( rude fan )
The female shyly smiled and shook her head, feeling flustered. She gave finger hearts to the crowd, which made fans wild. Adele grinned at them and made small talk by asking them their favorite food. Most said pizza, kimchi, or ramen.
She sat beside Yugyeom and Jinyoung who were talking with their fans with big smiles on their faces. She kept talking to the crowd before a new fan came to her table.
She gave her a big smile and greeted her, but she rolled her eyes, aggressively handing her the album to sign. Her smile faltered, and she cleared her throat.
"Hello there, thank you for coming!" The Australian softly said while giving her a sweet smile. The fan rolled her eyes at her and shook her head.
"Can you just sign this, please. I don't have time for this," The fan sighed, glaring.
Adele frowned, looking down and signing the album. She shouldn't be upset about this. This isn't the first time. She shook the feeling away and sighed.
The fan kept giving glares and tapping her fingers against the table, waiting to scoot over to Jinyoung who was talking with a fanboy.
"You okay there? You seem stressed?" Adele kindly asked, giving her the album.
The fan mentally snapped which made her startled at her outburst, causing attention. She screamed things at her and threw the album at her face and it hit her cheek, causing it to become a red mark.
Adele hid behind Jinyoung while holding her cheek, hissing in pain. Jinyoung became furious. If looks would kill, the fan would be six feet under right now. Fans started to get worried and Yugyeom called out for a security guard.
"Addie, are you okay?" She silently cursed, wincing as she touched the bruise. She turned her head to Jinyoung, who was looking at her with concern. She gave him a small smile and nodded.
A security guard came and took the fan away from the crowd. Jackson stood up from his chair and walked over to her. He held her cheek and clenched his jaw in anger, gently touching the bruise.
"I-I'm fine, Jackson." She stuttered, trying to keep her tears back. She patted his arm and gave him a reassuring smile. She didn't want to cry in front of her members, especially her fans.
Jackson's eyes hardened. He let go of her and walked over to the table and picked up the microphone. "Honestly I'm disappointed, guys."
The crowd went silent. Adele looked at Jackson with a worried look. She was gonna stop him when BamBam wrapped his arm around her from behind, holding her back.
"She's been with us from the start, why can't some of you accept that? It's hurting me and the other members too. Don't call yourself a true Ahgase if you don't support the eight of us! Eight or never!" The crowd cheered and agreed.
The last one made her smile. She grabbed the mic, giving the crowd a genuine smile. "I love you guys, too! So much." Yugyeom and Youngjae cheered as they came for a hug and the members joined. She screamed as Jaebum & Mark lifted her up. The crowd awed at the sight and this became one of their most memorable moments.
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