A month later. | October 6th, 2022.
"Tuson!" Saniyah shrieked, laughing as he drug her around the floor by her feet.
"Say sorry you big ass bitch!" He spinner her in a circle, and Tae busted out laughing, recording them.
"Get her Tuson! Bitches eating all the snacks!" He put the camera in Saniyah's face, and she laughed once Ari jumped on top of Tuson.
"Cause y'all not finna jump my girlfriend. Come here hoe!" She grabbed a hold on Tuson's dreads, fake swinging on him, and Saniyah continued laughing as Jayda jumped on top of Tae.
"Ariana get yo big ass off me bitch!" He shrieked, spinning himself in a fast circle, and she screamed, becoming dizzy.
"Oh my fucking god." Saniyah tried to catch her breath from laughing so hard, Tae and Jayda now on the floor breathing hard as well.
"And this bitch still beating ass." Jayda shook her head at Ari who was dragging Tuson around the marble floors by his hoodie.
"And is. Got my girlfriend fucked up, hell." She panted, sitting down on the couch once her son, Yosohn, started whining for her.
"Fuck yo girlfriend. This bitch ate my whole fruit tray!" Tuson frowned, going to go stand in front of Saniyah's phone that he had propped up on the counter, currently live on her Instagram.
"Bitch I asked Tae and he said yes. I thought it was his." She laughed, dizzily standing up from the ground, feeling herself become nauseous.
Jayda watched her face become pale as she made her way to the far guest bathroom, and she stood up, jogging after her.
Once Jayda made it to the bathroom, her face immediately held a worried expression, grabbing ahold of Saniyah's hair to hold it up while she threw up.
Saniyah's face hovered over the toilet, the seat lifted as she emptied the contents of her stomach into the bowl.
"Damn bitch. You should've told him to stop, spinning you too damn fast." Jayda told her, using a towel that she'd ran under hot water to clean Saniyah's face.
"Bitch I'm pregnant." She mumbled, and Jayda's eyes went wide, immediately standing upright.
"YOU'RE W-." She shrieked, being cut off as Saniyah's quickly covered her mouth.
"Bitch I will beat yo ass in here." She frowned at her, and Jayda busted out laughing, moving her hand.
"Best friend!" She gasped at the news, legitimately surprised.
"I know. Oh my gosh." She pouted, groggily standing up from the floor. She lifted up the oversized shirt she wore, pulling her biker shorts down some, revealing her stomach that had a very obvious pudge.
"Oh my motherfucking god bitch." Jayda's jaw dropped, and Saniyah held her pout, looking at her belly in the mirror.
"I'm at least a month. I think further because I've been nauseous going on three months but I just started actually throwing up a month ago." She told her, chuckling as Jayda rubbed her hard stomach, fascinated.
"Bestie you so big. What if it's twins?! Like you're literally huge for you to not be far." Jayda spoke, and she nodded her head.
"I'm hoping that it is twins. I don't want a baby at all, but I'm very obviously pregnant so I hope that it's two. One for both of them." She said, referring to Von and Kentrell.
"Would you be sad if it's only one?" She asked, and Saniyah nodded her head, pulling her shorts back up and her shirt down.
"How haven't they noticed y-or do they know already?" She asked another question, and Saniyah shook her head no.
"I only get naked after I eat now so that it just looks like I'm bloated. Cause you know even when I eat just a sandwich I get big as hell. It's working so far but Dayvon starting to get curious." She chuckled, shaking her head again.
"Awwww. Are you sad? How've you been? I feel bad for not noticing now. You're pregnant! Oh my god." A large smile grew on Jayda's face, making Saniyah laugh.
"It's okay, im trying my best to hide it anyways. And I'm okay. I sleep a lot now, and the entire time I'm awake I eat like crazy. I feel tiny flutters in my stomach sometimes, that's what confirmed it. But I've took at least ten tests and they're all negative. But I have the cravings, nausea, and look how fucking big my boobs have gotten." She frowned, lifting her shirt again.
"Bitch we need to take you to the doctor. Come on." Jayda's grabbed her hand, and she laughed.
"No bestie I want them to be there. Should I go home and tell them?" She asked, and Jayda frantically nodded, making her laugh again.
"Ugh. I'm scared. They want a baby but it happened so fast. One of them motherfuckers trapped me." She dramatically folded her arms, and Jayda laughed.
"Bitch go home and tell them. Go right now. You need to go to the doctor today to make sure everything's alright. Go, go right now bitch." Jayda ushered her out of the bathroom, and she laughed, leading the way out.
"Y'all bitches was kissing ain't it?" Tuson frowned at them, and both of them laughed as he passed Saniyah her phone.
"Yup. But I'm finna go y'all. I'll see y'all later." She grabbed her purse, before going around to give everyone hugs.
"Bye bye fat man." Saniyah kissed all over Yosohn's face, and he giggled, his face flushing red.
"This bitch steady making my baby blush oh my god." Ari laughed, recording her, and Saniyah laughed as well as Yosohn hugged around his neck.
"He love me." She shrugged, kissing Ari's cheek as the video ended.
She finished her goodbyes to everyone, before finally leaving. She backed out of the parking spot, a low sigh leaving her lips as she exited the neighborhood.
She didn't even know why she was nervous. She knew that both Kentrell and Dayvon wanted a child with her, but she wasn't sure if they were ready for that just yet.
She felt as if they were still in their puppy love phase, though she'd been with them for nine months now. She didn't want a baby to change their relationship since things were just now becoming perfect for them.
Saniyah also wasn't sure if she'd be a good mom or not. That was one of her biggest fears-having a baby and not being a good parent. She wanted her baby to have way more than she ever did-financial, physical, and mental wise.
Her thoughts ceased as she pulled in her garage, shortly after getting out of her car. After letting the garage down, she walked in her house, taking her shoes off at the door.
"Baby?" She called out, waiting for a response from either of them.
"Back hea'!" Kentrell called back, and she walked back to her room, seeing both of them on the computer, Kentrell closing out the tabs.
"Were y'all just watching porn on the computer?" She rose her eyebrow, her arms folded as she leaned against her doorway.
"Girl you know damn well we'on watch that shit." Von waved her off, wrapping his arms around her in a hug, and she chuckled, returning it.
"Hey my baby." She held his face, pecking his lips a few times, and he smiled, kissing her back before letting her go.
"Wassup baby." Kentrell leaned down to kiss her face, and she laughed, hugging him too.
"Hey handsome. You smell good." She told him, releasing him from her grip.
"That strong ass nose you got. I ain't even wearing no cologne." He frowned at her, and she laughed, hanging her purse in her closet.
"What did y'all do today? Besides call me seven times?" She sarcastically asked from her closet, pulling her shorts off, then walking out.
"Took him to Turkey Leg Hut cause he never had a stuffed turkey before." Von shook his head, sitting against the headboard.
"And that shit was gross. So we went to Walmart to get some groceries so I can make them tomorrow for dinner." Kentrell added, and she laughed, climbing in her bed to sit between them.
"What did yours have in it?" She asked Kentrell, plugging her phone up on the charger.
"Some type of cheesy rice, bacon, and yams. I think it would've been better without the rice." He told her, laying on her chest after she laid down.
"And he was shitty too. Nasty ass nigga knew he was lack toes and toddler ant." Von shook his head, and Saniyah busted out laughing, making him smile as Kentrell did the same.
"Shut the fuck up." Kentrell laughed, tossing one of the small pillows at him, and he chuckled, shrugging.
"That dumb ass digesting disorder. All you gotta do is be tolerant." He shrugged again, and Kentrell face palmed himself as Saniyah continued laughing.
"You is deadass mfn wrong and you will never get the chance to disrespect me ever again. Bitch ass boy." Kentrell reached over to mush his head, making him laugh.
"Seem like y'all had an eventful day." Saniyah chuckled, wiping her tears that fell from laughing so hard.
"Somethin' like it. We bought you some hair too." Von told her, showing her his phone, and she laughed, seeing 17 different textured wigs from Hair SoFab.
"Why y'all get so much curly?" She smiled, scrolling through the order receipt.
"Kentrell did that." He said, and she looked down at Kentrell who wore a smirk on his face, his eyes closed, making her laugh again.
"Thank y'all." She turned her head to kiss Von's cheek, and then leaned over to kiss Kentrell's, and both of them smiled.
"Baby did you cook lunch or no?" She asked, rubbing through his scalp, her eyes on the TV where Moana was playing.
"Nah. What you tryna eat? I'll go make you something." Kentrell told her, his hand underneath her shirt, rubbing her stomach.
"Subway sandwiches. But a little later though." She replied, and he nodded his head, growing sleepy as he continued rubbing her skin.
"You okay?" She looked over at Von, and he looked up from his phone, over at her.
"Yeah. You good ma?" He kissed her face, and she smiled, nodding her head. She leaned her head on his shoulder, laying on his arm as he rubbed down hers, using his other hand to scroll on his phone.
"Kentrell guess what?" She spoke, and his eyes fluttered open to meet hers, still rubbing her stomach.
"There's a baby in there." She told him, her voice soft, and he immediately sat up, his eyebrows furrowed, and Von sat up as well.
"What?" Von frowned at her, and she lifted her shirt, relaxing her stomach, showing her very obvious baby bump, and both of their eyes went wide.
"You having my baby?" Kentrell asked, and though she wasn't sure if it was his or Von's, she nodded her head anyway.
Von wrapped her up in a hug, and she began crying, hugging him back. She smiled through her tears as he kissed all over her face, tightening his grip on her.
"I love you girl. I love you so much." He told her, kissing her lips, and she sniffed, kissing him back.
She sat up, looking over at Kentrell. She could see the tears in his eyes, and she smiled big, wrapping him up in a hug.
He hugged tight around her torso, his face in her neck. He was so happy he didn't even know what to say.
"I won't mess up. I got you." He kissed her face a few times, and she pulled back to meet his eyes.
"I'll hold you accountable if you do the same for me." She mumbled, wiping his face, and he nodded his head, smiling as she kissed his nose.
"Baby but all those tests been negative." Von said, a confused frown on his face.
"I know. And I don't know why because I literally throw up every other day, my boobs are growing, and I can literally feel my baby. I need to go to the doctor so I wanted to tell y'all so that we could all go." She explained, smiling as Von rubbed her stomach.
"Shit let's go then. Come on." Kentrell stood up, pulling her up with him, making her laugh.
It took the three of them about half an hour to get ready, and then they piled in Von's truck, taking another half hour to make it to Saniyah's personal OBGYN.
"Nah I don't like that color. That black look a lil silver." Kentrell frowned, currently looking at Von's phone with him while they waited to be called back.
"Nigga this not about you. Move. Sit back." He laughed, pushing him away, making him smack his lips.
"Bae I know what's best for you right?" Kentrell looked over at her, and she chuckled, nodding her head.
"I'm already knowing. Now give it ta' me and let me see." He took the phone from Von, looking at the different cars on the website.
"I don't need another c-."
"Shhh." Kentrell cut her off, and she laughed, rolling her eyes at how dramatic the two of them were being.
"Well since I don't have a choice, I don't want a range. I want a Kia." She told them, and Von frowned at her.
"Saniyah no offense, shut the fuck up." Von looked back at his phone, and she laughed, rolling her eyes once again.
"What kind? Hm, show me." Kentrell gave her his phone, and she crossed one of her legs over the other, typing on safari.
"Smcht." Von smacked his lips, making her laugh again once she passed the phone back to Kentrell.
"With black rims and black interior. And the outside black too. All black." She chuckled at herself, watching as the two of them looked down at the phone.
"We can still get you the range too? All black." Von met her eyes, and she smiled, nodding her head.
"Aight i'a buy this one, you buy the range." Kentrell told him, and Von smacked his lips.
"Nigga this Kia thirty thousand and a range is one hundred and eighty thousand you broke ass bum." He mushed his head, and Kentrell laughed, shrugging his shoulders.
"Bennett-Gaulden?" A nurse called out, and Saniyah face palmed herself as she stood up with the two of them, listening to them laugh.
"Y'all are so damn annoying oh my god." She laughed, shaking her head as she led the way to follow the lady.
"What?" Kentrell smiled, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, and she rolled her eyes, smiling as well.
They waited a few minutes, their conversation ceasing and their heads turning once there was a knock on the door.
"Girl I saw your name on the paper and I was like I know that ain't my baby! Then I saw the last name and was for sure it wasn't you." Her doctor, Kyla, laughed, grabbing her up for a hug.
"Ugh, they play all day. How are you?" She laughed, hugging her back.
"I'm doing good baby, you look flawless as usual. What's the matter? Your appointment isn't until next month." Kyla confusedly frowned, and Saniyah pointed, making her attention advert to Kentrell and Von.
"Oh! New faces! Wait. Saniyah!" She gasped at her, and Saniyah smiled big, lifting her shirt to show her belly-something she was starting to enjoy doing.
"Oh my gosh! A baby, wait, who's d-oh?" Her eyes went wide, and Saniyah covered her face in embarrassment as Kentrell and Von laughed.
"Yeah she'on know who the daddy is." Von smirked, and she groaned, running her fingers through her hair.
"Ms.Kyla I'm not a hoe I swear-excuse my language. We all go together, what's it called? A polyamory? Throuple? Whatever." Saniyah tried explaining, and Kyla had a shocked expression on her face.
"Well, this is new. Especially for you. Well, congratulations mama!" Kyla hugged her again, and she smiled, returning it.
"Have your parents spoken to you?" She curiously asked, and Saniyah shook her head no.
"You know they never do. And I don't want them to be around my baby, so don't tell." Saniyah told her, and she nodded in understanding.
Ms.Kyla was a close family friend, and she was there for Saniyah a lot more than her own mother was. Kyla was 62 and had been a pediatrician for fifteen years before eventually taking on the role of a Obstetrician-Gynecologist.
She was a mother of five herself, and being a mom was her favorite job. She'd always had a love for kids and was fascinated with the mom life because she felt as if it was the biggest job in the world-which is how she found her passion for women's health.
Kyla was Saniyah's-as well as her sister Laniyah-pediatrician when they were kids. Once Saniyah got older, she'd also became her general doctor, as far as her reproductive system health.
"Maybe you'd give them a call sometime this week? Your-your mom hasn't been doing so well baby." Kyla revealed, and Saniyah immediately frowned.
"Her sickle cell?" She asked, and Kyla nodded, rubbing her shoulder.
"But let's not focus on that right now, okay? We can talk about that another time. Right now is about you and your baby. Come on." Kyla helped her down from the table, and Von watched as her entire mood switched.
He frowned, watching the small pout etch across her face. He knew that out of both of her parents she despised her mom the most, so he didn't really understand how that was able to affect her mood so quickly.
"Okayyy, dodododo...156.8 pounds, and you're 5'5." Kyla told her after taking her measurements.
"How much do you think I'll gain with my baby?" She asked, stepping down with the help of Kentrell, letting him pick her up to place her back on the medical bed.
"Most women gain about 18-25 pounds during pregnancy. More or less is still fine, it differs for everyone." She told her, and Saniyah nodded, signaling that she understood.
She laid back and pulled her shirt up, her stomach doing a light flinch once the cold gel was placed upon it.
"Sorry." Kyla chuckled, and she smiled, letting her rub it in, within a few seconds, a heartbeat sounded out through the room, and Saniyah covered her face.
"Damn bra a nigga crying and shi-stuff." Von corrected himself in respect for the older lady, using his hurt to wipe his face, and Saniyah smiled, sniffing.
Her smile widened as she watched Kentrell and Von dap one another up, before their arms wrapped around each other in a hug.
"Y'all are such simps." She laughed, making the two of them do so as well, and Von leaned over to kiss her face.
"I love you girl." He told her, and she smiled, searching over his face.
"I love you more. Are you listening?" She mumbled, and he frowned in confusion as her eyes adverted over to Kentrell.
"Listen baby." She quieted her voice down, and his eyebrows furrowed, his attention switching over to the ultrasound screen once a second, more distant heartbeat was heard.
"Twins?!" His jaw dropped, and Von's eyes went wide, making her and Kyla laughed.
"So that mean I got one and he got one?" Von had a shocked expression on his face, and Saniyah chuckled, releasing a low sigh of relief.
"Most likely, if the insemination was around the same time. You're definitely having twins sweetheart. Look, there's another fetus kind of shadowed behind this one." Kyla pointed to the screen, and Saniyah held a small pout, watching her two babies.
Ever since the moment she realized that she was pregnant, she'd been praying hard that she'd have twins. She wanted them both to have a child because she knew how sad it'd make the other if she'd only had one.
She was so excited for this new chapter of life with them, and she couldn't wait to raise her kids with them. Despite being afraid of being a mom, she knew that with Kentrell and Von at her side it'd be worthwhile.
next few chapters gone be the last, im alrd writing my new book lmaoooooo. so what do y'all want the genders to be? also i love y'all btw. feel like i haven't said that in a minute lmao 💝
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