❝ 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕱𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖛𝖆𝖑 ❞
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[ 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐈, 𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝐈 ; 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒐𝒏'𝒔 𝑪𝒂𝒍𝒍 ]
𝐉𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐀 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌, a dream of herself being the Queen of Camelot, where she had everything she dreamed of since she was little; be a Princess, be a Queen, live in a big beautiful castle and marry the Prince. It was every girl's dream that lives within the village of Camelot. Jenny was one of them but knew that it's all just a fantasy, an imagination of what can never come true. She often dreams of a man and a woman, she likes to assume that they are her parents, parents that she never met and not a shred of memory of them. Dreams give her hopes, hopes of one day, she'll find them, or figures of who they were.
Jenny lives with her mother, though they don't have any relations with blood, she refers to the woman as her "mother" because she raised the girl since she was a baby. There have been only a few times in Jenny's life have asked her mother if she ever knew of the girl's parents. No, she never met them. Her mother told her how she found the girl. A baby found all alone in an old abandoned ruin of an ancient place that is now called Oldstones. Myriam, the mother, happened to stumble on the place as she was looking for specific flowers that happen to only grow at the Oldstones.
Myriam always wanted a child, but she was born cursed to become barren when she became a woman. Nearly forty years, a childless woman, hopeless to ever have one, and by some miracle, as if her years of praying were answered but so late, she found a baby with no parents, with no-seemingly love. As if it was all meant to be, the baby was all hers and gave her the name, Jenny.
The girl with long auburn hair had her own shop, which was making dresses with all kinds of fabrics, her work is widely praised by all women and girls in Camelot, she makes very exquisite dresses, she even makes dresses for the King's Ward, Morgana Pendragon, for any occasions, and even for daily dresses. She also makes tunics for men and boys, she doesn't work alone, her mother, Myriam helps.
"Jenny, I'm sorry I won't able to help you carry all the sacks to the stall," Mother Myriam said, almost sullenly. "It's my shoulder again, it's aching"
"Don't worry about it, Ma" Jenny reassured, "I'll just get Cedric to help me. Surely, he'll come by soon"
"Cedric," Myriam murmured, "He said he's going to be a Knight, is he not?"
"No, he's — he's trying, I think" Jenny finished eating breakfast, she prepared her fabric supplies and put them in two wool sacks. "Are you coming by later? I'm supposed to meet with Lady Morgana after lunch, she wants to try on the dresses I made for her, she said there's going to be an occasion"
"Yes, yes. I will come to the market. I'll look after the stall when you leave to meet her" Myriam promised.
Jenny dragged one of the sacks that were the heaviest and one carrying over her shoulder when she left her house, Myriam closed the door when the girl left. Noticeably struggling as Jenny walked down the trail towards the market, a tall boy hurried towards her and it's her long-time friend, Cedric. "Let me get that" he grabbed the heavy sack and lift it over his shoulder.
"I was beginning to doubt you show up" Jenny sighed in relief, holding the lightest sack with both her hands, still carrying over her shoulder. "Thinking you'd gone hunting or chased by rabbits"
Cedric frowned at her, "I bumped into Guinevere" he smiled gleefully and brightly, as if he was proud of himself. "and we spoke!"
"Oh did you managed to speak at least five words this time?" Jenny teased, there's not a day where the boy never speaks of a girl, Guinevere whom Cedric's desires fell on for quite some time. He scoffed as he lightly pushed her, she softly chuckled by the push. "Cedric, I'm sure one of these days you'll win her heart"
"I'm sure I'm not the only boy in Camelot who's after to win her heart" The boy moaned in displease.
"You're no boy anymore, you're a man now, soon-to-be a Knight!" Jenny reminded cheerfully. Cedric scrunched his nose while groaning in dismay and said nothing. "What?" She asked, surprised that he wasn't ecstatic as he used to be when he was little.
"Nothing. It's just . . . why does it feel like it's not the right time?" Cedric wanting to be a knight is one of the things he desires since he was a little boy. He's been training for years, he's trained day and night until he couldn't feel every limb of his body anymore. He was tall and built like he was born to be a Knight. Jenny knew Cedric, they've been friends for a long time, since that day when she was pushed into a puddle by other girls who pretended to be her friends, but they were so envious of how prettier she was than them. Jenny was upset, Cedric happened to hear her crying in the forest while he went to check on the rabbit snares, he showed her kindness and comfort, and since then, they became good friends.
"Nothing is ever the right time for you, Cedric. It's just nerves talking. Like, how you've been planning to go to talk to Guinevere today or tomorrow, but you run off or jump off a cliff before you could even approach her" Jenny remembered a time where she thought she had fallen in love with the boy, but until he showed affections for another, she supported and felt happiness rather than heartbroken. She only realized she loved him as if he is family to her.
Cedric sighed, "You're right, perhaps. You always are"
Jenny shrugged, "Not all the time" she doubted.
"Good morning, Jenny!" A woman from nearby hub greeted, sweeping the dust out to the door.
"Oh good morning to you too, Wilda!" Jenny greeted back and waved.
She was greeted by more and usual townsfolk as they do almost every morning and she greeted them back. The townsfolk knew one another, they knew where everyone lives, what job they have, who's good and who's bad. Jenny loved Camelot, it was her home, where she grew up, where her family and friends live. Could she ever leave the place? Unlikely. They were all so kind to her, and she gives kindness back to them. Scrolling in the streets can be full and loud at daylight, some townsfolk can be thieves, stealing from the stands within the marketplace, owners never tell they're being stolen as the thieves are silent and sneaky.
Before Jenny set up her fabrics on the stand in the marketplace, there was a sound of a bugle, coming from the castle, it was the sounds of announcement about to be declared by the king and the people come to listen. The people made their way to the courtyard of the castle.
Jenny still had her sack on her back and Cedric carrying the other as they made their way to the castle's courtyard. When they passed the citadel, through the gates, the horns were sounded, and the drums pounded slowly. She and Cedric managed to squeeze through the crowd, made their place to the front and saw what is about to happen.
Horrified, Jenny found herself standing in the front, in full view of a platform where people get executed for breaking the laws. Jenny attended executions sometimes, she observes, but never made it to see death, she didn't have the courage to see someone die in front of her. At times, she tries to watch on, but she never succeeds.
"Let this serve as a lesson to all!" Every head in the courtyard turned. There was the King, Uther Pendragon standing above the people of Camelot, on a balcony of the castle. Wearing his golden crown, his house sigil red cape, all in his usual formal gown for a King, and two knights standing by him. Jenny couldn't pay attention to a prisoner being dragged by guards to the platform where he's about to be executed, "This man, Thomas James Collins, is adjudged guilty of conspiring to use enchantments and magic, and pursuant to the Laws of Camelot. I, Uther Pendragon, have decreed that such practices are banned on penalty of death."
The prisoner was a peasant, he seemed to show no fear, only anger, as most of those who practiced magic do, they express the same thing; anger. They never beg mercy, Jenny noticed.
"I pride myself as a fair and just King, but for the crime of sorcery, there is but one sentence I can pass." The King gave a nod to the guards and signaling them.
In response, the guard forcibly set the prisoner down on his knee, bowed down until his head was on the log. The sounds of a drum beating just made Jenny's skin crawl, building up the anticipation, the executioner raised the axe, following the King's raising hand then waited for the signal. Everyone knew what they were expecting to happen, so did Jenny, there was no turning back at this point or no stopping the execution. When the King waved down his hand, the executioner dropped down to the prisoner's neck. Jenny had no courage to keep looking on, she turned her attention away before the axe met with the neck, beheading the man. The sound of flesh tearing, the axe impacting with the log, the head dropping was all still there as the entire crowd gasped. They gasped as if it was the first execution they've witnessed. Jenny can never get used to times like this.
She wondered how people can still rebel against the law, against the King and proceed to practice magic as they knew the consequences. Practicing magic in Camelot is like risking your own life.
"When I came to this land," Uther continued, "this Kingdom was mired in chaos, but with the people's help, magic was driven from the realm. So, I declare a festival, to celebrate twenty years since the Great Dragon was captured, and Camelot freed from the evil of sorcery. Let the celebration begin!"
As everyone was leaving, Cedric sighed sharply as he muttered quietly, "He says it as if we don't know the entire history—"
He was interrupted by a woman wailing loudly from the middle of the crowd, everyone's attention fell around the courtyard, following the sounds of the woman crying out. An old woman, full grey-haired and wearing brown robes, people around her moved away from her, she was looking up at the King, the King gazed down at the woman.
"There is only one evil in this land and it is not magic!" The old woman cried, speaking to the King. "It is you! With your hatred and your ignorance . . . You took my son . . . I promise you, before these celebrations are over, you will share my tears. An eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth . . . A son for a son!"
"Seize her!" Uther commanded.
Before the guards reached the woman, she was squealing as she chanted out words in an unknown language, words that Jenny never heard of. There was a booming sound, a powerful wind spiraled around the old woman, she was vanishing into the vicious funnel of dust, leaves and particles went flying around, the woman's rags from her robes can be seen as the winds raised up before finally, disappeared.
The townspeople began scattered around, out of the courtyard as nothing happened, it wasn't something new they all seen, things like that happen almost sometimes. There could be more sorcerers hiding within Camelot, some could be blending in and living amongst them.
"Wish I ignored that" Cedric said as he and Jenny walked out of the courtyard.
Jenny didn't want to say anything about the brutal execution, or of the unfairness that the man was given. She has different views towards magic, she knew that there is evil sorcery and there's also good. Camelot was once a place of peace, no rebellion, no conflict between the King and Sorcerers. Until one day, it was the day that the Prince was born and the King's hatred for sorcery was also born. Jenny wasn't born yet to see what it was like back then when the sorcerers lived freely across the Kingdom.
At midday, her mother arrived at the marketplace to look after Jenny's shop as she leave to the castle to meet with Lady Morgana. She had the dresses readied, all in brilliant colours, the embroidery she did so wonderfully, she could not fold them as they'd get wrinkled when she was on her way to the castle. She knew her ways around the castle, she strolls around sometimes, but some areas were restricted, she wasn't allowed in some places unless she's given invitation by the King, or the Prince, and even Lady Morgana.
Though today with Morgana seems dull, she showed no enthusiasm at all, perhaps it was because of the execution they both witnessed and it really dulls the atmosphere and the moods become quite sullen.
"You all right, my Lady?" Jenny asked as she helped with the buttons of the dress that Morgana was trying on. "I know the morning was barbaric. I saw it too"
"Yes, I'm all right, thank you" Morgana responded, she does express sympathy for those who are treated unfairly. Like Jenny, Morgana has different views for some sorcerers, she believes that not all those who practice magic are evil. "That man did nothing wrong. All he's done was practice magic without harming anyone. And that woman, that poor woman, losing a son, I can't imagine"
Jenny grabbed a shawl that comes with the dress that Morgana is wearing. "I imagine it's unbearable" Jenny said, she handed the shawl to her.
Morgana put the crimson shawl on, covered her shoulders, the shawl was meant for any breeze. "I fear for what's to happen after the festival, what that woman said, an eye for an eye. A son for a son. The more harm that Uther causes, the more enemies he'll create"
"I think she was just trying to scare him" Jenny shrugged, though Morgana was not wrong.
"He should be. She was certainly warning him"
Jenny didn't offer any response for a moment, she adjusted the skirt of the dress, made sure it fitted her well, even though Jenny knew Morgana's shape, size and the measurements, she made over hundred of dresses for the Lady over the years.
The dress was crimson, the silver and gold leaves design around her waist, and the golden chain around her neck that supports the dress. This was the third and final dress she tried on. She looked at her reflection to see and fell surprised. "You never fail to amaze me with your dresses, Jenny. I love this one the most, I love the other two, they're beautiful. I think I'll wear this one for the celebration feast when the singer gets here"
The compliments of Jenny's work always put a smile on her face, she feels so proud of herself. "Thank you, I'm glad you love it. You can, of course, keep the other two for the future occasions, if you like"
"How can I repay you?" Morgana's voice was now kind and sweet.
"Oh, it doesn't really matter. It's been an honour of serving you for the past years and you've been paying me enough already. Consider these dresses as gifts"
"You're too kind, Jenny. How come you never wear these dresses so formal?" Morgana asked.
"Oh you know, it would seem to be inappropriate for a person like me to wear any of these around in those streets" Jenny chuckled nervously.
"Perhaps you should wear one of your designs at the feast"
It brightened Jenny as she knew what Morgana was saying, she was excited. "The feast?"
"Yes, when the singer gets here. I'm sure Uther won't mind me inviting you"
Jenny had seen how the King looks at her as if Jenny had done something wrong. She knew why King Uther is dismay towards her. "Oh, thank you! Really, I certainly enjoy attending the feasts and— I uhm— I was wondering if I could bring someone with me? I know it'll be too crowded, it's fine if you don't think it's—"
"Yes, you're welcome to bring a guest" Morgana answered before Jenny could finish.
"Thank you" Jenny beamed. She couldn't wait to attend the feast in a few days, she also couldn't wait to tell her mother who she was planning to come with her. Maybe there will be dancing, if the singer is coming to entertain the court, maybe she will dance to entertain them too. She already had ideas in her head and picturing them.
───。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The next day, Jenny spent almost all night sewing and designing a dress for the feast, though there was still a lot of time for it, her excitement was too great to make a dress that she almost finished it until her mother sent her to sleep while the dress was half-finished. She fell into a dream where she was dancing at the feast, every eye in the room was on her, entertained, smiling at her, she even won the attention from the Prince. She wished she could never wake up.
"Jenny, Jenny!" Cedric came rushing through the marketplace as if he's about to bring great news. "You're not going to believe what just happened at the training grounds"
Jenny didn't realize it was lunch time. She looked around for her mother to bring food for her as she does every day. "Did you finally win the duel against the Prince?" Jenny guessed and at the same time, joking.
"I wouldn't even dare to try, unlike some strange idiot earlier" Cedric frowned, he hopped over the counter and sat down on a bucket that stood upside down.
"What strange idiot?" Jenny was confused.
Cedric shrugged, "I don't know, I think he's new to town, never seen him around before. But anyway, this kid just came out of nowhere and stood up against Arthur"
"What?" Jenny scoffed, "a new kid, stood up against the Prince? Why?"
"I told you before, the Prince is a bully, one littlest insult, you're thrown into dungeons for days" Cedric always keep reminding Jenny of the Prince's true colours. The Prince wasn't some gentle and kind of a soul. Cedric knew Jenny has affection for the Prince as most girls do in Camelot. "The Prince was bullying a poor boy, using him as target practice. Until this new boy comes out of nowhere and stood against Arthur, and even insulted your precious Prince. Well, at least it's about damn time someone stood up and said what I've been meaning to say all this time since I started training to be a Knight"
Jenny scoffed again, she sat down on a bench. "What happened to this new boy?"
"He was taken away last time I saw him. I assume locked in the dungeons right now"
"That's ridiculous" The girl laughed softly.
"As I said, Arthur is like a child who can't take the littlest insult without throwing the insulter in prison"
"You should know so damn well by now if you speak about the Prince like that, you'll never going to be a Knight" Jenny warned.
"I'm not the only one in town who speaks about the Prince like that" Cedric smirked. "A lot of people don't like him much as you do"
Jenny rolled her eyes, scoffing before she could say anything back, her mother arrived, she had a lunch basket in her arms. "Afternoon, you two" Myriam greeted the two.
"Hi, Ma" Jenny said.
"G'afternoon, Myriam!" Cedric beamed, "had a fine morning?"
"Oh, so lovely" Myriam murmured. "I brought you both some lunch, in case you're hungry"
"I'm so famished" Cedric got up and took the basket. "Thank you"
"How's training going, Cedric?" Myriam asked.
"Oh best day ever, honestly" Cedric grinned. "You're not going to believe what happened"
Jenny sighed, about to hear again about what happened in the training grounds, the new boy who stood up against Arthur Pendragon.
The day proceeded quickly into the night, Jenny heard that Lady Helen of Mora who is a singer, who will be performing at the feast, will arrive that night and her performance won't be held until her second night at Camelot.
───。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Just a day until the feast and performance by Lady Helen. Jenny found the day quite entertaining when she watched a strange boy being restrained by the stocks while the children throw rotten fruits and vegetables at the boy's head. Everyone; adults and children laughed, and even Jenny found herself laughing.
The strange boy must be the person who everyone calls an "idiot". The one who confronted the Prince. The boy had dark raven hair, seemingly tall and slender. Jenny couldn't help to wonder if he was okay, so she approached the boy with a cup of water in her hand, thinking the boy might be thirsty, as he's been there almost all morning, while the children had left.
"Hello" Jenny greeted and smiled.
The boy shifted his head and looked up at the girl. "Oh, hello"
"You all right there?" She asked.
"Oh, yes. Definitely"
"You must be thirsty, seeing that you've been here for quite a while. I brought some water if you're thirsty" Jenny offered.
"Yes, I am actually, thanks" the boy smiled.
Jenny stood awkwardly for a moment as she looked at the boy's hand trying to reach before she realized how dumbfounded she is that the boy is restrained. "Right, sorry" she laughed in embarrassment. She stepped in close, slowly helping him to drink the water from the cup as she held it against his mouth. He drank until the cup was half empty and dripped down on his chin. "Sorry, let me get that— for you", she used her sleeve to wipe his chin.
"Thank you" The boy said awkwardly with a smile.
"You're welcome" she wondered about the boy, where he came from, she never seen him around before, so he must be new. "So, you must be the 'idiot' that everyone calls" she joked.
"I— is that what everybody saying about me?" The boy asked as he flushed in embarrassment.
"Well, you did— sort of insulted the Prince" she shrugged. "Sorry, I didn't mean to say that you are. I just never seen you around before, I assume you're new here"
"Yes, I am" The boy nodded, "I arrived here two days ago. I live with the Court Physician, Gaius"
"Oh, Gaius, ah, yes, he's a very good man" Jenny commented. " . . . I'm Jenny, I sell and make clothes, my shop is just there—" she pointed across the yard.
"I'm Merlin" he offered her his hand to shake.
"Merlin . . ." She repeated, smiled as she shook his hand. "Well, it's very nice to meet you, Merlin"
"Nice to meet you too, Jenny" he made an awakened wave of a gesture that Jenny couldn't quite figure out. "Thanks for the water"
"I'll see you around" Jenny walked away and went back to her shop.
"Bye!" Merlin quickly uttered before she was further away.
The children came back with full baskets of rotten fruits and vegetables, proceeding to throw them at Merlin for fun. That went on through morning and midday until he was finally freed.
When the noon went by, the evening was near, it was near the time for Jenny to pack up her things off the stand and settle for the rest of the day. She waited for her mother to come and help her. Luckily, Cedric arrived first, finished his training for the day.
Jenny also spotted the Prince and his guards strolling through the marketplace. He usually strolls around the section where they sell weapons. She watched on and off, wondered if Arthur will say hello to her as he does sometimes.
"Oh Jenny, you know you can do better than that" Cedric cooed, as he noticed she was eying on the Prince.
Jenny cut her gaze off the Prince, "Sod off" she glared at Cedric, turned around, facing away from Arthur's direction and Cedric snickered.
"Hey look, it's that idiot I told you about" Cedric nod his head, gesturing towards the alleyway.
Jenny turned and look around to see, spotted the boy she met earlier. Merlin was walking, seeing him and Arthur about to pass by each other made her tense. When Merlin walked by Arthur, ignoring him as if he didn't see him. Arthur noticed, "How's your knee-walking coming along?" The Prince taunted, Merlin kept on walking, trying to ignore the Prince. "Aw, don't run away!"
Merlin halted, annoyed, "From you?"
"Ah, thank god" Arthur replied sarcastically, "I thought you were deaf as well as dumb"
"Look, I told you you're an ass. I just didn't realize you were a royal one" Merlin taunted back and turned around to face Arthur. It surprised Jenny to hear and see Merlin confronting as if she never believed what Cedric said about yesterday. "Oh, what are you going to do? You got your daddy's men to protect you?"
Arthur laughed, so did his guards. "I could take you apart with one blow"
"I could take you apart with less than that" Merlin said confidentially.
"Are you sure?" Arthur warned as he's about to laugh. Merlin responded by taking his jacket off as he's ready to fight, Jenny got even tenser, suddenly worrying about how this will end. Arthur laughed hard, even people around them laughed. The guard behind him handed Arthur a weapon, mace. Arthur then tossed the weapon at Merlin "Here you go, big man"
Merlin couldn't catch the weapon, dropping it before picking it up quickly.
"Come on then" Arthur pushed on as he spun the weapon around. "I warn you, I've been training to kill since birth"
"Wow, and how long have you been training to be a prat?" Merlin continued to jeer.
Arthur scoffed, "You can't address me like that"
"Sorry." Merlin offered, "How long have you been training to be a prat, My Lord?"
Cedric snorted quietly, while Jenny still worrying how this will go. Just what she was worried about, Arthur spun the mace, head with spikes whooshing towards Merlin's head but he dodged. Merlin backed away from Arthur, drawing them both through the alley. Jenny and Cedric rushed to the scene to watch. She heard Arthur provoking Merlin. Jenny got through the crowd and saw Merlin struggling to use his weapon, his mace got caught by a banging basket near him, struggled to get it off that he abandoned it, leaving himself defenceless. Merlin continued to back away from the Prince, watching out for the weapon and prepare to dodge around. He flipped back over the fruit stand, falling off to the ground as Arthur's weapon slammed against one of the fruits.
"Is anyone going to stop this?" Jenny uttered.
"Why? This is fun to watch" Cedric was amused and they both kept watching.
Merlin drew back through another section of the marketplace. He tripped and fell, Arthur smirked as he prepared to hit Merlin with the weapon, "You're in trouble now" before he attacked, his mace got caught by the hanging steels of a weapon. Merlin used this as an opportunity to get back on his feet and draw back, Arthur chased on, spinning his weapon around, trying to get the boy, Merlin seemed to be looking around to use for defence. Then Arthur uttered out a painful shout, he hit something on his ankle, but kept on to proceed the chase on Merlin, Arthur seems to be struggling to catch and hit Merlin, the weapon impacted on the table towards Merlin, he ducked down under the table. All sudden, Arthur tripped and fell, the people laughed, so did Cedric, Arthur's guard was down, he even dropped the weapon. Merlin has the advantage, he picked up the weapon, now he really had the advantage to beat the Prince. Merlin has the weapon spun around, threatening the Prince, "Do you want to give up?!"
"To you?" Arthur said.
"Do you?!" Merlin yelled, "Do you want to give up?!"
Arthur stepped on a bucket, falling back on a sack pile of flour, Jenny saw that Merlin was distracted as he looked at the crowd, his smile disappeared as if he saw someone. With that, Arthur was on his feet, striking Merlin with a broom, on his leg, on his stomach then on his head. Knocking him down, finally.
Merlin groaned loudly in pain before he was picked by Arthur's guards to take the boy away. "Wait. Let him go." Arthur insisted. The guards let the boy go. "He may be an idiot, but he's a brave one . . . There's something about you, Merlin. I can't quite put my finger on it." With that, Arthur left with his guards.
Jenny wanted to ask Merlin if he was okay, but Gaius already approached him and took him away from the scene.
"Well, that was fun" Cedric enjoyed the show, Jenny narrowed her eyes from him, she was certainly not amused by what happened.
───。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The day was finally here; the feast will take place at nightfall. Jenny already prepared the dress for herself and even for her mother. Jenny wasn't sure what she was excited the most, she heard so much about Lady Helen, many great things, she sings songs that'll make you want to dance, that'll make you feel like you're in a heavenly place and that'll make you want to cry in joyous tears.
Jenny's dress wasn't too formal, she tried not to make it to exquisite than the ones she made for Morgana, she didn't want to make it noticeable or catch anyone's attention. It was blue, silky, blue that matches her eyes and with silver flowery details on her sleeves and collar, with light grey silk around her waist like a belt that matches the silver embroidery flower details. She added little white and blue flowers in her hair that she picked up during the day. It wasn't revealing much as Morgana's red dress.
Jenny arrived at the feast with her mother, Myriam before it began, all the guests were arriving, the Great Hall was crowded, acquaintances were made, everyone greeting each other, some of the guests came from other places, they came to celebrate with Uther. Jenny was here for the songs and hope to meet with Lady Helen to express her admiration. Her mother had gone to talk to her long-time friend who came here from afar.
"Ah, lovely Jenny of Oldstones" a familiar voice greeted behind her. She turned to see Prince Arthur. Her heart barely skipped a beat and she felt her stomach knotting by the name 'Jenny of Oldstone' as if she were an outsider, she didn't deserve to be given a nickname.
"Prince Arthur," she made a sweet curtsy and added, "My Lord"
Arthur scoffed, "You don't need to do that. You've been coming by here for Morgana for so long, surely, we're acquainted already. Still, it's pleasant to see you here, I didn't know you were invited"
"Oh uhm . . . I came crashing, why else?" She joked, the Prince chuckled at this. "Actually, Morgana invited me. She insisted"
"You know Morgana is the King's ward, she doesn't make invitations" He wasn't wrong about that, and yet, she still came.
"Well, I couldn't afford to disappoint her if I didn't show after I made the best dress for her" Jenny shrugged innocently.
"Oh, really?"
Jenny nodded, "Supposedly it'll give everyone a night to remember"
"Is that so?"
Jenny spotted Morgana walking into the Hall, wearing the crimson dress Jenny made for her. "What do you think?" She nods her head up, pointing him to Morgana.
Jenny wasn't sure if Arthur had his sudden affection fell on Morgana, he didn't take his eyes off her, of course, Morgana was the most beautiful young woman in the room, "God have mercy" he was struck by Morgana's looks. "I shall see you later, Jenny"
She smiled and nodded, "You too" she watched him approaching Morgana. Jenny didn't notice Cedric standing beside her as she's too distracted until he gave her a nudge on the arm. "Oh, you're here too"
"Of course, you know my father served for the King until he died and Uther had one of his men to tell me that I was invited"
"Right, how's your night?"
"Oh god, I am bored to death here" Cedric softly groaned, close to Jenny's ear so no one will hear him.
"Guinevere is here" Jenny cheered him up, she pointed ahead where Guinevere was standing with Merlin. "Seems to be a good night to talk to her again"
Cedric frowned as he moaned in his throat, "Yeah, I don't know"
"Don't be a coward now" she provoked.
"Shut up" he groaned.
The gathering grew, everyone was scattering around, Jenny always forgot that this celebration was actually for Uther's hatred, the announcement made after he had a man beheaded. Is this feast worth it? Jenny couldn't help to feel that way, but she must remember the singing. The songs are what she came here for.
When Jenny found herself near Merlin, she approached him, "Hello, Merlin"
He turned to her, "Oh, Jenny, hi. I didn't know that you were here, or that you're— here. I don't know, I'm sorry, I didn't think I'd find you here. Do you work for— anyone here?"
"Sort of, Morgana insists to invited me" she told him. "I see you're working"
"Yes, I am"
"The words from the people were saying about you were true after all" Jenny said.
"That I'm an idiot?"
"I wouldn't say you're an idiot" she disagreed, "You've got a lot of courage to speak to the Prince like that and standing up to him. I saw what happened today and I saw that you could've struck him. Arthur doesn't give up quite easily, which I thought was quite foolish of you to ask if he gives up"
Merlin snorted, "Yeah, maybe I should've if it weren't for my guardian"
"Gaius is your guardian?"
"I suppose so, now that I live with him"
Before Jenny asked where he lived before, a horned bellowed across the Hall, signalling that the feast is about to begin and Lady Helen is about to start. "I'll see you around" Jenny told Merlin.
"You too" Merlin smiled as they parted ways.
Jenny found her mother already found a seat beside her friend and had saved a seat for Jenny. She went around the table to stand next to her mother. An orchestra was playing for the King's arrival, everyone was still on their feet for the King as he made his place to the front of the Hall.
The orchestra stopped playing when Uther started speaking "We have enjoyed twenty years of peace and prosperity. It has brought the Kingdom and myself many pleasures. But few can compare with the honour of introducing . . . Lady Helen of Mora." Uther finished as applause followed. As the King seated, so did everyone else and the soft music started playing.
There was Lady Helen standing across the Hall, wearing a golden dress and her dark hair tied in formal knots. She began singing incantation, her voice was like angelic, it was something out of the world, somewhere heavenly, the song was not meant for dancing, it was meant for . . . something else. It was somehow so enchanting.
Jenny felt a strange wave, soft winds blowing through into the room, Lady Helen's voice went fading and echo in Jenny's ears. She suddenly became so tired, very tired like ever before. Her body was telling her to sleep like it had betrayed her and forced her to. All sudden, she fell asleep as everything went blur to black.
When Jenny woke up, slowly, she thought she was someplace else when she found herself covered in cobbled webs, she was confused about what happened. To her surprise, everyone and everything else in the hall was all cover in webs, the hall looked it was left untouched for decades or hundreds of years. Everyone was waking up, all of them baffled. And to everyone's shock, and even Jenny was shocked to see Lady Helen on the floor. Crushed by a chandelier that had fallen on her while they were all asleep.
When Jenny looked closely and clear, the woman was not Lady Helen. It was an imposter.
But an old woman from days ago, the one who swore revenge on Uther for having her son executed.
She wasn't dead, not yet, with her final breath and strength, the woman rose up, but not to her knees as she was still crushed. The woman grabbed her dagger and threw it forward. Threw it at Arthur Pendragon.
Gasps and screams escaped from everyone's mouths, as did Jenny, she let out a sharp gasp as her heart thumped.
But someone was quick enough to pull the Prince from his seat. The dagger plunged into the Prince's chair. Arthur was on the floor . . . with Merlin, who had been the one who pulled Arthur from the chair and saved his life.
The old woman had died, failed, died failing to avenge her son's death.
"You saved my boy's life" Uther said to Merlin, "A debt must be repaid"
"Oh, well—" Merlin stuttered.
"Don't be so modest" Uther said, "You shall be rewarded"
"No, honestly, you don't have to, Your Highness"
"No, absolutely" Uther insisted, "This merits something quite special"
"Well," Merlin shrugged almost proudly.
"You shall be awarded with a position in the Royal Household" The King declared, "You shall be Prince Arthur's manservant"
Arthur was quick to disapprove this, "Father!" The applause erupted in the Hall from all the guests.
Somehow, Jenny was proud of Merlin despite barely knowing him, glad and relieved that Arthur was saved. She applauded for Merlin's heroic action and the award he was given. She suddenly grew admiration for him.
This night will be one of those nights she will remember.
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Am I really gonna write an entire episode for per chapter?? maybe xD. idk why I'm writing this fic, I mean I recently revisited the show and I got nostalgic when watching it, I miss this show and remembering a time where I wanted to write a merlin fic, so yeah, here we go ig xD
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