09 | potentially problematic
song: I'm Not Ok by Weathers
(the figure looks just like Lana Condor doesn't it? Instead of having Cho as Cedric's stolen thing, it'll be Hermione and Lin will be Viktor's)
"Harry you told me you'd figured the egg out weeks ago. The task is two days from now." I sighed.
"Really? I had no idea." Harry says sarcastically. "I suppose Viktor and Cedric has already figured it out."
"I wouldn't know, we didn't actually talk about the tournament. Actually we didn't really talk at all, mostly he watches me study. It's a bit annoying actually."
"Speaking of Cedric... he said he was looking for you. Maybe he's going to tell you what to do?" Hermione says.
Harry told us what Cedric suggested: to put the egg underwater.
"Come seek us where our voices sound." Harry read aloud.
"The black lake, that's obvious." Hermione said.
"An hour long you'll have to look."
"Again obvious, though I must admit potentially
problematic." I say.
"Potentially problematic? When was the last time you held your breath under the water for an hour Lin?" Harry asks.
"Never. I can't swim."
"Look Harry, we can do this. The four of us can figure it out." Hermione reassures.
Mad-Eye Moody appears in the doorway. "Hate to break up this scholar session but Professor McGonagall would like to see you in her office." We all start to walk towards the exit of the library. "Not you Potter, just Weasley, Toh, and Granger."
I cast one last glance at him and mouth 'you'll do fine.' (why does that remind me of when Barney told those exact words to Clarice before her first time meeting Hannibal?)
When the three of us enter Professor McGonagall's office a young girl is already inside. She looks just like a mini-Fleur. Must be her sister.
"Thank you for joining me Miss Granger, Miss Toh, and Mr Weasley." McGonagall greeted. "As I was about to explain to Miss Delacour, you four will be needed for the second task."
"How so?" Hermione asked.
"Each champion will have to go into the black lake and retrieve a prized possession. In this case, you will be Mr Diggory's." She explained.
"How will we be able to breathe underwater for an hour?" I questioned skeptically.
"You will be put under a sleeping charm. I assure you it is very safe. If your champion does not retrieve you, we will."
(the actual spell for the charm is unknown so...)
I woke up once I resurfaced on the water of the black lake. Viktor held onto my waist as he swam for the both of us to the stands. People were cheering 'Krum! Krum! Krum!'
He helped me up onto the platform before getting on there himself. Madame Pomfrey wrapped a towel around me, and then Viktor.
"Are vou okay?" Viktor asked once Madame Pomfrey check me.
"I'm fine. Are you okay?"
"Perfectly alright." He leaned in for a kiss and I did too.
"Lin!" Someone yelled I turned around to see Fred making his way through the crowd to reach me. "Are you okay?" he asked when he did.
"Oh, now you care?"
"Of course I bloody care!"
George comes up from behind Fred an put a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, mate. She's probably in shock. Just sort this out later in private."
When they go back to the stands, Viktor asks, "What was that all about?"
"Nothing. I just slapped him after the yule ball."
His eyes widen and something else shows in his eyes. Amusement?
I look around the platform and see Cedric with Hermione and Fleur. But no Harry, Ron, or Fleur's little sister. I stand up and walk over to Hermione.
"Have you seen Harry?" She asks me.
"No. He isn't back yet." We stare at the black lake but see no movement.
Then I see red and blonde hair come up, coughing. Ron swims with Gabrielle in his arms. Once he reaches the platform I rush to the water and pick Gabrielle up and get her out.
I take my towel off and wrap it around her. "Are you okay?" I ask her.
"'es. I am vine." She says with a thick French accent.
I then see Harry fly out of the water and land on the deck.
"You saved her, even though she wasn't yours to save. My little sister!" Fleur thanks Harry and then gives him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you! And you..." She looks at Ron. "You helped!" She gives him a kiss on the cheek.
Then she turns to me. "And you helped!" She hugs me. No kiss. But I hug back anyways.
"It was no problem." I tell her.
Hermione comes up to Harry with another towel. "Are you alright? You must be freezing! Personally I think you behaved admirably." Hermione kisses Harry on the head. I go up and hug him.
"Woah, public affection from Lin? I must've done really good." We all laugh.
"Attention! Attention! The winner is...
Mr Diggory!" Dumbledore announces to the student body.
Cedric and his friends cheer.
The headmaster continues, "—For showing unique command of the bubblehead
shark. The way I see it, Mr Potter would have finished first had it not been for his determination to rescue not only Mr Weasley but the others as well. We've agreed to award him second place! For outstanding moral fibre."
The Durmstrang students booed.
"Well done Harry!" I told him.
Fred and George helped us off our boat and onto the dock.
"All that moral fibre eh?" Fred teases.
Ron realizes, "Blimey even when you go wrong it turns out right."
"Well done 'moral fibre'." George teases.
I walk on with Hermione all the way back to our dorms.
"What a day." I say after I took a nice warm bath.
"I'll say." Hermione sighed. "So what about that drama on the dock with Fred?"
I sigh too. "I'll get to it when he approaches me again."
"Well... alright then. Just make sure you and Fred make up." She turns off her lamp light. "Good night."
"Night 'Mione."
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