( chapter three, brothels )
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WHEN KHIERA ARRIVED AT THE BROTHEL THE GIRLS WERE IN SHOCK TO SEE HER AFTER SHE DIDN'T RETURN THE NIGHT THE BEFORE. MADAME LILIANA WAS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND AND ROS AND GEMMA WERE THE FIRST TO SEE HER WHEN SHE STEPPED IN THROUGH THE DOOR. Ros quickly smiled at her as she got up from her seat, Rose was popular among the men, especially Theon Greyjoy who was a regular in the brothel. Khiera felt like a child once she stepped into the brothel, she heard moaning coming from one of the rooms and her cheeks turned a slight shade of pink.
"Khiera, where have you been?" Ros asked she put the piece of red hair behind her hair. She got up from her seat as Gemma simply looked at her nails and looked away from Khiera. Khiera felt awkward, the girls tended to pick on her sometimes but she saw more as sisters teasing each other than anything else.
"What are you wearing?" Gemma asked distastefully, she stood up and walked over towards Khiera while investigating her clothes. It wasn't the clothes that Liliana had given her and it wasn't the same fabric either. It was the servants clothes from the Starks.
Khiera could feel her heart starting to beat faster, "It's nothing," she lied. Gemma and Ros saw right through her. Ros acted more like her bigger sister and decided not to say anything but Gemma was like a viper. She was always ready to strike at any moment. She looked at Khiera with a condescending look.
She felt instantly uncomfortable at Gemma's glare as she touched her clothes, "Now, this looks oddly familiar, don't you think so, Ros?"
Ros rolled her eyes, "Leave her alone, Gemma,"
"You're not curious to find out why Khiera left to go visit her parents and she came back with completely different clothes and then never came back last night?" Khiera kept her head down to avoid her gaze and she wanted to hide but she couldn't. Gemma wouldn't let her out of her sight, "Tell us what happened, Khiera,"
"I met someone last night," she mumbled.
Gemma smiled, "Who did you meet?" she asked, "What sane person would let a whore in their own home and give them clothes."
Kheira felt herself growing irritated, "It was man, alright!" she slapped Gemma's hand away and walked away from her. She could hear Gemma laugh as soon as she answered, she felt her heart sink. They all treated her as a child and there were times where she wanted to stand up to herself but she could never bring herself to do it. Gemma would make her life a living hell is she did.
"A man?"
Khiera nodded her head, "What man?"
"Why do you care?" Khiera asked, "It's none of your business,"
The door to one of the rooms opened and Madame Liliana stepped out and she saw the two bickering, "What's going on here?" she asked as Ros sat down, her eyes landed on Khiera, "And where were you last night?"
"She was with a man," Gemma answered.
"Well, I hope you at least fucked him," Liliana said pushing the matter aside, "We have something very important to talk about, ladies," the other women in the brothel came out with their breasts exposed or covered in sheets or little clothing. Gemma sat down on a chair as she looked at Liliana.
"Is it about the King coming?" one of the girls asked curiously.
"I hear that the Imp is coming," one of them added while the others giggled.
Madame Liliana quickly hushed them, she didn't like it when the girls interrupted her. She often found it annoying which is why Khiera always kept quiet whenever she had an announcement to make. Khiera placed her hands on her lap as she looked at Liliana before she began to speak.
"With the King coming that means that many of his men will be coming here. We will need to be on our best behavior when they do come. Ros, you're usual will be the Stark's ward and we'll have to wait and see who else comes with them," Liliana started while looking at all the girls, she specifically looked at Khiera, Khiera hadn't done much work in a while due to an incident that happened a while ago, "You are dismissed, Khiera, Gemma, and Ros I need to talk to you,"
While the rest of the girls had gotten up and walked to their rooms to please the other men, the three of them stayed behind. Khiera felt nervous, it wasn't like Liliana to talk to the three of them together. Khiera slowly got up out of her seat and walked over towards Liliana. Ros stood with her arms crossed and Gemma stood with both hands on her hips.
"Now, ladies, tonight, we have three men coming in and I want you to do the job," she started, "Theon Greyjoy and two of his companions will be coming and I want you all to do your best work. Ros, you know the usual. As for Gemma and Khiera, I want you to please them, more than you would do with the other commoners. Understood?"
Gemma nodded her head, "Is Khiera even ready?"
Khiera didn't bother to say anything, she just looked at Liliana and Liliana simply rolled her eyes, "Well, she has to do something at one point. I cannot have her sitting around doing nothing. She's had time to recover since the incident. Khiera, do you think you will be ready? This is a very important opportunity for us."
Khiera nodded her head, "I can do it," she answered, "You can trust me to do the job,"
"Good, you better get ready then, they will be arriving soon,"
Khiera went up to her room where did most of her work. She sat in front of her mirror and looked at her reflection. She sometimes hated the way she looked compared to the other girls. They were all so confident in themselves and Khiera wished she looked like them. She let down her long dark hair and ran her fingers through it.
She applied the makeup that Liliana had given her and she applied it lightly over her face. She quickly changed into a different pair of clothes. The clothes was usually no use considering the men would take it off as soon as they saw her.
Khiera got up and left her room where she caught up with Gemma, who was already ready for her nightly encounter.
"You look adorable, Khiera," she commented with a smirk on her face.
Khiera took in a deep breath, "Thank you, Gemma,"
"Now, you don't want to disappoint Madame Liliana tonight. The men that Theon Greyjoy is bringing are very important. Good luck," she started, "I think yours just walked into the room,"
Khiera took in a deep breath as she turned her back on Gemma as she giggled. Khiera stood in front of the door as her hand grazed the metal handle. She didn't want to do it, but it Liliana was depending on her to do the job. She wanted to prove Gemma and the other girls wrong, she was strong enough to do it. It was just one night. One man. After that, she didn't have to worry anymore.
Khiera twisted the door knob and opened the door. The man was sitting on the bed but he was looking down and couldn't see his face. Once she closed the door, he looked up and Khiera froze in place. Her heart dropped to her stomach and she was frozen in fear. She stopped breathing for a brief moment before she took in a shaky breath.
The familiar azure eyes looked back at her in shock. She knew the man. She didn't want him to know what she did and now he did.
It was Robb Stark.
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