. . . ⭑ 𖥻 ̨ 𝗈𝗉𝖺𝗊𝗎𝖾 ²
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WARNING. sad julie, angst, tension, members fighting, lots of crying, hyungsik being the best boyfriend, twice = best girls.
A/N. this is all fiction, so don't get triggered if
i portray some of the members in a different
way than you're used to. it's all a part of the
story. julie is a complex person and you'll get
to know why she's the way she is during these
two chapters. happy reading!
Julie wiped the few remaining tears, wiping it with the palm of her hand as she was headed to her boyfriend's place. Once she was hidden away from prying eyes, the Italian-Korean burst into tears and cried till she didn't have any tears left. Everything she bottled up and kept inside came rushing through her like a tidal wave. Their words pierced like a sword and she still couldn't comprehend what happened an hour ago. She felt horrible, but mostly guilt. It engulfed her, leading to a heavy feeling in her stomach making her impossible to breathe properly.
The loud horn pulled Julie out of her thoughts and snapped back to reality. She looked at the traffic light and saw it was painted green. The spectacle of lights illuminated her glistening face and she sniffed before hitting the pedals and driving away from the busy road. Wiping her face with her left hand, she let out a tired sigh.
Reaching the end of the street, she caught a glimpse of Hyungsik's house. A small smile reached her face before she parked the car. She turned off the engine and exhaled, her gaze on the small mirror in front of her. Julie watched her face with a vulnerable look. Her mascara-stained face didn't do much better and her right cheek was smudged with lipstick. She tried to smile, but it turned to be a grimace instead.
Julie clenched her jaw and closed her eyes, feeling pathetic. She brought her hands to her face, feeling her throat closing up. She shook her head a few times before she mentally snapped, vigorously hitting the steering wheel with a scream tearing through her throat. She stopped, feeling her hands throbbing and trembling.
"Everything is your fault. Everything you do is a burden to everyone," she said to herself, her voice wavering.
Julie let out another shaky sigh before leaving the car. A rush of cold brushed her pale skin, causing shivers down her spine as she walked towards his doorstep. She walked up the small stairs and slowly brought her hand up. Her knuckles hit the wooden door, knocking three times.
Julie patiently waited, clutching the jacket closer to her body as another wave of coldness engulfed her body. Hearing the door opening, she met his scowled face but quickly disappeared and was covered with concern instead. His heart soared in his chest when he saw her face and immediately took her inside.
"You must be freezing," Hyungsik said in a soft tone, helping her with her jacket. Julie let out a content sigh, feeling the warmth welcoming her with open arms. Her lips darted up, looking up at her boyfriend. He gave her a worried look, his eyebrows furrowed as he led the Moretti girl into his living room.
Julie's stomach churned, feeling the guilt washing over her for coming at this late hour. The girls were probably worried, but she didn't care. She didn't want to picture their disappointed looks when she left, nor did she want to reminisce the painful words that were shared at the table. For once she wanted to think of herself, and it felt good, but she would never admit that out loud.
Snapping out of her daze, she touched her cheek and frowned, feeling the smudged lipstick at her fingers before sighing. Julie brought her hands to her face with another scowl, feeling a headache forming. "I'm sorry for showing up like that. I-I, I just needed you," she admitted, her voice cracking at the end.
She sniffled, wiping her nose with her sweater. Her lip trembled and she let out a whimper. Hyungsik rushed over to her, immediately taking her into his arms. She sobbed uncontrollably, her body shaking as she poured her heart out. "I-I'm s-sorry." she muffled into his chest, making his heart clench.
Hyungsik shook his head, bringing her closer to his body. "No, baby. It's okay," he reassured, his honey voice filling into her ears, making her cry harder. He brushed her hair, prepping soft kisses on her head while rocking her back and forth. "It's okay. I got you, Jules."
Julie closed her eyes, burying her face deeper into his chest as she inhaled his scent. She let out a shaky breath before pulling away, but her hands were still placed on his waist. She looked up and chuckled, "I don't know what to do, Hyungsik." she started off with, her voice wavering.
He brushed a few hair strands away from her face before cupping her face with his hands, "What's got my girl so upset?" he said in a low tone, looking at her adoringly. Even though she had mascara stains painted on her face and her lipstick smeared on her cheek, she still looked beautiful than ever. His lips curled up into a smile, making her close her eyes as she leaned into his warm touch.
"I-I didn't do anything wrong, or I don't know if I did.." she lamented, her frown deepening as she was trying to explain it to him. "They don't understand, they never have. I always end up saying the wrong thing or end up lashing out. I-It's always my fault, Hyungsik." she cried, the tears flooding out like a waterfall.
"It's been a rough month. All of us can't even be in the same room at this point. W-We're always fighting and everyone expects me to handle it because I'm the oldest, and I-I-" she wobbled with her words. She felt her throat closing up and she paused, trying to breathe.
Hyungsik's hands went down her shoulders, gently massaging it. "Take your time, jagiya." he comforted, his eyes painted with concern. She nodded and took a deep breath before exhaling. "I just feel so alone." she voiced out her thoughts, feeling a slight tension leaving her shoulders.
He frowned, tilting his head to the side. Julie noticed and gazed at him, "It's probably homesickness catching up with me, but I just...feel so confused?" she expressed, her eyes glistening with tears. "I'm not good with feelings, I never have. Not after m-my dad passed away. And when I'm trying, things get messed up." she sniffled, feeling her almost slip into melancholia.
He clenched his jaw before letting out a sigh. He brought her closer so that she was resting her head on his neck this time. Julie brought a trembling hand over her face and wiped her tears. He kissed her forehead, letting his chin resting on her head. "It's not your fault. And you're not alone. You're trying and that's okay, my darling. Things don't end up the way you want sometimes, but at least you're trying, and that's okay. Hey, look at me." he brought a hand to her chin, turning her face to look at him.
Julie's cheeks painted a crimson color, her heart fluttering inside her chest as she looked at him. "The girls love you so much, Jules. You're a role model to them. They're just looking out for you and trying to understand, but you don't let them. That's why they get upset." he softly explained, gently caressing her cheek.
The Moretti girl's face changed. Her frowned face was replaced with realization and she looked at him again, feeling her heart coarse through her chest. "Oh.." she let out, her jaw clenching as she let her mind wander. She pictured Nayeon's face into her head and the upset-looking members all gazing down at her, making the hot tears sting into her eyes. She remembered Sana's soothing voice and the soft cries of Tzyuyu begging her not to leave them.
We can't help you if you won't tell us about your problems. Sana's voice echoing in her head. She stepped back, pulling away from his touch. Hyungsik took a step back, watching her place a hand over her temples, "Fuck." she cursed, the migraine lingering longer than she anticipated.
"I need a fucking drink." she groaned, causing him to chuckle. He shook his head and brought her over to their shared bedroom. "No, you need a shower, love. That's what you need."
"Is she gonna come home?" Dahyun worried, her eyes darting back and forth towards her bandmates. She lifted her duvet closer to her body and sniffled, making Sana's eyes soften. The Japanese girl put a hand on her shoulder, giving her a reassuring smile.
Jihyo bit her lip, her gaze on the floor. Guilt prickled at her chest and she sighed, feeling her tears threatening to fall. She blinked vigorously and looked up at the ceiling with her eyes closed, earning looks from the others. She sniffled and breathed heavily, "I don't know, Dahyun. By how it went a few hours ago, I'm not so sure." she replied, running her fingers through her hair.
Tzuyu leaned her head on Chaeyoung's shoulder as she dozed off, her mind wandering back to the older member. A tired sigh escaped from her lips, feeling her throat burning from all the crying. She hasn't said a word since she left, and she didn't want to. Not after how they treated her. Chaeyoung wasn't doing any better either. The constant fighting and bickering happening took a toll on her and she was exhausted.
Jeongyeon fiddled with her fingers, a frown etched onto her face as she thought about her best friend. The regret and guilt engulfed her and she wished she could take it back, all of it. She remembered the look on her face. The smile she's grown to love, changed into a look of betrayal and sorrow. She knew right there and then that it was too late, and she couldn't take it back.
Momo looked at the others with a heavy heart, but her gaze lingering longer on Nayeon. Her gaze softened as she watched her fiddling with the blanket rested on her lap. She watched her chin tremble once they mentioned her name. She scooted closer and put her hand over hers. "You okay, bubs?" she asked, giving her a tip-lipped smile.
Nayeon shook her head, her gaze still looking down. "N-No. I'm not okay, Momo," she whispered before finally looking up. She hiccuped, her lip curved into a downwards pout. "Everything is my fault. I-I should've just listened to her. I didn't mean to-" she wept as she pondered with her words. She stopped, covering a hand over her mouth.
Mina, who was seated beside her, wrapped an arm around her shoulder and brought her closer. Nayeon melted into her warmth and buried her head into her chest, forcefully sobbing. Her muffled cries echoed the room, making the girls tear up.
They stayed like that for a moment, letting the gloomy atmosphere envelop them as they longed for the Italian member. A few moments later, the girls heard a door opening. They turned their heads to the sound with hope clouding into their eyes.
Julie's head popped out of the door, her eyes finally landing on the girls, all seated in the living room looking at her like a child who got a Christmas present from Santa. The Moretti girl's gaze never left the girls as she approached them. She could feel the tears flooding down her crimson cheeks and before she could react, she was pulled into a hug.
Nayeon sobbed into her neck, her grip on her tightening while she profusely apologized. Julie's hand found their way to her back and she gave a squeeze before burying her face into her hair, finally breaking down. "I-I-I'm so s-s-sorry. Oh-god, I didn't mean to. It was my f-fault, Unnie. I-" she stuttered through her sobs, making Julie cry even harder.
"No, it's not, Nayeon. It's not. We were both wrong, and I'm sorry for hurting you, all of you." she sniffled, pulling away and looking at the others. "I'm so sorry. I know you're only looking out for me and I'm doing a shit job at showing my gratitude. It's just been so tough, man. I'm not used to this, you know?" she expressed, feeling the weight on her shoulders loosen.
Jihyo swallowed the lump in her throat, her teary eyes gazing down at her. She walked towards the pair, standing in front of Julie with a pained look. The older member looked at her, "This is all new to me, but I'm trying. God damn it, I'm trying so fucking hard." she fumed, mostly at herself as she poured everything out, and it felt good.
She paused, closing her eyes as she tried to catch her breath. Nayeon held her tighter and hid her face deeper into her neck. "Shit, that felt good." she let out, feeling the dark cloud escaping her chest. She let another exhale and opened her eyes, watching the others standing up from their seats, slowly approaching the trio.
Her eyes landed on Jeongyeon, her eyes softening once she noticed her tear-stained face. She looked back at her, a small smile embedded onto her face, "We didn't know you were struggling, Unnie. We're sorry, please don't leave us." she fretted, her big eyes clouding with slight fear.
Julie frowned and shook her head, "I'm not leaving you guys. What gave you that impression?" she softly asked, her lips forming into a pout. Tzuyu stood next to Dahyun and linked her arm with hers, "You looked very upset, Unnie. We actually thought you were gonna leave us." she explained, her puppy doe eyes looking at her.
Julie chuckled and shook her head, "I love you girls so much. You're my second family, and I'm incredibly grateful and thankful to have you guys." she flattered, a smile reaching her face as she looked at them adoringly. "We're all dealing with stuff, and that's normal. Everything is just clashing together, that's all. No one is mad at anyone here, it's just a huge misunderstanding." she reminded them, making them all nod with smiles on their faces.
"And I will try to open myself more, I just need time, okay? We're gonna sit down and have proper civil conversations from now on. No one gets left out or excluded from anyone. We're gonna do this together, girls." she concluded, which earned eager smiles and cheers.
Jihyo playfully scoffed, "Why aren't you the leader instead?" she voiced out, her grin getting bigger when she heard her laugh.
Julie shot her a glare and shook her head playfully, "Oh, shut up. We all know that I can't even take care of my siblings, let alone taking care of you guys. The responsibly is too much and I can't-" she bubbled as she kept going, not noticing the others laugh.
Sana giggled and stepped closer to her, the others hot in her heels as they all went for a group hug. "You're adorable, Chichu." she cooed as they all squeezed each other. A soft laugh escaped Julie's lips, feeling her chest blossoming with love and admiration for the girls.
Aww! Happy ending. Am I right? 😩
I cried a lot writing this chapter and I'm not sorry for those of you who shed a tear. Julie broke my heart. My baby she deserves the world 🤧
I would also love to hear your thoughts on the short chapters and about Julie in general. I'm a shameless slut for feedbacks ;)
Written, Produced, and Made by Sana
K-Pop Added Member。
𝖂ar of 𝕳earts 𝕾eries。
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