- 22
Little note:
(F/C) = Favorite color
Some days later, you and Tanjiro found yourselves in the training room, engaging in a sparring session. However, your practice was interrupted by the sudden entrance of Tanjiro's crow, who had news to share with you. Excitement radiated from him as he delivered the eagerly anticipated update.
"Inosuke! Inosuke!" The burgundy-haired boy exclaimed, rushing into the room and pulling your hand along as he searched for the boar-headed boy. Eventually, you found Inosuke engaged in his usual bizarre training poses. "They're bringing our reforged Nichirin Swords soon! And (Y/N)'s sword is also on its way!"
"EH?! No way?!" Inosuke's enthusiasm was palpable, his excitement matching Tanjiro's.
"That's right! I just received word from my crow!" Tanjiro's keen sense of smell picked up a familiar scent. "Ah! That's Mr. Haganezuka's scent!"
Without wasting a moment, the three of you dashed outside, driven by anticipation and childlike eagerness.
"YAHOO!" The burgundy-haired boy beamed happily, jumping a bit.
"Let's go! Let's go!" Inosike jumped along him, matching his excitement.
"I'm gonna get a sword~! I'm gonna get a sword~!" You sang, being dragged by the two boys.
As you neared your destination, you couldn't help but wonder who had worked on your sword. In fanfictions, Haganezuka was often responsible for such tasks, but there was always the possibility of an oc being introduced. Glancing around, you couldn't spot anyone else, leading you to believe that perhaps the same person who crafted Inosuke's sword had also worked on yours. The thought filled you with excitement and anticipation.
"Hey! Hey! Mr. Haganezuka! It's been a while!" Tanjiro called out cheerfully, waving at the man with unbridled enthusiasm. However, to your surprise, Haganezuka's response was far from welcoming. His aura exuded nothing but anger, and his immediate reaction was to grab a knife and rush towards the poor boy, his intentions clear.
Shock washed over Tanjiro's face as he barely managed to evade the attack by mere centimeters. "The fuc- M-Mr. Haganezuka?!"
Inosuke, standing by your side, held your hand tightly. Probably being kind of spooked by Haganezuka's actions and unconsciously seeking comfort from you.
"How dare you snap my sword in two? YOU'VE GOT A LOT OF NERVE, YOU FUCKING DUMBASS!"
"I'M SORRY! B-But to be honest, I came this close to being killed! My opponent was insanely strong!"
"DON'T GIVE ME THAT BULLSHIT! THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! YOU'RE THE ONE TO BLAME! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU'RE HELLA WEAK! THAT'S WHY IT BROKE! OTHERWISE, MY SWORD WOULD NEVER SNAP LIKE THAT!" Haganezuka's fury seemed to know no bounds as he unleashed his wrath upon Tanjiro, repeatedly striking his cheek with increasing force. Each blow landed like a punch, leaving him helpless and desperate to find a way out of the situation.
"I-I'm sorry!" He stammered, his voice filled with fear and desperation. But Haganezuka's rage only intensified. "I'm going to end you, YOU LITTLE FUCKER SON OF A BITCH!" He bellowed, relentless in his pursuit. He lunged forward, brandishing his knife with merciless intent. Tanjiro, driven to the brink, ran for his life, trying desperately to evade his assailant. In a last-ditch attempt to escape, he sought refuge behind the first person he stumbled upon. And that person happened to be you.
"Please, have mercy! I-I didn't mean any harm!" Tanjiro pleaded, his voice trembling with fear. Haganezuka's fury remained unabated as he closed in, seemingly unfazed by his desperate plea. However, as he caught sight of your face, his demeanor shifted.
"Excuse me, miss..."
"Yes...?" Your responded, your voice laced with trepidation.
Haganezuka, still holding his knife, dropped it in shock and took several steps back.
"Oh... oh... OH MY GOODNESS!" He exclaimed, his voice filled with awe and reverence. With an almost reverential tone, he approached you, gently cupping your cheek in his hands. "OH MY GOD! I am finally standing before you! The person I've longed to meet! You're none other than (L/N) (Y/N), aren't you?" He asked, his voice filled with excitement and admiration. Nervously, you nodded in response. The swordsmith's demeanor underwent a dramatic transformation. Gone was the anger and aggression, replaced instead by adoration and sheer awe.
"I can't believe it! You're the one who wielded the frying pan I created! I initially made it as a joke, but you actually used it to defeat a Lower Moon! You're the best! You're amazing! Absolutely wonderful!" Hearts and roses seemed to materialize in his aura, and even his mask appeared adorned with stars. He couldn't help but heap praise upon you, his words overflowing with admiration. While Tanjiro couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy at the unexpected attention lavished upon you, his primary emotion was relief. At least now, Haganezuka had shifted his focus away from chasing him with a knife. Meanwhile, at the entrance of the room, Shinobu and Aoi observed the chaotic scene unfolding before them.
"I don't quite understand what's happening, but that man is getting far too close to (Y/N)..." Shinobu remarked, her patience wearing thin as veins began to bulge on her forehead.
"Well, Mr. Haganezuka is certainly a man of passion." Remarked Kanamori, as the group gathered in a room. Tanjiro and the masked man engaged in conversation while the others observed.
"Yes, I guess..." He replied, glancing back to see Haganezuka glaring at him before returning to his inspection of your hands, all the while praising your strength and skill in the forging process, making you actually a bit embarrassed. Unknown to you, he found it rather cute but didn't comment it.
"I'm Kanamori, the one who forged Master Inosuke's swords." Introduced the masked man, drawing everyone's attention to Inosuke, who sat outside clutching his newly reforged blades. The blades had transformed into a beautiful shade of blue, captivating the eyes of all who beheld them. "Aren't they magnificent? The dull sheen of that indigo-gray hue is so cool... it's a truly fine color."
"Congratulations, Inosuke! Your sword was all chipped before, and now look at it!" Tanjiro exclaimed, beaming at his friend before receiving a smack from Haganezuka on his back.
"Congrats, Inosuke! They're awesome!" You chimed in, genuinely impressed by the craftsmanship.
Kanamori shifted his attention to Inosuke's sword grips. "How do you like the grips? You see, this is the first time I've forged swords for a dual-wielder." The boar boy, without hesitation, rose to his feet and fetched a rock, inexplicably proceeding to strike it with his sword. The audacity of the action left everyone bewildered.
"AHHHHHHHHHHH!! / PFF-" A collective shout echoed through the room, while you struggled to contain your laughter.
"Better." Inosuke declared, seemingly satisfied with the result.
Tanjiro rushed to Kanamori, attempting to restrain him. "I'm sorry! Please, calm down!"
"I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL MURDER YOU, YOU MISERABLE PORK! YOU BASTARD! ARE YOU TRYING TO SHOW OFF!?" Kanamori raged, his fury still smoldering beneath the surface.
"We're sorry! We're sorry!" Tanjiro pleaded on behalf of himself and Inosuke.
Inosuke, being Inosuke, paid no mind to the chaos he had caused and began "repairing" the other sword, further fueling Kanamori's ire. "YOU FUCKING DONKEYYYY! BASTARD! PIECE OF SHIT! THAT'S IT! YOU'RE A DEAD MAN!" His threats continued to fly, though the room gradually regained a semblance of calm.
Once the commotion had settled, Kanamori's curses toward Inosuke were now uttered in silence, the swordsmith seething with frustration. Tanjiro finally had his new sword, which appeared identical to his previous one. Now, it was your turn to receive your new weapon.
"Come on! Here it is!" Haganezuka exclaimed with unbridled enthusiasm as he presented you with the new sword. It appeared ordinary at first glance, lacking any remarkable features. However, you couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement and gratitude.
"YAY! I HAVE A SWORD! I have a sword..." You murmured, tears streaming down your face.
"Eh?! What's wrong?! Don't you like it?" Haganezuka asked, his voice filled with concern as Tanjiro comfortingly rubbed your back.
"N-No, it's not that... I FRIGGIN' LOVE IT SO MUCH! I'M SO HAPPY! WAHHHHHHHHH!" You exclaimed, overwhelmed with joy. The sword symbolized your transformation into a demon slayer and served as a testament to the dedication and hard work invested in its creation.
"AHHHHHHHHHHH! I KNEW IT! YOU TRULY UNDERSTAND THE HARD WORK AND ELEGANCE BEHIND IT!" Haganezuka praised, his hands gently rubbing your head with affection.
Tanjiro breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank goodness. I'm glad it wasn't anything bad."
Your tears of happiness subsided, and you eagerly held the sword, eager to witness the color it would manifest.
'Oh, God! Oh, God! WHAT COLOR WILL IT TURN? BLACK? GREEN? (F/C)?' Your mind raced with anticipation. Gradually, the sword began to change its color, leaving everyone astonished when the transformation was complete.
"Eh?" You let out a bewildered gasp, struggling to find words to describe what you saw.
"This is..." Haganezuka trailed off, completely at a loss for words. He stood up and delicately examined the sword up close, with Kanamori doing the same at his side. "Holy shit! This is unbelievably..."
The sword was transparent, clear as crystal, with a mesmerizing translucency. It was a sight of rare beauty.
"Wow!! I never knew a sword could be transparent! It looks amazing!" Tanjiro exclaimed, sharing in your astonishment and excitement.
"THIS SWORD IS ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL! IT'S MY FIRST TIME SEEING A TRANSPARENT SWORD! TRULY MAGNIFICENT! IT LOOKS SO ELEGANT! SO BEAUTIFUL! HELL YEAH, I NEED TO SHOW THIS TO THE ENTIRE VILLAGE! HAHAHAHA!" Haganezuka's joy overflowed as he lifted you up, mimicking a scene from "The Lion King," spinning you around while continuing to heap praise upon you. "I KNEW YOU WERE SPECIAL! TRULY THE BEST!"
Damn, praise kink going hard bro😍.
As they were leaving, Kanamori continued to vent his frustration at Inosuke, his curses ringing through the air. Tanjiro, feeling responsible, apologized on his friend's behalf. "Unbelievable! He's absolutely unbelievable! Taking a stone to those swords?! I can't believe it!" Kanamori ranted, his annoyance evident.
"We're sorry! We're truly sorry!" Tanjiro pleaded, trying to appease the irate swordsmith.
Meanwhile, Haganezuka positioned himself in front of you, grasping both of your hands. "Thank you for this incredible experience! I've never witnessed the creation of a transparent sword before. I didn't even know such a thing was possible!" He exclaimed, his voice filled with gratitude and awe.
"Hehe, it was my pleasure! But honestly, I should be the one thanking YOU for crafting such an amazing sword!" You responded, a warm smile on your face.
"GAH! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" Haganezuka exclaimed, unable to contain his adoration. He playfully pulled your cheeks before getting more serious. "By the way, I want you to write me letters. I want to keep track of how the sword performs. Let me know if it's comfortable to use, if you notice any changes—tell me everything, okay?!"
"Yes, sir! I'll make sure to keep you informed!" You replied with enthusiasm.
"Well, that's all I had to say. Take care, (Y/N). AND TAKE CARE OF THE SWORD TOO!" Haganezuka bid his farewell and walked away, gradually disappearing from your sight.
"Damn... the favoritism is real..." Tanjiro muttered, his expression deadpan, unable to ignore the obvious preferential treatment you received.
The next day was a momentous occasion for you. You felt a swell of pride within you after countless hours of training and pushing yourself, finally achieving a breakthrough. Today, you managed to surpass your previous limits. You were able to keep up with Kanao, matching her movements stride for stride. As the two of you engaged in full-body training, you found yourself laughing and enjoying the chase. And then, it happened—you tackled Kanao and emerged victorious for the first time—Unbeknownst to you, a faint blush colored the butterfly girl's cheeks at your close proximity.
Next, it was time for reflex training. This proved to be more challenging, as your reflexes still had room for improvement. However, you could feel the progress you had made. At one point, you even managed to snatch a cup before Kanao could react. Grinning with satisfaction, you contemplated how to proceed. But then, a wave of consideration washed over you.
'No! I can't throw it at her! That would be too mean... I know! I'll throw it to the side!' You thought, ready to execute your plan. But then, another realization struck you. 'Shit! I can't do that either! If I throw it there, it'll just create more work for Aoi! I don't want that. And I don't want to put it on top of her head because I don't want to steal Tanjiro's moment with her... There's only one way to do this!' You concluded.
And so, with a mischievous glint in your eyes, you made your decision. You threw the cup at yourself.
"It counts, right?" You asked Naho, Sumi and Kiyo, seeking confirmation.
"Technically, yeah..." Kiyo responded, a hint of amusement in her voice. The room erupted in cheers, along with a perplexed expression on Kanao's face. You had shown progress, and that was something worth celebrating.
Then, unlike in the anime, Tanjiro, instead of placing the cup on her head, couldn't resist the temptation and ended up throwing it at Kanao's instead. It was a peculiar turn of events. Her irritation was palpable, as veins throbbed on her forehead, but she remained outwardly composed. Tanjiro, on the other hand, couldn't help but smirk, barely containing his laughter at the unexpected twist.
You found yourself in the infirmary room, where Shinobu was conducting a thorough examination of your body at your request.
"Pu!" She playfully touched your side, eliciting an immediate reaction from you.
"PFFF- PLEASE DON'T TOUCH ME THERE!" You burst into laughter, unable to contain yourself. She couldn't resist teasing you further and touched the same spot again, causing you to laugh even harder. Before you knew it, she had begun tickling you, and you pleaded for mercy amidst your fits of laughter. Eventually, she relented and shifted her focus to a more serious examination of your body.
"Hmm, mm... I can see that everything is fine!" She remarked, her voice filled with reassurance.
"Really? That's such great news!" Relief washed over you as you realized that your body had returned to it's original state. The short arms and legs were no more, and all your wounds had healed.
"Yes, and not only that, you've also improved physically. I'm incredibly proud of you, (Y/N)!" Shinobu's words carried a sense of genuine pride.
"Yay! Thank you so much for everything!" You expressed your gratitude, genuinely thankful for her care and support.
"Hahaha, it was my pleasure. I'll always be here to take care of you!" She replied with a wink, her eyes sparkling.
Filled with appreciation, you hugged Shinobu tightly before bidding farewell and leaving the infirmary. As you walked past Koucho, you waved at her and returned the wink, prompting a soft chuckle from her, her cheeks turning a faint shade of pink.
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