24 | trouble
song: Trouble by Valerie Broussard
(this song is so awesome and
literally perfect for this chapter)
warning!: this is gonna suck cuz its been a while since ive written this story :)
Fred rushed over to them and shielded Lin, even though she wasn't in danger of the blast.
"Dobby get out of here!" Harry yelled. Just in time before Umbitch entered with her exquisitorial squad, Dobby disapparated. "Everybody RUN!"
Fred lifted Lin so she could stand and they ran together out the door. In the hallway, Lin noticed Harry wasn't behind them. But the sea of panicking students pushed them forward.
Their punishment was the infamous blood quills. The ones that Harry had to endure for his various detentions. Today's was the third session this week. (this happens for like a month in the book, but we aint got time for that)
To say Fred was furious was an understatement. It was one thing to hurt him. But to hurt his family, friends, and girlfriend, too? Umbitch would learn to regret it very soon.... (lmao that sounds evil i—)
When that day's punishment session was finished, the quartet and the twins sat down in the common room.
Fred gently rubbed Lin's hand where the scar was, while she laid her head on his shoulder.
"We've decided we don't care about getting in trouble anymore." George spoke for him and Fred.
Ron laughed. "Have you ever?"
"Well, we've never gotten expelled, have we?" Fred grinned. "We've always known where to draw the line."
"We might have put a toe across it occasionally." said George.
"But we've always stopped short of causing real mayhem." said Fred.
"But now—?" Lin asked.
"Well now—" George answered.
"—what with Dumbledore gone—"
"—we reckon a bit of mayhem—"
"—is exactly what our dear new Head deserves." finished Fred.
"No!" Hermione whispered. "You can't! She'd love a reason to expel you!"
Fred smiled at his girlfriend's best friend. "You don't get it do you, Hermione? We don't care about staying anymore. We'd walk out right now if we weren't determined to do our bit for Dumbledore first."
"So anyway," George checked his watch, "phase one is about to begin. I'd get in the Great Hall for your OWLs if I were you. That way the teachers will see you can't have had anything to do with it."
Hermione asked anxiously, "Anything to do with what?"
"You'll see." George said. "Run along now."
Fred whispered lowly in Lin's ear so no one else could hear. "Bye, love." And gave her a quick peck on her cheek.
Kai understood immediately. He and George were leaving Hogwarts.
Fred cleared his throat. "Let's go out with a bang, George."
"Bang!" George said enthusiastically as they ran up the stairs.
During her OWL exam, something was bugging Lin. How exactly were Fred and George going to go out with a bang?
Her answer came in the literal form of a loud bang that echoed in the large Hall.
Tonight Lin needed some fresh air so she decided to take a stroll around the castle.
That is until she heard soft crying and whimpering. Following the sound, it took Lin to the front of Umbridge's office. There, a small Gryffindor boy that looked to be maybe in his second year was seated on the stone bench.
He was holding his left hand and trying to cry as quietly as possible.
Lin walked up to him slowly and kneeled down in front of him. "Hey... are you alright?" She said in her softest voice possible.
The boy gasped at the sudden presence. "I'm so
s-s-sorry for being out late! You're not a p-prefect are you?!" He panicked.
"Well I mean, I am but—"
"Sorry miss! I'll go back straight to my common room!" He tried to get up but Lin stopped him.
"Shh.. No, it's okay. I won't report you or anything." She gently rubbed his arm and sat down next to him. "Don't worry. You're not in trouble. What's your name?"
"Michael...." He still held his left hand and winced slightly.
Lin noticed it. "Does it hurt?" She wasn't the best at comforting people, but this was her best effort.
Michael nodded slightly, there were now no more tears streaming down his face and he'd calmed down.
"Hey look." Lin showed him her left hand where words were scarred too. "I have that too."
"Does it go away?" Michael asked timidly.
Before she could answer, Lin heard shuffling coming from around the corner. "Whoever's there, I'm a prefect. So show yourselves." Lin said in a much harsher tone than what she used with the small boy.
There was a moment of silence until two red heads appeared. Fred's head popped from behind the corner of the wall, followed by George's.
"Love... fancy seeing you here.."
"What are you two doing?" Lin demanded, as the twins came out of their corner and walked to where they sat.
"Well we were just taking a midnight stroll toget— OW." Fred yelped as George hit him on the back of the head.
"We were following you." George's eyes fell on Michael and he squatted down in front of him, followed by Fred. "Why hello..."
"What's wrong kid?" Fred asked in a gentle tone.
Lin answered for him, "He got into detention with Umbridge."
"Oh I see.." George nodded in understanding. "What's your name?"
"M-Michael," he stuttered out.
"Michael, it's going to be fine." George said.
"Yeah, it's not as bad as it seems." said Fred. "Look, ours is fading already."
He brought up his right hand to show the boy the light pink letters.
"Hey Michael." Lin whispered as if it were a top secret thing. "How about I sneak you some Essence of Murtlap to help—"
The four gryffindors jumped slightly at the infamous sound of Umbridge's arrival. She was standing in front of her office door in a bright, bubblegum pink nightgown and robe.
Lin, Fred, and George stood up and stepped forward. Fred protectively stood in front of Lin.
"As I've said before," Umbridge said in a sickly sweet voice. "Naughty children deserve to be punished."
She gave a high pitched chortle before turning around and walking away.
"You know George," Fred said from in front of Lin. "I've always felt our futures lay outside the world of academic achievements."
"Fred, I've been thinking exactly the same thing."
Lin looked up to see the twins smirking mischievously at each other. She had no idea what they were planning.
Here comes trouble...
i have bad news... I will be ending this book soon. and by soon i mean once harry's fifth year is over and ive written extras for Fri and the epilogue
can you believe it??? ive basically written a whole ass book
ps: is fred left handed? idk but ima make him one
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