bc i can!
"No, you're just playing. I would know if I was, Sam."
"Sometimes, Dean, you don't see it until you're open to the possibility."
"I've been an ally my whole life, damnit. Of course I support it. I just- me? Do I really see myself with a different label than 'straight'? I don't know, man. There haven't been any guys I've, y'know, liked. It's always been women. It was my normal, no questions asked, choice."
"And how many of those choices have gone well?"
"I know, I know. Shut up." The barista mumbled. Nothing ever lasted over two months, so Dean just assumed it was always his fault when something that could've sparked a fire fizzled out.
"C'mon, that's gotta mean something. And you've never once thought that maybe you could see yourself with a guy? I think you would be happier, but believe what you want. I'll be back at six to pick you up." And with that, Dean was left to sit in his headspace for half an hour before his shift started.
"Dean, you're early."
"Hey, lucky me. Right, Cas?" He smiled, looking up from his phone to see the messy-haired man grab an apron.
"Lucky to see me get flour all over myself before we open up the shop? I don't think so. But, whatever you say."
The two looked at each other and laughed, then one went behind the counter, the other to the kitchen. Dean managed the coffee, Castiel was in charge of the baked goods. The shop had good business, even for a being in the middle of a small town in Illinois. Neither of them finished college, mainly for what was left of Dean's family.
The wreck brought a seventeen and thirteen year old a month of homelessness. That was, until Sam finally caved and told his brother's closest friend they had been sleeping on benches in the park and in the back of their car.
That friend was Castiel.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner? I didn't- I didn't know you two lost the apartment... You can't live like this, you know that! You're staying with me and my family, no arguing."
"Wait, n-"
"Dean, you don't get a say in this. I'm choosing for you both, and you're staying with us."
He still thought about that conversation, although he wouldn't admit it. It had been eight years, but Dean never felt grateful enough. Cas dropped everything - especially college - for the brothers he considered his own family.
"Dean, did you move the food coloring? I can't find it." Castiel yelled from the kitchen, searching the shelves above his head.
With Sam's words still on his mind, he didn't hear the other at first. "Hmm?" Dean said, standing by the door. "No, it's behind the extra containers. To your left. You moved it last week, remember? When we had that graduation order."
"Oh," he found the bottles, sighing as he couldn't reach them. "Could you, y'know, get that?"
Dean chuckled and walked over, barely reaching them himself. "Let's keep those on the other shelf, how about that?" He ruffled Cas' hair, knowing his hand would get smacked away. "Did you- wow, you actually kept your word."
"What?" He raised an eyebrow while swatting Dean's hand, as expected.
"You got flour in your hair, Cas." Dean smiled, pulling his hand away.
"Did I? Dear god,"
"It's not bad, really. It just looks like you have salt and pepper hair now."
Castiel rolled his eyes and took out his phone. He switched to the front camera, trying to fix his hair while raising an eyebrow at Dean. "Uhh- if you say so." He put his phone on the countertop and turned to the refrigerator, taking out eggs and milk.
Dean took this as his cue to leave the kitchen, turning on the shop's radio after he did. Without warning, pop music began to play. "Shit!"
"If you change the station, I'm beating you with a spatula, okay?"
"Yeah, I don't think I want that today. But Lizzo? Really?"
"Yes, Dean. I like her music, you know that."
He sighed and took out a bag of coffee beans. "Sure, sure. You're lucky the classic rock station is only static out here!"
After a day of customer after customer visiting the shop, their shifts were over. Sam was late to pick his older brother up, as usual. That meant that Dean and Castiel were left with an hour to waste.
Dean was the first to strike a conversation, mentioning Sam's comments from the morning. "I just- I don't know, Cas. I think he's seeing something I'm not. Maybe he's just crazy, right?"
Castiel was silent for a moment, thinking. "It's your call, Dean. Only you know what to label yourself. Or maybe you don't want a label, like me. We can't decide for you, but we can help you. Just learn a bit more about it, it might make more sense to you after that."
He nodded and glanced towards the door, where Sam was now approaching. "There's my geek brother, I'll see you tomorrow."
They said their goodbyes, both busy grabbing their things before they left. The whole day, Dean had been going through years of memories.
When the two went to homecoming their freshman year, ditched by both of their dates.
When Cas came up to Dean's locker during sophomore year, on the verge of tears due to a guy's loud mouth.
When Cas threw a folder at him for teasing him about singing slightly off-key in advanced chorus junior year.
When they were voted Friends For A Lifetime senior year.
When they opened up their shop, cutting the ribbon in front of the whole town.
When, most of all, Castiel flashed that damned smile.
He sat in the driver's seat, silent. Sam was on his computer, checking his emails.
Maybe, they weren't crazy. Maybe, they knew Dean better than he knew himself. Maybe, Dean just needed to think - really think.
"Sam, I think I'm open to the possibility."
(1005 words)
Requests open! (Comment here)
I had too much fun writing this, really!
In all honesty, this is probably one of my favorites so far. (I have a handful saved and waiting to be finished, lmao)
Anyways, hope you enjoyed it!
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