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βΌ.* :βοΎβ½ βββπππππππ πππ
β felix felicis β
βΌ.* :βοΎβ½βββBEFORE ELEANOR SETTLES FOR THE NIGHT, she and the rest of the Prefects have to stroll around the castle to make sure that every student was in their common rooms before curfew. The Head Boy and Girl were the ones assigning where Prefects are going to be stationed around the castle. The Head Boy was her brother, Esander and the Head Girl was from Gryffindor named Marlene McKinnon. Eleanor's Prefect partner was stripped from the position during the fifth year because he was abusing his position as the Prefect, Esander had been the one who reported on the Prefect boy after Eleanor vented about the boy as she was too afraid to report to Slughorn herself. There are five Prefects from Hufflepuff, six from Ravenclaw, four from Gryffindor and five from Slytherin including Eleanor. Sometimes Prefects have a hard time adjusting with their school work and the position at the same time, it drives them to quit from the position later. There have been multiple times where Eleanor wanted to quit as a Prefect. While at the job, you can't bring homework with you as you have to focus on the job instead.
The night was complete when Eleanor strolled around the dungeons and the basements, looking for any signs of trouble that the students may bring for themselves, so far she's only seen the ghosts, the portraits on the walls talking with their neighbours and saying each other "good night". She got bored and tired, just an hour until she finishes the shift, she moved out of the dungeons and made her way to the Entrance Hall, on the way she found the newly Prefects from her house, fifth years, and she walked by them as she was greeted with nods. She sometimes wishes she had company, if replacing was only possible but it isn't, they can't be replaced even if they're stripped from the role.
The Entrance Hall was empty, just the autumn leaves being blown by the soft winds from the outside through the open doors, she spotted two people in the Great Hall, one of them being a Prefect and a teacher. The torches in the Great Hall were extinguished, half of the floating candles were lit, dimming the hall, the enchanted ceiling changed to a starry night sky and a sight of a milky way. The Entrance Hall was dim as well, only one torch remained with a light, the flame danced viciously as it was being touched by the winds and there were shadows moving around her while standing in the middle of the hall.
The autumn breeze brushed her when she stepped outside, sending cold chills all around her skin, making her shiver despite the layers of her Slytherin uniform she was wearing, the moon tonight was crescent and sharp, partly cloudy and brisk. The Courtyard was empty and dark, nothing but silhouettes of roofs and the only movement in the yard are the leaves and dust. She proceeded to patrol around the corridors and ended up on the second floor.
As the auburn-haired girl walked down the seemingly empty corridor, nothing but her own shadow following her, she was alone in the corridor until she turned to another hall and there was someone ahead strolling her way and are meeting each other halfway. Eleanor eased, relieved that there was someone in the same empty hall as her. If it was a non-Prefect student, they'd run but they weren't. The person stopped at the three-way intersection, waiting for her, she knew the person was going to inform her that the corridor they've been walking from was clear.
It's Remus Lupin, she figured from a mile away, his thick and tidy hair, the tall and slenderness, and the way he stands. He had a parchment in his hand, his shirt was sloppily tucked into his trousers, not buttoning his cloak, his red and gold tie not tied at all, the boy never dresses properly. She spoke first, "I figure the corridor down there is clear," she nods at the hall behind him.
"Yes, it's . . . empty" he responded.
She thought he was going to say more, waited for him to say it, but that was it and rather he was waiting for her to say something. "Yeah, well, that way is empty as well" she gestured behind her. "So I guess we're going this way" she turned to the left hall without waiting for his response and the boy didn't move until the girl turned around and walked backwards, "You scared, or what, Lupin?"
Remus could hear the hint of playfulness in the girl's tone, softly chuckled in response and the warmth was brought into his cheeks. He put away his folded parchment into his pocket and followed Eleanor.
Eleanor always admitted that out of the Marauders, she liked Remus the best, he seemed vulnerable, frail and kind but she knows that she doesn't know him that well, he was easier to talk with like he lets her speak until she finishes. He doesn't talk much, she'd try to spark up a conversation as she can while they're on patrol as Prefects whenever they meet each other in any corridors, but he could only say at least two to three sentences before he goes quiet. At the same time, she doesn't want to push him into speaking more. Sometimes she thinks she annoys him because she talks a lot and he doesn't. When he doesn't, that's when she thinks he's vexed.
"How'd your day went?" she asked him, the empty corridor was empty that her voice and their feet strolling echoed around the two.
"It was fine, nothing new," he answered and went briefly silent. "Hβhow was yours?"
Eleanor's brows raised in the slightest surprise, "Oh, same, meaning nothing and rather quiet" before they proceeded down the corridor, they separated for a moment, Eleanor went into the girl's bathroom while Remus went into the boy's bathroom, both rooms were empty. "Phew, I am relieved that Moaning Myrtle didn't jump out of a toilet or something. She scared the bloody hell out of me one time" she said as the two Prefects continued to walk down the corridor. It was around her fifth year while she was on patrol as a Prefect, she strolled alone the corridors and checked one of the girls restrooms only to be scared by the ghost girl as she jumped out of a stall, she laughed loud and long while Eleanor was irritated.
Most sixth years should know by now about the ghost of Moaning Myrtle that haunts some of the bathrooms around the castle and all they know is that she died in one of them decades ago. No one really dares to find out how and why she died, most are just too afraid to ask her because of how sensitive she is.
"She's the reason why I don't take a bath in the Prefect's bathroom" Remus muttered.
"Oh god, she didn't take a bath with you, didn't she?"
"She's a ghost, I wouldn't say she took a bathβ" he abruptly paused, either way how he explains it, it was embarrassing to talk about it. Eleanor laughed, he couldn't help but to laugh as well but softly and embarrassed. For him, it seems like it's a once in a lifetime that he made her laugh like that. "Let's not mention that again"
Eleanor hummed, slightly nodded and still smiling from her laugh. "Sorry, that was pretty funny"
The two teenagers went on with the rest of their patrolling through the corridors and halls in the next hour, all the torches have gone out around the castle, nothing but the dull crescent moonlight, barely dimming through the windows around the corridors and the light from the tip of the teens' wands, midnight was near when it was time to head back to their common rooms. The hour went by quickly when they talked than usual, she told the boy "good night" before they parted ways.
Eleanor went to bed all relieved, finishing the day and just couldn't wait to fall asleep and see what awaits her in the morning, meanwhile Remus went to bed thinking that the night was good.
βΌ.* :βοΎβ½βββTHE GREAT HALL WAS FILLED WITH TIRED STUDENTS, all breaking their fast and getting ready for morning classes. The day was dull, grey and gloomy, it sort of affected some students to fall into sullen and drained their motivation of interests to go through their day. It is the month of October, barely halfway into the month and the Great Hall was already decorated with floating jack-o'-lanterns between the candles and on the tables, the place was just all on black and orange, the food is also in weird shapes and had spooky faces on them.
Eleanor arrived late to the breakfast, joined her friends at their usual table, "Took you long enough to get ready," Cassius said when Eleanor sat down next to her. "You came in nearly late last night . . . Prefect patrol?"
"Obviously," The redhead answered, she grabbed two waffles with her fork from a batch in front of her and two pork sausages. Prudence was already finished eating, she was reading Daily Prophet for the rest of the breakfast and Cassius read through her homework she wrote yesterday. "Skimming through your work the very last minute? I did tell you to work on it after classes"
"Well, I spent my spare time practicing for Quidditch, haven't I?" Cassius was the only girl who made it into the Slytherin Quidditch team for this year and Eleanor's brother, Esander is still Captain and is his final year. He plays Chaser while Cassius is Seeker. Eleanor was never fond of Quidditch, when she and Esander were kids, he'd forced her to play as Keeper back home in their own backyard just so he could practice. She despised it and being used to play Keeper.
"Sometimes you've got to put your schoolwork first before Quidditch"
"Eleanor, if you dare say it's only quidditch one more time, I swear I will punch you in the tit" Cassius threatened.
"I wasn't saying like thatβ" Eleanor paused, she sighed sharply, brushed it off to forget it instead. She'll never really understand why sometimes quidditch is more important to some people like Cassius. Also whenever Cassius says 'Eleanor" rather 'Elle' as usual, that means she's being serious. Eleanor does the same and even Prudence.
Once Eleanor finished breakfast, the trio left the table and were on their way to the first class, which was Potions with Gryffindors and the teacher was Horace Slughorn. Eleanor wasn't quite fond of potions at all, it didn't mean she was bad at it, but Slughorn implied to keep taking his classes if she wants to become a teacher in the future. Even though, being a Potions teacher wasn't exactly in her plans.
The Potions class took place in the dungeons, as usual, it still smelt odd, the same as the last six years, it's never quite clear of what the place smells like, it can smell like vapours, something boiled and various plants that are used to mix.
When Eleanor and her friends made their place in their table, beside them was another table five feet away taken over by the Marauders. She took a copy of her Advanced Potion-Making by Libatius Borage book and her notes out of her bag and dropped her bag on the floor by her feet. Today's class seemed a bit different, there were three potions readied across the room by Slughorn's desk as if they're a display to be shown.
"Good morning, class!" Professor Slughorn greeted them, he closed the door behind him and walked over to the display of potions. "Hope you've all had a good breakfast. Today, I've got something interesting to show you . . . Come, come along here, gather 'round!" He gestured around the display.
The students gathered in front of the display of three potions that stood in front of them. Eleanor stood next to Prudence while Cassius was in front with two girls almost towering over her.
"Now then," Slughorn began, he moved around the table to stand behind the cauldrons, "I've prepared a few potions for all of you to have a look at, just out of interest. These are the kind of things you have to able to make after completing your N.E.W.T.s. You ought to have heard of them, even if you haven't made 'em yet. Anyone tell me what this one is?" He pointed at the first cauldron on the left that a mud-like substance and slowly bubbling.
Lily Evans, the fiery redhead had her hand raised, she was standing at the far right of the room with Mary Macdonald. "It's Polyjuice Potion, it allows the drinker to temporarily transform into another person"
"Yes, excellent, excellent! Now, this one here, who could tell me what this is?" He pointed at the second cauldron in the middle, it was colourless like water.
Severus Snape hesitantly raises his hand to his shoulder, the greasy-haired boy from Eleanor's year and house, who is often bullied and targeted by the Marauders since the first year. "It's Veritaserum, sir" he answered, "it forces the drinker to tell the truth when questioned"
"Very good, yes! Veritaserum, yes. And lastly, what of this here?" Slughorn gestured at the last cauldron. The steam rises from it in characteristic spirals. Eleanor knew this from Juniper when she joked about it while they read from a book recently.
No one raised their hand, Eleanor wasn't sure if they didn't know about it or they just didn't want to answer it, so she raised her hand slowly. "It's Amortentia," she said unenthusiastically, "it's uhmβ the most powerful love potion in the world"
"Then you should know what it smells like, come, come on, give it a little whiff," Slughorn insisted, Eleanor didn't want to move, she did so reluctantly and slowly.
"Actually, it's rumoured to smell differently to each person, depending to what attracts them" She gave a slow sniff, "Like I can smell . . . pine treeβ" she let in another whiff, "and forest . . . wood andβ" she didn't realize she fell into a daze for a moment there, she shook her head lightly and walked back to her spot. She must've described forest or springtime?
"Ah, yes, very good! Now, Amortentia doesn't create actual love, that would be impossible." Slughorn continued, "But it does cause powerful infatuation or obsession. And for that reason, it is probably the most dangerous potion in this room . . . And now, it's time for us to start working"
Before anyone moved, James Potter cleared his throat and said, "Sir, you haven't told us what that is" he was pointing at the vile that stood over the three cauldrons, it was the colour of molten gold.
"Oh, yes, That. Well, that one, ladies and gentlemen, is a most curious little potion called Felix Felicis," he picked up the vile and raised it high for everyone to see. "It is more commonly known asβ"
"Liquid Luck!" Lily Evans uttered.
"Yes, Miss Evans. Desperately tricky to make, and disastrous to get wrong. However, if brewed correctly, as this has been, you will find that all your endeavours tend to succeed ... at least until the effects wear off"
That seemed to have piqued everyone's interest in the vial. A potion that gives luck, "Have you ever taken it, sir?" Prudence asked she was interested in the Liquid Luck as much as everyone else.
"Twice in my life," Slughorn answered. "Once when I was twenty-four, once when I was fifty-seven. Two tablespoonfuls taken with breakfast. Two perfect days!"
A perfect day sounded enough for Eleanor, she could save it one day, use it to avoid her parents' planned events, similarly as last summer like the dinner with the Malfoys.
"And that," the teacher continued, "is what I shall be offering as a prize in this lesson. One tiny bottle of Felix Felicis. Enough for twelve hours' luck. From dawn till dusk, you will be lucky in everything you attempt."
Every head in the room rose up, some showing enthusiasm and most interests and determination.
"Now, I must give you warning that Felix Felicis is a banned substance in organized competition... sporting events, for instance, examinations, or elections. So the winner is to use it on an ordinary day only... and watch how that ordinary day becomes extraordinary!"
Eleanor nudged Cassius on her back since she's on Quidditch team and urged her to not think about it. Only Cassius nudged back at the girl's stomach with her elbow, a bit hard than soft.
"Soβ" Slughorn clapped his hands together, "how are you to win this wonderful prize? Well, by turning to page thirty-two of Advanced Potion Making. We have a little over an hour left to us, which should be time for you to make a decent attempt at the Elixir to Induce Euphoria. I know it is more complex than anything you have attempted before, and I do not expect a perfect potion from anybody. The person who does best, however, will win little Felix here. Off you go!"
Everyone hurried to their tables, numerous sounds of cauldrons scraping against the wooden tables by the students pulling them close. They flipped the pages of their own copy of Advanced Potion Making to page thirty-two as Slughorn said. Eleanor knew that she won't win the vile of Liquid Luck as she wouldn't able to compete against the teacher's favourite and smartest students like Lily Evans and Severus Snape. Potion making wasn't her best expertise, but she still tried. At least as a practice for N.E.W.T.s.
Ingredients for Elixir to Induce Euphoria included Shrivelfig, Porcupine quills, Peppermint, Sopophorous beans and Wormwood. With stirrings in between making. There were at least about eleven specific steps to brew the potion. In the end, the finished result should emit a rainbow.
Eleanor didn't quite understand what she did wrong halfway into brewing, she might've stirred too much than the specific number of times as it says on the book. After adding porcupine quills, her cauldron didn't turn blue as it should've, she knew she did something wrong and missed something perhaps. Cassius was cursing under her breath as she struggled, Prudence looked back and forth at her book and the cauldron every ten seconds as her face contorted into bafflement. One of the cauldrons in the class hissed loudly, coming from one of the tables that Evans was sitting, it wasn't her cauldron that was hissing vigorously, the steam turns into a cloud of black smoke and it belonged to one of her friends. The room was beginning to reek of something rotten from someone's potion.
She was about to give up until a familiar voice hushed near her, "Hey, Casterly" she looked around and it's Remus, holding up one of the sopophorous beans, "I think this is yours"
The realization hit her, she put in six beans instead of seven before she let it simmer down and it didn't turn brown as it should've as the instructions said. "I hope you didn't just sabotage my cauldron, Lupin" she hushed back, joking and reached the bean from his hand.
"What?" Lupin uttered, "No, of course not, I just found it on the floor andβ"
"I'm only joking," she laughed softly, "but thanks, by the way. I already messed up anyways" It was true, all she could do was start over but time was running out.
"Same here," he smiled. Their focus was drawn back to their cauldrons, Eleanor didn't notice Juniper's eyes on her, as if Juniper found it strange of seeing Eleanor and Remus talking in the middle of the class. The only time they'd talk would be informing each other involving their Prefect duties. Prudence wasn't the only one who noticed this but also James and Sirius which both shrugged it off and turned their focus back on potion-making.
Minutes before Slughorn announced the time was up, Snape called that he was finished with his before everyone else. "And time's up!" Slughorn called, "stop stirring, please!" He began going around, table to table, cauldron to cauldron, giving good comments to some and the rest being poor. When he looked at Eleanor's cauldron, he replied that at least she tried. He gave okay comments on Cassius's and Prudence's before moving along onto the Marauders' table.
In the end, he declared, "We've got a winner! Two best potions from Evans and Snape! Although, there's only one winner and since Snape finished quickly before time was done" He grabbed the vial of Felix Felicis from his table and gave it to the student. "Here you are, one bottle of Felix Felicis as promised . . . Use it well!"
Snape didn't seem quite enthusiastic about it at all, it would be a rare sight if he was though. Eleanor could hear a whisper from the Marauders' table, James was whispering something to Sirius, whatever it was, they think it was funny, maybe a comment about the boy and making fun of him.
There was a hint of envious growing in Eleanor when Slughorn gave the Liquid Luck to Snape, even though she knew she wouldn't win. Perhaps one day, once she knows how to make Felix Felicis, one day, she'll get her hands on it.
βΌ.* :βοΎβ½βββAUTHORS NOTE | idk how I feel about this chapter, most of this chapter is just a parallel to the Half-Blood Prince from both book and movie and somehow it's so lazy of me to do so lmao. thanks for all the reads and hearts :) hopefully i'll update soon!
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