03. karma's way & new friends
❝ THREE | karma's way & new friends
in their apartment | 8:37 pm
you click off of Gojo's video with shaky hands. bracing yourself for what you're about to see — you click onto twitter to see what damage has been done since you last looked online.
━━━━━━ 🔥, @PEEPAWTITS
replying to @JJKTALKS.
why tf is Jirou lowering herself by defending (y/n) 🤢🤢🤢 Jirou doesn't deserve to be dragged through the mud
26 💬 2 ♻️ 536 ❤️
━━━━━━ 😼😼, @LEGSFORDAYZ
replying to @PEEPAWTITS.
while I agree jirou shouldn't be dragged,,,, neither should (y/n)? Jirou is only sticking up for her ☠️
56 💬 15 ♻️ 638 ❤️
━━━━━━ K.M, @KMSBEAUTY
replying to @LEGSFORDAYZ.
Jirou is literally the most unproblematic creator on this goddamn app 🙄 I'm surprised (y/n) didn't get cancelled earlier
42 💬 16 ♻️ 683 ❤️
━━━━━━ 😼😼, @LEGSFORDAYZ
replying to @KMSBEAUTY.
get away you follow Jake Paul 😟😟 don't come @ me with shit about creators needing to be cancelled till you get that dandelion looking ponsy bitch in J A I L
98 💬 178 ♻️ 1.7K ❤️
━━━━━━ K.M, @KMSBEAUTY
replying to @LEGSFORDAYZ.
I only follow unproblematic creators 🤷♀️
38 💬 11 ♻️ 562 ❤️
━━━━━━ 😼😼, @LEGSFORDAYZ
replying to @KMSBEAUTY.
you follow Jake Paul 🤨
11 💬 2 ♻️ 783 ❤️
replying to @KMSBEAUTY.
the definition of unproblematic is queen 👸 Momo Yaoyorozu— log off and eat shit for me ❤️
76 💬 22 ♻️ 892 ❤️
━━━━━━ 😼😼, @LEGSFORDAYZ
replying to @PISSPANTSPOOR.
they stan Jake Piddlepants over Momo 🤨🤨 they sus fr
22 💬 64 ♻️ 682 ❤️
━━━━━━ 🧍♀️, @GOTHIXMISS11
replying to @JJKTALKS.
this (y/n) and jirou slander along w/ cancel culture is not welcomed here 😤
11 💬 26 ♻️ 773 ❤️
━━━━━━ 🔥, @PEEPAWTITS
replying to @GOTHIXMISS11.
i love jirou but wtf is she doing defending (y/n)??? she has no business defending her 😕😕
4 💬 1 ♻️ 468 ❤️
━━━━━━ 😼😼, @LEGSFORDAYZ
replying to @PEEPAWTITS.
you're chronically online GO AWAY
11 💬 2 ♻️ 783 ❤️
━━━━━━ 🔥, @PEEPAWTITS
replying to @LEGSFORDAYZ.
no i won't GO AWAY (y/n) is a massive dickhead who needed to have their streams and accounts taken down WAY BEFORE 🙁🙁 this is showing jirou's true personality if she's defending that thing
67 💬 29 ♻️ 379 ❤️
━━━━━━ 😼😼, @LEGSFORDAYZ
replying to @PEEPAWTITS.
that THING is a HUMAN BEING who is making more MONEY than you because you're sitting on your LAZY ASS all day and deciding to believe that you know someone's true intentions just from a FEW VIDEOS online
79 💬 108 ♻️ 793 ❤️
━━━━━━ 🔥, @PEEPAWTITS
replying to @LEGSFORDAYZ.
yes I ASSUMED jirou was nice but from the way she's defending that BITCH OF A STREAMER i can tell she's as much as a cunt as (y/n) is 🤣
80 💬 207 ♻️ 703 ❤️
replying to @PEEPAWTITS.
28 💬 23 ♻️ 1.9K ❤️
━━━━━━ **, @SHEILASTOES
replying to @JJKTALKS.
nah i'm worried 😭😭 jirou has lost literwlly 200K+ followers ever since she defended (y/n) what is happening
390 💬 594 ♻️ 7.9K ❤️
you slam your phone onto your bed and scream into your pillow.
mori, bless your dog's heart, slaps a comforting paw down on your back — an attempt at moral support that you truly appreciate. because she's the only thing keeping you sane as of now.
twitter really likes ruining lives.
okay, yes — you slandered nearly everyone and everything and some of the jokes may have been a tad bit too harsh. but you truly meant no bad intention. you didn't hate on anyone, you never said anything crude or downright nasty, it was all harmless, slightly cringy comments that meant nothing at the end of the day.
but twitter takes everything as a problem, so this has escalated to becoming a problem.
especially now that jirou has been dragged into it.
can this get any worse?
you need to message jirou, you need to apologise and practically put yourself in her debt forever because you might have just single handedly ruined her career before it even peaked.
lifting your face out of your pillow, you put on a brave face and go to jirou's profile and hesitantly click on the private message button.
that's the shittiest apology you've ever seen in your life — is that really the best you could do?
you groan and slam your face back into your pillow. "i hate everything." you mumble to yourself but your dog barks and you don't know whether it's in agreement or disagreement.
your phone vibrates and you peak a glance at it, thinking it's just another notification from the dreaded bird app — which it is.
but you shoot up when you realise that it's from jirou, who had replied back to your dm with an image and a text.
the one who ruined my
career is here 👋👋
i'm so sorry for everything
i shat myself in 9
different languages
just there never do
that AGAIN
only 9??? i've been
pushing for 14 recently
and that can stay
between you and God <3
by the way ur texting
i know you're scared
shitless by what's happening
i'm fearing my passport
is going to get cancelled
at this point I HATE LIFE
let's be cancelled
together <333
ppl actually like you
though 😩😩
everyone has decided
im the worst human being
to ever exist because i said
you shouldn't be getting hate
for what you said
BY BTW ‼️‼️‼️
but yeah, what i said is
on me — i said my opinion,
no one likes it so that
happened, none of it is on
so don't be stressing about
me 👎👎 i'm cool rn
like,,,,, this is my vibe
as of now
me rn:
LMAOOO but i don't know
why everyone is cancelling
you when they all know damn
well there has been more
controversial topics than you
calling that really hot dancing
group leader a 'butterstick in
human form' 😒😒
please he probably doesn't
even care about what i said
i'm a nobody😭😭
in their dorms | 9:02 pm
"they're a cheeky bitch for saying that," bakugou snarls as he paces up and down the hallway that connected their rooms to the living room where most of the time they end up sleeping there.
midoriya watches him blankly from his seat on the couch.
"they're fucking faceless, and they dare say that shit about me?"
"kaachan, we also wear masks so technically we're faceless to—"
"yeah but that bitch has never shown their face so it's not the same fucking thing."
midoriya clamps his jaw shut as bakugou continues to pace, waving his arms frantically up and down as he gets more worked up about the insults that twitter user said.
"calling me a mouldy string of fucking cheese. what kind of fucking insult is that? they couldn't even come up with something fucking decent," the blond continues, tugging at his grey hoodie sleeves to try magically take away some of his anger.
midoriya refuses on the urge to point out the insult is decent, hilarious and one of the best things he's heard and that bakugou is quite in fact upset about what was said about him.
he will not do it, he is a good person.
bakugou rages on, much to his companion's dismay. "they're a nobody, a faceless streamer who wants clout. do they think i care? because i fucking don't. what a dipshit."
finally, he seems to be out of steam with the way he pulls his hood up over his head and throws himself down on the longer section of the couch. midoriya watches him with wide eyes, concerned he's just watched his leader have a mental breakdown over a really funny insult that bakugou did not find funny at all.
it seems as if bakugou has decided to move on from the ordeal, with the way he lies in silence for a few minutes. so midoriya takes that as his cue to go back to his game he was playing.
but before he can press the continue button, bakugou shoots up with a glare.
"do they not fucking know that i'm voted as one of the most attractive YouTubers for the past three years? clearly they fucking don't!"
midoriya throws his head back and sighs.
it's going to be a very long night.
yeah, your insults got
personal for Kat — you
have a persona vendetta
against him or smth???
NO 😟😟😟 he's
just fun to slander and
idk why i think it's the
vibes he gives off
i say that when that man
looks like he can rip my
head off with his bare hands
if he so much as wanted
is this convo leading
into a discussion on
how good looking the
dance group is 🧐
oho i like you 😉
it's one of mine and
mina's favourite past
mina as in @/asshido???
yeah she sent me a
dm warning me of
people dragging me
after what i said on
my Instagram live got
ripped apart 🥰👍🥰👍
she'd adore you actually
now that i think of it
she sent me a dm a
while ago actually saying
that she's here me for & to
ignore those cancelling me
💔💔 deadass almost cried
she's a sweetheart
me and her started
our channel around
the same time,,, she's
one of the first creators
i talked to on here 😩
mine was a random diy
channel 😟😟 then they
got exposed for stealing content
and ideas and deleted their
channel 😃
they were also a pedophile
oh how the twists had
been tabeled with a turn
exactly my point
anyways i better flee
and reply to ppl showing
me concern to make it look
like im emotionally stable and
not in need of dire help 🙂
therapy is an option???
an option that was never
considered 😘
read ✓✓
you once again yell into your pillow.
once you're done yelling for a few minutes, you pick your phone back up and scroll back to the private messages you had gotten from mina and kaminari. damn, these should have been the ones you looked up to — not suna. you think bitterly.
you go to click into mina's message to reply to her, when suddenly kaminari sends you another message on twitter.
why you leaving me on
read 😢😢😢😢😢😢
this is why i can't make
new friends 😕😕
i cant even butter toast
you good homie 😕☹️☹️☹️
see im actually capable
of getting friends
who said you cant
get friends?? tell them
to square 🟫 up 🆙
oh the voices in my head
tell me i can't make friends
on a daily basis <333
oh my
ANYWAYS how are
you holding up????
so far ive learned various
and creative ways to kill
myself from my dms 😃☝️
i have also been
threatened with being
doxxed & murdered
by a bunch of crazy fans 🙂
what the fuck???
social media is a horrible
place — you've done nothing
yeah well, the makeup community
despises me because i said i get
bored watching some makeup
tutorials,,, the whole of u.a's fanbase
is after my SOUL for what i said
about their leader & calling one of
the members attractive,,, the
gaming community is also breathing
down my neck since Suna decided
to make that lovely tweet about me
ABT ME ☺️☺️☺️
ah 😟
you've literally going
through hell rn
my place is booked, im at
my appointment on time &
judgement day is in the
middle of taking place 🤘🤘
saw dude 🤘👌🤞✌️
man i was dying at your
tweets about me 😭😭
they were accurate and
why cant everyone be
like you???
the u.a dance group
shaded me in a tweet as
well so that's adding fuel
to the fire !!!!!!
yeahhhh i saw that
you're pretty ducked
fucked** goddamn this
quacking phone
that was so unfunny im
sorry 😭😭
i make jokes abt
minecraft horses & horse
girls for a living
don't be sorry ☹️‼️
what's your plan going
forward??? if you even
have one after all this
no sorry idk i'm not sorry
for what i said cause i didn't
do anything wrong but the
internet is ruthless so i might
as well apologise 😟
hey no matter what you
do i'll support you !!! you
don't deserve this shit and
it honestly ain't worth it 😴
go off social media for a bit
and chill or smth
karma better come
fucking soon
karma's way is the best
but watch some comfort
i am my comfort creator ☹️☝️
then look in the mirror
and talk to urself ✨
last time i did that my
friend came into our shared room
thinking i was staying over at some
one else's place but i was full on screaming at myself and i've been
too embarrassed since 👌
yeah he had even brought
a girl home which made it
10x worse
me @ myself
read ✓✓
you sigh to yourself as kaminari goes offline after reading your message. the blond was good company and you actually enjoyed the way his humour mashed with yours easily. your mind had felt lighter during the talk but now you're back to square one again.
pitifully, you open up mina's message and sent a heartfelt thanks back to her but you don't bother to keep the dms open — opting to clicking out and exiting twitter all together.
with a grunt you fling yourself into the pillow again.
what a fucking shit show.
in their house | 10:04 pm
"is everything plugged in?"
"yeah, i'm just hooking up the mic right now!"
"can we dim the lighting? it's too intense and the camera isn't focusing?"
"can you straighten the camera?"
the sounds of hollering and yelling coming from the three assistants pattering about in the studio room made the girl sigh as she felt an oncoming headache approach.
her assistants were lovely people, but they shouldn't have to be running around like a scared group of animals in fear of what her manager might do if he caught them lacking. her heart aches for them but sadly her voice gets cut off whenever she tries to speak up about the treatment they get.
she walks into the room and is immediately greeted by bright but slightly flushed faces from her coworkers.
"hey! just in time, we have everything set up for you!" awase, her longest assistant and the friendliest with her flashes her a bright smile that she returns with her own small one.
"thank you, you guys can take a break. you've worked long enough." she assures them while sitting down on the plush high stool that was sitting in the middle of the white backdrop.
"no, it's grand!" awase says while rushing to go behind the camera.
"did you hear about the latest scandal? a streamer just blew up for dissing the dance group, the makeup community and the gaming community!" one of her assistants; hagakure, gasps which catches her attention slightly.
"i saw those tweets, they weren't bad." awase shakes his head while fiddling with the camera in his hands.
hagakure turns to her with a perplexed look. "what do you think?"
she shakes her head and feels her silly hair fall down her shoulders and back. "the internet is a terrifying place. people watch your every move, every word you say and everything you type out. one mistake is all it takes for your whole career to go down."
she nervously plays with her fingers while she thinks some more. "it's a massive industry — being an influencer. a massive game if i was to put it lightly. you can cheat to make your way to the top, you can fight, but it doesn't matter. one wrong move and you are screwed."
awase senses her deeper meaning and catches her eye with a sincere look. "don't look so worried."
"oh trust me," she sits up straighter as awase starts counting down with his fingers. "i'm not."
because she's played this game for the longest, and she's the best at it, and will continue to be so.
the camera blinks red, and she flashes it a massive smile that is rarely genuine behind scenes.
"hello darlings! my name is momo yaoyorozu and welcome back to my channel!"
it's been so long since i've updated this why is it still getting reads ☠️
i forgot everything for this books so #yolo🤣🤣🤣✨✨✨✨
as in this chapter outline was;
crusty gojo makes tweets = fight = y/n upset = them messaging jirou = convo (WOW PLOT DEVELOPMENT) = them replying to Mina & Kami (someone's social for getting cancelled on social media 🤣🤣 [stop it] no) = super secret mysterious jaw dropping climatic engaging piece of literature about Momo saying a philosophical saying = ending
that's all ive had written since November, maybe this is why i never update because past (technically present) me does not LIKE HELPING FUTURE ME AND IT MAKES ME WANNA KMS-
i really need to make a rant book this is getting ridickulous
no im not correcting that spelling mistake because it's funny to me so you should find it funny
yes the last time i closed my eyes for a long period of time was 38 hours ago and what about it
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