Juliet sat in a tree with Cedric, waiting for the perfect moment to jump down. She could barely sit still because of her excitement. They would be going to the quidditch world cup with the Weasley's, and Juliet was more than excited to see her second favorite twins.
Cedric held a finger to his lips, motioning for Juliet to be quiet when he saw Mr. Weasley walk up to their father. After waiting a few more seconds, Cedric jumped down, making his presence known.
"This strapping young man must be Cedric, am I right?" Arther asked as he held his hand out for Cedric to shake. Cedric shook his hand, smiling widely as he did. "Yes sir."
"Where's Juliet?" Fred asked.
George looked around, trying to spot her hiding. "Yeah, where is she?"
"I'm right here." She called out as she jumped from the tree, landing on the twins, knocking them to ground.
Fred let out a loud groan at the impact. "You've murdered us Julie."
Juliet smiled down at the two of them, placing her hands on either side of their heads. "Well, that was the plan."
"To kill us before the Quidditch World cup?" George questioned with a crazy look.
"Obviously, what else would it be?"
"I don't know, maybe to not kill us before the Quidditch World Cup." Fred cut in.
Juliet let out a light laugh as Arthur walked over to the three. "Alright, come on. Up you go." He said as he helped Juliet to her feet.
"Arthur!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms around the man. "So lovely to see you. I learned the most extraordinary thing about muggles, and I've been dying to share it with you."
Arthur smiled brightly at the girl, always enjoying her company and her shared instead in muggles. "Splendid."
Juliet then turned her head, catching sight of the chosen boy and she removed her arms from Arthur, throwing them over the boy. "Oh, Harry! I missed you so! How was summer with the Dursley's? Any worse than normal?"
"Uh, nope." He mumbled awkwardly. "Just their same old horrible selves."
"Oh, well at least it didn't get worse. I do wish we could you away from them though."
"I'm fine, really." He told her. Juliet smiled once more at him before turning her head to Hermione who was chatting with Ginny.
"Hermione!" She yelled. Hermione turned to her, instantly at smiling at the girl. "Well, come here then." Hermione ran towards the girl, throwing herself in her arms. "I swear, you get more beautiful every time I see you. You're gonna have to tell me your secret."
Fred's head turned up, and before he realized what he was doing he was talking. "You don't need any secret. You're doing quite well on your own."
Juliet blushed, her eyes focusing on the ground before she felt another pair of arms wrap around her. She turned her head slightly, seeing a head of long red hair. "Ginny, you've grown like 3 inches since I last saw you."
"Well, it's your fault for not visiting this summer."
"I'm sorry." She halfheartedly apologized with a laugh. Ginny pulled away after a few more seconds and Juliet turned to the last person left in the group. "Ron, you didn't think I forgot you, did you?"
Ron tried to hide smile as Juliet opened her arms, trying to appear tougher until he gave in and walked into her arms. "I could never forget you." Ron smiled even bigger. He had grown used to being overlooked by most people, including his mother on occasion. Juliet never failed to make everyone feel included, no matter who they are. It's one of the reasons everyone liked her.
"Not to rush your reunions or anything, Juliet, but we really must be going." Amus interrupted.
"Of course." She replied, throwing one arm over each of the twins and walking forward.
Juliet had ended up on Fred's back, five minutes into the walk due to her feet starting to hurt. "I'm so tired." She complained.
"You're tired?" Fred asked in disbelief, turning his head to look at her. "I'm the one carrying you."
"Yes, but I didn't sleep at all last night."
"Why didn't you sleep?" He asked quickly, growing worried for the girl.
"Ced and I stayed up all night playing exploding snap."
"Well, what did you do that for?"
"I refused to go to sleep until I beat him and he kept winning. It was very frustrating, and before we knew it dad was telling to start getting ready."
"Well, it's your own fault for being so stubborn." He remarked, making Juliet hit him on the back of the head.
"She lost because she sucks at the game!" Cedric called from where he walked in front of them.
"Oh, shut it! I was just distracted."
"By what?" He asked amusedly.
"I don't know, something."
"You're ridiculous."
"Besides," she continued. "You cheat."
"I do not cheat."
"Do too."
"You're just a sore loser."
"Be quiet before I sell you to a chicken farmer."
"A chicken farmer?"
"Yes, he already made an offer. Said his daughter quite fancies you."
"Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if you sold me then."
Juliet smiled as they came to a slow time when they saw the porkey in front of them. She placed a chaste kiss on Fred's cheek before sliding off his back. "You make a wonderful horse."
Fred laughed at her words. He hadn't realized just how much he missed the girl. "Thank you very much."
"Get yourself in a good position." Arthur called. Juliet placed one hand on the porkey in between the twins. "Ready? On three. On, two.. Harry!"
Juliet turned her head in the nick of time, noticing Harry standing around not touching the porkey. She grabbed his sleeve, pulling him turn to the boot, making sure his hand was on it until they began to spin around and fly out.
Juliet landed on the ground with a huff. "I'm not a very good flyer."
"You've never been a good flyer. Remember when you tried out for quidditch and fell off your broom from about 60 feet up. You gave me quite a scare when on the bleachers. You're lucky Cedric caught you right before you hit the ground."
"Yes, he saved my life, and never let's me forget it. Tells me I owe him now. We made a deal, if he's ever in a life or death situation I have to save him, then he'll let it go." She shares with him.
"Sounds fair to me. Though, I'd never let him forget if I saved George's life."
"Sounds about right." She turned her head to see her father, brother, and Arthur floating down gracefully.
"How come I can never do that?" She complained.
Cedric shook his head with a laugh, helping Harry stand up before walking over to her. "Because you are extremely uncoordinated."
"You have flaws too." She mumbled.
"You snore."
"Do not."
"You sure?"
Cedric paused for a moment, wondering if Juliet was lying or if she was telling the truth and he did in fact snore. Juliet smirked, knowing she got under his skin. She linked arms with the twins and walked off with them.
"Oh, everything is so beautiful from up here!" She exclaimed, looking over the railing. She had gone a different way from her father and brother so she could sit with the Weasley's. Fred looked over at her. The moonlight illuminated her face in the most lovely way possible. He wanted to say badly to tell her how beautiful she looked, but didn't want to expose himself. "Isn't it beautiful Fred?"
"Yes, yes it is." He replied, though his eyes never left Juliet. George shared a look with Harry and Ron, both of them silently communicating how obvious Fred's crush on the girl was.
"Do you think if I jumped over the railing one of them would catch me?"
"Probably." Fred answered before realizing what he said and speaking once again. "But please don't. Big risk."
"I suppose you're right." She shrugged, following after Arthur to find their seats.
"Blimey dad, how far up are we?" Ron asked.
"Well, put it this way. If it rains, you'll be the first to know." Lucius Malfoy spoke from a railing below theirs.
"Oh, I love the rain!" Juliet squealed. "Don't know how you'll do in it though." She spoke to Draco, who stood beside his father. "Might wash all that gel out of your way."
"Why don't you just go back to your ridiculous muggle studies." He shot back at the girl. It was true, Juliet had been taking Muggle studies the past couple of years, and quite enjoyed the class.
"Don't be jealous I can be myself without any worries, and you have to be whoever daddy tells you to be."
Draco and his father both glared at the girl. "Oh, you little-"
"It's alright." His father cut him off. Draco looked at him for a moment before deciding to take a different approach.
"Father and I are in the minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself." His father pushed Draco back with his cane, giving the boy a frightening look. "Don't boast, Draco. There's no need with these people."
"You should listen to your pathetic father." Juliet spoke, earning a deadly look from Lucius. Fred stuck his arm in front of Juliet in a protecting manner. "And if you refer to the Weasleys as 'these people' once more I'll be sure to have your head on a spike." She spoke to him.
Fred pulled her away from tr railing, knowing Lucius was seconds away from lashing out at that girl and it wouldn't be a pretty sight.
"It's alright Juliet. He's just trying to get under our skin."
"Oh, I know. I just wish he wouldn't insult you and your family like he does. He's practically insulting my own family." Fred saddened at her words for a moment, knowing that she saw him as family until she spoke again. "Except for you."
"What do you mean by that?"
"You've never really felt like family necessarily. I don't know, with you it's just different." She had begun to feel weird under his intense gaze, worrying she had something that offended him. But then Fred smiled brightly, a new kind of hope forming inside of him, before Arthur rushed them over to their seats.
I tried to show a lot of
different relationships in this
chapter. You'll learn
that she has a different
relationship with each of
them, and I'm very
excited to portray them.
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