Four Days Later.
"So, so what you saying is, Asian is not your girlfriend?" An interviewer, Dee, asking Dayvon who was slouched with his legs spread on the opposite couch.
"When I say that?" He smirked, making her and the other lady, Monica, laugh.
"Nah though. That ain't my girl that's my lil hoe. She cool though. She straight." He shrugged, chuckling as they dramatically gasped.
"You just called this woman your hoe on camera?" Monica laughed once more, and he smiled at the camera.
"Man she know wassup. She cool, foreal." He waved them off, fixing his chains.
"Well do you have an actual girlfri-ouu no, have you ever had an actual girlfriend?" Dee asked him, sipping from her cup of ice water.
"Yeah I had a girlfriend. Only one my whole life, nobody out here can say King Von was they boyfriend or in love with them except her." He smiled, and both of them had interested expressions on their faces.
"Are you guys still cool now, or have you heard from her?"
"Uh yeah. Yeah, thats my best friend. She got my kid." He revealed, chuckling as both of their eyes went wide.
"Say ma if you see this, I love you and I'm sorry." He said into the camera, laughing as Monica and Dee awed.
"Man get y'all lame ass on." He waved them off, making all of them laugh.
"These mufuckas talm 'bout 'awnnn'. Nigga ain't even say nothin'." He laughed, taking his water bottle from the table.
"Oh my gosh because that was so cute. Your voice went all soft and shit!" Dee clapped in excitement, and he laughed again.
"Nah it ain't like that. She got a boyfriend. We just take care of our kid and that's it all." He waved them off, acting as if he didn't care but he knew that he wanted more. She knew it too.
"Nah nah nah, 'cause you said you don't tell nobody you love them but you told her. And you have a kid! Congratulations!"
"'Preciate it. Yeah, I love her. I love my son too. I can't say his name or nothin' 'cause I think she embarrassed to have me as her babydaddy and shit." He smiled while they laughed at him.
"Wait, does Asian know about her? Are they cordial?"
"Nah. Nobody knew until I just revealed it on here. Folks nem dropped forty thousand on me to come here I might as well give y'all ass some tea." He chuckled, shrugging his shoulders.
"You've been hiding a whole kid from your girlf-hoe-excuse my language." Dee face palmed herself, and Von laughed.
"I ain't hiding shit from nobody. I don't owe nobody shit except my babymama and my son." He carelessly shrugged.
"It sounds like you love the mother of your son a lot. How does her boyfriend feel about that? Are y'all cordial?" Monica asked, crossing one of her legs over the other.
"Ion know. Ion really talk to him. Cordial enough to handle my son together. Ain't no friendship or nothin' past that." He told them, looking down at his phone, before locking it after feeling it began to buzz.
He knew this interview was being live streamed and people were probably texting him about the news he'd just revealed, but he didn't care. He didn't owe them anything, not even an explanation.
"Wait, how old is your son?"
"He finna be three," He answered, laughing at their shocked expressions.
"Wowww! Congratulations! A three year old is crazy. How is the dad life treating you?" Dee asked.
"Real good. I love my son wit' everything in me. It's crazy seeing a mini version of me, like that's my twin. He got his mama whole face though, he barely look like me. But like the way he act, his mannerisms and his bow legged ass legs, that's all me." He cockily dusted his shoulders, making them laugh.
Von spent another hour at the interview, talking about new music, possible collabs, and his life outside of the industry, before he finally left.
He was booked for $30,000 to host at the club that Dee and Monica owned last night, plus another ten thousand for them to do a two hour interview with them.
It was easy money and he didn't have anything to do anyways, so he just got it over with. He hoped that Jayda wasn't upset with him for revealing that he had a son. Hopefully she'd cut him some slack because he didn't name drop out of respect for her.
He arrived to his house after a thirty minute drive out of the city, groaning in frustration seeing Misharron leaning on her car, waiting for him.
"A whole fucking son Dayvon?!" She began yelling as soon as he stepped out of the car, making him roll his eyes.
"Folks take yo ugly ass on man damn." He waved her off, and she frowned.
"Ugly? Nigga you got me fucked up! You have a whole three year old! I've been with you for a year and never knew that. Who the hell is your damn baby mama?!" She pointed her fingers at his head, mushing it as he tried to walk past her.
"Bra don't touch me cause I ain't touch you. I'll kill you girl move." He frowned, trying to walk around her once more.
"Von you ain't been having a son! Where the fuck did this come from?" She pushed him in his chest, and he roughly mushed her head, making her fall.
"Touch me again watch I stain yo real dumb ass. You ain't here to give me no pussy or no head so take yo ass on." He turned to walk back to his car, not even feeling like being home no more.
He left his house without saying anything else to her, holding his chin in his hand, frustrated. He really didn't like Asian at all. He literally used her for her body and she knew that, and he hated when she stepped out of her place.
He was about to let her go completely because she didn't even satisfy him anymore. He could make himself nut quicker than she could. She wasn't of any use to him anymore and she'd quickly became annoying.
Somehow, he ended up at Jayda's house, parking on her side lawn. He hadn't spoken to her or Cyncere in four days, and he missed them both, especially his son.
He didn't know why he missed Jayda as much as he does since she literally never showed an ounce of interest in him. He guessed he was still holding on to the slim chance that it'd be them again.
He lifted his fist, knocking three times on the door, then stepped back. He fixed the hat that he was wearing over his dreads, hearing the locks click.
Once the door opened, Toosii was the one who did so, lowkey surprising Von because he was expecting Jayda.
"Wassup?" He rasped as if he'd just woken up, dressed in a muscle shirt and gray sweats.
"Where Jayda at?" Von asked, obviously being there for her and Cyncere.
"Sleep. She say you ain't getting Cyn right now. You ain't talked to her?" Toosii rose an eyebrow, and Von frowned.
"I ain't tryna hear that. Ion give a fuck what s-."
"Nah, I don't give a fuck what you not tryna hear. Let me tell you something, this lil fuckin' fantasy you got wit' getting back with my girl is ruining yo chances of being with your son. You think you frustrated about the rules that she has set for her kid, but what's really bothering you is the fact that you not with her."
"You miss what y'all had and you holding on to the fact that he could be again, when most likely it won't, like she's told you time after time. Yo only priority need to be your son. And until she comfortable enough with you being back, you don't have no choice but to follow what she says about her kid."
"Pick yo dick up nigga it's too many bitches in the world for you to be stressing yourself out over mine. Worry about Cyn and that's it. You keep pushing her buttons because she ain't giving you what you want, and she gone keep him away from you permanently. Be a daddy nigga, show her that's all you want so that y'all could officially co parent. Y'all not kids no more, so you need to grow up and stop being so damn childish with her."
"And I ain't tryna beef wit' you over my girl nor her son. What you don't understand is, Jayda loves me. And I'm not even tryna flex that shit to you I'm being real. You won't get nowhere with her if you call yourself beefing with me because I'm with her."
"She talks to me about every decision she makes with you, and I'm always on your side because if I was in your position, knowing what you did to her, you know she wouldn't want her son around you at all. I'd want somebody to try to help my case just a lil bit. Grow up V Roy, this shit getting childish." Toosii expressed to him, talking with his hands.
Von stood there, unable to reply because he didn't know what to say. Some of what he'd said made him upset, jealous, and frustrated, but most of all-he knew that Toosii was right, regardless of if he liked him or not.
Von walked off, going back to his car without saying anything, frustrated once more. He hated when other people was right.
Toosii watched as he drove off, and he shook his head, closing and locking the door. Turning around, he chuckled, seeing Jayda's small frame waiting for him near the hallway.
"You are so mature. I love you so much." She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he hugged her back, rubbing down her sides.
"I love you too. What you doing up?" He picked her up, holding her with one arm, carrying her back to her room.
"I felt you get up so I did too. When I seen it was him I just wanted to see how you'd handle it. You never fail to amaze me." She chuckled, rubbing his face as he entered the bedroom with her.
"He be slick pissing me off, playing with you. Then this nigga tryna play me for pussy like I'm not on that. Talm bout he'on give a fuck what you was saying. I'a beat the shit out that nigga." He pulled his shirt off after laying her in the bed, chuckling once she pulled him down on top of her.
"You so sexy." She mumbled, rubbing over his shoulders, smiling as he kissed the side of her face.
"Take yo horny ass back to sleep." He said, and she laughed, making him smile.
"No. I want you." She held his face, kissing all over it, flicking her tongue over his teeth, making him laugh.
"I wish I could live in your skin. I love you so much I wanna be a you." She held him closer to her body, and he laughed.
"Girl you clingy as hell. I love it." He kissed her neck, before resting his body on top of hers, and she turned them over so that she laid on top of him.
"Jayda." He laughed as she buried her face in his neck while still holding around it.
"Let me get in here with you." She mumbled, pulling his sweats off, and then she stuck her legs in his boxers with him, moving his dick so that she wasn't laying on it.
"Bra what is wrong with you?" He smiled, attempting to lift her up, and she swatted his hands away.
"N-." Jayda was cut off by her door opening, and she lifted her head, seeing a whining Cyncere walking inside.
"Nana." He sniffed, and Jayda heavily sighed, removing herself from his boxers, making him laugh as he grabbed Cyncere.
"You gotta start knocking Papa." He chuckled, letting him lay his head on his chest.
"I sorry." He mumbled, and Jayda pouted, leaning over to kiss his small chubby cheeks.
"What's the matter baby?"
"I tired." He sniffed once more, and she shook her head at his heavy sniffs since no tears were even coming out.
"You dramatic just like yo damn mama." Toosii chuckled, leaning back on the pillows, and Jayda smiled, moving closer to him so that he could hold her.
Jayda loved the way that Nau'Jour loved both her and her son. She wouldn't trade him for anything in the world.
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