Same Day.
"There's nothing special from me that he wants. He's looking for a sexual release." Saniyah spoke, currently setting up her office that she was being forced to work from, instead of her office at her city precinct.
"Come on now, you're a profiler. You know that's not all that he wants, if that's even the case." Vincent said, and she frowned, looking up.
"You think I'm lying? Why would I l-nevermind. You're right, I am. Definitely." She rolled her eyes, following him out of her office.
She'd just finished up her conversation with Dayvon about twenty minutes ago, and within that short frame they'd already set her up in an office at the black site.
They were about to head out to the site where the nuclear fission bomb was allegedly planted. The city of Washington, DC, has a population of over 700,000, so if that bomb went off-it'd be a mass causality.
Not to mention many government officials and the President of the United States lived there, though him and his family had been evacuated as soon as they'd gotten the news of a possible bomb being in the city.
Currently on a private jet, she held on to the arm rest as the plane lifted off the landing pad of the black site.
She could see Vincent a few rows ahead of her, speaking in his phone, gesturing with his hands as he talked.
Just as she was about to close her eyes, her phone rung, and she fished it out of her purse, before reading the '+1 0000000000' number that flashed across her screen.
She sighed to herself, pressing the green icon and placing her phone to her ear.
"Stop playing on my damn phone." She muttered, knowing exactly who it was.
"Why? You don't be missin' me the way I be missing you?" The Reaper asked, and she rolled her eyes.
"No, I do not. Ever. Why did you kill Dante?" She asked, pulling a notepad and pen from her purse.
"He missed a payment baby. Ordered ten bricks of coke and only paid half the total amount. You know I don't play about my money, yeah?" He chuckled, and she rolled her eyes, connecting a USB to her charging port, which wasn't a charger-instead being a dial pad tracker.
As long as he remained on the phone for sixty seconds, she'd be able to trace his location. Something she tried every time he called her, but somehow he'd always hang up right before the time she needed.
"I don't see you at home. Something's blocking your signal, I can't track you. Where are you, Noni?" He questioned her by her middle name, concern ridden in his tone.
"Work. Where are you?" She retorted, and he chuckled, shaking his head.
"I don't see you at the precinct either. Would it be better if I found you on my own? I'll kill everybody you with, I promise. Tell me where you are." He told her, his voice calm.
"If you'd like to see me so bad, turn yourself in. I think I'd enjoy seeing you as well." She replied, tapping her fingers on her computer that was in front of her.
"You're funny sometimes." He said, not an ounce of humor in his tone.
"You never are." She retorted, shrugging her shoulders, 29 seconds left on the screen of her computer.
"Did you like the gift I left at the last scene?" He smirked, and she rolled her eyes.
"No. You're disgusting. Stop fantasizing about me when you kill people. I will find you, and I will lock you up." She told him, 18 seconds left.
"Lock me up, huh? You gone make the cuffs tight for me?" He asked, and she rubbed her temples, shaking her head.
"How tight?" She entertained his delusions, trying to keep him on the phone for the remaining 11 seconds.
"Make me bleed baby. You know I love that shit. You better find me before I find you. Or you'll be the one bleeding, because I like that too, by the way." He chuckled, before the call ended, two seconds left on the locator.
"Damnit!" She cursed in a hushed tone, closing her laptop as she groaned in frustration. This was his umpteenth call to her, and each time he'd slipped out of her grip.
She'd been appointed to his case eight months ago, and during that time frame he'd built up a body count of 22, and that was counting only the ones they'd found. He had plenty more, and they all knew it.
He'd took a liking to her on her second month of having his case, loving the attention she showed him. He loved the thrill he got from taunting her. He loved the way she said his name in her scolding manner, the way she dressed when she worked on his crime scenes, all of it.
He'd developed an obsession with her. He had cameras in her house-which she knew about-he had memorized her bi-weekly grocery shopping list, knew everyone that she knew, and had memorized her daily schedule.
It was a very unhealthy obsession, not to mention him severely stalking her, not that it was a secret or anything. He made sure she knew about it, because it wouldn't be any fun unless she was afraid.
Saniyah had moved addresses three times within the last six months, each under a different alias, and each time-he found her, and taunted her with the threat of her safety.
Truth be told, she wasn't afraid of him. Yes, the obsession he had with her was dangerous, but she knew that he would never kill her.
He got his thrill from the mental distress that he caused, not the physical. Though he would enjoy physically harming her, he'd grown a liking to her and wouldn't allow himself to do so.
She leaned her head against the window, watching the clouds for about an hour, before finally seeing the ground again, meaning they would soon land.
Standing up from her seat, she walked out of the area they were in, opening a tall door, and Dayvon looked up from his hands, at her.
"We're about to land." She mumbled, squatting so that she could remove the chains from his seat.
"Why y'all got folks in this little ass room anyways? I'm uncomfortable as fuck." He frowned, moving his shoulders around.
"Boy you are a murderer. You can't take an hour of a small chair?" She looked up, and he shrugged, watching as she uncuffed his ankles.
Once she did so, he stretched his long legs out, sliding one underneath her skirt, before a low groan escaped his lips once she snatched him up by his neck.
"Dayvon Bennett don't fucking play with me." She roughly let him go, grabbing him up by his arm, pulling him up from the seat.
"I love it when you rough wit' me. When we gone switch roles?" He smirked, and she scoffed, dragging him to main area of the plane.
"Gave you any trouble?" Vincent stretched, waking up from a nap as she sat Demani in a different seat.
"Nothing that I can't handle." She muttered, pulling his seatbelt on.
"You can handle it huh?" He lowered his tone, watching her, and she met his eyes.
"I will kill you. You won't make it to fucking prison, keep playing." She told him, sending a hard glare towards him.
"Okay. We can die together ma." He grinned, his diamond grills glistening, and she ignored him, walking to sit back in her seat just as the pilot announced the landing.
"So, the chemist. Where do we find him?" Vincent asked, his natural voice deep as he looked at Dayvon.
He didn't respond, keeping his eyes on Saniyah, who stared out the window, her chin in her palm.
"Rose." Vincent called out in frustration, forgetting that he only answered to her.
"Where do we find him Dayvon?" She spoke, obviously annoyed.
She was tired and just wanted to get in her bed and go to sleep, not to mention she was also hungry. She hadn't ate nor slept in over 48 hours.
"Well, you can't. But I can. He only meets with previous customers of his, so you can't send one of these niggas in undercover assum'." He nodded his head towards the other agents at the front of the plan.
"We're not freeing you, the hell?" Vincent frowned, and Dayvon shrugged his shoulders.
Saniyah pulled her laptop out, going towards the video call icon, calling Cooper to see what they should do.
"Cooper." He answered, looking up from his notepad, at the screen.
"Sir, Bennett thinks we should release him so that he could set up the chemist." She told him, turning her computer some as Vincent sat down next to her.
"Well find another solution because he's not going anywhere." He told her, and Vincent nodded in agreement.
"Idris, you pushing your authority nigga. I could've been gone, I'm just tryna help." Dayvon chuckled, and she rolled her eyes at his cockiness.
"If we take the cuffs off you'll leave anyways. I'll just let you take the chance to try and escape." Cooper spoke, and Von shrugged once again, leaning back in his seat.
"There's no other way to meet the chemist. They'll know something's up if they see police storming the city, dumbass. You got thirty guards around me, how far could I possibly get?" He rolled his eyes, speaking sarcastically.
Cooper released a frustrated breath of air, before looking at Saniyah and Vincent through the screen.
"Take the cuffs off, I want around the clock security on him." He told them, and Vincent stood up as Saniyah finished talking to him, before ending the call.
Von kept his eyes on Saniyah as Vincent took the cuffs off of his wrists, and then his ankle shackles.
He rubbed his wrists after they were removed, turning his head to look out the window as the plane wheels hit the ground.
Once he did, Saniyah turned her head to watch him, curious with his need for her. It seemed like all she did was attract criminals. She found their fantasies about her weird.
"I can still see you." Von chuckled after hearing Vincent speaking with the pilot.
"I'm not trying to hide." She shrugged, standing up from her seat, and he did the same, walking to stand in front of her.
Her gun cocked, being placed to his side as he towered over her frame, and he licked over his lips.
"Do it. Shoot me." He looked down at her, and she rolled her eyes.
"Get to fucking walking." She pushed him forward with her gun, the two of them the last off of the private jet.
"I been letting you slide with cussing at me like you crazy. Folks nem won't be here to protect you forever. Ima get that shit in check boo. Keep it up." He chuckled, walking down the steps, and she rolled her eyes again.
"I don't need security. You weak. I can handle you on my own." She spoke, and he chuckled.
"I take that very sexually." He shrugged, stretching as he followed the agents to three large black SUVS.
"Yeah so, I'm not riding wit' y'all. Too easy to get caught." He spoke, reaching in an agent's pocket to grab his phone, and Vincent held his hand up, stopping the agent from taking it back.
"I'm coming with. 3 on me." Vincent was about to get out the truck, and Von stopped him as another black SUV pulled up.
"Nope. Just Saniyah." He said, and her head jerked back, about to object.
"Either you come with me, or we all go back to the black site and the city dies." He shrugged, and she groaned in frustration once Vincent gestured her to go with him.
"Once I plug my USB in, it's going to send a signal to you. Storm the building, arrest the chemist which means no bomb will go off since he's the only one with a detonator, and boom. Problem solved." He shrugged, explaining the plan to Vincent, who nodded.
"I'll have agents follow you. Don't worry." He spoke to where Von wouldn't be able to hear him as she grabbed her purse from the truck.
She nodded her head, her heels clicking against the concrete as she followed Dayvon to what she was guessing was his personal truck. It looked just like the FBI one.
He opened the back door, holding his hand out to help her. She rolled her eyes, walking around to the other side, opening the door, and then climbing inside.
"Stubborn." He chuckled, shaking his head as he got inside as well, his driver pulling off.
She didn't respond, crossing one of her legs over the other as she looked out of the window.
"Do you want to wear something more comfortable?" He asked, his eyes on her, and again, she didn't respond.
"Saniyah do you not hear me speaking to you baby?" His head tilted, receiving the same response.
A deep frown etched across her face once she was roughly grabbed up by her neck, his hand around her throat.
"Aht aht. Put it the fuck down." He gritted, his gun to her head after she'd reached for hers. She internally cursed herself out, putting her gun down.
"Now, we finna switch some shit up. No more fucking cussing at me like you crazy. I'a break yo mouth in so fucking fast, you better watch it. You understand me?" He held the tight grip on her neck, and she didn't answer.
Hissing once he pressed her face hard against the window, she placed her hand over his, trying to pull it off.
"Yes Dayvon, let me go." She winced, and he removed his hand from her face, his natural mug resting on his as he stared at her.
"Yeah. That's what I thought." He chuckled, reaching back in the third row, grabbing a duffel bag.
"Now. Do you want different clothes or not?" He repeated, and she shook her head no.
"Well that's too bad. Get in the back." He gestured with his gun, and she heavily sighed, getting out of her seat to sit in the third row.
"You need to look your part. Take this off." He pulled her blazer down from her shoulders, and she frowned.
"My part of what?" She confusedly asked, watching him dig in his bag.
"My bitch." He smirked, pulling clothes from the bag, and her head jerked back.
"I beg your pardon?" She placed a mug on her face, her eyebrows furrowed.
"Yeah you can beg fa' somethin' else too. Shut up with these questions and take your clothes off." He sat an outfit next to her, before rolling his eyes as she remained in place.
"Put the damn shit on, ain't nobody worried yo ass." He turned to face the other way, and she frowned again.
Making sure that he was facing the other direction, she pulled her shirt from over her head, putting a white polo shirt on, followed by a pair of black skinny jeans.
"I keep my heels on?" She asked, folding her clothes up neatly, and he turned around, seeing how the shirt was tight against her slim waist.
She frowned once he effortlessly picked her up by her waist, and she placed her hands on his wrists as he sat her in the seat next to him.
"Let me see." He reached down, and she allowed him to grab her feet, watching as he pulled her heels off.
"Stop it. I said don't do shit like that to me Dayvon." She removed her feet once he rubbed over her toes, not liking the way he was sexualizing her.
"You ain't even give me a chance to do nothin' foreal." He reached for them again, and held them away.
"I got it." She said, holding her hand out for the shoe.
"No, I got it." He grabbed her ankles, putting her feet back in his lap.
"Lose them T." Dayvon looked up at his driver after seeing the truck of agents trailing behind them.
"Thought you said you can handle me without they protection?" He smirked over at her as he pulled black socks on her feet.
"You weak. I'm a girl, by myself. I can take you down quicker than any of them can." She shrugged, Rick Owens shoes being placed on next.
"Keep talking watch how I break yo fucking face." He told her, tying her shoelaces.
"So do it." She challenged, and he turned her head, before he could grab her up, she'd twisted his arms behind his back, her other hand around his neck, now sitting up in the seat.
"She good." He chuckled, seeing his driver about to intervene, before looking at Saniyah.
"I like when you handle me like this." He smirked, and she rolled her eyes, letting him go, making him laugh once she tried to hide the smile she cracked. He was funny, she couldn't lie about that.
"Stop it." She scooted back over to the edge of the seat as the car began to slow down.
"Why?" He looked over at her, licking over his lips.
"Because I'm not your friend. You're going to jail when this is over, I don't befriend murderers." She said, and he whistled a tune, chuckling after.
"You got five bodies." He said, and she looked over at him.
"I only kill in self defense. It's my job. You kill for fun, we're not the same so don't compare mine to yours." She replied, and he shrugged.
"A body is a body. Don't matter how you got it. You judge me for the way I live like you don't do the same shit, only it's legal for you." He told her, and she didn't respond, sitting up as the car parked.
"What is this?" She asked, seeing they were parked outside of a pawn shop.
"A pawn shop? Never heard of it?" He rhetorically answered, smiling once she rolled her eyes.
"Nah, this where he be at. The pawn shop a cover up, whole ass building in the basement. Like the size of Walmart, and it's two floors. This just look like a regular store so he don't attract too much attention."
"When we go in, keep that lil mug on your face that you be wearing. You gotta look like a killer girlfriend." He smirked, and she rolled her eyes once again.
"Don't ask no questions, don't touch shit. Don't be no damn agent either. Be normal." He told her, getting out of the car, and this time she allowed him to help her out, pulling the jeans up once she was out.
"Damn." He bit his lip at her frame from behind, and she turned to face him, a frown on her face.
"Stop that, I'm serious. I don't like that Dayvon." She told him, and he looked down at her, chuckling.
"I'm sorry ma." He softened his tone, and once again, she rolled her eyes.
"Let's go." She gestured with her hands, and before they walked off, he grabbed the hook of her jeans, catching a glimpse of her brown laced panties, making his dick harden as he slid a gun on her waist.
"They won't care that I have my gun?" She asked, and he shook his head no.
"It's not yours. This mine. Yours look too fed. Hope you know how to use this mothafucka." He looked down at her, and she tilted her head.
"You wanna be a target and see how many times I miss?" She rose an eyebrow, and he smirked, licking over his thick lips.
"Maybe. I like violence." He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, and she frowned, about to pull away.
"You my girl, remember?" He opened the store door, and she scoffed, letting him keep his arm there.
"Hi! Welcome to Absolute Loan and Pawn. Is there something specific you're looking for today?" A white girl chirped happily at the two of them.
"Yeah, I had some trouble finding the store at first. Couldn't Have Even Made It Stopping Through there." He pointed out of the window, and Saniyah took notice of how he spelled 'CHEMIST' with the first letter of each word.
"We have that problem all the time! The store is kind of hidden between all these big buildings. If you go through that door, there's a map that shows how to get here easier next time." She pointed as well, and Dayvon pulled Saniyah with him, walking through a door.
"That was neat." She muttered, and he chuckled, the two of them now standing in what looked to be a break room.
Walking with her to the vending machine, he pressed C27, and the machine whirred, before it opened.
"Wow." She shook her head in disbelief, seeing a long hallway that was inside of the vending machine.
"El oh el." He pulled her with him, and she chuckled, making him smile as they walked through the dark hallway.
As the went down a flight of stairs, light began to fill their surroundings, and after walking through another door, they were in what looked to be a factory.
"We have 57 minutes before it goes off." She mumbled, looking down at her Apple Watch.
"Relax." He rubbed her shoulder, before a smile graced his face, the Chemist approaching him.
"Grandson!" He greeted, and Dayvon took his arms from around Saniyah, wrapping him up in a hug.
"Wassup nigga." He dapped him up afterwards, wrapping his arm back around Saniyah once he pulled away.
"And who is this beautiful girl?" The chemist's attention switched over to Saniyah.
"This my baby. Noni, that's Yaz. Yaz, Noni." He introduced the two of them, and she gave a small wave, her other arm wrapped around Dayvon's torso.
"Your baby, huh?" He tilted his head, not really believing it. Dayvon never had women with him, especially during business meetings.
"Yeah. Mine." He smirked, before bringing his hand down hard on her ass, gripping it, and she refrained from swinging on him as both of his arms wrapped around her, her back facing the chemist.
"I'm going to fucking kill you." She muttered in his ear, her hands on his broad shoulders as he kissed her neck.
"Play yo part." He mumbled back, and she rolled her eyes, holding his face as he continued to softly kiss her skin.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he smiled as her hand sensually grazed down his back.
"Well, nice to meet you Ms.Noni. She's a sweet one Grandson." Yaz chuckled, and Von's jaw slightly clenched, before releasing.
"Don't push it too far my nigga." He said, holding around her waist, and Yaz held his hands up in surrender, a smirk on his face.
"So, what can I help you with today? I don't recall seeing you in my schedule." He pondered, watching as Noni turned back to face him, her backside against Von.
"I wanted to get something off you today. Taking her on her first mission in a few days." He chuckled, and Yaz nodded, gesturing them to follow him.
"I need you to keep him distracted while I put this drive in his computer, okay?" Von spoke in a hushed tone to her, and she looked up at him, frowning.
"How the hell am I supposed to do that? I don't know this nigga." She whispered back, and he chuckled.
"Ask him about himself. It's the only thing he likes talking about." He kissed her face, laughing once she meanly mugged him.
"How long have you two been together?" Yaz asked, stopping at his main desk.
"Seven months." They both spoke at the same time, both looking at each other, and Saniyah refrained from rolling her eyes once again.
"Think she's the one?" He chuckled, and Dayvon smirked, looking down at her, his large hand resting on her ass.
"Yeah. I know so." He moved hand to her waist after seeing the small almost unnoticeable frown on her face.
"How long have you been in the industry? It's neat in here." She said, looking around the factory.
"Ohhh, years and years and years. Seventeen to be exact." He told her, opening a file cabinet, and Von pulled Saniyah with him to sit down, sitting her in his lap.
"What sparked your interest?" She asked, discreetly removing Von's hand from her inner thigh, and he chuckled, placing his hand back there once Yaz faced them.
"Science class. Back in my day we did real projects, not like how the high schoolers do it nowadays. I enjoyed the research and physical makeup of compound properties." He told her, sitting in his chair, opening a briefcase.
"Me too. I think my favorite would be IED's. Either pyrotechnic or incendiary chemicals." She talked with her hands, and both Von and Yaz looked at her.
"Yeah? Which trigger do you like most?" He asked, intrigued with her interest.
"Pressure sensitive. I think it's the most discreet one, you know? Like it goes unnoticed longer than an obvious remote control, or a trip wire." She shrugged, and he nodded in agreement.
"A personal fav for me as well. Sometimes pressure sensors fail to detonate though. The only downside." He said, his attention now on her as Von slickly plugged a small USB into his computer port, alerting the FBI.
"I don't want something big for my first time though. Maybe just a vehicle or house borne IED. With fragmentation-generating objects. Maybe small rocks or artillery shells. Whichever is easier for you." She shrugged again, and he smirked.
"I think she's the one for you as well Grandson." Yaz said at the same time every door in the building was kicked down, FBI storming the factory.
"FBI! Hands up, everybody, now!" Vincent announced loudly, and Yaz immediately grabbed a machine gun, pointing it at Von and pulled the trigger.
Saniyah quickly shot his hand making the gun drop, and Von ducked, the bullets flying past his hand.
Reaching for another gun, Saniyah shot him in his stomach, and he groaned, clutching the wound he was bleeding out of.
"I need medic in here!" Vincent called out, many agents arresting the occupants of the building.
"Are you alright?" Saniyah had her eyebrows furrowed, looking over at Von.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm good." He stood upright, moving his dreads from out of his face, looking down at watching Yaz take his last breath, and a devious smirk spread across his face.
"Good. Ok. Let's go." She led the way out, stopping once she passed Vincent.
"We're going to head back to the jet now. You got it here?" She asked, looking at him.
"Yeah. I'll probably take a commercial flight. I have to finishing this business up. Agents are at the takeoff deck waiting for you. Be safe." He told her, and she nodded, before following Von out.
Once they made it out of the building, the two of them climbed in the backseat of his truck, and then the driver pulled off.
Saniyah looked out of the window, her chin in her palm as she watched the surrounding pass by.
"Don't trip. Nigga ain't deserve to live anyways." Von looked over at her, and she didn't respond, blinking slowly.
"Saniyah." He called her name, and she turned her head to look at him.
"Don't think too much on it. You do what you gotta do." He told her, and she leaned back in the seat, sighing to herself.
"Do you want food?" He asked, not liking the sad mood she had just put herself into.
She never took it lightly whenever she was forced to kill someone. She felt like nothing was worth taking another person's life; whether legal or not.
"No. I'd just like to get home to my bed." She mumbled, looking out the window again, releasing another sigh.
I'm sleepy. Sigh.
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