ii. hawk and dove
𝘪𝘧 𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘶𝘵𝘴 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘰𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘤𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘰𝘧𝘧
helena and dinah had followed the man and rachel to some crappy motel down the highway. they booked a room just for the night and sat and waited until they knew the coast was clear to try and talk to rachel again. it was only two hours after arrival for the man to leave in his car to go and get something.
the women waited fifteen minutes before deciding it was safe to go and check up on her. although what they weren't expecting to find was rachel sitting in the bathtub praying. the teenager had mascara running down her face, paired with disheveled hair and white knuckles. something was scaring her, dinah could feel it. the whole aura of the room was dark.
"rachel?" a voice from outside of the bathroom called, it was the man from the cafe. helena and dinah didn't care though as all they felt was to comfort the crying girl.
"when kingdom comes, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us" the girl kept repeating the prayer as if it had been engraved into her brain.
helena slowly approached the girl just as the man entered the room, he gave hard stares to the women before his eyes softened taking in rachel's state. helena wrapped her arms around the crying girl not letting her out of her embrace. the lights were turnt on which made rachels head spin.
"i don't want it to get out. no!" she screamed, which didn't do well with helena's advanced hearing. she was pretty sure she was going to have a horrible earache in a few moments but she didn't care as she hugged the girl tighter.
rachel shook in her embrace before the man moved forward taking the teenager away from helena's arms into his own. "come here, you're okay. you're okay. nothing bad's gonna happen to you. don't worry" he said as he noticed the drawings of crosses on the edge of the bathtub.
dinah picked up one of the drawings before dropping it quickly. it felt as though negative jolts were being pushed throughout her whole body. something bad was following the girl and she wasn't going to stop till she found out what. helena moved next to the blonde as she listened to rachel sob in the man's arms.
rachel had fallen asleep on the bed on the opposite side of the room, dinah sat by her feet just stroking the girls hair until she seemed calm. dick eyes the two women skeptically before sighing heavily.
"what do you want so badly that involves rachel?" the man asked as he walked over to his briefcase which was opened on the drawer.
"we told you.... dick grayson" helena started as she read the mans badge on his coat pocket "we want to help rachel. she's like us and we know how to help her" dinah said with a frown as she looked over at the sleeping teenager.
"wait... grayson. i know that name" helena said as she tried to recall from her memories how she knew the man. dinah raised her eyebrow before a lightbulb went of in her head.
"bruce!" she said as she snapped her fingers. helena's eyes widened before she walked closer to the man to inspect his face. the tanned girl raised an eyebrow before circling the man. dick would be lying if he said his heartbeat didn't increase when she got closer to him.
"how do you know bruce?" dick asked cautiously as he tried his hardest to put the clues togethar. but he came up with nothing.
"our parents worked with him before we were born" dinah said as if it was obvious. helena knew him from somewhere else though apart from bruce, but she couldn't tell.
"who're your parents?" dick asked as his eyes locked with helenas. dinah approached the man before sticking her hand out. dick took her hand slowly before she let a large smile brace her face.
"im dinah queen. oliver queen and dinah lance are my parents. aka. arrow and black canary" she said as she thought of the last time her family were togethar. that was eight years ago.
dick didn't do a good job of hiding his surprise as his eyes widened and his palms began to become sweaty. he retracted his hand in time though. he was standing in front of the spawn of two of star cities most famous heroes.
"and what about you?" he asked turning his body so he was now facing helena, what he didn't expect was to have his face five inches away from the girls. neither of them showed any signs of backing away so they stayed where they were.
"haven't you been able to tell. i mean our parents have had quite the history. my mother was probably the best thing bruce ever lost" helena said flashing her feline eyes once again before dragging her nails down his covered arm.
"selina" bruce said in realisation before he backed away from the two girls, still not sure whether he could trust them. even though both of their mothers had helped batman they both had criminal pasts and what is it to say their daughters didn't turn out like them.
"you may not trust us dick but you're going to have to try if you want to get rachel out of this situation alive. there are about a hundred people after her right now and i doubt you'd be able to stop them. no offence" dinah said as she took a seat on the empty bed.
dick chuckled at the girls statement as he remembered neither of them knew he was robin previously. "batman trained me for years, and i fought with him. i think i can handle it" he said as he pulled a robin blade out of his pocket aiming it for the two girls.
helena heightened reflexes enabled her to catch it with no problem before slamming it into the bedside table denting it. "don't mess with me... boy wonder" she said as she realised that the blade was shaped into an r.
"wait you're robin?" dinah asked as she laughed aloud "this just keeps getting better"
"we're helping rachel whether you like it or not dick" helena said as dinah started walking to the door of the motel room and exited.
helena walked up to the man before whispering something into his ear. "see you tomorrow, robin" she said before walking backwards out of the room and out of his sight.
"i'm not robin anymore" dick sighed before a small smile took over his features for a split second. but it was gone as soon as it came.
helena, dinah, dick and rachel were not sat in dicks porsche. the girls had to leave their car at the motel, which they would return to get after the whole ordeal was over. dinah and helena were squashed in the back with helena's legs on top of dinah's and dinah's head on helena's shoulder.
"according to those files, the man who came after you may have been part of some doomsday cult. they apparently believe it's their destiny to prevent the end of the world. does that mean anything to you?" dick asked rachel as his gaze switched from the teenager and the road.
helena could feel dinah falling asleep on her shoulder and tried not to make any harsh movements which could wake the girl. helena would never admit it but she loved dinah, she was the only person to stick by her side.
"well, back when i was a kid, you know, i didn't get too angry, or scared. 'cause bad things happen" rachel struggled to explain it.
"what kind of bad things?" helena asked curiously as she looked at herself in the rear-view mirror.
rachel avoided the question by looking out of the window and trying to change the subject. "i guess i'm an orphan, too, now" she said making helenas heart pang with hurt. dick breathed out from his nose as he looked at rachel.
"that billionaire, bruce wayne, he raised you?" rachel asked trying to create small talk well also avoiding the questions being asked towards her.
"yeah" was all dick had to say
"must've been cool" rachel said. helena had only met bruce wayne a few times, but the man was always nice to her whenever he randomly checked up on her mother.
"it was... complicated" dick said, him and bruce weren't on the best of terms at the moment.
after a few seconds silence rachel spoke up "does it ever go away?" this was a question helena had been asking herself for six years
"what?" dick asked confused
"the feeling you got left behind?" rachel asked bringing tears to helena's eyes. the women had never thought of it that way, she always felt like her mother had to leave for whatever reason. not that she wanted to.
"it doesn't. it may feel like it does, but in reality, you just forget you ever felt like that in the first place" helena said from the backseat in a solemn voice. she couldn't see the face dick pulled when she spoke. the man forgetting that no one had heard from selina in over five years.
"you're gonna leave me too, aren't you?" rachel asked looking between the three adults. helena and dick shared a look before helena placed a hand on her shoulder.
"no" "no. i'm not gonna do that" helena and dick said at the same time. rachel didn't look like she believed them though. in all honesty, the two adults didn't believe themselves either.
they had just arrived in washington, district of columbia and parked outside of an apartment complex. dinah and helena shared sceptical looks before following the two into the building.
"so who are these guys?" rachel asked as the four of them approached an apartment. the place looked nice, it looked like normal people would've lived there.
"old friends. truth is, i haven't seen them in a long time" was all dick said before knocking on the door.
a pretty woman who looked to be the same age as the others excluding rachel with nearly white hair, brown eyes and a fair complexion opened the door. she looked as if she had the air knocked out of her after seeing dicks face. helena and dinah knew her very well. they had always known her.
"dawn?" helena asked as she came out from behind dick, a smile quickly overtook the womens features before helena and dinah ran into her squashing her in a hug. rachel stood to the side confused. and dick held a face of confusion and interest.
after breaking apart from the hug dawn turnt to dick. "hey" was all the man said as he stared her in the eyes.
"hi" she breathed out before rachel moved forwards ready to introduce herself.
"hi. i'm rachel" the girl stuck her hand out but was hit with memories from dawn. they were of her and dick sleeping togethar. rachel backed away with wide eyes and a shocked smile. no adult in the room noticed.
"can we talk?" dick asked as he made no move incase she didn't want to see him.
"you're about four years too late, but sure" dawn said making dinah let out a small laugh. the two adults roamed the living room as if they lived there, not caring for personal space.
"how do you three know eachother?" dick asked as dawn opened the door letting the other two in. helena winked at the woman before falling onto the couch with a content sigh.
"me and helena used to date. and i met dinah through helena" was all dawn said, not wanting to give too much away about their relationship. considering it went much deeper than that. dick held a shocked face as he looked between the two women.
"you're gay?" he asked shocked as any thought of anything happening between him and helena slowly started disappearing. dinah chuckled lowly at his question before making her way to the kitchen.
"i'm bi" helena clarified before looking at dawn again "and come on dawn. i know that year meant something to you" the girl said before following dinah to the kitchen.
"it was like half a year" dawn yelled trying to act as if it were nothing but a fling. dick held an amused smile as he watched the interaction.
"it was two years actually" dinah yelled, deciding to embarrass both women before pouring herself a cup of water. dick was left blinking repeatedly before chuckling.
"it is good to see you after all these years dawn" helena said once more before standing up to give the women one more hug. helena did love the women once, and she would be lying if she said that dawn didn't show up in her memories every once in a while.
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