01 | quidditch world cup
song: Fluorescent Adolescent by Arctic Monkeys
"Do you girls mind waking up the boys?" Mrs. Weasley asked Ginny, Hermione, and Lin.
"Not at all Mrs. Weasley."
"Sure mum."
"Of course Mrs. Weasley." they said at the same time.
"Oh, call me Molly dears." She genuinely smiled at them. With that she walked down the stairs to go make breakfast, leaving them to wake up the boys. 'The boys' included Harry, Ron, Fred, and George.
Hermione was going to wake up Harry and Ron while Ginny and Lin were going to wake up the twins.
Lin entered their shared room with Ginny. "WAKEY WAKEY WEASELS!" Lin yelled. Groans could be heard coming from under each of their blankets.
Ginny held up three fingers, slowly putting each one down. They both hurried toward a bed and ripped the covers off of their heads. The twins protested with overdramatic shrieks. Fred was under the cover Lin ripped off and Ginny got George.
"Oh come on, love. Five more minutes." Fred groaned, attempting to retrieve his blanket.
She just rolled her eyes. "Nope. Your mum wants you to have breakfast before we go to the world cup. So if you want to have some yummy bacon, you're gonna have to get up and get dressed." Lin replied.
But Ginny was impatient, "Hurry up slow pokes. Unless you wanna get the hose."
They left their room so they could reluctantly change. Hermione was already back at Ginny's room when they entered it. Mrs. Weasley was in there as well. "Thank you for waking up the boys. While you're at the world cup, I will be buying your school supplies. So could you girls just hand me your lists?"
Mum and dad wouldn't let Lin go to the world cup at first. Them being overprotective Asians and muggles, they didn't know the wizarding world. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley managed to work their charm and convince her parents this was a great childhood experience since the Quidditch World Cup is only held every four years and so she could hang out with my friends instead of being bored.
They reluctantly agreed.
And now as Lin, Harry, Hermione, and the Weasley family were walking up to the portkey she couldn't help but be excited.
"Ron, where are we actually going?" Harry asks Ron. Lin rolls her eyes. Clueless chicken.
"Dunno." Ron answers. "Hey dad! Where are we going?" he says more loudly to Mr. Weasley. Clueless chicken #2.
"Haven't the foggiest." he lies. "Keep up!"
They kept walking for what feels likes miles on end through the woods. Until they reach a big, old tree in the middle of the forest. A man with a flat cap on and a big camping backpack is by the tree, Lin assumes that he was waiting for them.
"Arthur!" the man greets Mr. Weasley. "It's about time son."
"Sorry Amos, some of us had a bit of a sleepy start."
Lininstantly point to the twins who are standing next to each other. They simply raise their hands in mock surrender and everyone laughs, including the man named Amos.
"This is Amos Diggory, everyone. He works with me, at the ministry." Mr. Weasley introduces the man, while Mr. Diggory nods. As in Cedric Diggory?
As if on cue, a guy jumps down from the branch hanging above the adults' heads. It was Cedric Diggory. In last year's quidditch match he caught the snitch instead of Harry, costing Gryffindor the house cup. He smiles at Hermione.
"This strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?" Mr. Weasley asked.
"Yes sir. This way." Mr. Diggory motioned with his hand to follow him. Hermione and Ginny exchanged a look between themselves, Lin assumed they must find him attractive, but she kept a straight face the whole time.
As they followed Mr. Weasley, Amos Diggory stayed behind to talk to Harold. Lin couldn't hear what they said, but probably like every other ordinary person — they were marveled by Harry Potter, the boy who lived.
We continued walking up a hill to find an old boot on the ground. It must be the portkey.
"Why are they standing around that manky old boot?" Harry asked out loud. Seaweed brain.
"That's not just a manky old boot, mate—" George started. "—that's a portkey." Fred finished the sentence.
Lin bent down and put a hand on the boot just like everyone else. Harry was still standing there, utterly confused.
"Ready? After three. One... Two..." Amos Diggory counted.
"Harry!" At that, Harold the Clueless Chicken™️ finally grabbed onto the boot.
Everyone was instantly spun around and magically transported into the air to somewhere else. Arthur Weasley and Amos Diggory were laughing at our uncomfort.
"Let go kids." Mr. Weasley ordered us.
"What?!" Hermione and Lin said at the same time.
"Let go!"
They all followed as told and let go. It was like they were falling through a magical portal or something.
Lin who had acrophobia: screamed, as did everyone else. She closed her eyes shut, and prepared herself to die from a hard landing.
There was a hard landing, but no death. Oof.
She opened her eyes to see three figures seeming to be walking on air. They were Cedric, Mr. Diggory, and Mr. Weasley. "I bet that cleared you sinuses, eh?" Mr. Weasley joked.
Cedric bent down slightly, smiled, and offered his hand. "No thanks, I'm good." Lin said and got up from the grass, patting her clothes to get dirt and grass off. His smile faltered for a nanosecond, but he just shrugged and went on to offer his hand to Harry.
The group continues to walk up a slight slope. When Lin looks beyond, there are tons of tents and people visible. That is when she finally smiles.
"Well kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!"
"I love magic." Harry says when he enters the magicked tent.
"Me too." Lin says after laughing. Then she hurries over to where Hermione and Ginny are. Ginny hits them with a pillow and Hermione squealed. Lin grabbed the pillow off the floor and threw it back, smiling when it hit it's target.
Ron had instantly made a beeline for the kitchen.
"Girls, choose a bunk and unpack. Ron, get out of the kitchen, we're all hungry." Mr. Weasley announces.
"Yeah, get out of the kitchen Ron!" the twins say in unison with their feet comfortably on the table.
"Feet off the table." Mr. Weasley tells them.
"Feet off the table!" they say at the same time. Stupid twin telempathy. They take their feet off the table, then put it back on once their dad isn't looking.
Fred sees Lin looking at them and winks at her. Lin looks away before he can see a faint blush appearing on her cheeks.
(lmao first person starts here??)
While we are setting up and unpacking, a man comes in and asks Arthur if he wants to make a bet.
Mr. Weasley introduces him as Ludo Bagman, 'the one who got us such good tickets.'
"A galleon on Ireland to win?"
"A galleon?" Ludo Bagman looked slightly disappointed. "Very well then... any other takers?"
"They're a bit young to be gambling." Mr. Weasley said. "Molly wouldn't like—"
"We'll bet thirty-seven galleons, fifteen sickles, three knuts," said Fred as George quickly pooled all theur money, "that Ireland wins — but Krum catches the snitch. Oh and we'll throw in a fake wand."
At that, Percy hissed something to them that I couldn't hear.
"The chances of that happening are very low, are you sure you guys wanna do that?" I ask for confirmation.
They both just smiled at me and Fred winked.
"Trust us, love."
"Hey, Lin?" I turn around to see Fred behind me.
"Do you mind doing my face paint?" He holds out a face-paint palette and a few brushes.
I simply nod, not really in the mood for social interaction.
He sits himself down on one of the bottom bunks. I open up the palette. "What do you want me to paint?" I ask him, since I don't even know what team he's supporting.
"Could I have a single shamrock on my left cheek?" Fred asks me. That question tells me he's supporting the Irish, like me.
"Sure thing." I reply, I even put a little bit of feeling into my voice this time.
I made a shamrock shape using a green paint. Then I used black to outline the shape. For the finishing touch, I made some simple details with a darker green. I could feel Fred's gaze on me the whole time. He could've probably burned a whole into my face, the way he was intensely staring.
"All done." I stood back to admire my work and handed him the palette so he could look in its mirror.
"Looks beautiful, love. Maybe you should become an artist." he complimented. I simply shrugged with a smile on my face now.
"Come on kids! Time to go!"
I could hear the huge crowd cheering and screaming as I walk with the Weasleys and Harry and Hermione up a lot of stairs.
"Blimey dad, how far up are we?" Ron gasps. He must be tired of walking, poor baby.
"Well you do need the exercise Ronald..." I trail off. Everyone except Ron laughs at my joke along with me.
"Pfft— yeah right." He scoffs, but he stills glances down at his belly.
"Well put it this way, if it rains, you'll be the first to know." A voice from below speaks. The devil?
I look down along with everyone else. No it's not the devil it's Lucius Malfoy and Draco Malfoy.
Lucius... Lucifer... same difference.
We continue walking and so does the Malfoys.
"Father and I are in the minister's box." Draco boasts. "By personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself!" Lucius uses his cane to mildly hit Draco in the chest.
"Don't boast, Draco." Lucius then looks up at us, "There's no need with these people."
When we start to turn around, Lucius Malfoy uses his cane to stop Harry's foot. I turn back around at the sound.
"Do enjoy yourself, why don't you? While you can." Mr. Malfoy forces a smile afterwards. He lets go of his grip on Harry's shoe and walks away.
"Come on, Harold." I whisper and grip his shoulders. I very lightly direct him back to our original direction.
When we do actually finally reach our seats, the view is worth it. I can see the whole quidditch field from my spot and tons of people from all the way across the field.
Now was time more the team mascots and Bulgaria was first. A hundred figures were now gliding down the field. As I got a better look at them with the omnioculars Harry had gifted Hermione, Ron, and I earlier. They seemed to be women, the most beautiful women I had ever seen. Veelas. Bi panic...
Their charm seemed to put the boys in a trance and I was getting affected a little bit. Veelas must attract those who like women. I shrugged in my head. So I snapped my fingers in front of their faces and they went back to normal.
"Earth to Frederick..." I snapped my fingers in front of his face and left ear. He snapped out of his trance and blushed slightly.
"Harry what are you doing?" said Hermione. Harry went back to his usual self and continued to watch the field.
The Irish quidditch team has brought leprechauns to 'mascot' their team. The leprechauns throw gold into the stands and everyone gets excited to have money.
Me knowing better: leprechaun gold vanishes in a few hours. So I didn't even bother to pick it up.
The Bulgarians got several penalties. Towards the end the leprechauns and veelas got into an argument. The leprechauns joined to form a hand with it's middle finger up. Then the veelas seemed to be throwing fire at them.
Bagman introduced the members of each team, and now the quidditch world cup had begun.
In the end, the Irish did in fact win. But Krum from the Bulgarian team caught the snitch.
I turned to the twins, "Wow, you were right!"
"Told you, love." said Fred.
"You should've never doubted us." said George.
When we went back to our tent, Fred and George were dancing around trying to make bagpipe or accordion music.
Ron got up and said, "There's no one like Krum."
"Krum? Dumb Krum." Fred mocked him. Then him and George started to make bird gestures with their arms and flags.
"He's like a bird the way he rides the wind. He's more than an athlete." Ron said. "He's an artist."
"I think you're in love, Ronald." I remarked while continuing to read my muggle fantasy book.
"Shut up."
"Viktor, I love you. Viktor, I do..." the twins sang. Then Harry joined in, "When we're apart my heart beats only for you..."
Screaming could be heard from out side the tent. "Sounds like the Irish has got their pride on." George said as he glanced towards the entrance of the tent.
"We have to go now!" Mr. Weasley yelled. When we exited the tent, people were running frantically and screaming. "Get back to the portkey and stick together!"
Percy, Bill, and Charlie apparated away. Fred and George took Ginny and ran to the direction of the portkey. I followed along with Hermione, Ron, and Harry.
Deatheaters were marching, setting fire towards the tents and torturing people.
Harry got pushed by a small stampede, splitting us up. "Harry!" Hermione yelled. We lost sight of him after that, the crowd kept pushing us forward.
A/N: first chapter finished! the longest chapter I have ever written: 2226 words! pleease let me know how my writing is, it hits different coming from readers and i'd like to improve
edit: I made some of the chapter into 3rd person so it kinda changes midway and i just decided to make later chapters (starting with chapter 15 or 16) in 3rd POV
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