"Yep! You definitely won't be able to perform tomorrow night. Tommy would be so angry but this is so worth it," Nova said as she examined the handprints on my ass cheeks from the lingerie she planned to make me wear at the club.
"Totally! But I still can't believe he went so hard on you," Raven squealed while she simultaneously hit my arm gently with her fists. "Hey, we can go to Angela's live-streaming party since we can't go to the club," Raven suggested, earning a nod from both Nova and me. Angela had invited me and my girls to join her live-streaming show but because I knew I would have to perform at Oniria, I had told her I had plans.
"But what are we going to tell Tommy?" I questioned.
"Umm... That you're sick. You have a cold and you can't possibly dance while you're sick, Right? I'll call Tommy and let him know," Nova said while shaking her phone. "But if he tries to get angry, tell him I said I'd quit," I said.
A day later, I was getting ready with Reality by my side, "I don't like it, You were at your friend's place last night and now you're going out again," She folded her arms on her chest, pouting while she whined. I pulled her closer to me and got her to sit on my lap.
"I'm sorry, Sweetheart... but I'll be back in time to take you to school and we can go have ice cream after school," I said, bribing her. She nodded and gave me a hug, distracting Raven who was styling my hair.
A few minutes later, the girls and I were dressed and ready to head out. We also took Reality back to her place, Raven and Nova didn't miss a chance to tease me by wiggling their eyebrows. Down at the parking lot, the girls took a few pictures of me with the Porsche before we headed to Angela's apartment.
"Hi, Wraya! I'm so glad you could make it. The girls are in, waiting for you," She welcomed me into her apartment, ignoring Nova and Raven's existence. "Hello!" Raven, who was excited to meet the celebrity, greeted them enthusiastically.
"...Erm Hi," Angela replied. "Boba, right?" She directed her words to Nova. "No, It's Nova, Her manager and this is Raven, her assistant," Nova reestablished.
"Oh, C'mon Wraya. The girls are in my studio,"
The night went like that and we were back home, "Wraya, Wraya, Wraya, Wraya," Nova ran and barged into my room. "You would not believe what just happened!" Raven walked into the room and said.
"I just heard that Azura was rushed to the emergency room because she was attacked by a homeless man on the streets who beat her mercilessly. Diamond sent a pic," Nova showed me her phone and a picture of Gift was displayed.
Her face was swollen and red and some parts were ripped off. She looked like she was attacked by a hungry tiger and it almost brought a smile to my face but I had to hold it in to hide the fact that I was behind the attack.
"...and she was stabbed a couple of times too," Raven added.
Good. Neel was really good at his job and he deserved to get paid. I was sure Gift would know I planned the attack and I wanted her to regret messing with me. Now, She knew to not run her mouth and mess with a Serial killer's daughter.
"You don't seem sad to know she was attacked. Is it because of the fight you guys had? About the fight, what was she talking about? What does she mean when she says you are a serial killer's daughter?" Raven questioned, causing me to sigh. I didn't want them to ask me questions regarding what Gift had blurted out... and their asking questions only confirmed to me that I did the right thing by ordering the attack.
"I mean, we don't know anything about you. The other day, a nurse called about your mom who was in a coma and you replied so coldly. You never told us you had family members. We know absolutely nothing about you or your past. We're friends, you know everything about us and we think we also deserve to know things about you too,"
"What do you want to know?" The girls were right, they deserved to know things about me as I knew about them. They've only treated me with nothing but love and support, the only thing I could hope is that they don't become a jealous freak like Gift. Even if they do, I would just get rid of them.
"Your Family,"
"Well, As Azura said, My dad killed someone and when he got arrested, the entire town turned against us and I got bullied by the entire school. We moved to this city, where my brother was going to college at, and I met Gift at my new high school. She was so nice to me and I confided in her as a friend but she just had to blurt everything out in front of everyone. I say she deserved what happened to her," I explained but the girls only responded by exchanging looks.
"What about your mom?"
"When my dad got arrested, she inconvenienced everyone by acting crazy and caused my brother's death then she slipped into a coma when she heard he died. I started working at Oniria because I needed to pay her hospital bills," Thinking about it deeply, my parents were the obstacle in my life. They made my life a living nightmare when I was around them and when I refused to get associated with them, I got everything I've ever wanted. Money, Fame, and Power.
"Your brother died because of your mom?" Nova and Raven exchanged looks again before stepping closer to me. "We're really sorry, You went through a lot and I could see why you didn't want to tell anybody. I mean, bullied by an entire school and the Town because of your dad's wrongdoings and a mom inconveniencing her children and led one of them to his death? They are evil parents and I totally agree leaving her at the hospital. I don't have parents but I know you're doing the most by paying expensive bills at a private hospital. It must have been hard,"
It had been two weeks since Wraya and I had become an official couple and I couldn't be happier. A lovely daughter and a beautiful girlfriend, it felt like my life was complete. In the car, driving towards Chomrhade, I averted my gaze to the empty passenger's seat I was used to seeing Wraya on and the car felt empty without her.
Parking my car, I got startled at Neel who was standing right outside and waving at me with his creepy smile, "Ahh!" I yelped. "The fuck!" I mumbled. "What are you doing here?" I questioned as I got out of the car.
"I'm waiting for you. As your certified assistant, I'm aware of everything you do. Now come, the boss is waiting for you." Neel abruptly pulled my arm and dragged me towards the building. I know, he was getting more bolder and I would take his head one day.
A few minutes later, we were in the boss's office and Neel took a seat comfortably on the sofa with his legs crossed and placed on the table. The boy feared no one. "Hello, Taehyung, Neel get your legs off my table or I'll cut it off," The boss said but Neel didn't heed to his threats.
"What's with the bosses and cutting body parts? You said you'll take my head and he said he'll take my legs," He said and finally put his legs down after he saw the boss grabbing a pistol from his drawer, knowing fully well that the boss would do it.
"Taehyung, I have big news for you. I'm retiring," He declared and returned the gun. "Isn't that news more directed to you?" Neel said to the boss, earning a file getting thrown at, by the boss.
"I'm retiring and Taehyung will be the new boss,"
It wasn't news to me that I would be the new boss when he retires but it was news to me that he would be retiring so soon. Neel on the other hand, screamed like an infected dolphin. "I'm going to be the boss's assistant!!!" He screamed, earning another file thrown by the boss. "IF..." the boss said.
"If he completes his mission,"
"What mission?" I was just as confused as Neel was.
You could see that Wraya turned herself to the victim and labelled her parents as evil. She didn't do this on purpose, that is her way of thinking. She thinks everyone does things because of HER. She is a narcissist, in other words, delulu pro max.
Q; Who do you think is more evil and dangerous? Wraya who is a narcissist and would probably kill anyone who she doesn't like if she could OR Taehyung who takes order from the organisation and now, Wraya.
Or I will kill Taehyung during his said 'mission' and give y'all a bad ending.
I could actually do that because I HAVE THE POWER TO *cackling*
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