Chapter 14
Chapter 14. Asgard
Hey guys before this chapter starts I want to make a few thing clear
1. The avengers still live in New York
2. Vision and Wanda are shipped in this Series
3. Bruce is Back
4. Clint some times comes to visit
5. Shield is up and Running
6. Bree is the Goddess of All Living and Original Protector Of Earth
7. Bree is Mortal
8. Bucky will be in this series along with Dr. Strange, Spider Man, The X-men, and many more
9. I'm am holding a contest, if you would like to enter.
10. The contest is of a new character I need a love interest for Sam(The Falcon) so create a character, (Must have Date if Birth for character, Name, Backstory, where there from, what they look like, and why they like Sam)
The Avengers minus Thor and Clint all day around a table
It has been 3 weeks since Ultron was defeated.
"So We all agree that Loki can stay here." Bree says
"I mean, I don't see why not" Steve says
"But, the first time he causes trouble he's gone" Tony says
"I know, but I don't think he would be that much of trouble, this Loki you all told me about is completely different from the one I know" Bree says
Tony sighs
"He might not be the same, you have seen him in what 40 years" He says
Bree frowns, and Steve raps his arms around her waist
"I'm sure he still the same" Steve whispers to her
Bree smiles and lays back
"Okay your all free to go" Bree says
Everyone except Tony leaves
"Don't make love on the couch" Tony says as he gets up
Bree throws a pillow at him
"Hey Hey, I'm joking chill" Tony says
"Get gone" She says
"Okay Okay I'm going" He says
Tony gets up and Heads outside
"So when exactly are you leaving for Asgard?" Steve asked
"Whenever Thor gets here" Bree says
"How Long will you be gone?" He asked
"No clue, time is different on Asgard" Bree says
"I'm gonna Miss you" Steve says
"Actually I had an idea" Bree says
"Should I be worried?" Steve asked
"First Of all I'm offended, Second of all your gonna like it" Bree says
"Okay then what's your idea"
"You come with me and Thor to Asgard"
"Wait, What?" Steve asked
"From what Thor tells me, Odin as allowed me to bring 1 mortal along with me and who better to bring than my boyfriend" Bree says
"Won't Tony be jealous?"
"Maybe, but who cares!" Bree says
Steve chuckles, a loud bang is heard from the roof
"Well I guess Thor's here" Bree says
The two take the elevator to the roof.
Once there they find Thor waiting.
"Hello Steve, Bree" Thor says
"Hello Brother" Bree says
"So, did you decide who is coming with you?" Thor asked
"Yup, Steve is"
"And Stark approved of this?"
"Nope, matter of fact no else except us knows so"
"Alright then should we be of" Thor says
"Why of Course" Bree says
Bree grabs Steve's arm and drags him to the frostbite
"Go Fish" Pietro yells
Wanda groans and pulls a card from the deck
"Hey Kids anyone seen Spangles and my Sister" Tony asked walking into the room
"Nope" Pietro says
"You got a 8" Pietro asked
Wanda groans and hands it to him
Tony walks out of the room
In Asgard
"Dear God, I don't feel good" Bree says holding on the Steve
"The frostbite can make one sick" Thor says chuckling
"Your mean" Bree says
This time both Steve and Thor bust out laughing
"Let's go" Bree says rushing the boys
At the gate, the three find Hemidall
"Hello my prince" He says
"And that to you Bree" He says
"Didn't see this coming did you?" Bree says
"No, but I saw that coming"
Bree's face falls
"I think you crushed her ego" Steve says
Thor laughs
"At that he has"
"You are all mean" Bree says
"Come, your mother is expecting you" Hemidall says
Meanwhile at the Tower
"Where in Gods Green Earth is Bree" Tony yells
"Have you checked outside" Bruce says
"No" Tony Says
"Well then check out there" Nat says
Nat leans her head back on Bruce's Chest.
Tony heads out side to looks.
There he notices that the leaves on the trees have fallen and spreaded out everywhere
'Was Thor here' Tony thought
'If He was then Bree left with him, but where's Spangles'
Tony walks back inside the tower
"I think Thor was here" Tony says
"Why do you think that?" Nat says
"Because the front yards a mess"
"Okay then" Bruce says
"So that means Bree left with him, but where's Red-White and Blue?"
"I heard Bree and Steve talking, I'm pretty sure Steve went with her" Pietro says
Tony snaps his head towards him
"And you didn't say anything"
"I didn't think it was important"
Tony groans and heads towards his lab
Meanwhile in Asgard
"Here we are"
The three cross over the bridge
"Have Fun" Hemidall says
Bree turns to him, smiles and nods
They continue to cross the bridge.
"Before we make it to the Castle, we must get you both Asgardian clothing" Thor says
"Bree go to the castle and request Mother" Thor says
Bree nods and heads to the Castle
"Come with me Captain Rodgers"
Back on Earth
A silent knock is heard from the door
"Come in"
Pepper walks into the room
"Hey, the others said that Bree left with Steve without a word"
Tony nods
Pepper sits down next to him
"You okay" Pepper says as she strokes his hair
"I'm Fine" Tony says
He begins to work on his suit once more
"Tony" Pepper says
Tony sighs
"I just wish she would have told me"
"I know, but I'm sure she didn't mean to hurt you"
"I know, but I just want to keep her safe"
Pepper laughs
"She's not a little girl no more Tony. I get that you want to be there, but Bree is able to handle herself plus she has Thor and Steve if anything happens"
Tony sighs
"Your right" Tony says
"I know now come on let's go get something to eat" Pepper says
The two get up and head out of the Tower.
That's all for this chapter
Love y'all 3000
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