03 | curiouser and curiouser
song: Teenagers by My Chemical Romance
As we arrived at Hogwarts, a carriage was in the sky, being pulled by a group pegasusses. (I googled the correct plural form) Everyone rushed over to get a good view.
"Well, there's something you don't see everyday." I commented.
On the Black Lake, what looked like a small boat was sailing on the waters. Then the small boat rose up and revealed a large ship. The sails were let down and it showed a dark red emblem. It sailed toward the castle.
Dumbledore stood in front of the professor's table at his usual podium as he spoke, "Now we're all settled and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement." The big door of the great hall opened to Filch jogging in, heading towards Dumbledore.
"This castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well." Filch kept jogging, it was probably actually his running. He's probably going to have a heart attack soon.
"You see, Hogwarts has been chosen—" the tired man finally reached the headmaster and started whispering something to him. After a minute, Filch turned back toward the door and 'ran' back.
"So—" Headmaster Dumbledore continued. "Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event: the Triwizard Tournament."
People from all tables were surprised and started whispering.
"Now for those of you who do not know, the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests." the headmaster explained. His eyes were twinkling with a gleam from the light through his half-moon glasses. "For each school, a single student is selected to compete."
"Let me be clear, if chosen you stand alone. And trust me when I say — these contests are not for the faint-hearted." he warned. "But more of that later." he waved off.
"Please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic! And their headmistress Madame Maxime." Dumbledore introduced.
On cue, girls wearing pretty, light periwinkle blue dresses and funny looking matching hats, entered the great hall. The walked up, stopped, and gestured one hand toward their right side to the kids sitting their and sighed? Moaned? Something.
The did it over and over again switching from right to left, which is where we were sitting. Ron looked absolutely flabbergasted. Then they Beauxbatons girls hurried their pace.
Ron glanced down at their arses when they passed.
"Bloody hell."
"Don't be such a pervert." I remarked to Ron.
"Oh, shut up."
They stopped when they reached the end of the long tables and magically let out blue butterflies. Then they got into positions. Their headmistress was a very tall woman wearing a long velvety dress with a standing out grey collar made of feathers or fur. She must be part giant.
"Blimey, that's one big woman." said Seamus.
Their entrance was coming towards an end. A small, young girl in a gymnastics-like piece did flips and a beautiful girl in the Beauxbatons uniform twirled. Both girls then joined hands and all the Beauxbatons students bowed.
Everyone except Hermione and me started clapping. I don't know Hermione's excuse, but I just didn't feel like putting in the effort and their show wasn't quite entertaining. The guys especially, went wild by whistling and cheering.
Professor Dumbledore kissed Madame Maxime's hand. Then stepped back up and turned back towards us Hogwarts students. He raised his hands to silence the clapping and cheering. Yes— they were still going at it.
"And now our friends from the north, please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their high master Igor Karkaroff."
A series of older boys with shaved heads and staffs entered the hall wearing brown clothes and coats and black boots. Some had furry hats. They tapped their staffs on the stone ground and then raised it to its side. They tapped it again on the ground then spun it. It made a glow that showed its motion when it spun.
They began to run up the middle aisle of the great hall.
Now this is interesting.
Some people gasped by their sudden movement. One of them did flips when he reached the front of the hall.
Filch was standing in the middle of the doorway mesmerized and confused.
A man and a boy walked past him. The boy was wearing a brown coat and clothes like everyone else, except he wasn't just an ordinary boy. He was Viktor Krum, the Bulgarian quidditch seeker from the world cup. Curiouser and curiouser. The man must be the high master of Durmstrang. He was wearing a white coat and a tall furry hat. He had mustache and beard.
"Blimey it's him!" Ron said in a weak voice. "Viktor Krum!"
Two Durmstrang boys now were blowing fire from their wands to create a sort of bird made of fire.
Headmaster Dumbledore greeted Karkaroff with open arms.
"Hogwarts!" Dumbledore called to the whole student body. "Let's entertain our friends in the best way we can. All stand!" Everyone stood up.
"Maestro please."
He conjured a magical fake 'parchment' that showed lyrics.
"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts, teach us something please." Everyone sang. I simply just mouthed the lyrics.
"Why aren't you singing?" Fred whispered from next to me as everyone else sang on.
"I don't sing in public." I said in a monotone.
The Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students all looked weirded out. Honestly I am too. I bet they're thinking: 'Did they just- start singing?'
"Dead flies and bits of fluff—" Oh god, they've started waving their hands. "—so teach us things worth knowing. Bring back what we've forgot. Just do your best, we'll do the rest, and learn until our brains all rot." Charming song really...
"Your attention please!" Dumbledore calls out to the great hall. "I would like to say a few words. Eternal glory, that is what awaits the student who wins the triwizard tournament. But to do this that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks."
Fred smiles at that. "Wicked." he says.
The headmaster continues, "For this reason the ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule. To explain all this we have the head of the department of international magic cooperation Mister Bartimus Crouch."
Thunder breaks out in the -supposed to be- enchanted sky above our heads and rain start to leak through the roof. Several people scream, whimps.
A strange man stands in the doorway and points his wand toward the sky. He casts some spell and seals the roof.
"Bloody hell, it's Mad-Eye Moody." Ron says.
"Alastor Moody?" Hermione asks.
"The auror?" I ask.
"He was a catcher. Half the cells in Azkaban are full thanks to him. He's supposed to be mad as a hatter though these days." Ron explains to the confused faces.
Mad-Eye Moody starts to walk toward Dumbledore with a limp. He looks at all the kids through his mechanical eye. His gaze seems to be on a figure across the table from me. Harry Potter.
"My dear old friend, thanks for coming." Dumbledore greets him.
"That stupid roof." he grunts back. Then he opens up a weird flask and takes a drink out of it.
"What's he drinking?" Dean asks.
"I don't know." Harry replies.
"I don't think it's pumpkin juice." I say.
The head of the department of international magic cooperation Bartimus Crouch steps forward. "After much deliberation the ministry has concluded that for their own safety no student under the age of seventeen shall be allowed to put forth their name for the triwizard tournament. This decision is final."
People begin booing. "That's rubbish!" Fred and George yell.
"Silence!" Dumbledore commands the students. He casts magic over a box that transforms into a goblet containing a blue flame.
"The goblet of fire. Anyone wishing to submit themselves for the tournament merely write their name upon a piece of parchment and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night. Do not do so lightly, if choosen there's no turning back." he warns, he tips his head down and sends a glance across the great hall through his half-moon glasses.
"As from this moment, the triwizard tournament has begun."
A/N: Let the annual 74th Hunger Games begin!
Let the Triwizard Tournament begin!
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