𝐒𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐈𝐈𝐈
Sunday, December 6, 2002
The train rumbled by warehouses and tall buildings, but all I could think of was the glare of the sun on my face, which caused me to squint. From behind me, I could hear children playing with toys and conversing, as well as the rustle of newspapers. Outside the window, everything was a haze, a smudged picture.
"You ride this train too?" I heard a familiar voice say.
I sat up, clearing my throat. "Hey, Sarah..."
She sat down, moving her hair behind her ear. "Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend?"
I glanced out the window, catching a glimpse of a stray cat. "No, he's at work"
She pulled her phone out, raising it in the air. "Smile" I looked at the camera posing as if it were a photoshoot. She took the picture, tapping away on her phone. "All my friends think you're hot, by the way," she giggled.
She laid her phone on her lap. "Yes really, I wish you'd hang out with everyone some time."
"I do-" she gave me a look. "Okay fine maybe I don't but I say hi"
She rolled her eyes. "How about you go out tonight with me and Pete?" Going out with them sounds like trouble, but I guess I owe Pete...
"Sure, I'll go... but aren't I a bit old?"
She mushed my arm. "You are only 24. Stop acting 30!" the train stopped, causing a few people to get up.
"Wait, how old are you?"
"I'm 22, Joseph. See, you're proving my point," she teased, nudging my shoulder. My phone buzzed, taking both of our attention.
Come home, we have to talk.
I sighed, putting my phone in my pocket. "I gotta go but see you tonight".
She smiled, waving me goodbye.
The ride home was long and tedious, but that's the fun of taking trains to random places, right? You see new faces and new places. How things have changed... now it's just a thinking ride. But I should focus on what's going on now. I opened the front door, and every ounce of happiness drained from me. He was sitting on the couch, drinking vodka.
"You're drinking?"
He slurred, patting the sofa beside him, "Babe, I missed you..." he took another sip, knocking over a lamp. "M- Maybe a little. I'll fix that tomorrow..."
I sat beside him, taking the bottle out of his hand. "You're relapsing again..."
Taking my hand, he rubbed it. The dazed look in his hazel eyes just brought up memories. Seeing him drunk always made me feel rotten. Like a bad apple in a patch of plump red ones.
"Can't you have some fun? We're still in our 20s..."
The problem is, that he was never ready for a relationship or responsibility. Hard to think about, but maybe that's the reason for all this..."I'm going out with Sarah and Pete. I have to get ready." I let go of his hand, making my way up the stairs.
"Can I come too?" He pouted. I stopped looking down at his drunken state.
"You've been drinking enough. Stay home and I'll have a surprise for you, "I stated, winking at him. I didn't feel like having sex with him. But that was the only way to make him stay. Kind of desperate when I say it to myself, says a lot about our relationship. Think positive...
What do I wear to a club... I picked out a white t-shirt with some old jeans I hadn't worn in a while and some white shoes. Good enough I think... I made my way downstairs, getting a stare from Sarah and him.
"You look S-Sexy," he murmured, wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Give me a second, Sarah," she nodded, going to the bathroom. "Hey, I have to go. We'll do whatever you want later, okay?"
He slapped my ass before going up the stairs. "See you later than sexy" how embarrassing...
I got in the backseat, getting a glance from Pete. His smile was huge, kind of nice but scary. There was something about being in the backseat, made me feel powerless in a way, like i was a child.
"So no lunch but clubbing EVEN better!"
"You know I'm actually doing this for you. I appreciate you taking her to lunch."
He glanced through the rearview mirror, smiling. "Actually, I wanted to thank you for that cause we're dating!" That explains why she didn't book another appointment...
"Weird to ask cause she's my patient, but how is she?"
He chuckled, handing me a lollipop. "No work talk today, Sarah's orders." I rolled my eyes, unwrapping the lollipop. Haven't had one of these in a while. I stuffed it in my mouth and it tasted amazing. It'd been such a long time since I tasted something cherry-flavored.
Sarah got in the car, slamming the door. "Alright let's go!" she looked back at me sucking on the lollipop. "You look like a Sexy Manbaby," she giggled, looking at herself in the mirror. Never noticed how pretty she is. Herlong brown hair complimented her semi-pale skin and rosy cheeks well. She reminded me of Alice from that book. What was it? Alice in wonderland I believe, It was always my favorite book when I was a child. Pete started the car, and we were off to wonderland I suppose.
The club was louder than I was used to, and I got looks and stares from all directions. "Sarah! " I yelled, getting her attention. "They're all staring at me."
She smirked, wrapping her arm around my waist. "You're hot. I keep telling you this."
"Hey, you guys, I'm gonna get us some drinks," Pete shouted.
"We'll be here," Sarah replied, guiding me to a booth. I focused my attention on the dance floor. People were smiling and dancing to the beat. "You know if you wanna dance, I'll go with you."
My eyes widened like a deer in the headlights. "Let's do it..." I squeaked, trying to figure out if it was a good idea or not. A grin grew on her face and soon enough we were on the dancefloor, she moved her hips to the beat swaying back and forth.
"So, what am I supposed to do?" I shouted.
"Move your body to the beat." I moved my hands a little to the melody. She chuckled, grabbing my hand and twirling herself. "There you go. Now actually move your feet and just be free. " I moved my feet, trying to follow her orders.
"Joseph just let go of everything for a moment and I promise you'll enjoy it,"
I focused on the music. Every small instrument I could hear and found myself moving to the lyrics. I felt so alive, something I hadn't felt in a while. It was exhilarating. Shredding off dead was how it felt and with every move of my hips and arms, the louder the music got in my head. Blocking out everything.
"You two seem to be having fun!" Pete shouted, handing us the drinks. I downed mine, handing him the glass.
His eyes went wide as he looked at Sarah. "Joseph! Dancing? This is a dream."
She shook her head, downing her drink. "It sure is! Now drink up and dance with us,"
He downed his drink before joining us. We all danced, smiling and laughing. The strobe lights made the experience even better. Madonna was playing and I immediately recognized the song. My mother always played this song at every party or event we threw and my mouth moved with the lyrics. "I don't wanna hear, I don't wanna know. Please don't say you're sorry..."
"Hey, can I steal him for a dance?" a guy with a hood on shouted looking at me.
"You can, when we see your face," Sarah responded continuing to dance.
A small chuckle escaped the hooded figure. "Maybe next time," He responded, walking away.
"What a weirdo," Pete muttered.
"We won't let anyone steal you, promise," Sarah laughed. After that weird experience, we went back to dancing and drinking. The rest of the night was gold until Sarah became WAY too drunk to operate. We called it a night at that point. But I still wanted to keep going...
"Joseph, seriously, we need to get you out more." Sarah slurred, raising her finger, drunk as ever.
"I agree with that". I smiled, picking her up bridal style out of the car.
"See you guys tomorrow," Pete chuckled, pulling out of the driveway.
I opened the door, immediately laying her on the couch. "I'll get you a blanket."
Grabbing my hand, she stopped me from moving. "I know I'm drunk.. but- did you have fun?" She didn't know half of it. I've never had this much fun in my life, not even as a kid.
"I had the time of my life, now sleep."
She nodded, dozing off. I made my way up the stairs, going into a closet for a cover. "You were partying?" Sebastian said from behind me. I moved past him, going back down the stairs, laying the cover over her. "You gonna answer me?" He shouted.
I raised my finger, motioning him not to wake her. He followed me up the stairs into our room. "Yes, why?"
His face molded into a frown. "So you lied to me so you could go out and party with a girl and some dude?"
I shrugged him off before walking into the bathroom. "Their names are Sarah and Pete"
He walked in, turning me towards him. "I don't give a fuck who they are. You lied to me"
"And you haven't?" I snapped. He's talking to me about lying?
He rubbed his head in frustration. "You gonna hold that over me forever?"
I don't know if it was me or the alcohol, but I could feel myself feeling the same feeling from that day. "I- I'm trying to forget, okay" "I know I said I could get over it, but you-" I struggled to say anything. Not even a letter.
"Baby, don't cry, I'm sorry, okay? Let's just go to bed."
You're supposed to be strong, joseph. Crying is what weak men do, my father always told me. I wiped my eyes, walking past him. "I'll sleep in the guest room."
He took my wrist and drew me into an embrace. "Joseph stay, I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry..." I pushed him off, walking out of the room.
"Don't trust in people, they only lie," my mother said, and she was right.
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What's your favorite fruit? Let me know in the comments!
Hope you enjoyed the Chapter!
Sincerely, R.J
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