05 | triwizard champions
song: Flawless by The Neighbourhood
The past few of my days have been filled with nothing but classes, sleeping, eating, and studying.
I'm currently at the library when someone enters and runs into one of the aisles. I was busy looking for a book, I didn't pay attention he had ran into my aisle.
As I took a step back to get a broader view of the shelf, he ran up to me and we crashed, making the book in my hand drop and us along with it.
I landed on my back, which hurt. When I finally looked to see who it was that I bumped into, it was Viktor Krum.
"I vam very sorry." Viktor Krum said with a thick Bulgarian accent.
"It's alright, it was particularly my fault." I say.
He stand up and offers me his hand, which I gratefully accept. "Viktor Krum." He introduces himself while picking up my fallen and forgotten book.
"Thanks." I say when he hands me my book. "I'm Lin Toh."
After that we start casually chatting. He told me he was running from a group of crazy fangirls. I answer the questions he has about Hogwarts and we get to know each other a little bit.
Cedric Diggory was being physically pushed by his friends to put his name into the fire.
When he did, his friends cheered and clapped. He looks over to Hermione, right next to me, and smiles and winks.
As he was walking past Harry and Ron, Ron waved at him but got no response back.
"Eternal glory, be brilliant wouldn't it? In three years from now we'll be old enough to be choosen." Ron said to Harry.
"Yeah well rather you than me." is Harry's response.
Then the twins come in from the huge doors and start cheering, holding up something in their hand. People clap and cheer for them.
They go to the benches were I'm seated at and announces to everyone, "Thank you thank you, well lads we've done it." George tells the crowd.
"Cooked it up just this morning." Fred says. Ah, an aging potion.
"It's not going to work." I blurt out. They smile and head to where I'm seated, book in lap.
"Oh yeah? And why's that, Toh?" Fred asks when he's right by my head.
"You see this?" I point to the aura-y wisp that surrounds the goblet of fire. "This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself." Hermione nods along to what I'm saying.
"So?" I scoff at George's comment.
"So... a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by something pathetically dimwitted such as an age potion." Lin explains to the seaweed brains.
"That's why it's so brilliant." George says.
"Because it's so pathetically dimwitted." Fred finishes. They stand up on my bench.
"Ready, Fred?"
"Ready, George?"
"Bottoms up!" they say at the same time then down the aging potion and jump into the aging circle.
People cheer when nothing happens. But when they go to put their names in, nothing happens at first then wisps of the fire come out and shoot Fred and George away.
I knew it.
When they get up, they start to instantly grow white hair and beards.
"You said..."
"You said..."
They roll around the ground and the crowd cheers, "Fight! Fight!" Or at least that's what Ronald is doing. I open my book back up and begin reading.
The hall suddenly becomes silent. I look up to see what happened.
Viktor Krum has entered with Karkaroff and some other dude. He makes a beeline towards the goblet of fire and puts his name in. He looks at me when he puts the piece if parchment in. I slightly smile back, remembering when we crashed into each other in the library.
"Sit down please. And now the moment you've all been waiting for, the champions selection!" Dumbledore announces. I sat on top of our tabletop next to Hermione.
He uses his hand to dim the fire lighting the great hall for a dramatic effect. Then Dumbledore turns to the goblet and touches it, probably casting a spell.
He steps back and waits for the blue fire to turn red.
A paper flies out of the fire and the headmaster catches it. "The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum." he reads out loud to everyone.
His friends cheer and he stands and walks toward Dumbledore, shaking his hand.
The fire turns red again and another piece of paper flies out. Headmaster Dumbledore catches it and reads aloud, "The champion of Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour." People cheer for the half-veela while the other Beauxbatons girls clap. Some even cry.
She stands and makes her way to the headmaster, smiling, also shaking his hand. Dumbledore leads her to the room Viktor is waiting in.
The third and final parchment flies out. This time he'll announce the Hogwarts champion. This is the moment the whole school has been waiting for.
"The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!"
Everyone cheers, especially Hermione. I nudge her with an elbow playfully and she nudges back. I clap for him, even though he beat Gryffindor in quidditch last year, he's a decent dude.
He stands up, shakes the headmaster's hand, and follows where the other champions went.
"Excellent! We now have our three champions. But in the end, only one will go down in history. One one will hoist this chalice of champions." Mr Crouch walks out with something in his hands that covered in a cloth and sets it down on a stand. "This vessel of victory."
"The Triwizard Cup." Dumbledore turns and points to the object Mr Crouch brought out. Crouch pulls the cover off, revealing a big trophy-like chalice. It seems to glow a bright blue.
The teachers then look confused, the goblet of fire is acting out. Headmaster Dumbledore approaches it cautiously.
The fire turns red for the fourth time. Another piece of paper comes out. A fourth champion? Dumbledore catches it, "Harry Potter? Harry Potter?" He looks around the great hall. No one claps for this champion.
I turn to look back at Harry in front of me, he slumps down, trying to hide.
"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore yells out.
"Go on, Harry." Hermione tells him.
"Harry for goodness sake." I push him up. Ron looks angry when Harry stands and slowly walks to the headmaster.
Dumbledore looks mad as well. He hands Harry the parchment. Harry looks down at it and is shocked.
He continues walking toward the room where the champions are waiting.
"He's a cheat!" someone yells.
"He's not even seventeen yet!" another person yells.
As he passes by all the professors, they look at him disappointedly.
Dumbledore walks into the champions' room a few minutes later after whispering to the faculty. Hermione turns to me, "What do you think is going to happen?"
I sigh. "I don't know."
A/N: Now the good sh!t it happening!
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