three. sexting
▬▬ CORI SMILED AT HER PHONE as she sat in one of the wicker chairs in the room Alice had set up for the girls to get ready in. A silky purple robe covered her lilac slip and her lilac converse sat comfortably on her feet. Her black hair was curled into perfect ringlets with half of it pulled up, with a ribbon - that matched her shoes - tied into a bow around it, and the other half spilled down her back past her shoulder blades. She needed a trim, at least that's what Alice told her.
"What did I say about beauty sleep?" Alice all but scolded the bride-to-be as she dabbed at her face with concealer.
"Sorry, bad dream." The brunette gave the vampire a small smile. "It was wedding jitters."
Cori suddenly let out a loud laugh, her eyes squeezed closed as she hunched forward, nearly folding herself in half.
"Rude." Bella muttered, though she knew her sister's laugh had nothing to do with her.
"Sorry, Bell." Cori sat up, her smile wide. "Not laughing at you, I promise."
"What'd he send you?"
Cori's smile turned impish and she quickly tucked her phone under her thigh. "Nothing." She shook her head, but both Alice and Bella knew she was lying. But she didn't care, that was for her and her only. And it wasn't anything bad, it's not like he had sent her a dick pic... this time.
It was merely a series of photos as he got himself dressed in his tux. The first one he simply wore his boxers, bright pink with little hearts on them - a gift from Cori. The next, he had pulled on his slacks but he left the button and zipper undone. And so on and so forth until he was completely dressed and the last picture was only of his face and he wore a very emphasized frown and the text below it read...
I thought you were gonna
come help me get dressed.
I was clearly struggling.
"You're a bad liar." Bella stated and Cori just grinned, hoping it came off as innocent but when her phone dinged again she pulled the device out.
I'll forgive you on one condition
Which is?
You have to undress me later ;)
If she could blush, she'd be redder than a firetruck. She took a breath and clicked her phone off before putting it under her thigh as she looked up as Rosalie made her way into the room, her phone went off repeatedly, but she ignored it.
"Do you need help? I could do her hair."
"Really?" Bella asked, completely shocked she had offered.
Rosalie chuckled a little, a barely there sound as she made her way into the room. "Please," A smile tugged at her lips as she stood behind Bella, brushing her fingers through her hair. "I'm not offended by your choice of groom."
"I am." Cori mumbled, mostly to herself and it seemed as though Bella hadn't heard her.
"Just my blatant lack of respect for mortality."
The blonde tries to hide her smile, "essentially."
"Weddings," Alice gushed, wrapping her arms around her sister and the bride-to-be. "They bring everyone together."
"Wow," Lola breathed out as she burst into the room as nothing less than a tornado of perfect blonde curls and a short, lavender, mini dress. It was a simple shiny fabric that bunched up on her hips before slimming down to her thighs - most of her long legs were on display. "-this house looks a lot different when you're sober."
The four in the room chuckled as she plopped herself down on the wicker chair across from Cori.
"Did you get lost?" Alice asked, glancing over at the girl before focusing on Bella's makeup.
"Yeah." The blonde human huffed, slouching in her chair. "I ended up in the room where the guys are getting ready." She shook her head, letting out a small breath. "They're insane."
"I need details." Cori told her, her brows pinched slightly.
"Travis was on the table dancing, if that's what you wanna call it. Jasper was throwing literal hundred dollar bills at him, which I think was to get him to stop more than anything else. Emmett was glued to his phone, and with the way your phone is blowing up I amuse you two are sexting. And poor Eddie," She mumbled the last part. "He looked confused, slightly scared, and like he was ready to disown all of them."
Cori sat up a little, looking over at Rosalie and Alice, a small pout on her lips. "I don't like that they're having more fun than us."
"You can dance on the table if you want. I'll even throw money at you." Rose told her and she sat up straighter, a wide smile on her face.
"No!" Alice jumped in. "I worked hard on your makeup and if you move too much your hair will lose its curl. You can dance later, on the dance floor."
"Wedding-planner-Alice is no fun." Cori huffed as she leaned back in her chair, ignoring the near constant buzzing under her thigh.
"For the love of God, answer your phone!" Bella nearly snapped and Cori flinched a little as she pulled her phone out from under her leg. She unlocked it and her eyes went wide. Lola was right, Emmett had been sexting.
Cori felt like a tomato even though her cheeks stayed the same pale color even under the blush Alice had placed perfectly on her cheekbones. She scrolled through them, each one dirtier than last and she felt like she needed a shower or to be hosed off.
"I'm gonna go put my dress on." She stood up and quickly started for the door, not meeting anyone's eyes.
"If you mess up your hair, I'm ending both of you." Alice stated, her voice as calm as ever and Cori only hummed in acknowledgement as she scurried out of the room, only to bump right into someone.
"Mom!" Her eyes lit up, even under her blue contacts - she thought it best to wear them so people didn't ask questions. She quickly clicked her phone off and wrapped her arms around the woman, who chuckled as she patted her daughter's back. "It's so good to see you."
"You too, sweetie." She kissed the girl's forehead before they pulled back. "You look amazing."
"I'm not even dressed yet."
"Still." She shrugged, her eyes watery. "You look so grown up. Did you get taller?"
"Posture, mom. It makes a difference."
Renée simply chuckled, pulling her back into her arms and Cori let out a small breath as she held onto the woman. "Okay. I'll let you go get dressed." She pulled back, placing a hand on the girl's cheek. "My beautiful baby girl."
"Stop gushing before you cry." Cori chuckled. "Save that for Bella."
Again she laughed, dabbing underneath her eyes to avoid smearing her makeup. "You're right." She took a breath. "I'll catch up with you later."
"Yeah." Cori nodded as she stepped around the woman, waving as she passed Charlie as he topped off stairs.
"You don't find this weird?" He stopped her, pointing at the graduation caps that hung in a frame on the wall.
"It's art, dad. Get with the program."
"Okay," He sighed, "still think it's weird." He mumbled and she giggled as she playfully rolled her eyes before she made her way to Emmett's room so she could put her dress on.
▬▬ EMMETT LAUGHED, clapping Edward on his back. He had made a joke about the impending honeymoon, which Edward merely shook off, a glare aimed at the side of his brother's face. But the second Cori stepped out of the house, Emmett's eyes zeroed in on her. His smile faded just a little, morphing into one of pure adoration.
Her arm was looped through Lola's, her smile wide as she greeted a few people. Her dress was a light purple, to match her shoes and the ribbon in her hair. It was strapless with a corset-like bodice that ended where the beginning of the circle skirt started. He could see every detail of the lace as it fluttered around her pale thighs with every move she made.
And his eyes stayed trained on her as she parted from Lola and greeted her mom, a wide smile pulling at her lips.
"Mom, seriously," She giggled. "It's Bella's day, not mine. The gushing needs to be brought down a few notches."
"You're right. I know." Renée pulled back, keeping her hands on her daughter's cheeks. "But you're so grown up."
"Let her breathe." Phil chuckled, resting his hand on his wife's back and the woman took a small step back, leaning against him as she let her hands fall from Cori's face. "How you been, Slugger?"
"Good, mostly." She nodded. "Glad to be done with school, and I'm excited about traveling."
"Excited about the traveling or because of the company?" Renée wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, making Cori roll her eyes.
"So, Slugger, where is this boyfriend of yours?" Phil asked, a protective-father look in his eyes, which made her laugh. But before she had a chance to even look for her boyfriend, he stopped next to her, his arm winding around her waist and pressing her into his side.
"Hi, I'm Emmett," He held his right hand out. "The boyfriend."
"Oh, we're family." Renée waved his hand off and went in for a hug, her arms barely fit around his shoulders. Emmett was slightly surprised, but patted her back. She not-so-subtly gripped his back a little and turned her head to give Cori an impressed look as she silently mouthed wow.
"Okay, mom. Let-let him go." Cori chuckled, but she was slightly embarrassed. Renée did pull back, simply waving the girl off.
But Emmett just chuckled lightly. "It's nice to finally meet you." He told the woman before his eyes moved to Phil, who was very weary of the boy before him. It reminded Cori of the first time Charlie met him when he came over to help her study. "Both of you." He held his hand out and Phil shook it, nothing more than a firm grip and simple shake.
"Yeah," Phil nodded. "You, too. Slugger over here gushes every time Renée asks about you."
"Phillip." Cori groaned, her eyes closed as she shook her head a little.
"Wanted to meet the boy she was so smitten with."
"Smitten." Cori mocked. "Who says that anymore? Jeez, Phillip. You're more embarrassing than my dad."
"Then I'm doing my job." He gave her a wide, semi-teasing smile and she playfully rolled her eyes. "Now, Emmett..."
"Oh, boy." Cori mumbled, her fingers laced through Emmett's as she leaned against his bicep. "Please still love me no matter what he asks?" She tilted her head back to look up at him, her bottom lip poked out.
"Always." He leaned down and kissed her forehead, erasing the divot between her brows as she closed her eyes at the action. Her pout morphed into a small smile and a light hum left her lips. "You were saying?" He looked back at Phil, who then asked a million questions until somehow they ended up talking about baseball. Renée rolled her eyes playfully before giving Cori a look, it was like neither of them were present as they discussed teams, players and the majors.
Emmett, however, did slip his arm around Cori's waist, his hand on her hip and his thumb moving delicately across the lace of her dress. His little way of keeping her close and letting her know that despite the fact that he was enthralled in the conversation, she had a huge chuck of his attention... if not all of it.
⚘ nova speaks┆i adore cori and emmett with my whole heart! they are probably one of my favorite couples, probably because they were one of my firsts, maybe even my first.
cori's story originally came out in, like, 2019, I think and i ended up taking it down because, well, it was pretty bad lol
but it brings me so much joy to be able to bring her new life and i can't believe that all of you are enjoying her story as much as i enjoyed writing it!
thank you all so much for reading this series, i really truly appreciate it!!
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