ΛβΒ· ΝΝΝΝβ³β₯ will you grow old with me by built by titan; skybourne
Echo found the fact that they were wed on the international day of peace particularly fitting. Cue had selected the date for that reason, actually, something about superstition. Echo agreed. She was definitely a little superstitious, even if really there was nothing much behind it. Even then, Cue deeply believed in karma and luck, and seeing as she was raised by him, so did she.
Rays of light beamed into the window of her bedroom in Joon's house - or well, their house now. Cue had finished their joint door in that familiar language, unspoken for millenia. It was prettily suited for the house, and already Echo could see the familiar effects of her own interests and adorations decorating the house. She was already fond of the layout as it was, and had now real desire to change the furniture or anything of that sort, especially because it made Joon so happy to have part of his culture so close to him. Scattered rainbows shot from her suncatcher against the window, sending sparkling coloration into the room.
Echo's own smile warmed as she blinked up at the mirror, admiring her dress. It was a deep amber, her favorite color. Coated in honey, and dipped in liquid sunlight, she gave herself a little spin in the mirror, watching the skirts fluff and twirl. She'd always preferred flowing dresses anyway, they felt much more flattering. The dress itself was backless and off the shoulder, before flowing out into shining fabric. The burns over her arms were scarred over, still visible, but Echo loved her dress anyway.
It was just like the others said, they didn't make her any less beautiful.
What's a few scars in the sunlight?
She felt the hair on her arms raise, and her head whipped back to the doorway, where Joon was leaning against the frame, a wicked grin snaking up his face. "No, no, please continue putting on such a lovely show for me."
Echo could only roll her eyes, iris sparkling with amusement as she went over to him, ducking past his arm as she shook her head. "This is not for you."
A hand snaked over her waist, turning her around and pushing her back to the wall, Joon's grin bright and bold, raising an eyebrow at her, "It could be though."
Despite the heat quickly rising to her cheeks, Echo scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest before running her eyes over him. He did look very handsome, after all. He was wearing a black dress pants, with a pretty amber button-up, one that matched her dress and accented the muscular figure he'd been working on since being here. With a brown belt, and matching leather shoes, he certainly did deserve the admiration.
"What? Like what you see, Echo?" His grin is daunting, and with mock irritation, Echo gives a mild-mannered shrug, ducking under his arm once again.
"I've seen better."
"I- what??" He whips to her, letting her thread her arm through his as they begin walking down the wide-framed stairs and towards the front door. "No you haven't, who?"
"You don't know him." Her petulance bleeds into her speech, childish humor glittering through her soft laughter. "He lives on another island."
"You're insufferable."
"Not as much as you are." Echo nods her thanks when Joon opens the door for her, taking her arm again in his as they walk down the short path to the central meadow where the wedding is being held. The forest has changed now from that soft summery sensation to something cooler. Autumnal colors flood across the expanse of trees, adorning each tree with its own crown of seasonal royalty.
Echo thinks that Joon and her are autumn lovers. With coffee on misty mornings, and tea between silent sessions of the manufacturing of artistry. With poetic love whispered in the quiet of mountain forests, and interlaced hands to watch the leaves fall from their sky-whispered branches. With soft love, and fierce desperation to make it another day. With arms outstretched to reach the other, even while falling apart themselves. With giggles and whispers while making food to lure their friends back into the kitchen after chasing them out. With shared glances across a room simply to make sure the other is still there.
Cue and Cordelia are winter lovers. Cold hearts that long for the other, souls born to keep the other warm as blizzardous conditions shatter the peace and tranquility they both so earnestly deserve. With warm breakfast in bed, and the crackling of fire against nothing but a quiet world. With comfort kisses, and secrets held in that cage in their chest. A cage that only the other has the key too. With broken spirits and shattered minds, desperate for a love like nothing the universe could possibly offer them. With a book-kind of love, and frosted scowls that hold no real malice.
Amir and Freddie are spring lovers then. They have the kind of love that would show up at your door with a bouquet of flowers, because they couldn't possibly fathom arriving with nothing to offer. The kind of love that kisses you to sleep, and holds you through the night, regardless of the storms swelling over the hills. The kind that laughs brightly, sharpshooting through the clouds of dark thoughts with only a light that could be described as sunshine. The kind of love that depends on time spent together, doing anything at all. One that attends every amusement park together, to laugh and scream, and simply enjoy life exactly how it was meant to be lived.
That makes Cassian and Anastasia summer lovers, the ones who sit in the dark, under a full moon and a warm breeze, talking about heartbreak and the future. The one that dances under a star-filled sky, singing along with whatever music might be playing. The one that involves heated cheeks, and a mischievous smile that knows no bounds. A gift kind of love, where showering each other in all they could give will never be enough. The one that moves indescribably fast, and so unconsciously slow, that it's a sort of freeze-time kind of moment, where nothing and everything matters all at once, as if time itself was paralyzed.
Echo blinks, lost from her thoughts as the meadow opens up before them. It's stunningly decorated, with warm seasonal flowers braided into the awaiting arch. There are no chairs, as it's really only the eight of them. Asia and Echo will be standing on the side of Cordelia, with Joon and Cassian on the other side. Happily, Freddie will be walking Cordelia up to the aisle before going to stand beside Cass as well, and Amir is officiating.
When Cue asked him to do it, Echo thought Amir was going to cry.
The other's are already there, Asia talking to Cassian and Cue - well, more like Cassian and Asia were talking (see: scolding) Cue about treating Cordelia right. It didn't mean anything really, but Echo's chest grew warm at the realization they were doing it for Cordelia's sake, to prove to her she had a family that fervently cared about her happiness. Freddie and Cordelia seemed to be assuring Amir that he would be fine, and he'd do well with the ceremony.
Everyone looked so lovely.
They all looked so happy.
Asia, who was playfully scolding Cue, looked like some kind of dream in her dress. It was slim against her skin, tightly fitted with a lace up back, and a ballgown skirt that fluffed out around her, just hovering above the short flowing field of beige grasses. Her hair was braided with black and silver flowers, accenting the glittering starlight that seemed to be embedded in her butterfly wings. Her other hand was against Cassian's chest, who was similarly dressed in all black, with rolled up sleeves against his forearms, enchanting eyes darting between Asia and Cue. Cassian's wings were folded neatly against his back, hands in his pockets as he watched the rapid conversation between the two. Cue was dressed in a black suit himself, with a deep crimson shirt underneath his blazer. While his face was somewhat expressionless, his eyes sparkled with enthusiasm and sincerity, patiently waiting for the time to come. Echo could see his eyes dart past the couple pestering him, directly to Cordelia.
Beside Cordelia, Freddie had a pretty blue set of pants on, with a black button up with it instead, and Amir had the reverse, talking intermittently to each other. Both of their wings were out, folded up neatly as they conversed with each other. And Cordelia- well, Cordelia looked beyond stunning. She was in a deep crimson dress, holding a bright bouquet of black and red roses. Her neckline was plunging, hooking over the neck to reveal an open back with some kind of pattern laced into it. Her train was pinned up for the moment, creating almost a fuller look to her dress. Her wings were out, majestic and lethal, draconic scales glimmering in every breath of light that streaked down upon them.
She felt a rush of magic beside her, against the ground, and glanced to Joon to see his own wings out, wide and graceful. Joon's eyes caught her own, and his smug grin softened, leaning down to kiss the shell of her ear. "I don't have to have them if it makes you feel upset."
"It doesn't." Echo had long gotten over the fact her magic was so burnt out she might not get it back for a moment, but even if she had been upset, there was no feeling that could ever compare to watching her friends, her family, looking so happy to simply be near each other. There was nothing quite like it, not even the flooding rush of arcana that used to thread through her veins, igniting her blood with magic. "I like your wings, Ye-Joon." She offered a shared smile, reassuring his glimmering eyes before turning to pull him towards the others.
Cue's gaze catches her first, and he sighs, "Finally."
"Don't be a brat, we made it right on time!" Echo's petulance is still present, turning the others towards their voices, and Echo lightens again, radiating that bright glory she always has. "Oh! Cue, Could we do it?"
Cue seems to realize exactly what she's asking, and he sighs, "Really?"
She's shot a scolding glare before he shakes his head, looking back up as Cordelia walks over towards them, "Do what?"
"When Echo was little, I used to have tea parties, and she made me announce her as an immortal. Like how I would if she was originally born."
Cassian's grin is relentless, resting his hand on Cue's shoulder, "Did you wear a dress?"
"Do I look like some kind of joke to you, Cass?" Cue raises his eyebrow, expressionless before turning back to look at Cordelia, hesitance flooding his voice before completely responding. "Yes, I wore a dress." Before Cassian can do something with that information, Echo looks to Cue, awaiting his answer. He sighs again, eyes glancing towards his fiance, watching a smile form behind her hand before looking back to Echo. "Alright, fine. I'll announce you all."
Echo's joy could only be described as blinding, hurriedly pushing the others into a line at the entrance of the meadow, before nodding to Cue, who awaits in front of them, motioning the first in line to step forward.
It's Asia, and proudly she steps into the flowing grasses, wings spreading to glitter against the background of fall-kissed foliage. "Anastasia Amara, immortal of reincarnation." There's a pause, and Asia looks like she's going to step side just as Cue continues. "Princess of the night, Queen of nightmares, and daughter of death. Blessed as a Goddess of love, and manipulator of life." He nods to her then, and her smile is gentle as she steps aside, beside Cue, to watch the others.
Cassian takes only a moment to step up, his own wings widening in soft, strong leather. "Cassian Mackintyre, immortal of heartbreak. King of darkness, and prince of the stars. Son of tragedy incarnate. Blessed as a God of love, and a born lover and soulmate of the immortal of reincarnation." His own smile is broad, and Cue returns a lighter one before Cassian steps aside all the same."
Amir's wings are already out in a moment, fluttering in fast vibrancy before settling back, eyes wide as he watches Cue, awaiting the announcement. "Amir Kibe, immortal of crushes. King of hearts, and prince of loyalty. Son of true love and lust. Blessed as a God of love, and a true deity of emotion." Amir's smile widens with each word, before hovering over to take his place beside Cassian, eyes turning forward.
Freddie looks a little more sheepish, but his wings neatly settle together, anxiety flooding from his fingers and into the ground as his unease evaporates with each word spoken. "Frederick Harrow, immortal of chemistry. King of logic and honesty, prince of connection and growth. Son of science. Blessed as a God of love, and the bridge between immortality and mortality." His smile is almost sheepish in response, but he scurries to stand beside Amir, their fingers interlacing in quick response.
Joon steps forward, owl wings bold and wide, gracefully flooding right back to his back in a quick motion, eyes glinting with pride. "Park Ye-Joon, immortal of siren. King of the sea, and prince of flirtation. Son of illusion and understanding. Blessed as a God of love, and someone born with the blessing of true-sight, to see through lies of your surroundings." Joon's grin can't be diminished, raising his own wings to hover over those same grasses to take his place beside his family.
Echo steps up next, smiling despite the rush of disappointment at her not having wings. "Echo Draekos." Something inside her soul shifts, that familiar rush and vibration sending goosebumps up her skin. "My heir. Queen of fire, and princess of mimicry. Daughter of the definition of love and light. Blessed as a Goddess of love," Echo feels her breath catch, the thick smell of smoke flooding her nostrils, that searing sensation running in rivers up to the joints in her skin where her wings break through. Her smile is legendary as she raises her eyes to Cue's, "Heir to the power of love, friendship, and family." She feels the magic then, racing and threading through her arms before erupting from her back, sending licking flames of amber up against the trees.
After a moment, the fire vanishes, leaving golden, honey-coated phoenix wings made up of feathers of warmth and sunlight. Echo's laughter hollows out the meadow, but she darts with her wings to stand beside Joon, anxiously turning to Cordelia, who stands in the darkness of the trees still, watching her with wide eyes.
They don't have time to linger, there are too many memories to be made, to many songs to scream back to the earth that they once came from.
Cordelia steps up next, eyes directly on Cue, warm and soft as he speaks with words that are saturated in affection and adoration. "Cordelia Burk-"
"Hathor, Cue. Cordelia Hathor."
Cue stares at her for a moment, and there's distinct emotion rises in his voice at the newly formed name, burning a brand into his tongue. "Cordelia Hathor, immortal of soulmates." he pauses for a moment, hesitance crossing over his features before continuing. "Queen of everything that I am. Princess of dreams, and Goddess of my heart." His breath catches again, and instead he moves towards her, taking her hand in his before raising it to his mouth, pressing a kiss against her knuckles. "The deity that I will worship the ground she walks on, and seek her out wherever we end up in the universe. The love of every life that I have ever managed to live."
Cordelia's eyes are wide and warm, silently raising her hand from his grip to his cheek, stroking his cheek before reaching down to again take his hand, "Let's get married, Cue."
So there they stand in mere moments, watching Freddie walk arm in arm with Cordelia, escorting her down the aisle, towards where Cue awaits, watching her as eyes prick the corner of her eyes. Amir is awaiting her arrival, hands clasped behind him as Freddie lets her stand in front of Cue before scurrying back to his own placement.
Echo grips the bouquet in her hands tighter, watching Cordelia grasp his hands in hers, offering him a warm, radiating smile. Amir smiles between them, clearing his throat before the long-awaited lovers. "I've never officiated a wedding before." His voice is light, jovial and sincere, a softness lacing each word with careful articulation. Beyond them, scattered drops of sunlight flicker against the scattered flowers, grasses swaying in the wind in sync with each word spoken. "I was worried, very much so, before this very moment, but the truth is that now that I'm here, in this moment, I realize I don't need any fancy words at all, but rather, the honesty that I so represent." Amir swallows thickly, clasping his hands tightly together. "We all know why we're here, to watch two lost lovers bound themselves together. They've searched for each other for far longer than I believe any of us could even imagine. Love is about honesty, and communication, and listening to the other. Cue, you pretty much already said your vows, so..Cordelia, is there anything you would like to add?"
Echo holds her breath for a moment, watching Cordelia dip her head, clutching Cue's hands tighter. "Cue Hathor." Echo's eyes widen as she realizes what she's doing. "Immortal of love. King of every passion I have ever felt, and prince of my soul." Astonished, Echo watches Cue's shoulders slump just slightly, tears beginning to track their way down his face. Cordelia's face is nothing if not compassionate, reaching up with her hands to brush them away. "God of exactly what I've been waiting my life for. The only person who has searched for me longer than anyone has ever loved me. The only being that loves me, that has loved me over and over again, for exactly who I am." Her voice echoes the silence of the forest around them, and Echo feels her own tears brush down her face. "Blessed as the original immortal of love, and God of family."
There's a beat of silence, and Cordelia nods gently to Amir, who nods with his own tearful glance. "Do you, Cue Hathor-"
"I do." Cue doesn't wait for him to finish, and his smile turns almost feral when Cordelia mirrors the sentiment.
"So do I, could we kiss now?"
Behind a sob-like laugh, Amir nods. "By the power vested in my, by the immortal island of Elysian, I now pronounce you, Husband and Wife."
And as they kiss, Cue's hands sliding around her waist, holding her impossibly close when she's lifted off her feet, Echo cries. Between tears, she can see the sun-dust that cascades over them, as if the world was celebrating all the same. With the realization of the earth around her, Echo knows with a surety, what the last words of her ongoing book will be.
You are the poetry I didn't dream of writing.
wyn !!
this is it
i can't even explain
this feeling. I love
you all so very much
thank you all so much for reading, i appreciate every vote and every comment that you've all been a part of, and I adore our little found family right here. I couldn't have done this without you, and I hope to all see you again, whether that's in another applyfic of mine, or someone else's. For a long time, I wanted to give this book up, and the only reason I didn't was for all of you. Thankyou for supporting and loving my writing when I couldn't do it myself.
don't be a stranger!!
and here's a bonus <3
»»βββ- CUEDELIA βββ-««
[ophelia] --- [the lumineers]
[letting go] --- [hogland; kiddo]
[ocean] --- [parachute]
[without you] --- [avicii; sandro cavazza]
[bring me to life] --- [evanescence]
[kiss or kill] --- [stela cole]
[love me like a friend] --- [fly by midnight]
[nothing hurts like goodbye] --- [slander]
[waiting] --- [victone]
[i shot cupid] --- [stela cole]
[new religion] --- [the heydaze]
[gravity] --- [timeflies]
[ignite] --- [alan walker; julie bergan]
[a sky full of stars] --- [coldplay]
[dusk till dawn] --- [zayn; sia]
[someone to you] --- [banners]
[something just like this] --- [the chainsmokers]
[middle of the night] --- [elley duhe]
[in the end] --- [black veil brides]
[if the world was ending] --- [jp saxe]
[dandelions] --- [ruth b.]
[counting stars] --- [one republic]
[wildfire] --- [against the current]
[someday] --- [onerepublic]
[be okay] --- [r3hab; hrvy]
[love like mine] --- [the chase]
»»βββ- ANASSIAN βββ-««
[wherever i go] --- [onerepublic]
[ something new] --- [the score]
[lighthouse] --- [mike perry; hot shade]
[dive] --- [hot shade; chris james]
[all alone] --- [hogland]
[die first] --- [nessa barrett]
[alone sometimes] --- [the mowgli's]
[figure you out] --- [viola]
[tripping over air] --- [aidan bissett]
[what about us] --- [p!nk]
[kids again] --- [artist vs poet]
[out of my league] --- [fitz and the tantrums]
[teeth] --- [5 seconds of summer]
[why am i like this] --- [the word alive]
[stolen dance] --- [milky chance]
[i wanna be your high] --- [chad tepper]
[nights like this] --- [st. lundi]
[follow] --- [martin garrix; zedd]
[take me home] --- [bunt]
[into the storm] --- [banners]
[broken] --- [lovelytheband]
[wildest dreams] --- [taylor swift]
[little talks] --- [of monsters and men]
[ruin my life] --- [zara larsson]
[best of you] --- [andy grammer; elle king]
»»βββ- FREDMIR βββ-««
[lucky day] --- [hunter hunted]
[animal] --- [neon trees]
[unpack your heart] --- [phillip phillips]
[in my head] --- [mad tsai]
[bring my love home] --- [brendan james]
[hey lover] --- [wabie]
[pretty boy] --- [the neighbourhood]
[where do you run] --- [the score]
[fireflies] --- [owl city]
[stand out fit in] --- [one ok rock]
[who do you love] --- [marianas trench]
[a brand new life] --- [panama wedding]
[i am falling for you] --- [loving caliber]
[here's to coming out] --- [chloe ho]
[mr. loverman] --- [ricky montgomery]
[kind love] --- [bears in trees]
[if you were mine] --- [ocean park standoff]
[end of the day] --- [one direction]
[feel the same] --- [basic tape]
[learning to fly] --- [sheppard]
[san diego] --- [brdgs]
[dreamers] --- [oh gravity]
[long way home] --- [walk of the earth]
[ramblings of a lunatic] --- [bears in trees]
[rocket science] --- [vaultboy]
[i hear a symphony] --- [cody fry]
[without you] --- [parachute]
»»βββ- ECHOON βββ-««
[all my life] --- [wild]
[whenever, wherever] --- [shakira]
[me to you] --- [tim be told]
[play] --- [k-391; alan walker]
[kirari] --- [fujii kaze; naken]
[shut up and dance] --- [walk the moon]
[street lightning] --- [the summer set]
[softly] --- [thomas day]
[take me dancing] --- [mauve; anica russo]
[celebrate the reckless] --- [magic giant]
[appreciated] --- [rixton]
[dancing in the dawn] --- [jake scott]
[tomorrow tonight] --- [loote]
[beautiful creatures] --- [illenium; max]
[clarity] --- [zedd; foxes]
[i'll follow you into the dark] --- [jay skot]
[i don't wanna know] --- [goldhouse]
[moon] --- [jonah kagen]
[i'll be there] --- [walk off the earth]
[that part] --- [lauren spencer smith]
[sunshine] --- [lance & linton]
[cupid] --- [fifty fifty]
[dancing in the moonlight] --- [jubel]
[come home] --- [we are the guests]
[stronger] --- [kelly clarkson]
[pierre] --- [ryn weaver]
[electric] --- [jane & the boy]
[we're the same] --- [vigiland]
I love you! <3
god i love this book.
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