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"Peter?" Liz's voice rung as Dylan circled the bus quickly, eyes setting on the Parker boy.
"Hey, guys. I was hoping I could rejoin the team." he spoke hopefully. Dylan grinned, moving past Flash quickly.
"No, no, no way. You can't just quite on us, stroll up and be welcomed back by everyone." Flash said annoyed as he shoved past Dylan to stand beside Liz.
"Hey, welcome back, Peter!" Mr Harrington grinned as he got off the bus. Dylan hit Flash in the arm, putting a arm around Peter with a grin, "Flash, you're back to first alternate."
"He's taking your place!"
"Excuse me, can we go already? Because I was hoping to get in some light protesting infront of an embassy before dinner." MJ spoke up, coming from the back of the bus as her curls hung in her face.
"Good thing I wore.." Dylan trailed off as she held up the combat boots on her feet, "My protesting shoes."
"See." MJ nodded her head alongside Dylan.
"Protesting is patriotic. Let's get on the bus." their teacher spoke with a nod of his head. Dylan grinned at Peter under her arm, pulling him in the bus with her.
"Mr. Harrington, with all due respect, I'm not even furtal." Dylan spoke as she followed close after their teacher, leaving Ned and Peter behind once they arrived in DC.
"Not the point, Dylan. I was very clear to parents that boys and girls will not share rooms." Mr.Harrington said as he got each of their passes from the tables, looking at all the names on his check list. Dylan huffed and crossed her arms, "Is there anything else?"
"Peter and I wouldn't-" Dylan began before stopping herself, "I don't even think he knows what sex is."
"Dylan." Mr.Harrington warned her again, "You and Peter can go one night without being connected at the hip."
"But-" Dylan began as he waved her off, walking away. Dylan groaned in disbelief, turning back around and walking toward Peter and Ned again, "Didn't work."
"Don't know what it is? Do you want him to think i'm a loser?" Peter asked in disbelief.
"I was trying to convince him, thank me." Dylan scolded him. Peter mumbled, Dylan smacked him in the back of the head, "Thank me."
"Thank you, Dylan. For making me look like a complete loser infront of our teacher." Peter said with a eye roll. Dylan grinned and threw a arm around him, a kiss to the cheek.
"Anytime, Penis Parker." she mocked.
"Don't be too mad." Ned begged Dylan as the pair exited the tournament together, Dylan yanking her yellow blazer off.
"I am too mad." Dylan said with a eye roll, "How could he do this? Abandoned us? Again!"
"He got busy." Ned tried to reason, "We still won."
"Busy doing what?" Dylan rolled her eyes at her own question, "Abandoning his best friends once again? Oh, wait, maybe I should be use to that by now! Did you know I had to finished this season of the Walking Dead without him?"
"Dylan." Ned said as he caught her arm, causing her to stop walking, "I know you're mad, but just try to understand. Peter has something going on, he just can't talk about it yet."
Neds attempt to make Dylan feel better only made it worse. Her face fell as she stared at him, "But he can tell you?"
Neds face dropped as well when he realized how he worded it, "N-No, that not-"
Dylan walked off.
Panic wasn't something Dylan was use to, it was far from something her mind let her have. She'd created her own world up in her head, a place where she wasn't scared nor panicked over anything. But when the elevator crashed, making a sudden break in the building and a outline of damage on the ceiling above her, that's all she felt was panic.
"Oh, god, look at the ceiling." Flash spoke in worry as he stood against the wall.
Dylan was in a mix of barely breathing and breathing heavy, staring up. She went to move before Liz spoke up, "Don't move, Dylan!"
"You want it to fall on me?" Dylan asked her in disbelief. She squeezed her eyes shut, "Ned!"
"It's okay Dylan, just don't move." Ned spoke, seeming as though Dylan had been standing right in the middle of where the ceiling appeared to fall, "Just don't move."
"I didn't- I didn't mean what I said about Peter." she spoke fast, staring at the ceiling as her heart raced, "I didn't! I just miss him, I didn't mean what I said!"
"I know, I know." Ned spoke fast, scared Dylan's shouts would speed up the process, "He knows, you don't have to worry."
"Don't you move, Dylan! I'll kill you!" Flash shouted at her.
"Shut up, Flash! She's scared!" Liz scolded him in disbelief. Dylan let out a scream as the hatch of the elevator opened up. Security looked down on them, pulling up the smaller teammates first. Dylan held her breath, wanting more then anything to race forward and grab hold of the security guards hand so he could pull her up.
Flash was next, joining the two up top.ย Before he could get all the way up, the elevator shook again. Dylan wobbled as she tried to stay in place, creating as little of a movement as possible. Her breathing slowed once again as the elevator paused a moment, a loud crash heard from up top. Suddenly, they were crashing down again.
Dylan screamed loudly as she hit the ground due to the sudden jult. Her ears rung over the screams of herself and her teammates, the blood from the side of her head leaking onto the floor. If Dylan was in any other situation, she'd complain about the horrible headace that was throbbing in her temple. There was another jult, making Dylan's head collide with the floor again.
"Are you kidding me?" she asked out loud now, rolling over as she held her head. For a second, her vision blurred. As her dark eyes adjusted once more, she stared at the spider web that was holding the elevator up, "Spider-Man."
There was another jult, this time Dylan didn't hit the floor. Instead, Spider-Man flew down and landed right ontop of her. Dylan didn't have to time to feel in pain before the elevator began dropping again. Spider-Man rolled over her, his webs coming up and connecting with the top of the ceiling. His body flew to the top of the elevator, holding it in place.
The pause of the elevator made Dylan slowly stand, holding her head in pain. When she removed her hand, the scarlett blood stared back at her. She felt dizzy and sick, yet the adrenaline of almost dying masked it well enough.
"Hey, how you doing? Don't worry about it, I got you." Spider-Man spoke. The new york accent was thick, though Dylan could hear the faint force of it. Ned began to cheer, jumping around. Spider-Man out reached his free hand, waving Dylan closer. She creep a few inches closer, his hand touching her face as the webbed thumb ran across her cheek. Dylan leaned into his palm more as she felt dizzier by the minute.
Spider-Man slowly, very slowly, began raising the elevator with the webs. They made it to the open doors rather quickly, which was almost horrifying considering how far they dropped. Security on the other side pulled the doors open.
"All right, this is your stop. Go, Go, go." Spider-Man spoke again. Dylan noticed he changed his voice once's again.
Ned was pulled up first, Mr.Harrington close behind. Liz wasn't far after while Dylan stayed back a moment, "What about you?"
"I'll make it out." he spoke softer, Dylan felt like he was staring at her through the mask. She forced a smile, her hand coming up and resting on his face like he did her a few moments ago. Dylan walked forward, going to grab Mr Harrington's hand before the web suddenly broke, making the elevator start to fall again.
The teen screamed loudly as she began falling, her hand still out reached. Before she could loose her balance, Spider-Man caught her with his webs and held her in mid air. Dylan screamed in fear as she hung in the air, looking down at the far drop. It only terrified her even more.
"Dylan, Dylan!" Spider-Man spoke fast, making Dylan look up again, "You're okay, you're okay. I've got you, just look at me. I'm right here."
And she did.
kylie speaks
this was so soft
but dylan's poor
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