𝐢𝐱. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠
The time from which Izzie arrives, until she's sitting in the bride suite, she doesn't remember anything. It all went by way too fast.
The next thing she was aware of, was when she was standing in front of the mirror, and Meredith came in to check on her.
"You look beautiful," Meredith placed her hand on Rowan's shoulder.
She was dressed in a white, simple jumpsuit. She had her straightened blonde hair slicked back in a ponytail, and simple makeup masked her face.
"How is she?" Rowan asked.
"She's kind of freaking out," Meredith chuckled. "I told her I would ask how you were doing."
"I'm a little nervous," Rowan continued to look at herself in the mirror. "But, because there's people in there who don't know the truth, say I'm freaking just as much as she is."
"Will do," Meredith gives Rowan a short kiss on the cheek and leaves her alone. But only for two minutes before Derek and Mark are rushing in.
"It's about time," Mark smiled widely at one of his best friends.
When Rowan turns, Mark is holding his stupid camera. Rowan never understood his stupid freaking obsession with that thing.
The light flashes, and Rowan was not unprepared.
"Turn that thing off!" Rowan swatted the camera away playfully, and rolls her eyes. "If you're going to take photos, make sure I'm ready."
"Fine," Mark still held the camera. "But only if you give me a picture with you and Derek."
And that picture lived to sit on Mark's dresser.
After the picture was taken, Derek took Rowan to the doors to the alter. This was when Rowan started to absolutely freak.
"Hey, Ro, you're going to be great," Derek cupped the blondes face in his hands. "I love you."
She waits patiently as Mark walks first. He will stand in front of Derek. Next, Izzie, who insisted on being one of the bridesmaids/groomsmen, allegedly goes next. She had to settle for Rowan's side, as Lexie's was filled.
Derek gives her a quick hug, and he walks her down the aisle. Her eyes skim over the people in the crowd. She doesn't miss Miranda Bailey smiling at her from the front, as she was the officiant.
But one face takes her by surprise.
Addison freaking Montgomery is standing at the end. Where she will stand behind Derek.
Rowan's face breaks out into a smile as Derek's arm leaves hers and he goes to stand behind Mark, and in front of Addison.
Rowan's anxiety begins to grow as she sees Lexie's best man—George—walk down the aisle. With George being George, he sends Rowan a thumbs up. Everything was okay. This wouldn't be another Cristina and Burke. Not that this was a real wedding..
Next, comes Lexie's last bridesmaid. Much to Rowan's dismay, it's Sadie.
At last, Lexie comes down the aisle, arm in arm with her sister.
Lexie looks so beautiful.
Rowan is used to Lexie's plain shirts and the black leggings—she'd never seen her so dressed up. And vice versa.
Lexie is dressed in a white, flowing strapless wedding dress. It makes Rowan wonder why she would pick a dress so beautiful for a fake wedding.
But it's real to everyone else.
Rowan doesn't even realize she's crying until Lexie is standing in front of her.
"Are you okay?" Lexie asked.
"Of course," Rowan took Lexie's hand. "You just— look so beautiful."
"Thanks," Lexie ducks her head into the small bouquet.
"Addison's here," Rowan whispers.
"I know," Lexie tilts her head back up. "Surprise?"
"Best surprise ever," Rowan smiles.
Bailey clears her throat, "Alright, love birds."
The couple was surprised to hear that, Miranda Bailey, of all people, would be their officiant. Izzie and the two women agreed it would be cheaper to just have someone at the hospital do it—even if it meant it wasn't necessarily legal.
Lexie giggles and just keeps looking at Rowan, her cheeks a faint pink from the blush Izzie must have forced onto her face, as Lexie wasn't one to wear an absurd amount of makeup.
"People of Seattle Grace, and.. Rowan and Lexie's immediate family and.. or friends," Bailey looks up from her cards. "Rowan and Lexie have invited us here today, in the presence of God, to share in the celebration of their soon-to-be marriage."
Rowan swallows nervously, and looks up at the brunette who is already looking at her. Lexie moves her hand towards Rowans face to wipe her eyes.
"We gather here today to celebrate, and make Lexie and Rowan's marriage official," Bailey smiles at Rowan—just glad the blonde doctor was finally happy after everything with her parents.
Bailey goes on about how marriage is an act of will, and how it requires commitment, and whatnot. She then comes to one of the most important parts. The Vows.
Rowan starts.
She takes the crumpled up paper from her jumpsuit pocket.
Unraveling the paper she begins, "Lexie, we met at Joe's when you were drunk. I found out you were a part of the new intern group, and you were still on call! So I took you back to the hospital and got you sobered up. You told me you were going to get fired because you couldn't find the obstetrician wing."
Lexie laughed, because it was all true.
"I told you I was the obstetrician wing," Rowan laughed too, at the memory. "Which made you laugh. I thought was the most beautiful sound."
You can hear awww from various spots in the crowd.
"And if I'm being honest, everything, and I mean everything, about you is beautiful," Rowan cautiously looks up at the brunette, who is beginning to tear up as well. "Your laugh as I said, your eyes, your long hair, your voice, when you're drunk. And as much as I hate to admit this one, your love for pizza, too. No matter how much I've told you it's bad for you, you still seem to eat it. Maybe that's a thing I love about you, you don't just stop doing something you love because I ask. I love everything about you. You're the most perfect girl I could ask for. I love you Alexandra Grey. I'm glad you asked me to marry you."
Mark whistles from behind her, and everyone claps at Rowan's vows.
Lexie then says hers, and somehow they hit everyone just as hard.
Everyone wonders how they could've missed this love story, when it was blooming right under their noses. Especially when they never even made attempts to talk at the hospital.
Lexie's paper is way more nicer. Not crumpled up like Rowan's. Hers is neatly folded.
"Wow Rowan I.." Lexie laughs, and Rowan leans her hand up to wipe her tears like Lexie had to her. "I don't even think I can do better than that. You always have to out do me, don't you?"
Lexie looks from Rowan to Bailey, and looks down to her paper to read. "Though it's one of the things I love about you. I love so much about you Rowan. I love the way you get annoyed when I eat pizza, the way you call everyone Doctor, or by their last name, even if they are your best friends. The way you'll have movie nights with me. You're amazing, Rowan. Everything about you is. So thank you, for everything. For saying yes. Asking you was the greatest thing I've ever done. I love you. So much."
Lexie lowers the paper, "I love the way you try to push me to eat healthier. I love your choice in movies. I love the way you treat me when I'm sick and the way your treat me when I'm drunk. But nothing tops the way you treat me after a long day at the hospital. I love you, Rowan Potter, and I can't wait to be your wife."
Everyone goes quiet for a few seconds as Rowan and Lexie just stare into each others eyes, "Can I kiss her yet?" Rowan took Lexie's hand.
"Hold on, now, y'all," Bailey shook her head, a playful look in her eyes. "That being said, Lexie, do you take this, sarcastic and beloved woman to be your wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do," Lexie nodded, no hesitation in her voice.
"Now, Rowan, do you take this woman to be your wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" Bailey repeated, using Rowan's name instead.
"Absolutely I do," Rowan beamed, and if you didn't know the truth, you'd think it was real.
"Repeat after me," Bailey nods to Lexie. "I take you, Rowan, to be my wife. I promise to walk by your side forever as your best friend and your soul mate. You are my beloved one and I am proud to marry you. I promise to support your dreams and to be there for you all our lives."
Lexie repeats after her, as does Rowan when Bailey tells her to repeat it. No one stands when Bailey asks for any objections. Rowan slips the ring she'd bought onto Lexie's finger, and Lexie does the same. And then it's over.
okay here's this?
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