"So... Why are you really here?" Seonghwa breaks the silence, which so far only has been interrupted by the sound of them chewing on the fried chicken.
"Do I need a specific reason?" Yeosang is busy studying the piece of chicken in his hands, carefully pulling the skin off before putting it down onto a napkin in front of him.
"No, of course not."
While Yeosang is occupied with his food, Seonghwa takes his chance to take a good look at the red marks he has left on the younger's neck, imprinting the image of it in his mind. When Yeosang moves around in his seat, his loose t-shirt reveals his prominent collarbones, and Seonghwa can't help but stare - feeling like this exact sight might be just his biggest weakness.
"You like what you see?" Yeosang suddenly asks.
"I heard what your friend, Wooyoung, said earlier," Seonghwa replies promptly, not going to bend under Yeosang's stare and poised attitude this time.
With a brief smile, Yeosang smacks his lips a few times before putting his chicken down, drying his fingers in the napkin. He scoots the food away and slowly leans in across the table, his eyes tracing Seonghwa's face with this deep stare that makes Seonghwa feel out of breath.
"So you did, did you? Well... He wasn't lying though."
"Oh, I'm special is that what you are saying?"
"Don't think too highly of yourself. I doubt you need that confidence boost, Park Seonghwa."
"Mhm, well I'm just saying... If was I was the first one, I must be."
"Well, I was the first guy you slept with, so that would make me special too, right?"
"Please..." Seonghwa huffs, shaking his head.
Slowly pushing his chair out before rising from his seat, Yeosang never lets go of Seonghwa's eyes. He moves around the table and runs his fingers through Seonghwa's hair, while sitting down on his lap, one leg on each side.
"Wha-what are you doing?" only a low, raspy whisper manages to escape Seonghwa's lips, as he shocked looks at Yeosang.
"What do you think?"
The soft touch of Yeosang's lips is soon spreading all over Seonghwa's neck, not leaving a single spot feeling left out. And Seonghwa can't hold himself back either, feeling almost obsessed by feeling Yeosang's body pressed against him.
Seonghwa lets his fingers glide through Yeosang's dark hair, closing his hand in a firm grip around it, forcing Yeosang to raise his head before their lips are locked onto each other's. Their tongues swirl around each other in a heated, passionate dance, hands all over each other's bodies and soon both of their shirts are on the floor.
One by one Seonghwa lets go of all his worries, doubt and millions of questions. Well, there is still one left that he just has to ask.
"I thought you said you don't sleep with the same person twice?" Seonghwa hums against Yeosang's neck.
"I'll do an exception with you, since you are so fucking sexy."
"Oh! So it is me who is special, huh?"
"Seonghwa. Just shut up and fuck me."
Yeosang never seems to fail to amaze, with his words, his body, the way he can make Seonghwa feel so incredible alive. Their sweating bodies are moving together as one, but just as Seonghwa dares to think Yeosang couldn't surprise him more, the younger pushes Seonghwa off of him in the bed and positions himself over Seonghwa's lap instead.
Seeing how amazing he looks, sitting like that completely naked, so beautiful with his head tilted back and eyes closed, gasping by every thrust, Seonghwa really couldn't ask for more.
Yeosang leans in against Seonghwa with a satisfied moan, as Seonghwa lets his fingers play just around the top of Yeosang's hard member, teasing him before finally letting the younger get what he wants.
"You make me feel so good," Seonghwa whispers against Yeosang's warm neck, "so fucking good."
His words and his actions all happens so naturally by now, like this is the only way he has ever had sex before. And deep inside he prays that it won't be the last.
"Wow... I-I've never tried anything like that..." Seonghwa admits as they are getting dressed again. Yeosang sends him a quick look over his shoulder before dragging his t-shirt over his head.
"Seriously?" he asks skeptically. "You've never had anyone ride you before? And for how long was this relationship of yours again?"
"About three years. It wasn't... All that... Exciting, to be honest." By letting a second confession out, Seonghwa feels embarrassed and has to look away. His cheeks are heating up and he rethinks his decision to even tell these things.
Although he had just felt so confident and dominant only minutes ago, Seonghwa now feels incredibly shy. He has been so used to always excel and be the best at anything, and even though the younger's sweet moans indicate that he must be doing something right, Seonghwa can't shake the sneaking fear of being too inexperienced.
"Damn..." Yeosang chuckles while shaking his head. "I never would've guessed that by the way you fuck me."
"Really? I seem to recall you had some assumptions about me being boring in bed."
"Hey! I never said the word boring. Directly. To your face. And, I knew you had it in you. You just needed some help, or should I say provocation, to awaken that side of you."
Yeosang is right again, and Seonghwa is losing count on how many times this has happened. To begin with it really frustrated him, as he's always been the one with all the answer himself but now it doesn't annoy him that much anymore. It feels somewhat refreshing not having to be in control of every small detail of his life.
The following weeks something very surprising happens; Seonghwa and Yeosang end up in bed together multiple times. Just like when they stared making out it's without any actual words being spoken between them, it just happens.
Feeling so utterly addicted to feeling Yeosang's body, all doubts and fears about his own sexuality has disappeared from Seonghwa's mind. It doesn't matter at all, the only thing that matters is to satisfy his growing needs, and the same goes for Yeosang as he keeps showing up outside of Seonghwa's room late at night or dragging him into his own. And although Seonghwa does wonder why Yeosang is making an exception and keeps sleeping with him, he doesn't dare to ask. When they are together there is no worries, no concerns and no one else in the world than the two of them.
But one lazy Saturday afternoon they get pulled right back to reality. With their clothes thrown all over the floor and Yeosang's head between Seonghwa's legs - his warm tongue swirling around the tip of Seonghwa's throbbing cock - the sudden knock on the door couldn't have happen at a worse time. Hoping the person outside will just go away, Seonghwa tries to ignore it, but his wish won't come true this time.
"Park! Open the door, we know you are in there!" Mingi shouts from the other side.
"Fuck..." Seonghwa mumbles before clearing his throat to shout back, "Just a second, hold on!"
Yeosang doesn't look too satisfied when Seonghwa has to gently push him away. Nor does it help when Seonghwa practically throws his clothes at him while frantically running around the room.
"Quick! Hide... Here!" Seonghwa desperately waves his arms around, ending up pointing towards the closet.
"Are you seriously asking me to get in the closet?" Yeosang scoffs with crossed arms. "Sorry, I don't think there's room for me, since your giant ass is taking up all the space in there. I'll go to the bathroom."
Rolling his eyes, he disappears into the bathroom and closes the door behind him. Seonghwa quickly grabs his bathrobe and wraps it around his still naked body, before kicking his clothes underneath the bed.
"Hey guys, what's up?" he asks with the best chill voice he can pull off in this stressed situation.
"Dude, what the fuck? What took you so long? And... Why do you look all messed up?" Yunho raises a brow and both he and Mingi are looking fairly suspicious at their blonde friend.
"I... I'm feeling really sick, so..."
"Don't even dare to fake-cough right now, Park. We are going out and you are coming with us!" Mingi says, looking straight through Seonghwa's lie. "I thought we were finally getting somewhere, but it's been weeks since you last went out with us. So it's not up for discussion! Get ready and we'll pick you up in an hour. With or without your consent."
After friendly slap on the shoulder from Mingi, and a big grin from Yunho, the two tall guys leaves already busy discussing how amazing the night will be. Seonghwa closes the door with a sigh and only seconds later Yeosang steps out of the bathroom, all dressed and with a frown on his face.
"Where are you going?" Seonghwa asks confused when Yeosang heads straight for the door.
"Back to my room? You need to get ready to go out anyway," Yeosang shrugs.
Even Seonghwa's argument that he's still got one hour isn't enough to convince Yeosang to stay, as he isn't into a "quick fuck" and with that he leaves the room.
When he has left, Seonghwa sighs and starts getting ready, thinking he'll just get this night over with fast and go back home to sleep. Little does he know how this night will mess things up real good.
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