i. titans
𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘥
"please make sure i see you again" helena whispered as she reached out to her mother's retreating figure. the teenager doesn't know why she's so worried, considering her mother always went out on quick missions. but something felt off this time.
selina kyle squeezed her daughter's hand in reassurance before bending down to her level "don't be so dramatic, helena. you know us. we always find our way back to each other" her mother said as a light smile danced across her lips.
helena should've listened to her gut that day. maybe if she did, she would've seen her mother again. but she was still a naive teenage girl who believed every lie anyone told her. and she would always end up being the one to pay the biggest price because of it.
the girl was suddenly drawn away from her memory after feeling something heavy hit her. she was going to have a vision. alongside her heightened reflexes, agility and animal senses she was also telepathic. and this resulted in her getting random memories of random people.
before she could stop it she was pulled into a empty room where a teenage girl no older than fifteen, with purple hair, almost gray skin, violet- blue eyes sat. across from her was a man that looked to be the same age as helena maybe a year older. he had brown hair that looked like he took ten minutes to style, his lips were pink and looked really soft. but his eyes were something that entranced helena. she always was a sucker for brown eyes.
it looked like they were in a investigation room, probably at a police station. the girl had a worried look on her face as the man began to stand up and walk towards the door. helena couldn't make out what the girl was saying but she could tell she didn't want to leave. she looked panicked, as if she was in danger and something was out to get her.
before any more of the vision could be shown she was awoken from her trance by dinah soyer, her room mate and bestfriend. well only friend to be honest. the blonde had a comforting hand on helena's knee as she stared at her with curious eyes.
"another one?" her friend asked as she herself wasn't a stranger to the unwanted visits of their "side powers" as they liked to call them. dinah was empathetic, which meant she felt the way some people did without asking for it. someone could be feeling grief and if dinah got close enough all of their grief would be passed onto her. she didn't know why she asked considering helena had been suffering from the unwanted visions more than usual for the past few weeks.
the feline nodded with a groan before falling back against her pillows. sometimes she wished she knew the backstories of the visions she had, sometimes she worried for the people she saw. but she was never able to figure out who they were, where they were and what was happening. all she could do was replay it in her head until the thought just disappeared on its own. the longest a thought ever stuck with her was for a month. it was of a boy no older than sixteen, he was sick. he was dying, everyone around him was leaving him. until one man ran in and injected something into him. then the vision ended there. she never found out if he lived, if the man saved him. nothing.
"it'll get better over time. i promise. but for the meantime, you should get some rest. we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow" dinah said as she stood up from the edge of helena's bed. the raven haired girl sat up with her eyes still shut before raising an eyebrow.
"what do you mean? i thought we were staying here all week" helena expressed her resentment towards the unexplained plan using her face.
"it turns out there's a metahuman on the run. according to some sources the most powerful metahuman to walk the earth. and she's in trouble" dinah said in awe. unlike helena, dinah always loved her powers. or any powers in general, she found them fascinating.
"whoever she is. she'll be fine. if shes gone this long without being caught then she'll be okay for a while longer" helena said with distaste before lying back down and turning on her side.
"she's only been alone for a day. her mother was shot dead yesterday. she's fourteen helena" dinah said with pleading eyes even though the girl couldn't see her. the girls age interested helena. maybe she could've been the girl from her vision. maybe for once she would be able to help the people that haunt her memories.
"fine then. but i'm driving. i'm not having you crash the car like fifty times before we get there" helena said before shooing the girl off with her arm that wasn't underneath of her pillow. dinah didn't argue knowing there would be no other way to get the girl to come along.
"i've tracked her down to the cafe right there. all we need to do is go in, convince her she can trust us, take her home and help her. easy" dinah explained with a smile as she pulled the hard drive out of the laptop she had brought along.
"oh dinah, how easy you think life is" helena said with a small chuckle before exiting the car and making a beeline for the entrance of the cafe. a few tables down she could see the girl from her vision across from the man from her vision, she was guessing.
before she could begin to approach them, dinah showed up behind her grabbing her elbow to stop her from moving. "don't let anything slip about who we are until we know we can trust them, okay?" dinah asked knowing the girl wouldn't. but she needed reassurance considering their identities could get them killed.
helena nodded before walking ahead to the head of the little booth the two sat in. their conversation came to a halt as the two pretty females stared down at them with light smiles. rachel looked at them sceptically before deciding to go back to drinking her coffee letting dick handle it.
"anything we can help you with?" dick asked as he looked between the women. although his stare was stuck on the tanned one for a few seconds. he had seen her somewhere before but he couldn't tell.
" i'm helena and this is dinah. we want to help you rachel" helena said as she made her eyes shift into her feline ones. they were green with a thin vertical black slit through the middle of each. the green looked like the kind you'd find in a forest just as summer changed to autumn. simply entrancing.
rachel's smile grew slowly, but dick just put a protective arm in front of the teenage girl as he put his hand on the gun attached to his waist. dinah saw this and grabbed his wrist before he could remove it.
"i wouldn't do that if i were you" she warned before retracting her hand as a gray glow emitted from it. the girl cursed underneath of her breath before putting her hand away in her pocket. dick stared at the girls with confused eyes before helena interrupted.
"you're scared of us" she said, this time directing her speech to dick. her voice sounded like honey when it was being directed towards him. but the words she said made him angry, he didn't know why. maybe it's because they were true. dinah motioned with her hands for the man to move down into the booth so she could sit.
rachel moved anyway for helena to sit, wanting to see how this situation played out and if she could trust them. although before anyone could say anything a waiter came round to the table. he was a attractive young man, probably in college, grey eyes, blonde curly hair. he hadn't looked up from his notepad yet until dinah fake coughed. when he did look up a pink tinted his cheeks as he looked between the pretty girls, helena loved the effect she had over the boy. he quickly scratched his neck before running a hand through his hair and clearing his throat.
"sorry for the delay. anything i can get you?" he said avoiding eye contact with the girls. dinah had to stifle a laugh before placing a hand on top of the boys arm to take away the nerves he was feeling. the waiters confidence increased a little as his nerves disappeared and a small smile painted his face.
"it's okay. we're all good" dinah said dismissing the boy so they could continue the conversation. he merely nodded before walking away with the ghost of a blush.
"how'd you do that?" rachel asked with glittering eyes. helena only laughed at the girls inquisitiveness.
"rachel we should go" dick said in a stern tone before turning towards dinah as if telling her to move. the blonde showed no signs of moving.
"we just want to help you rachel. we know what you're going through, we're no strangers to the pain and confusion you're feeling. give us a call if you want to take up our offer" helena said before passing the girl a slip of paper with her phone number.
dinah then got up from her side of the booth and began to exit the cafe. helena smiled towards the two still sat before beginning to walk away.
after entering the car the two girls turned to each other with mischievous smirks. "i put the tracker on him" dinah said as she pulled her laptop out from the back seat. helena nodded as if saying she also placed the tracker on rachel.
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