtle, almost imperceptible smile graced your lips.
"I know." You replied simply before vanishing from his view. Tanjiro hurried to join his friends, bracing himself for the final showdown. He, Zenitsu, and Inosuke were to work together, with the boar boy taking the lead in confronting Daki. As the battle commenced, Inosuke activated his beast breathing, charging ahead with a powerful explosive rush. The combined efforts of Tanjiro and Zenitsu provided support and protection.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Inosuke let out a fierce battle yell, cutting through the obi with his swords, despite some cuts on his own body. He positioned himself in front of Daki, determined to finally put an end to her. The boar boy relentlessly slashed at her neck, the blades resembling saws as he attacked. Finally, with a triumphant cry, he managed to behead Daki, her head soaring through the sky.
"SHIT! He did it! Amazing!" Tanjiro cheered, expressing his admiration for Inosuke's victory. Inosuke seized the severed head and exclaimed that he would race off somewhere far away to prevent Daki from reattaching it.
As Tanjiro and Zenitsu prepared to assist Uzui and Gyutaro, they couldn't help but feel an eerie silence surrounding them. The battle seemed to have moved elsewhere, and the air was charged with uncertainty. The two boys quickly rushed to find where you, Uzui, and Gyutaro were engaged in combat. But when they reached the location, it was not what they had expected.
Uzui and Gyutaro were the ones who passed by them.
The situation appeared odd, with Uzui following Gyutaro, who seemed intent on retrieving his sister. In a surprising twist, Gyutaro approached Inosuke, but Uzui intervened just in time to save him from being stabbed. However, this diversion allowed Gyutaro to regain possession of Daki's head.
Panic surged through Tanjiro's veins as he realized that you were not with Uzui. He anxiously scanned the surroundings, desperate to find you. Zenitsu appeared to be focused on something happening behind him, but Tanjiro's attention remained fixed on your whereabouts. His thoughts raced, and his heart pounded in his chest, consumed by worry and fear.
"Where's (Y/N)!? Why wasn't she with Uzui?! Did you get hit?! Where were you somewhere else?! Just where—'
His eyes caught something.
He gazed down.
Right where Gyutaro and Uzui fell on the first place.
He saw something.
More blood.
A body.
It was a body laying on the floor. Specifically,
Your body.
He just gazed at you. His body trembling completely as he couldn't believe the sight that was down him. His respiration became cut off. His world was spinning. He only panted more, the air not reaching his lungs at all. It looked like he could die right at this moment if he didn't control his breathing correctly.
You were laying there... he hoped. He hoped that his eyes were playing tricks. It was very dark so maybe, he was imagining things... because it was impossible.
Tanjiro refused to believe the fact that the body he was seeing belonged to you.
He refused to believe, that the massacred broken head he was seeing, that had organs spilled around, belonged to you.
He couldn't think more after his body was being pushed by Zenitsu, and a flood of regrets engulfed him. He couldn't help but dwell on what he could have done differently. If only he had been more capable, if only he had prevented you from venturing into danger, if only he possessed greater strength...
None of this would've happened...
The weight of his perceived failures bore heavily upon him as the darkness of unconsciousness envolved him.
Tehehehe you guys🥺 the next chapter will be the ending of the Entertainment District Arc! I really want you guys to tell me what do you think will happen!
Xoxo, azamishomie.
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