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Little note:
muzan's grandpa aaaa hands‼️‼️ why do they look so old 😭
You wanted angst? I'll give u that shit
6 days at the Kyogoku house:
"MOTHERFUCKERS! WILL YOU GUYS LISTEN TO ME?!!" Inosuke bellowed from atop a building, his voice laced with urgency. You and Tanjiro stood before him, trying to make sense of his agitated state. "There's a demon at my house, understand? It's no joke!"
Tanjiro scratched his head, clearly puzzled by his erratic behavior. "Well, uh..."
"I'm telling you, it looked like this!" Inosuke started making bizarre snake-like movements with his arm, trying to demonstrate the creature's appearance.
"Uh... Sure, Inosuke, got it. But (Y/N), you were about to say something?" Tanjiro interjected, trying to steer the conversation back on track, dismissing Inosuke's paranoia.
"LISTEN TO ME—" Tanjjro slapped the boar boy's mouth so he would shut up.
"Yes, it's about Zenitsu—" You began, but before you could continue, a sudden presence startled the three of you.
Out of nowhere, Uzui appeared, catching the pair off guard. "Zenitsu is missing. He won't be joining us." He declared matter-of-factly.
"What do you mean? Where did he go?" Concern etched on his face, Tanjiro asked.
"He vanished last night without a trace. No one has seen him since." You answered solemnly.
Uzui's guilt weighed heavily on him as he addressed the trio. "I blame myself for dragging you into this mess. I was so focused on saving my wives that I made some reckless decisions. Zenitsu's disappearance is a result of that. You three should leave now; it's too dangerous for all of you. If the demon here turns out to be an Upper Rank, you wouldn't stand a chance. And if you disappear, people will assume the worst. I'll handle this mission alone."
"No, Uzui! We can't just abandon you!" Tanjiro protested.
"Don't feel ashamed. Survival is the name of the game. Don't miss your chance." Uzui asserted, resolute in his decision. With those parting words, he vanished from sight in the blink of an eye.
"You think he can't trust us because we're the lowest ranked? What a bitch." Tanjiro commented annoyed.
Inosuke proudly stood tall, puffing out his chest. "Our rank is Kanoe, and (Y/N) is Kanoto. We've already moved up!" He firmly disagreed with the other boy's doubt, wanting to assert his newfound status.
"How do you even know that?" Tanjiro's curiosity piqued, and he asked.
"Hoe, you don't know? Look at this. Show me my ranking!" Inosuke extended his hand, showing a peculiar mark that suddenly appeared on his back of his palm.
Tanjiro's eyes widened in surprise as he witnessed the mark materialize. "HOW YOU LIKE THAT?!" Inosuke crowed triumphantly.
"Ehhh? That's creepy! I had no idea we could do that!" Tanjiro was both amazed and unsettled by the strange ability he didn't knew he had.
"All right, enough of that!" You interjected, pulling their focus back to the matter at hand. "We don't have time to focus on ranks. We need to make a plan!"
"Right, sorry!" Tanjiro quickly apologized, refocusing on the task ahead. "As soon as night falls, we should head to Inosuke's Ogimoto house together! It's too dangerous to go alone!"
You nodded in agreement. "Okay! Let's do it!"
"AND WHY WOULD I DO THAT?!" Inosuke protested.
"I'll finish investigating my own house today!" Tanjiro continued to explain.
"I FRIGGIN' TOLD YOU! THE DEMON'S AT MY HOUSE, SO YOU TWO BETTER COME WITH ME NOW! HOW IDIOTIC ARE YOU?!" Inosuke's emotions flared, and he resorted to pulling Tanjiro's cheek and giving him smacks on his back to emphasize his point.
"That's not what I meant!" Tanjiro tried to reason, wincing from the hits. "Uzui was patrolling outside the houses at night, right? OUCH! OUCH! E-Even so, Zenitsu disappeared! And the demon at your place is nowhere to be seen right now! STOP SMACKING ME, BITCH! I think there must be a passageway inside the building!"
Inosuke finally stopped hitting Tanjiro, intrigued by the idea. "Passageway?"
"Yes!" You chimed in. "He's right. Since the demon isn't coming in and out, there's a good chance that they are working from within, disguising themselves as a normal human and operating undercover."
"Mhm! I get it! Cleaning up a murder would be a hassle..." Inosuke muttered, deep in thought.
"Exactly!" Tanjiro agreed. "I think not only Zenitsu, but also Uzui's wives, are still alive! Are you two okay with this plan?"
Inosuke chuckled and slapped his knee, amused by the realization. "Everything you just said is what I was about to say myself!"
Tanjiro laughed at Inosuke's behavior, and you joined in too. The three of you understood the gravity of the situation and the need to give it your all. Tonight, you were going to face a tough ordeal, but you were determined to overcome it.
After meeting with Tanjiro and Inosuke, you strolled down the dimly lit hallways, a sense of anxiety in your heart as the evening approached, knowing the amount of events that were going to happen. Spotting Warabihime, the woman you had grown somewhat fond of, you greeted her with a friendly smile. You knew she had stolen Zenitsu, but that issue seemed irrelevant in the present moment since there was nothing you could do about it.
"Hello, Warabihime! What's up?" You cheerfully addressed her.
"(L/N)..." Daki mumbled, clenching her fists in an internal struggle.
Warabihime was going through a troubling time. For as long as she could remember, she had always craved devouring attractive humans to gain more power. But recently, everything had changed. The taste of humans had turned repulsive to her, and she even found herself considering starvation over consuming them. This sudden shift in her appetite was highly unusual for a demon, and it left her deeply perplexed.
To her surprise, Warabihime suspected that this change had something to do with you. The mere presence of this human—or perhaps Demon Slayer, as Daki couldn't be certain—seemed to be affecting her behavior. This realization troubled her greatly.
For Daki, you represented a problem—a catalyst for change. And according to Master Muzan, change was inherently bad. She believed she should keep her distance from you, as you were nothing but trouble for her. Feeling a sense of urgency to part ways, she hurriedly replied. "Nothing much. I need to get going." She attempted to move past you swiftly.
You weren't ready to let her go so easily. "Wait! Are you really busy right now?" You inquired, your voice tinged with disappointment.
"It's nothing of your concern." She responded sharply, trying to discourage any further interaction.
'...Ouch?' This hurt you a lot, as you had hoped to have a connection with her already. You wanted to believe that you were slowly finding you way into Daki's heart but, it looked like you were wrong.
Observing the dejected look on your face, something within Daki snapped. The conflicting emotions and the impact of your presence were becoming too much to bear. "Bitch, I'm a liar! I'm a fucking liar. I can give you five minutes of my time." Dammit Daki-
"Yay! That's great!" Your excitement bubbled over as you exclaimed.
"So? Where do you want to talk?" Daki, appearing unenthusiastic, asked.
"I'm not sure... we can talk here!" You suggested.
Daki's reaction was immediate. "Huh?! Over my dead body! Let's go to my room!" She firmly grabbed your arm and led you to the designated place. Once inside, you two settled on the floor, just like the previous day.
"...We're here. What did you want to talk about?" She inquired, still seeming a bit annoyed.
"Mhm... nothing much! Just wanted to see how you were doing!" With a cheerful demeanor, you replied.
She grumbled. "Huh?! You're wasting my time for this!?" Clearly, she wasn't thrilled with the idea of idle conversation.
"This isn't a waste of time! It's pretty nice just to talk about trivial things!" But you brushed off her reluctance, insisting.
"I could be doing so many important things rather than having this trivial conversation!" Daki remained unconvinced, retorting.
Undeterred, you tried to lift her spirits. "Oh come on, don't be like this! I'll ask again. How are you doing?"
After a moment of hesitation, Daki finally responded. "I'm doing fine but..."
"But...??" You prompted, curious about her conflicting emotions.
"I'm... Conflicted about some things." She admitted, hinting at deeper concerns.
"What is wrong?"
"It's something dumb. Those are just my stupid feelings being irrational."
Concerned for her, you leaned in closer, trying to show your support. "Can't you tell me what specifically is the problem?"
Daki pushed you away gently. "No. Impossible. Back off." Despite her resistance, you couldn't help but find her stubborn behavior somewhat endearing, and you ended up letting out a laugh.
"You're bold to laugh at me." Daki scoffed, clearly taken aback. "Why are you laughing?!"
Your laughter slowly died down as you tried to regain your composure. "N-Nothing... It's just... you remind me of myself." You admitted.
Her confusion was evident as she responded. "You and I are nothing alike." The idea of you two being similar seemed preposterous to her.
You shook your head. "Nah... it's because before, I used to bottle up everything. I wouldn't tell anyone about my problems or concerns at all. Not even my mom. I couldn't bring myself to rely on others. Even now, I still do it sometimes. It's such a stubborn habit I want to get rid of, but... It's a bit difficult, I guess..." You gazed at her sincerely. "I mean no harm, Warabihime. I just want to get closer to you, t-that's all..." You added, feeling a bit embarrassed.
"..." Daki stood there silently, gazing at you. She thought your words were nonsensical, dumb, and stupid. But deep down, she found it surprisingly nice to have someone care and think about her that way. Feeling a bit bashful, she closed her eyes, trying to hide her blushing cheeks.
"I'm conflicted because..." Her words seemed to get stuck in her throat as if it was difficult for her to voice her thoughts. "I'm starting to feel as if... I have to choose between two things. One thing is something I've been doing for a long time, and the other one is something that has made me feel confused. I... I just don't know what to do. My feelings are a mess right now..."
You looked at her, surprised by her openness, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of joy. She was trusting you with her thoughts, and you cherished that.
"That's all. I can't say more." She concluded, looking a bit disappointed that she couldn't reveal everything. "...sorry."
"No! No, it's okay! I'm so happy you told me what was troubling you! Thank you!" You smiled warmly. Daki rolled her eyes but couldn't hide a hint of appreciation for your kindness. "Well, I'm not sure how to help, but... I'll recommend you to be realistic. If whatever you've been doing is very important, then keep doing it! But if this other thing makes you happier, then choose that one! You can't force yourself to do something you don't want! So as cringe as it sounds, just listen and follow your heart!" You advised with genuine concern.
"Follow... my heart?" Daki echoed, mulling over your words.
"Yup!" You laughed softly as you leaned closer, intending to give her a comforting hug. But as you noticed her uncomfortable expression, you hesitated and decided to settle for a pat on her head, filled with affection. "I'm sure you'll be okay. If you feel like talking, I can lend you an ear!" You reassured her, continuing to pat her head gently but stopping abruptly as you noticed what you did. "Fuck! I messed up your hair!"
Feeling increasingly nervous, you fumbled with Daki's messed-up hair, only making it worse in the process. Beads of sweat formed on your forehead as you feared her wrath, expecting her to explode in anger at any moment. However, to your astonishment, she let out a sigh and instructed you to stop. You quickly obeyed.
Daki then moved to where her mirror was, removing her accessories one by one until her long black hair cascaded freely down her shoulders. She turned her head to face you, her gaze fierce, but an unexpected glimmer of something else caught your eye. It almost looked like anticipation, but you couldn't believe what you were seeing.
"Since you've ruined my hair, you will now fix it." She declared with that harsh stare that could kill anyone, though there was no real anger in her tone.
"Eh?! What do you want me to do?!" You asked, feeling flustered by the sudden request.
"Anything is fine. Just start already." Daki replied with a huff, not bothering to look back at you as she faced the mirror, awaiting your actions.
Feeling both nervous and excited, you leaned closer to her and started brushing her hair. As your fingers glided through her locks, you couldn't help but be mesmerized by how beautiful, smooth, and silky it was. It was the kind of hair that belonged to a princess in a fairytale.
Feeling a spark of creativity, you decided to style her hair, taking your time and putting all your effort into it. After what felt like an eternity of delicate work, you finally revealed the hairstyle you crafted. It was a simple braid, but you were proud of it, as it truly complemented her features and brought out her natural beauty.
Nervously, you waited for her response, hoping that she wouldn't dislike your attempt at hairstyling. However, to your surprise and delight, Daki turned to look at her reflection and uttered words that warmed your heart.
"I like it." She said with a hint of endearment, making you feel a sense of accomplishment. She even admitted that you did a good job, which sent a rush of happiness through you.
"Thank you!" You said, trying to hide your elation but failing to suppress the grin on your face. Daki glanced at you, her fierce demeanor softening a bit.
"Well, now it's your turn." She said, surprising you.
"Wait—what?" You stammered, not expecting her to suggest brushing your hair.
"Yeah. Turn around. I will brush your hair." She insisted, her expression determined. (I really apologize for any bald reader reading this😭😭 im so sorry please ): 😞)
"You don't have to do it! Thank you though! But I'm okay!" You protested, not wanting to trouble her.
"I want to." She said with a scary glance that made you gulp. Defeated, you decided to just do whatever she said and reluctantly sat in front of the mirror while she positioned herself behind you.
Curiosity got the better of you, and you couldn't resist asking. "...why are you doing this?"
"No particular reason." She replied simply, and the conversation fell silent as she began brushing your hair with her fingers, surprisingly gentle and tender. You hadn't expected her to be so caring, and despite her intimidating exterior, her touch was strangely comforting. It had been a while since someone had played with your hair like this.
Lost in the moment, you found yourself feeling nostalgic, reminded of when your mom used to brush your hair before school. The memories filled your mind as you lazily gazed at yourself in the mirror, enjoying the sensation.
"...(L/N)?" After some time, Daki called out your name, noticing how silent you had become. She tilted her head to the side to look at your reflection through the mirror, and she hummed with amusement as she saw your head bobbing up and down involuntarily, your eyes closed as you dozed off.
Observing how peaceful and calm you looked, she stopped playing with your hair, unsure of what to do. She contemplated leaving you alone to sleep, but just as she was about to stand up, you suddenly fell backward, and you landed right on her. Annoyed, she pushed you away, but you ended up landing with your head on her lap. Caught off guard, Daki didn't know how to react. She could have easily pushed you aside, but for some reason, she hesitated. Seeing you so vulnerable and at ease stirred something in her, and she found herself unwilling to wake you up.
You slept on her lap like a baby, and Daki couldn't tear her gaze away. Something about this unexpected moment was intriguing her. She found herself admiring your sleeping figure as a melancholic expression appeared on her face.
Daki was grappling with a problem, one that shouldn't even exist. You were a mere human, a trivial existence in the grand scheme of things. Her mission was clear—to kill demon slayers and bring you alive to her lord, Muzan. It should have been straightforward, just like any other task she had completed.
But, inexplicably, you were different. Your presence had disrupted her equilibrium, and emotions she thought she had buried deep within her started to resurface. She couldn't comprehend why she had become attached to you, a human—a creature she deemed inferior and insignificant.
As you sweetly hugged her hand, tugging it closer to your face, Daki found herself captivated by you. You looked beautiful, is what Daki thought to herself. It was a strange feeling she couldn't quite put into words.
You managed to make her conflicted about everything.
You made her irritated. You made her angry. You made problems for her. You made things difficult. You made her annoyed. You made her pass time with you. You made her talk about trivial things. You made her do things from day to day. You made her had a good time. You made her feel entertained. You made her feel happy. You made her had fun. You made her feel things.
You made her feel human again.
Her free hand gently caressed your cheek, as if she were cherishing a delicate flower. The touch elicited an unconscious giggle from you, which caused her to chuckle softly. She found herself drawn to you, her face inching closer to yours until your noses were almost touching, and she could feel your breath on her skin.
In that intimate moment, Daki's mind wandered to unlikely scenarios where she and you could find happiness together. She questioned if she deserved such possibilities given her monstrous past, but she couldn't help but long for a different reality. However, she knew deep down that the two of you were fundamentally incompatible—human and demon, light and darkness. These feelings were futile and self-indulgent.
Maybe if you were a demon like her, things could be different! It doesn't sound pretty bad. But, the moment she looked at your face, regret washed over her as she imagined the consequences of revealing her true nature to you. Would you recoil in fear or try to destroy her? Would you try to effortlessly kill her? The thought of you hating her filled her with sadness.
She scoffed at her own vulnerability and, for a fleeting moment, rested her forehead against yours. Closing her eyes, she savored the moment, allowing herself to feel what she had denied for so long. Allowing herself to have a last peaceful moment with you.
But reality couldn't be ignored forever. She gently placed your head on the floor and reluctantly stood up. With a heavy heart, she prepared to continue her mission for Muzan. He was her master, and she couldn't let sentimentality hinder her duty.
Before leaving, she couldn't resist adding a touch of tenderness. She adorned you with a small tulip, also known as Chūrippu, behind your ear, hoping it would somehow convey the feelings she couldn't express. Covering you with the most soft blanket she had, she caressed your head one last time, torn between love and duty.
As she walked away, she couldn't help but let her mind wander to an impossible fantasy—an alternative reality where you two could be together.
In this alternate reality, one far removed from the world of demons and demon slayers, Daki was not a demon at all. Instead, she lived a completely different life—one filled with the beauty of flowers and the joy of running her own flower establishment. She was no longer the fearsome demon she had become in her current reality, but a gentle soul, tending to the blossoms that surrounded her.
It was in this reality that she met you, not on the battlefield or in a deadly confrontation, but as you stepped into her quaint flower shop one fateful day. You had come to buy flowers, and she assisted you in finding the perfect ones. Grateful for her help, you found yourself returning to her shop day after day, not just for the flowers but also for the attraction you felt towards her.
As time passed, you and Daki spent more and more time together, drawn to each other in ways neither of you could fully explain. The bond between you deepened, and before either of you knew it, you had fallen for each other.
One day, she introduced you to her brother. Unlike her current reality, he was not a demon either. Instead, he was someone she loved and cherished, and she wanted him to meet the person who had captured her heart. You greeted him with genuine happiness and respect unlike everyone who has met or seen him, accepting him wholeheartedly
In this alternative universe, you got married and embarked on a journey of happiness and togetherness, promising to love each other forever.
In this universe, you both lived your lives to the fullest, surrounded by love, flowers, and the joy of being together. There were no battles to fight, no demons to slay, only the warmth of your love and the beauty of the world around you. You created a life filled with happiness and cherished every moment you spent with each other.
However, despite the beauty of this alternate reality, Daki couldn't help but feel a sense of sorrow knowing it was all just a figment of her imagination. She couldn't escape the harsh truth. With a heavy heart, she pushed aside these dreams, knowing that the world they belonged to was nothing more than a fantasy.
But deep down, a part of her yearned for a life that could never be—a life with you, free from the darkness and chaos.
You and her were never meant to be together,
and she had to accept that painful truth.
"I'm sorry..." Is all she said before going away, leaving you alone in your deep slumber.
Inosuke paced back and forth, his arms crossed, annoyance etched on his face as he impatiently waited for his two underlings. The sun was setting, and they were late, which only fueled his agitation. "It's almost nightfall, and they're not here yet! Antonio, (Y/N), you morons!" He grumbled, his irritation growing by the second.
Finally, the sound of footsteps approached, and you came running towards him, breathing heavily from the haste. Your arrival didn't stop Inosuke from blurting out his usual brash remarks. "(Y/N)!! Finally, you're here?! Were you taking a dump or something!?" He said, not one to hold back on his words.
"Hoe, you don't ask a lady that question! I fell asleep, and when I woke up, it was already time for me to get going!" You retorted, feeling slightly embarrassed by his accusation.
"Hmh! Good thing you at least arrived because I'm gonna start now!!" Inosuke declared, ready to charge ahead without listening to your explanation.
"Wait, Inosuke!" You called out, but your plea fell on deaf ears as he leaped into action.
In a fit of strength and excitement, he jumped and crashed through the ceiling, leaving a gaping hole in his wake. His shout echoed through the building, causing a commotion among the residents.
"HEY, MICE! BRING MY AND MINION'S SWORDS!" He bellowed, and soon enough, a group of mice with Uzui-like appearances scurried over, each holding the requested swords.
"MUSCLE! MUSCLE! MUSCLE!" The mice chanted, flexing their tiny arms as they proudly handed the swords to their respective owners.
Inosuke wasted no time and promptly began to strip, much to your dismay. "AHHH!! HAVE SOME DECENCY!" You exclaimed, quickly covering your eyes with your hands. Unfazed by your reaction, Inosuke was now fully prepared for battle, his boar mask and swords in place.
"LET'S SLAY THE BOOTS DOWN OF SOME DEMONS! COMIN' THROUGH!!!" He declared, before launching himself forward with incredible force, breaking down the door in his path, and inadvertently startling an innocent old lady who was just going about her day.
"WAIT FOR ME, YOU DUMBASS!" You called after him. You followed closely behind, your sword ready, and still clad in your short and revealing outfit since you hadn't been given a moment to change before the impromptu mission began.
"GYAAAHHHH!! A MONSTER! A MONSTER!" Some lady screamed terrified.
"Hey, homie! Go get ready for work!"
"HUHHH?! How is that even possible? Did ya take your meds?"
Suddenly, a boar boy with a girl on his back (you), jumped out of the floor. He turned around, steam leaving his mask.
"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" The girls yelled.
"INOSUKE! STOP THIS MADNESS! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!? AH! WHAT DO YOU WANT!? PLEASE!" You screamed, holding onto the boy's back for your dear life, tears falling down.
"IS IT HERE!?" He started making a hole with his swords. "AHA! FOUND IT! THE HOLE LEADING TO THE DEMON'S LAIR! GET READY TO DIE! UGH!" He jumps but realized his body is not small enough to enter the hole. He roughly stopped piggy-riding you, making you fall on the hard floor. "Minion! I'll enter first and will make the hole bigger so you can go in too, okay!?"
"How is that possible!? My body is not as flexible as yours!"
"I trust you! You ain't no weakling, woman!"
He started dislocating all his joint and entered the hole while laughing to himself like a maniac.
'This arc is gonna be the death of me!'
(Small Spoilers)
Yall, (y/n) is about to have her first kiss on this arc😫 who do u think will be the fortunate character for this special moment?🧐🧐
Xoxo, azamishomie.
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