Next Day.
Groaning in his sleep, Kentrell threw his arm over his eyes, feeling like it was time for him to wake up. Checking the clock, he seen that it was pushing almost four in the afternoon, making him shake his head.
He looked down, all three of them laying wildly in the sheetless bed together, having removed the bed set early this morning because they'd messed them up.
Him and Von were laying on the outsides with Saniyah in the middle, her head on his chest, and her leg thrown over Von's waist. Von laid kind of horizontally instead of upright, and Kentrell chuckled, shaking his head again.
He lifted up from the bed, clutching his dick as he lightly limped to the bathroom. He lifted the toilet seat, beginning to pee, groaning to himself as his dick twitched, sore from last night.
The session that they started yesterday night, didn't end until six this morning, when the three of them had finally fallen asleep. They'd stayed up all night, sexing all over Saniyah's house, all three of them cumming back to back.
Him and Von made love to Saniyah's body while she did the same to them. That was the best sex Kentrell had ever had in his life. His body was high in arousal the entire time.
Ceasing his thoughts, his eyes glanced over at Von who had entered the bathroom, rubbing his eyes while Kentrell now stood in the shower.
"Quit lookin' at me nigga." His voice rasped, brushing his teeth, and Kentrell chuckled, closing his eyes as the hot water ran down his body.
A few seconds later, the shower door opened, and Kentrell rose an eyebrow as Von stepped inside with him.
"What was that last night?" Von questioned, standing under the water as well, his eyes locked on Kentrell's.
"What was what?" He chuckled, tilting his head, though he kind of had a clue on what he was referring to.
"The way you was lookin' at me and touching me and shit. What was that?"
"Caught up in the moment." He shrugged in response, which wasn't a lie.
"Nah, I'm serious. Wassup Kentrell?" Von turned his head back to face him, and Kentrell's mug softened.
"What you wan' me fa' ta' say? That I like you?" He asked, raising his eyebrow, and Von slowly removed his hand from his face.
"Like me how?"
"Don't play dumb wit' me Dayvon. You wanted an answer and I gave it to you." He told him, and Von searched over his facial features.
"Tell me that you like me back." Kentrell mumbled, stepping closer to leave no room between them, and Von continued to look over his face.
He didn't respond, instead grabbing Kentrell's face, pressing his lips against his. Kentrell closed his eyes, allow him entrance into his mouth. Von's tongue slid against his, their tongues beginning to fight for dominance over the kiss.
Von groaned, losing once Kentrell roughly grabbed his neck, pressing him against the wall. Kentrell sucked his tongue, grunting as he slowly pulled away.
"I love you." Von mumbled against his lips, and Kentrell tightened the grip on his neck, groaning.
"You love me? Why you just now telling me?" He left soft kisses on Dayvon's thick lips, and Von gave him another kiss.
"What I look like telling my girlfriend other boyfriend that I love him?" He chuckled, and Kentrell did as well, letting his neck go.
"I love you too. You comfortable with this?" Kentrell asked, searching over his face, and Von nodded.
"I'm good. You good?" He returned the question, and Kentrell nodded as well.
"You'a tell me if youn want me touching you, right?"
"Yeah. We good." Von reassured, and Kentrell nodded again, grabbing his neck in another slow kiss.
The glass door to the shower opened, and Kentrell pulled back, licking over his lips as he stared down at Saniyah.
"That was sexy." She mumbled, wrapping her arms around his neck once he brought her in for a hug, and Von chuckled.
"You okay with it?" Von asked her, and she nodded her head, wrapping her arm around him too.
"I love it." She rubbed his side, laying her head on his chest as Kentrell left soft kisses on her neck.
"You sore baby?" Kentrell rubbed her bruised ass, her normally bright skin now a shade of red, handprint welts on her skin from both him and Von.
"Yes. And I'm still so sleepy. We was fucking for so longggg." She said in a small whine, and both Von and Kentrell laughed.
"You ain't tap out though. You took all this dick. I'm proud of you." Von kissed her forehead, and she smiled, biting her lip.
"Thank you baby."
After talking together for about half an hour in the shower, all of them finally bathed and rinsed off, before getting out.
"My sheets smell like straight sex." Saniyah chuckled, throwing her bed set in the washer, adding soap to the pull out handler, before starting the machine.
"Yo sex smell good." Von wrapped his arms around her from behind, kissing her neck, and she tilted her head, smiling.
"Thank you." She chuckled, before moaning under her breath once he left a hickey.
"You did good for me last night. I gotta get you a gift assum'." He smirked, kissing the side of her face, and she laughed, taking his hand from out of her panties.
"Get your freak ass on Kyzeir." She waved him off, getting back in the bed with Kentrell, smiling once he followed her.
"Why y'all can never keep y'all hands to y'all self?" She shook her head at both of their arms being around her.
"You is myself." Kentrell shrugged, burying his head in her chest, and she laughed, grabbing it.
"Stop or I'ma put my bra back on." She moved him away once he bit her nipple, making him and Von laugh.
"You pushing it." Von replied, flicking his tongue around her other nipple, and she laughed, grabbing his head too.
"You ugly." She retorted, kissing his lips a few times, and he chuckled, kissing her back, sliding his tongue in her mouth.
She smiled, pulling back once got carried away, hiding her face in Kentrell's chest as both of them laughed.
"Ion know why you still be shy and shit like you ain't just a full on slut." He said, gripping her ass in his large hand, and she smacked her lips.
"Because y'all make me nervous, duh." She raised up, hissing in low pain as she rested on top of her legs.
"What's wrong?" Von sat up against her headboard, reaching over in her nightstand to grab a tray and a bag of weed.
"My ass hurt." She frowned, her hand resting between her legs, and Kentrell stifled his laugh with a cough.
"It's not funny DeSean." She mushed his head, and he laughed, shrugging while sitting up as well.
"Bae that shit felt so good. I was finna start crying on god." Von told her, and she laughed, watching him roll a few blunts. He was the best roller out of the three of them.
"Kentrell did cry." She smirked, and he smacked his lips, running his hand down his face as Von laughed.
"Man I was bouta die. I probably nutted like twenty times mane and I ain't even exaggerating." He shook his head, and both her and Von laughed again.
"Speaking of, we don't want any kids, so can y'all please stop with the damn cream pies. Y'all be weak in the knees." She shook her head at them, and Von raised an eyebrow.
"Who don't want no kids? You don't want no kid?" He looked over at Kentrell.
"Yeah, I do. Bae who don't want no kids?" Kentrell said to Saniyah, who frowned at both of them.
"Me. No kids, ever. Especially not this soon. Are y'all crazy?" She frowned, and Von did as well.
"Ever? Why not?" He asked. He understood it being too soon, but not having kids ever had him confused.
"I don't want a baby. I don't wanna be a mom." She said, taking a lit blunt from Von, holding it to her lips.
"That's not saying why baby. What happened?" Kentrell blew smoke from his mouth, keeping his eyes on her.
"My parents were barely there for me. They loved my older sister more, in like a golden child kind of way. I was always ignored, I wasn't allowed to express the way I felt, I was neglected and forgot about. I mostly raised myself, with my sister's help. And she passed away when I was nineteen."
"She was the only person I had that was close to being a parent to me. No matter how she was favorited by our parents, she never forgot about me. And when she died I just didn't have hope for ever building a real family. I don't wanna be a mom and mess up like the way my parents did with me." She shrugged, scrolling on her phone while she talked.
"But you ain't by yourself this time. You got us now, and we got you. We got time to learn together." Von told her, and she looked up from her phone with a small smile.
"Thank you. How would my pregnancy even work? Both of you couldn't be the father. And I know whoever isn't will be bothered by that." She said, and Kentrell shrugged.
"We can plan it. The first baby can be his and the second mine, or vice versa." He suggested, blowing smoke from his mouth.
"Y'all are so crazy." She shook her head, laying back between them, her eyes low and red.
"I think you did good." Kentrell mumbled, laying his head on one side of her chest.
"With what?" She asked, confused.
"Raising yourself. Most people who don't have guidance don't be good people cause they'on know how to. That was me before I met you, but you showed me how to be better. So give yourself some credit cause you a good person and you made me one too, so you did something right wit' doing life alone." He rambled to her, still smoking his blunt.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he hugged her back, kissing her tears away.
"You so beautiful girl." He mumbled, meeting her eyes, and she pouted, rubbing over his face.
"I love you so much. And I love you so much." She hugged both of them, and Von chuckled, returning it.
"I love you too. And we proud of who you are, and I think you'a be a good mama so I want my fuckin' kid when it's time." Von told her, and she laughed, nodding her head.
"Y'all are the best. Like literally I couldn't ask for anything more." She sat up, resting her head on Von's shoulder while Kentrell's head laid in her lap.
"I'ma get you a new bag. Yo pussy smell good." Kentrell buried his face between her legs, and both her and Von laughed.
"This nigga random as hell folks." Von chuckled, blowing smoke out his mouth.
"Shut up bitch you luh' me." He mumbled, holding his blunt between his fingers, not wanting to take another hit because he was high as hell.
"You love my boyfriend Von?" Saniyah smirked, turning her head to look at him, and he chuckled.
He leaned down to kiss her, and she closed her eyes, allowing his tongue in her mouth. She moaned once he gripped her neck, placing her hand over his.
"Not as much as I love you." He mumbled against her lips, and she smiled a lazy smile.
"I don't give no fucks." Kentrell waved him off, making both Von and Saniyah laugh.
"Sooooo, with that.. can y'all do stuff when we fuck now?" She asked, tilting her head.
"Saniyah man it just happened don't push it." Kentrell said, his face still between her legs, and she laughed again.
"Yeah. Yeah, what you tryna do Kentrell?" Von looked down at him, a sly smirk on his face.
"Don't tempt me. I'll turn you out my nigga gone." He waved him off, and Saniyah smiled as Von chuckled.
"I believe you. I want it to happen." He shrugged, and Kentrell looked up from between her legs.
"Stop fuckin' playing wit' me. Saniyah get this nigga." He waved him off, and Von laughed, leaning down to grab his neck.
Kentrell grunted after being pulled in for a rough kiss, and his dick immediately hardened feeling Saniyah's panties lightly dampen.
She pulled Kentrell up so that he sat upright between her legs, his kiss with Von deepening as he pressed his hard dick against her lower half.
"I want you." Von rasped against his lips, and Kentrell lowly groaned, pulling back.
"Saniyah take these off baby let's go. Fuck, hurry this shit up." Kentrell popped her thigh, and she bit her lip, sliding her panties down her legs.
Pulling Von's boxers off, his hard dick sprang free, and the same thing with Kentrell, both of their dicks standing at attention.
"What do you want me to do baby?" She spoke to Kentrell with her natural soft tone, and he bit his lip, grabbing her up for a kiss.
She moaned, being picked up and sat the opposite way on Von's face without her kiss with Kentrell breaking.
"Make me nut Nene." He said against her lips, and she gasped after feeling Von bring her clit in his mouth.
She moaned, grabbing the base of his dick, and he stopped her.
"I can nut from watching. Swallow his dick." He instructed, and she could feel herself become wetter, Von feasting on her lower half.
She leaned over, her and Von now in a 69 position with Kentrell between Von's legs, watching as she took his shaft in her mouth.
"Fuck." He stroked his dick, holding Saniyah's head while it bobbed on the base of Von's dick, sliding him deeper every time she went down.
"Oh my god baby wait." She moaned out, her clit being overstimulated by Von as he sucked underneath it, his thumb in her ass.
"Mm, what you stop fa'? Did I tell you to stop?" Kentrell roughly grabbed her neck, and she pouted, her eyes dazily rolling back.
"I can't. Oh my god I-fuckkkk." She moaned, and Kentrell watched her face scrunch up, his dick beginning to twitch.
He pulled her face down, pressing his lips against hers, and she moaned into their kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"I love you so much. Baby I'm cumming." She whimpered, attempting to raise from Von's face but he locked his arms around her body to keep her still.
"I love you too. You so fucking nasty. You gone squirt for me?" He lowly groaned, sucking her neck, and she gasped, Von's tongue sliding deep into her opening, rubbing upwards to massage her spot.
Her breathing labored as her body began to shake, and Kentrell quickly pulled her from Von's face to rest over his lower half as she began squirting.
"Fuck!" She cried out, and Kentrell groaned as he watched her juices lubricate Von's lower half.
"Oh my god." Tears fell down her face as she looked down to watch her cream leak out of her, Kentrell rubbing it in between Von's legs.
"Fuckkk." He groaned from the feeling, and Kentrell smirked, looking up at Saniyah.
"How you want me to give this shit to him baby? You in control." He grabbed her neck, and she moaned, her eyes dazing from his assertive tone that was laced with lust.
"Hard please." She bit her lip, and he licked over his, nodding.
"You wanna watch or you gone ride his dick?" He questioned, and she held a small pout on her face, turning herself to face Von, leaning over to wrap her arms around his neck.
"Put it in me." She whimpered in his ear, and he groaned, reaching under her to rub his dick across her wet slit, before pushing inside of her, both of them moaning.
"Fuckkkk." He groaned, kissing her face as she began to roll her hips in a circular motion on his length.
Saniyah placed her hand over his mouth, and Von released a loud grunt of pain after Kentrell began to push in his ass.
"Don't fucking run from me." Kentrell grabbed his waist once he attempted to scoot back, groaning at the feeling.
Von hissed, his face frowning up as he tried not to think about the unfamiliar feeling of painful pressure coming from between his legs.
"Don't cry baby." Saniyah mumbled, wiping his face as he released another grunt, about to stop Kentrell.
"This shit hurt. Kentrell get off me man. Fuck." He hissed again, his jaw clenching as he held on tightly to Saniyah's waist.
"Saniyah move real quick baby." Kentrell tapped her waist, and she slowly raised herself from Von's dick, sitting beside him.
Kentrell leaned over, pressing his lips against Von's as he pushed more of himself inside of him at a slow pace.
"I need you to take this fa' me. It ain't gone hurt long, aight?" He mumbled against his lips, and Von grunted, grabbing his neck.
"Fuckkkkk." He moaned in his ear once Von's muscles unintentionally tightened around him, and Von groaned, feeling his dick throb.
"Shit, shit, shit. Kentrell move." He groaned out, hissing afterwards, feeling like he was about to cry. It hurt way worse than he thought it would.
"Baby get off of him. He's crying." Saniyah grabbed his dick, slowly pulling him out of Von.
"Fuck." His voice cracked once Kentrell was finally out of him, and he sat up, wrapping his arms around Saniyah.
"Shit. My bad. Von look at me." Kentrell reached for him, and Saniyah stopped him, giving him a sympathetic look as Von silently cried on her chest, still able to feel the painful pressure.
Ummmmmmmmmm lol
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