Note: FINALLY that second part is here! lol I was trying to hurry up and finish it before I went on vacation so yeah, here it is! Also the ending is a bit different than even I expected cause I didn't expect it to go like this haha but yeah, enjoy! :)
"Help me, it's like the walls are caving in. Sometimes I feel like giving up but I just can't. It isn't in my blood..."
The words of the familiar Shawn Mendes song sang out to me over the radio as I hid out in the backseat of Baby. I should be in the Bunker now - telling Jack what I know I need to. He deserved the truth - no matter how young the both of us were. But would he even understand what it meant? To really raise a child? Did he even have what it took to?
"I'm looking through my phone again, feeling anxious. Afraid to be alone again, I hate this..."
I groaned, letting my head fall back against the leather seat briefly before sitting up and reaching over to the radio.
"Too depressing right now, Shawn." I sighed, pushing the dial to 'off'.
I was just about to fall into another spiral of my own thoughts when the sound of knuckles rapping against glass shook me from my reverie. Glancing up, I met the eyes of my eldest brother. A sigh escaped my lips and I rolled my eyes at the hard expression on his face before I hit the unlock button. Within seconds, he had climbed into the front seat behind the wheel, turning to face me.
"So I take it Sam told you then?" I asked him, arching an eyebrow.
He nodded curtly, green eyes hard as ice, "Look, you tell me the jerk who did this and I'll gank him right now-"
My eyes widened then in surprise, hand drifting down absentmindedly to my stomach.
"Wait, you don't know?" I breathed out, completely taken aback at how Sam at clearly kept that part to himself.
His lips drew into a thin line and I glanced down at my scuffed Converse shoes, the small, shiny Thor and Loki Marvel stickers I'd pressed onto the tips and sides looking up at me.
"He told me to ask you," Dean said quietly.
I scoffed, nodding as if I expected to hear that answer - because in truth, I actually wasn't surprised, "Of course he did,"
A moment of silence passed between us then and I hoped the conversation had been dropped but finally, he spoke again.
" it someone I know?" he asked, his voice strained.
I bit my lip. He needed to know. And one way or another, he was going to find out. As much as I loved that Nephilim, I couldn't keep something like this from my brothers. Either of them.
"J...Jack..." I said, so quietly I half-hoped he didn't hear me.
But from the shock registering on his face, I knew he had. Confusion replaced the shock then, eyebrows scrunching up in disbelief.
"Are you sure? Jack? The one year old?" he asked.
His questions were only rhetorical though because before I even had time to register what was going on, the confused expression melted into that of pure anger. There was the cocking of a gun - Dean's own handgun, I could tell - and the slamming of the Impala's door before a click as it locked shut.
"No, no, no, no, no, NO!" I muttered, my voice rising with every word as I realized what he'd done.
I pounded with my fists on the glass window as Dean stalked back into the Bunker, leaving me locked in Baby. What was he going to - oh my! My world started spinning then and I took a deep breathe as the realization of what he was going to do hit me all at once. He was going to kill him! Hot tears filled my eyes as I continued to pound relentless at the glass, screaming for someone - anyone. I had to get out of here! He was-he was... oh gosh, no! NO!
"SAM! SAM! SOMEBODY! PLEASE! GET ME OUT OF HERE! HE'S GOING TO KILL HIM! Please, please..." I broke off in a strangled sob then, my head sliding down against the glass as I cried.
The tears streamed down my face, blurring my vision. That's when I heard the gunshot and my eyes widened, sobs welling up in my throat again at what I knew had happened. That's when I saw Sam out of the Bunker, racing to the vehicle over to me. Swiftly, he managed to unlock the doors and I fell out of Baby into Sam's arms, sobbing. I began to pound his chest then, feeling anger swell up inside of me.
"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! HE'S DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU! WHY DID YOU SAY SOMETHING?! WHY-" I shouted up at my big brother before finally, he managed to catch my wrists, holding me still.
"Stop it! Stop it! He's alright! Jack's okay! But Dean's going after him - we need to get to him!"
That's all it took to send me racing after Sam and back into the Bunker, heart pounding in my chest while one hand rested protectively over my stomach. I couldn't lose him - not now, not like this. And...I couldn't do this without him. I couldn't raise a child without him. I wouldn't. We found them in the library then - Jack deflecting shots from Dean.
My eyes connected to Sam's and he began to shake his head, knowing exactly what I'd do. But I didn't heed the warning, instead running over to Jack and covering him with my body. Everything felt like it was in slow-motion then. As soon as I stepped in front of my boyfriend, I felt pain shoot through me. There was a sharp intake of breath from all three of them and then I went down like a stone.
It was agony. Pure agony, like venom lacing through my veins. Pools of crimson blood spilled out onto the wooden floor underneath me, soaking my clothes red. Jack gathered me into his arms then as my breathing became labored. Faintly, I could hear the shouts of both my brothers above me - Dean apologizing profusely, his voice mixed with evident tears - but it was all fading fast.
"It's okay. It'll all be okay... I'm gonna fix this..." Jack whispered softly in my ear.
I didn't understand what he meant - I was too out of it by now, my vision fading in and out, blackness all around. All I could think of was how I was going to lose this baby. A baby that at first I didn't even think I'd wanted - that maybe I could even give it up for adoption. But, it was mine. And...and I couldn't let my child go. Not like this.
But suddenly, as these thoughts made a vicious cycle in my dwindling mind, I felt a sharp pain - almost as if being stabbed with a hot iron poker - erupt in my back. I let out a scream - unbidden - and I felt my legs being pressed down to hold me still as the unbearable searing heat shot up my body. And just like was gone. I let out a breath I wasn't even aware I'd been holding and locked onto Jack's baby blue eyes. His hand was outstretched, slowly sliding out from underneath me. He did it. He...he saved me...and our child.
Absentmindedly, as both of my brothers helped me to a sitting position, my hand fell to rest on my stomach, never breaking the shared gaze with Jack.
"My child's going to be lucky to have a father like you..." I said quietly into the following silence.
I heard a grumble from Dean at that and could almost see the elbow in the ribs he'd received from Sam at that even though they were positioned behind me now. But Jack...Jack's face was unreadable - confusion, awe, surprise, more confusion... Gently, I took his hand and mine and slid it to rest on my stomach.
"Jack...I'm pregnant." I confessed, my voice loud in the Bunker.
He sucked in a sharp breath in disbelief, eyes wide as saucers as his hand ever so slowly moved across the thin material covering my stomach. A deafening silence ensued, making me wonder if I should start regretting telling him. That maybe it was all a mistake. Maybe-
"I'm going to be a father?" he breathed out.
I nodded to his question, not trusting my own voice in case it were to crack with emotion. But there was no need for me to fear what came next. Because within seconds of my response, a bright smile slowly lit up his face.
" how Cas is my father?" Jack questioned me, almost as if asking for confirmation.
A gentle chuckle escaped my throat and I nodded again to him. His hand pressed more firmly to my stomach then, eyes glued there to the unborn child who was still not quite visible and wouldn't be for another few months.
"Then I will be a good one. And this child will be well loved," he told me softly, his sweet yet simple words making my heart swell just as he lifted his head to glance up at the three of us, "I've learned a lot about love."
A tiny laugh bubbled up from my throat - one of joy - as I leaned my head back against Dean's chest from where he sat behind me, feeling Sam rest a hand on my shoulder. And as I moved my own hand to rest over Jack's, squeezing gently, I knew everything would be alright. After all, this child was a Winchester and an Angel. With a loving family to protect it.
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